
Marital Happiness Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"By God's grace, I found a good thing, a really good thing, in my wife Cathy."
"I need you married. I need you happily married. I need you having good sex with your wife, with your husband. I need you happy."
"Happy wife, happy life. No matter what nonsense maybe, my wife knows that I love her very much."
"Having a really great wife makes life so much better."
"I gotta make sure I make my wife laugh every day."
"Americans who have only ever slept with their spouses are the most likely to report being in a very happy marriage."
"Marriage has been like the best and sweetest thing ever. Me and Kyle are like so close, closer than we've ever been."
"These questions that you asked me are very important factors in having a relationship with someone and having a happy comfortable marriage."
"My life today is a big turnaround from my fiasco with John, happily married."
"I married my everyday friend, the friend that I want to see every single day and never get tired of."
"As a husband, consistently tell your wife how much you love her. It will bring her great happiness."
"I love my husband very much, he's the best thing that's ever happened to me, and that matters far more than any jewelry."
"Many years of laughter, playing around, amazing sex, and creating legacy."
"Relationships, especially marriage, when you find the right person, there's no multiplier like that if you have peace, happiness, joy."
"Monogamous lifelong marriages make people happiest."
"Research shows that couples who hold these short, loosely structured gentle conversations gain a significant increase in marital happiness."
"By all accounts, the Smiths' marriage was a happy one."
"If your wife ain't happy, fix that issue because you want to make your wife happy."
"Light-hearted fun is so key to a marriage... some of the happiest marriages, the happiest people, they are able to laugh at themselves, they're able to laugh together, their homes are filled with laughter."
"Working on that side of our relationship, how we treat each other, our behavior, all of that allows us to focus on the fun and the happiness and the flirting and the dating and the sparkle."
"I've been married for quite some time, very happily."
"One of the best things you can have in marriage is the ability to laugh together."
"Women who are virgins at marriage tend to have a higher incidence of happiness."
"What I'm so excited about is growing old with my wife."
"Happy wife, Happy life. And it has, it's a valid biblical truth."
"I'm married now, yeah, she's pretty awesome."
"Married people are happier than other population subgroups but only when their spouse is in the room."
"Just like real life, simple joys of this world is a wife."
"I tell people whenever they're like, 'How's the marriage life?' I'm like, 'You know what? It's pretty lit.' Like, I'm sleeping more, I drink water."
"Your true love in your future spouse is gonna be your good karma."
"I like everything about my wife, sir. She's a good mother to my kids. She's a great wife. You know, she's a, she's a friend. Best friend. Uh, smart mouth."
"No, if you marry the right person, it's like you're with your best friend every day."
"Enjoy life with your wife whom you love all the days of this meaningless life."
"I feel very blessed to be married to this young lady."
"A guy is trying to make a living. He has to first make sure that his wife is happy."
"Married people were happier in general but when they toss children into the mix..."
"Folks be hating when you have a beautiful happy marriage. They don't hate on you when your marriage is bad, but when your marriage is good and you got kids and everything is lovely and beautiful, oh they be hating."
"Both of us must enjoy this marriage."
"We've been able to come together more as a family. The main part is the wife and I will be happier, and we're going to really, really enjoy it."
"A well-fed wife is a very happy life."
"Happy wife, happy life. That one is definitely up there. Sure, sure. She makes my life great. I am very lucky man. I found an incredible woman, and that's very true."
"Happy husband, happy life. How about that?"
"Our married life has been blissful so far, and he always supports my decisions."
"Above all things, he loved the joy his wife brought to his life and his household."
"I'm a happy married man, a very happy married man."
"It's wonderful that your wife is happy and loves you the way you are."
"We have a happy married life where we respect each other."
"I've seen several people making jokes about how much it sucks to quarantine with your significant other, and I don't relate. I married someone that I like."
"A husband's true happiness is the most important thing in life."
"Thank you so much, God, because you gave me a good one when you gave me that wife."
"I'm so grateful that Susan and I are as happy as we are."
"First day mustache gone, wife is very happy. Well, good for you, yeah, happy home life."
"Having a mutually enjoyable marriage with your spouse can be achieved."
"Life is short, that's why the Bible says enjoy life with the wife of your youth."
"He has now, as they say in romances, been happily married for a number of years, is an active and enterprising man."
"For having the best husband in the whole world."
"I want our black women to find that happiness in marriage if they want it."
"The important thing is he's a happily married man, and that is probably a net benefit for his life."
"The first year of our marriage was pure bliss."
"I'm so happy that we can both really make each other happy, even after we got married."
"I never dare tell him since he and his wife are in a happy relationship and trying to have a child together."
"My goal is to keep my wife in a constant state of peace, love, and happiness."
"I'm happy to be married to you, Alan."
"I want to really be happy with my husband. I just want him to love me."
"I'm incredibly happy in my marriage."
"He spoke of his wife as mistress of his happiness and hearing whose voice the king rejoices."
"If she were to laugh in the face of her husband, the Paradise would light up from her laughter."
"We were just as happy as any other married couple out there."
"I'm so happy I waited and I got the best husband for me, not just any husband."
"People that are married are happier."
"I'm so happy to get you as my wife. I really love you, Ryan."
"I couldn't have found a better man to be married to or to have children with."
"A happy wife equals a happy life."