
Religious Symbolism Quotes

There are 401 quotes

"Christ is seen as the union of heaven and earth; this is normal symbolism you find in the Church Fathers."
"The cloud always represents the presence of God; it always represents the glory of the Lord."
"The rainbow represents God's covenant; it's the symbol of God's grace, the symbol of his love, the symbol of his justice."
"Cherubims are first witnessed by the prophet Ezekiel and they're described as having four faces: the face of a man, the face of an ox, the face of a lion, and the face of an eagle."
"The blood distribution exactly matches the pattern of wounds Christ would have sustained during his crucifixion."
"If God took up residence in a wood box, how much more will God take up residence in the womb of a human person?"
"The archangel's voice serves as a herald of this momentous event, signaling the fulfillment of God's promises and the ultimate redemption of his people."
"The mass is Calvary. Calvary was given to us once, but Jesus gives us access at every Mass."
"It represents how big Christ is in my life. And I think a 62 foot tall sculpture of Christ reflects how big God is."
"The promised land is symbolic. Jerusalem is symbolic. The Ark of the Covenant is symbolic."
"It's not the crucifix that has the power, it's what it's pointing towards—our redemption in Christ."
"The handwriting of requirements against me were nailed to him on the tree were wiped out on the tree on Calvary."
"The Antichrist will come like a sheep but he is a wolf."
"Ruth and Boaz isn't about Ruth and Boaz, it's about Jesus and us."
"The Hajj is somehow mysteriously a earthly representation of something that is not earthly."
"Nevertheless, there's no doubt that the Jesus fish is one of the earliest Christian symbols and has lasted over the course of 2,000 years of Christian history."
"The crucifix is a sacramental which recalls the victory of Christ over sin."
"The last Adam wept in the garden of man, so that we might be saved."
"Sometimes you don't need to have your own lamb when you can carry the lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world."
"He went in by himself, he was the offer and the offering."
"The one with the most is named the new high priest and rules the land with unlimited power."
"The only way this can stop where we believe that everybody is equal is if we take down that image that is a white man that is god."
"We grab hold of the ladder right where we are, and we see that in the sanctuary too, as each of those items of furniture representing Jesus they set right down there on the soil right down there in the sands and the dirt right where sinners walk."
"He united the concept of God and King, literally by uniting the crown with the ultimate symbol of the Shabdrung's divinity: the raven."
"And the mark of the beast will be implemented."
"Marriage is good. Marriage is a shadow of Jesus and the church. Marriage helps to develop our character."
"God have one wife, that one wife is one people."
"The rosary is the weapon against the schemes of darkness."
"The temple is a symbol of eternity and God's love for them."
"The Dome of the Rock: a symbol of sacredness for Muslims."
"Good Friday sorrows will necessarily be turned into Easter Joy's and a new day."
"They did put an importance on the female in that so many of the important females like the barbalo providence the great mother uh epinoya are often referred to as shi sophia wisdom."
"Adam Warlock himself was very much like Jesus Christ."
"Chromer and Sinclair fall very deeply into the spiritual view from her traditional religious attire and outdated metal arms triumphing over the more technologically advanced materialistic robots."
"We're going to knock down this wall of Jericho with one shout."
"As above, so below. As above, so below. This is the secret of the 'Drowned God.'"
"No more promos, no more bezos, we get Jesus disciples ain't no more problems."
"Desecrating the altar of the church, don't think you're on the side of justice and right and light."
"The cross is what keeps us in balance and if you ever want to know how much he loves you look at that cross with his arms stretched out wide he says that's how much."
"Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive all power and wealth, wisdom and might."
"A new day dawns, the outpost produces a shrine."
"Lucifer, the lightbearer, endows Humanity with the gift of freedom and the flame of self-awareness."
"Christ preached all the virtues from the cross."
"When fascism comes to America, it will be waving a flag and holding a Bible."
"In works of sci-fi and fantasy, the Savior will often lead his people to triumph by violent means."
"Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant, containing God Himself."
"Jesus is actually referred to as the chief cornerstone and that's important because they're totally different understanding of the word chief cornerstone chief cornerstone means a triangle placed on top of a pyramid."
"The mind of the Beast will lead to the mark of the beast."
"The resurrection of these Saints was a token of the coming Harvest."
"He's labeling the serpents and the scorpions as the 'devil.'"
"Everything that God has placed in creation is a teaching tool, an illustration of something about God and His relationship with His people."
"Jesus Christ, The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David has conquered, he has mastered all things, he has won all battles, he is in command, he is Victorious and He Reigns."
"The Lion of the tribe of Judah has conquered."
"When he kills somebody he's giving them to God."
"Mary is the new ark and that new ark reaches its pinnacle of beauty in a bodily vision."
"The story of St. Christopher is about the possibility of resurrection coming out of death."
"I'd rather be on St. Michael's side than on Lucifer's side."
"The New World Order merging the west and Islam is the prophetic iron and clay."
"The cross... this horrible instrument of torture... that's where the power was."
"I view [the crucifixion] as one massive flip of paganism where ancient pagans sacrificed their sons to show their love for their God, but God sacrificed His Son to show His love for humanity."
"The Messiah is the person who takes the sins of the world unto himself... it means you have to view yourself as the perpetrator of archetypal evil."
"The birthday of the nation is undeniably linked with the birthday of the savior."
"God has gone up with the sound of the Trump."
"These brands are Antichrist Brands, part of the spirit of Antichrist."
"The brilliance of Jesus reflected in the dwelling places."
"That covenant, that whole idea of the covenant is definitely worthy of deeper investigation."
"Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent god, symbolized power, creation, and the cycle of life for the Toltecs and beyond."
"Why was the stone rolled away? Because the followers of Jesus needed to see it, they needed to see an empty tomb to believe."
"The devil in a blue dress, but most likely red, has aimed his sights at the woman since the beginning, subtle as always."
"He's the lion and the lamb, the alpha and omega."
"Barabbas is more than just a bystander here. He’s a representative of you and I."
"The rosary is a weapon if you go all the way back to our Lady giving the rosary the Angelic Psalter to Saint Dominic; she uses the language of weapon."
"The second time he's come in, not as a lamb, but as a lion of Judah."
"Communion is a blood transfusion from the throne of God."
"His blood is greater than any animal sacrifice."
"The idea of more specifically God tabernacling among us."
"Every like is a slap in the devil's face, every share is helping us get the message out."
"Paul Verhoeven saw Robocop as like the ultimate American Jesus figure."
"The key that unlocks the door to heaven is in the shape of a cross."
"Water is a portal. We're born through water and we're born again through water baptism, the narrow gate."
"Space Marines exemplify the strength of the Imperial faith and the fury of the god emperor made manifest."
"There is only one light to follow and it is the one pointing up, all other lights are Illusions meant to mimic the True Light but we cannot be deceived by them."
"The cross actually was God's power in the world."
"The false prophet and the second beast from Revelation 13 are the same."
"There's a prodigal that's a religious prodigal, staying in the vicinity of the father, hanging out in the father's field, but disconnected from the father."
"It is the blood of justification... justified by His blood."
"I was part of a culture groomed to propagandize the American flag in one hand and a Bible in the other."
"The sign of my return is this lightning going from east to west."
"Goku may seem like a Christ type, but when you really compare him with the Bible, he actually shares more characteristics with Lucifer."
"The last thing that you get to hear is a trumpet, and that trumpet does two things: it calls you to worship and summons an army."
"God's Son represented by the apex, the pinnacle of spiritual enlightenment."
"Satan is the prince of the power of the air."
"Anytime blood is shed a covenant is now put in place."
"Jesus represents the sun, the age of Pisces coming to an end."
"His blood washes as white as snow, covering our sins."
"The king is the only one who has the Halo around his head."
"The king is the only one who has the Halo even at his death."
"A man representing Jesus's enemies gets his body."
"Jesus connects his sacrifice with the Passover lamb."
"The cross reveals God's love as well as his wrath."
"Every child born as a woman is the cross on which Jesus Christ is crucified."
"The only cross on which Christ was ever crucified is the human form."
"Virtually all the ancient religions in the world had a Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world."
"God's son feeds his followers according to Matthew 14:17 with the two fishes, the two fishes of the zodiac which the constellation of Pisces."
"The Sun represented everlasting life on Earth."
"That's Jesus's rainbow right there, that's God's promise to his people."
"The Shroud of Turin remains an important religious symbol for Christians around the world."
"When the angel sees the blood, he will pass over."
"This robe woven in the loom of heaven has in it not one thread of human division."
"Psalm 22: 'They pierced my hands and my feet.'"
"Thank you for the cross. It was enough to save me, and it was enough to liberate me from guilt."
"Kings are born in Palace but Jesus was born in a manger among cattles and sheep."
"The New Jerusalem refers to the unimaginable utopian existence in heaven."
"Since Jesus's death for the sins of the world was on a cross, the cross became a symbol of Christ's love for the world, sadly, it also became a symbol of religiously infused warfare."
"All the apostles understood the Eucharist as the Lamb of God, the Passover Lamb."
"It has caused America to strike down the Ten Commandments literally just as Israel did but also it's behind things like woke himself."
"I think that old gods could have essentially come from something like that and had been into ever bloom yourself of course."
"It's always a tower because only one person can go into the Holy of Holies."
"God uses the Sun and the moon to witness his word."
"The mark of the beast involves loyalty to the antichrist and worship of the antichrist."
"I was escorted by the angels and they were singing worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive honor and glory wisdom and power and Dominion."
"In the garden of God, there were two trees, one of them was a tree of knowledge of Good and Evil."
"Colors are so fundamental that the very Gods seem to be divided by them and one God the greater will is recognized by one exceptional color."
"This birth of Christ is allowing us to think about the rebirth of our nation."
"The Eucharist is but a foretaste of what that banquet is going to be."
"Baptism is also called the eternal life, which is immortality, because one realizes their eternal nature."
"An army which carries the ark before it is invincible. The irony is that it was carried by Jews first."
"If you saw two people carrying Bibles under their arms, you'd be significantly comforted by that."
"Jacob has been blessed for Joseph, who is a type of Christ."
"Jesus' table fellowship with prostitutes and tax collectors... was a way of saying the kingdom of God is open to you."
"The Kaaba will have levels of light based on righteousness."
"They hate the Rosary as a real weapon, they hate the magisterium."
"Watch the fig tree, that's Israel, and all the trees."
"God never gives us an unwrapped gift. Jesus is God's right gift."
"God were unceremoniously melted down and auctioned off to the highest bidder. A nameless Jewish merchant from Odessa loaded onto the backs of 900 camels, the..."
"Naam is holding it together. That's the egg of Sikhi. The binding agent."
"The most important light since the Star of Bethlehem."
"Goku throughout the series has been put in a role of Jesus, also known as the Savior or the Messiah."
"If the blood of bulls and goats sanctifies, how much more shall the blood of Christ through the eternal spirit?"
"The blood of Jesus has a voice more powerful than the blood of Abel."
"I think mushrooms are a big part of most religions."
"The Antichrist doesn't get it all forever. He might win for a little bit, but that's about it."
"Even if it ends on a cross, it doesn't end on the cross."
"We put him at the top of our temples as a symbolism."
"God's five-fold promise: grain, new wine, oil, former and latter rain, restoring provision, spirit of prophecy, the glory of God."
"America has been revering and worshiping Lucifer long before the Native Americans got here."
"The woman church riding a beast is symbolic."
"Is there a link between Freemasonry and Hinduism?"
"God is launching people as missiles to destroy the influences, the gates, the strategies, the plans."
"They still saw fit to construct this Idol of the Emperor."
"He's been given power to make war with the saints."
"This is like something out of the Bible to signal a doomsday or an apocalypse."
"It was a prophecy that I'll layer your hide and I will cover you in the covenant of the fig tree until the bloody robes of the lamb can be placed upon you."
"It's like the blood of Christ has been bottled and people can't help but just go fight for it."
"The feast of Trumpets says it's the sounding of the shofar, saying judgment is coming. It's coming, something greater is coming."
"The resurrection imposes itself as the culmination of a giant pattern, a pattern which includes the natural patterns of death and rebirth, the seasons, the rotation of the cosmic bodies."
"The Sabbath is a sign between God and His people, a symbol of His authority and sanctification."
"The Quran itself is being described as light."
"The marriage supper of the Lamb is the eternal union of the church with Messiah."
"Jesus walking on water...violation of the laws of physics."
"The ninth house is the god giving life to Jesus, which is the first house, that's us."
"The icon is both the way and the means; it is prayer itself."
"The cross represents that you don't have to stop doing bad things, you just surrender your heart to Him."
"John the Revelator was visited by an Angel... clothed with a cloud and a rainbow around his head."
"The cross gives victory over spiritual powers of wickedness."
"What are the odds that two numbers of a circle multiplied together would equal God's number 777 and the length of a lunar year?"
"How many angels from God did it take to bind Satan? One."
"Chapter 20 has three more archangels for a total of seven, reaching another symbolic number: 'These are the names of the Holy Angels...' Revelation 12:7-8 portrays Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon."
"It's the blood of Jesus that cleanses us from sin."
"The blood of a lamb has the authority to stop a death angel."
"There will be a wedding, the marriage supper of the Lamb."
"Raise an altar louder than the voices already released. Abraham built an altar and stopped the bloodline."
"Cherubim: Guardians, bearers of God's Throne, and associated with fire."
"Fulton Sheen said the greatest love story of all time is contained in a tiny white host."
"In our minds, everything should be burned to ashes, but in this case, not a single Bible was burned."
"A type, a foreshadowing, a prophecy of Catholic baptism."
"Marriage is a living breathing picture of the love relationship between Christ and his bride the church."
"The phone room is the way to the throne room."
"A mark in their right hand or in their foreheads."
"It is the sign or marker that identifies him as the Creator of all things: It is a sign between me and the children of Israel forever."
"He could have jumped off that cross... but he chose not to."
"The armor of God truly exceeds what is in the natural."
"The crown of thorns makes no sense until we realize that when Jesus Christ allowed himself to be crowned with thorns he chose to undo what has ensnared every one of our hearts."
"This mercy seat was the earthly throne of God."
"Jesus is The Mercy Seat, he is the Ark of the Covenant."
"Mary did crush the head of the serpent through Jesus."
"The sixth trumpet is a harbinger of significant turmoil a cosmic shift that challenges us to look beyond our immediate concerns."
"The appearance of an angel in times of great upheaval serves as a potent symbol of God's ongoing involvement in the world."
"John the Baptist... came in the spirit and the power of Elijah."
"Grace is your battle axe in the time of a battle."
"Marriage is the original sign God has given us to point us to heaven."
"We're all Gods now, it's the same story from the garden."
"Luffy is not Jesus; he is a literal manifestation or representation of all religion."
"It's a new world that's beginning and Moses, who goes up the mountain, is actually an image of a return to paradise, a return to Eden."
"God's covenant with Noah: a choice to enter the ark, just as we choose Christ as our ark."
"God gave his archangels weapons because even the Almighty knew you don't fight evil with tolerance and understanding."
"The mark is going to be visible because Satan is a copycat."
"This is the beginning of the end, a representation of total destruction of Satan and his cohorts."
"The Spear of Longinus was the weapon used to stab none other than Jesus Christ himself."