
Lectures Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Don't mistake those. Oftentimes I will mention in lectures that superhero magic systems tend to be very hard magic systems."
"You really won't understand the lectures unless you're pondering the points and taking up the practices."
"These are terms that I want you to understand whenever they come up in future lectures."
"The composer and conductor leonard bernstein gave a series of lectures."
"He also gives lectures worldwide, with some amassing 6000 attendees, and lasting as long as ten hours."
"University lectures are an obsolete practice inherited from the middle ages when books were scarce."
"The Tanner lectures are selected by the president in consultation with the director and executive committee of the Whitney Humanities Center."
"Everyone was like the first one. The presentations and the lectures. Something would be wrong if I wasn't nervous."
"Hello guys it is now 12:00 p.m. and I just got home from my lectures."
"The Sea Spirit's onboard programming offered lectures by the ship's Expedition guides on everything from Seals to photography."
"My lectures are going to presume no special knowledge on your part. I see this as a course that's an introduction to the literature of a period, to modern poetry."
"Watch my margin lecture once, you're good to go. Watch the partnership lecture once, you're good to go."
"Congratulations on your wonderful lectures. You have made one hour seem like 59 minutes."
"Thank you for all the lectures, even if most of the time I don't listen."
"Tonight my topic is the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible."
"Lectures like that can really kind of shift which kind of path you go down."
"A major thing I got from these lectures is that stories don't need to be historical to be meaningful."
"It's time for Jean Le's lectures on high society again."
"It's kind of exciting, I'm running about the country, lecturing and trying to save the world from crime."
"It's a theme that runs through these lectures on Southern sun and that resonates with me as an old person appalled by what has happened to his country to the world around him feeling that he has somehow stayed up very late."
"I was thinking of getting a lecture on local poisonous plants," said Agatha, improvising.
"I record all my lectures so I don't know half the class doesn't even show up because they know it's going to be on YouTube."
"This is one of my absolute favorite lectures because it tells you how to actually solve PDEs."
"I think it's official. I'm going to do those four lectures, four nights in a row at the Morgan Performing Arts Center."
"But anyways it's it's it's nonsense it's done I do more does more harm than good that's one of those areas I'll be talking about when we get that series of lectures."
"Every lecture I had that I spoke to was very helpful."
"The lectures themselves, I really enjoyed."
"Many public lectures on mathematics try to present some particular result in a kind of simplified way. I'm not really doing that."
"Tom delivers the series of eight talks the overarching title of which is discerning the dawn history eschatology and the new creation."
"You're going to probably use this discussion we're having in one of your lectures, aren't you?"
"This series of lectures that Neville Goddard blessed the world with in 1948 holds all the vital knowledge that you may need to master the law of assumption."
"I'm actually going to be brief on lattice gauge Theory because we're hearing a lot about it in other lectures."
"So the question is, are the videos for the lectures going to be posted?"
"Understanding the nature of information was central to Schrodinger's lectures."
"Thomas Kal, one of the greatest thinkers of the past century, in 1840 he delivered a series of lectures in this country under the heading Heroes and Hero Worship, and he chose our S alhi wasallam as his hero, Prophet Muhammad was his hero."
"When we start our lecture on Monday, since it's 11:54, and as promised, I want to let you guys out right on time every lecture."
"His lectures should be very informative and interesting."
"The best lectures are the ones that you make."
"The main thing is to keep the lectures in their present format while presenting them at a level suitable for the individual students."
"Don't take this for granted, go to the lectures, you won't be sorry."
"Pro tip: watch your lecture videos in two times speed."
"We've been privileged to have several of the world's outstanding physicists delivering lectures to us in this series."
"One of my favorite lectures is about the decisive battles of world history."
"We are coming to the end of a series of lectures by Mr. Ahmed."
"The Livingston lectures feature scholarly addresses by our nation's most prominent historians."
"The historical society seeks to carry on this tradition by offering these free series of lectures."
"The UC Davis forums was established in 2012 and presents about a half dozen lectures each year by experts from a range of fields."
"What suffusing the lectures is a distinction between proof and truth."
"Understanding lectures and taking notes therein."
"This is a public service announcement: Andy's lectures are amazing."
"There will be about six hours of video lectures per week."
"If you have any questions about the lectures, ask them during the lectures, preferably, or if you're shy, come to see me."
"If you're ever giving a lecture for longer than two hours, get up and walk around because it'll save your life."
"DJ Drop Tables will be here, and then my Ph.D. students will teach those two lectures."
"I like to keep my lectures interactive, so it's all good."
"Tonight's talk is about water worlds in our solar system."
"We talk to you to change your life, and that's what this series of lectures is all about."
"Stay well, I hope I'll see you again with another series of lectures."
"There are very ballistic systems out there, and one of the following lectures will be devoted to ballistic transport because it gives rise to many beautiful effects."
"Focus on the lectures and use the book as a supplement."
"The course of lectures that I'm supposed to give is the standard model and its applications to the Higgs boson."
"We've just started a weekly lecture series; we have a different speaker every week, and the lectures cover all different kinds of topics."
"On Wednesdays, we have lectures; we invite different experts to talk about local history or nature topics."
"The Feynman Lectures on Physics, I can't say it any clearer."