
Redundancy Quotes

There are 364 quotes

"I personally shoot... I'm always putting two cards into the camera because I'm able to shoot redundant."
"I want multiple layers of protection in case one thing fails, well then there's something else to kind of back that up and protect it."
"Mother nature gives us two kidneys... the reason we have two kidneys is you can't predict the future and you might need a backup."
"Thanks, you. We don't need any more of these."
"Build it simple and then double up on as many components or systems so that if one fails, the other will take over."
"Everything is stunning but some poems are things that I've already read before within the collection."
"There's no reason to tell a citizen who's possibly not breaking the law to remind them not to break the law. That's redundant."
"My weekend was lovely. Thank you, Captain Redundant."
"Layers of security, redundancies, always a great thing to have."
"The goal of feminism should be to make itself redundant."
"He's Eustace 'Captain' Kid... Was that point of saying Captain twice?"
"Even if she actually was wrong, there's already 50 million people who came before you to make the same point."
"I've personally been working on my health of late, losing 60 pounds over the last year, and I have to say I've simply have never felt better in years."
"Do we really need these [award] shows anymore? It's almost like a...talent shows or the festivals for comedy...we don't need a new faces anymore."
"Two is one and one is none, brother." - Swamp Fox Mike
"Having a redundant version of Doubling Season in any deck that wants it seems pretty good."
"Leaders should aim to be redundant because leaders create more leaders."
"Tell me a manager that's you're basically bringing the same problem in."
"Resiliency and redundancy, that's where the action is going to be."
"Presumably are depending on T cells for their, so those patients presumably are depending on T cells for their, um so those patients presumably are depending on T cells for their, um so those patients presumably are depending on T cells for their."
"When two partners always agree, one is not necessary."
"Maybe a little more inefficiency, a little bit more inflation, a little bit more redundancy."
"I guess in the end, while it feels like a totally redundant thing that I shouldn't even have to say..."
"If you're just going to ask him to say the same thing he's already said, then you don't learn anything from him."
"Trump needs to get off of this and he could have done a better job."
"He's an experienced attorney and he knows better." - "He's an experienced attorney and he knows better."
"I think all of their posts are regurgitation of Reddit."
"This is not new... it's run its course and change definitely needs to happen."
"You can't wait around for it man, you can't."
"That's effectively the same thing we just had."
"A staged process of improvement, a staged process of improvement."
"It's lazy and just a rehash of old obsolete arguments."
"The downside of valuable conversations is just people who spew these words repeatedly."
"It's essentially a news outlet. People covered the same news."
"The only reason that keeps me from saying it is we've seen this before."
"Remember, it's all about redundancy in your first aid kit."
"If you've played one pokemon game you've played them all."
"Every day is Valentine's Day, but even more on Valentine's Day."
"You just got two copies of that game, you need both of them?"
"If the outcome is exactly the same for all three of them, don't have three of them."
"The goal is to make this show unnecessary and just kind of redundant. That's the goal."
"Built-in redundancy to your first copy is a good idea."
"The real tragedy is that we all agree. Well done, well done. Who are you sharing this with because no one disagrees with you?"
"This historic impeachment is so historically historical and it's even historic how historic it is."
"This one doesn't really need all that much describing 'cause it's got description going on anyway."
"Either way having a second Factor definitely not a bad thing."
"File-based approaches contain storage waste due to duplicates and redundant data."
"You should have three copies of your data before you consider it safe."
"For most people, this card just provides the exact same benefits."
"Two is one, one is none; have backups and multiple plans."
"Propaganda basically means that you're lying." - Propaganda basically means that you're lying.
"If your data doesn't exist in three places, it doesn't exist."
"Having two solutions to a vague problem doesn't make very much sense."
"look at all these toasters you know what they say all toasters toast toast"
"It seems redundant but it's really the best option."
"That's just centralization. That is centralization."
"Knowledge is power, pardon, knowledge is power."
"The biggest scam in life is paying taxes on the money we make, paying taxes on money we spend, and taxes on things we own that we already paid taxes on with already taxed money. Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb."
"The philosophy of 'two is one, one is none' is what I like to follow."
"It's not easy, so over preparing is better than under preparing."
"We don't need these characters introduced to it, we don't need a Spider-Man trilogy again."
"Why use one machine when you can use 100, assuming all of them launch properly."
"He wanders aimlessly in a forest, contemplating how, despite serving the Demon King's Army for 32 years, he was just simply let go."
"There's going to be availability zones or I'm using multiple regions."
"...if you do lose a system, the other systems can often make the difference."
"Zone redundant means it is distributed for you, it's resilient."
"I think we're spending way too much time, resources, and all that on something that is completely redundant."
"Having redundancy is important and good."
"Redundancy is built into the system."
"These are only two parts of a 3-2-1 backup strategy."
"One is none, two is one, and seven is better than all of those things"
"No disqualification, that's a little redundant."
"You want to have like three copies of a critical file, two backups on different media, and one stored offsite in a geographically remote location."
"Superfluous means not necessary, it's more than is needed or wanted."
"These important lessons have made modern aircraft systems much more redundant and safer than they were even in 2006."
"I found out I was being made redundant, and even though he wasn't my manager, he heard about it and booked time out to help me with my CV and do interview practice."
"To ensure that we have redundancy in Consciousness."
"That's why they have a redundant steel wheel behind the rubber tire."
"Redundancy is incredibly important in aviation, and I needed a backup for my primary flight display."
"this Advanced system is mainly planned for hotel load and Peak shaving but can also silently power the bow and Stern thrusters providing a new layer of redundancy and operational flexibility."
"This is like my favorite. I wanted to get a second one. A because it's just nice to have two of something that I rely on so significantly and is pretty inexpensive."
"The boat is all about redundancy."
"The amount of redundancy on this boat is brilliant."
"...one reactor will be the backup for the other if either one goes down."
"Being preppers, you know the old saying is two is one, one is none."
"One of them is superfluous. They also basically serve the same purpose. We only need something bad."
"The Flash family's redundancy became apparent."
"It serves nothing. It's completely superfluous."
"A good rule of thumb is to have three copies in at least two locations, ideally in different formats, and to have actually tested your backup by going through the process of restoring them."
"Really, really nice to finally see redundant storage on a UDM rather than having to go all the way to a UniFi UNVR just to get RAID."
"A redundant array of independent or inexpensive discs, depending on where you come from in the world of RAID, you know that RAID 1Z or 1 plus Z, or RAID 10, depending on how people might say it, is one that we call a stripe of mirrors."
"We make two copies of everything, so when the information arrives at our facility, it's actually stored twice."
"What's already known doesn't have to be said."
"Introducing redundancy will ensure your systems are highly available."
"Some of the shots that he took at Drake were similar to what Rick Ross Megan D Stallion and Pusher T said about Drake so it was a bit redundant."
"There was no purpose for her to go on there besides just being extra."
"Interpreting the meaning of the figurine is impossible and even taking guesses that its symbolic meaning is a largely redundant exercise."
"...I'm the first one to say redundancy to me is I I find it very almost soothing cathartic almost to have redundancy as we always joke two is one one is none you have a pair you have a spare"
"...you've got obviously the sensors in your smartphone uh it's always great to have redundancy but in the event you don't you've got kind of a built-in Fail-Safe here right"
"...the telescope includes a lot of redundancy and can actually operate even if the majority of the instruments and the majority of the parts fail for one reason or another."
"...down at the bottom, this was just an extra one that I bought, again with the thought that I was going to use these a little bit differently."
"I really didn't think I needed both."
"You don't even need the manuscripts."
"It's almost like we have a hot standby route standing by that we can switch over to in a matter of just like a couple of seconds or so."
"There's no better redundancy than reconnaissance before the attack."
"To make it highly available, just deploy it in multiple public subnets... for high availability."
"That's what happens when an AI runs the show, we all get made redundant."
"There's no concept here of these are three copies. There's no replication of a managed disk to another region."
"Availability is increased. Replication improves availability. If one region becomes inaccessible, the data is still available in other regions."
"Consider a Google Analytics alternative. Having redundancy in analytics platforms can be a smart move."
"You need two. It would be really silly if you only had one."
"...stomping grounds has not needed, folks. Stomping grounds is not needed."
"Each Amazon EBS volume is automatically replicated."
"I've got one already and I decided to get another one just in case."
"Availability zones provide redundancy and isolation to tolerate data center failures."
"How do we prevent such single points of failure? Redundancy."
"It's really easy to set up various RAID configurations and if a drive fails you're going to be okay for the most part."
"The cool thing about Raid is that it doesn't just pull things together like LVM and give you a bunch of data, it allows you to do some pretty neat things with performance or redundancy."
"I mean, it sounds redundant to say fish is fishy, you know what I mean, right?"
"It's one of those things where the film struggles to add anything new."
"So as you can see there's a lot of padding here as well, there's lots of sort of budded sausage put over there."
"We're sometimes we make the same argument but we'd be saying the same thing."
"'The redundancy hit almost every team which had to lose one to two staff. They fired the guy who built the switch and thus knew it intimately and about half of his underling Engineers.'"
"ZFS is not raid. Don't think of it as raid, think of it as redundancy."
"Cloning a VM allows you to make an exact copy and replace your currently used VM if needed."
"The reason we are adding read replica is tomorrow if cach a which is the main server if that server goes down we know that the URLs or the configurations of read replica is also available with our Clash client."
"If two sentences or paragraphs express the same idea, cut one of them."
"It doesn't hurt to have your files in more than one place."
"Even if you're using OpenAI as your primary model, you can use one of these open-source models as a backup."
"...you're going to get that redundancy and you're also going to get 75 percent of your total storage to work with."
"So just to be on the safe side, include all three."
"Some people might say, hey while I'm at it why not run both power supplies and that way my plex server will never go down."
"You can never have too many backups."
"VPC peering is truly distributed in nature with no single point of failure."
"Remember what they say guys, one is none, two is one."
"I love having redundancy everywhere, so I never forget or lose anything. Love doing that. Highly suggest."
"Every team needs a shooter, and even if they got one, two is not bad."
"He bought something and he was like, 'I don't really need this, but I already have one, just in case it breaks.'"
"Tautology: Saying the same thing twice."
"Staff can put another copy of that data from the other systems in this rack onto these three SSDs that remain in it."
"If any node fails I still have all the storage data that is accessible."
"Another way that we can protect our data is by creating redundancy in our hardware to provide the best uptime possible."
"Raid 10: high performance, high availability storage."
"We fight apathy by growing as a disciple, that is to say, a disciple maker, because when we talked about discipleship, we said that this idea of a disciple who makes disciples is redundant, like a lime tree that makes limes."
"You can't kill something too dead."
"It's almost to the point of redundancy at this point."
"If once a miner verifies a signature, we know all the other miners now have to repeat the work and verify the signatures for themselves."
"Redundancy is huge and you'll see that throughout all the equipment in my bag."
"But each time the secondary o-ring prevented gases from escaping."
"Cluster advantages include high availability via redundancy and optimized performance via distributed workload."
"It just feels like a lot of repetitive parts that just didn't need to exist."
"The brain can only hold a finite amount of state, but if you have redundancy, what you can do is... try many things in parallel and perform computations efficiently."
"If you're using two or more drives, you can use those for redundancy."
"Then you have a nighttime job that copies everything from one to the other, and then actually what you've got is an actual backup of what's on the other drive."
"Raid is not a backup. Raid is a redundancy."
"Always keep a flashlight. Two is one and one is none."
"It's like bringing [ __ ] sand to the beach."
"Always make some duplicates, you can never go wrong."
"It appears your loyal service is no longer necessary in this stratosphere."
"If you have a club that can't help you in some situations, it might become redundant."
"Fast global failover to secondary region in case something happens to the primary region."
"You could have, for example, a copy of your Snowflake data warehouse in Azure and another copy of your Snowflake data warehouse in AWS."
"It's really redundant display information, which I think is cool."
"I want to work myself out of a job."
"I just feel like it's not necessary in this collection, and it didn't need to be here because we already have something very similar to this."
"Two is one, one is none, two is one, two is too [ __ ] heavy, 100 pounds lightweight gear still weighs 100 pounds."
"The hydraulic system is pressurized by two separate redundant hydraulic pressure units."
"If you have one, you don't need two that look virtually the same."
"Failover: You have your primary connection so your cable or your DSL and then a secondary which could be an LTE modem or something Wireless."
"Failover only: It's only going to fail over to the sec Internet port if the first one has an issue."
"One bad power supply that's fine unless the other one breaks."
"A backup is when files exist in multiple locations in the event that if one fails, you've still got another copy of that data."
"Two is one and one is none, so I like to have backups to backups to backups of everything."
"Would they create two signs that both mean stop and give way?"
"You can't cooperate? Leave. Not without me redundancy retractive surveillance pay in 12 me leave money plus me Christmas bonus."
"What is RAID: Redundant Array of Independent Disks and is used to provide data redundancy mirroring across multiple hard disks."
"One is none, two is one. And three is almost perfect."
"Safe within a safe, and within a safe, but then it's safe, and there's a safe. Wow!"
"It really makes sense to have backups for your backup."
"The less redundancy the aircraft has, the more important it is to have good engine instrumentation."
"...lots of resiliency and redundancy built into this system..."
"Being unable to be destroyed by any monster other than a light monster or a divine monster is made utterly redundant."
"The intent of the internet early on was to be able to route around down server."
"Back in the batcave, Mary has performed a background check on the dead guy. It's like Luke never needed to be there at all."
"Adding in more information, repeating it many times, ensuring that there is some redundancy, is the way of encoding our message."
"...I've been a bit of a freak about having multiple backups and have my backups in multiple locations."
"So if one says are fail the other CSR will take a word traffic."
"If your application doesn't insert at the principal, the insert has to succeed at the mirror as well before the application receives an acknowledgement."
"You can set some readable replicas for reporting off of them."
"The beauty of the cloud is that it automatically provides you geo redundancy."
"We're literally like saying the same thing."
"Mesh topologies are fault-tolerant, allowing data to be rerouted if a pathway fails."
"Unlike monolithic apps one major benefit of micro services is that your whole application can somewhat be up and running even if one of those services goes down."
"Soldiers to provide for redundancy."
"The logic of war is redundancy, coverage, multiplicity."
"Buy as many clamps as you need and then times that by two."
"Reliability is largely a function of redundancy - whether it's in the cloud or on our own hardware."
"I think Run the Jewels, that's what I was thinking, too, Run the Jewels, maybe it might be that, that might be too many, that might be too redundant."