
Artistic Goals Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Your focus should be on what do I want this piece of art to achieve? What is my goal with it?"
"My goal isn't perfect exposure, it's to create emotion."
"I want to build depth, evoke emotion, and reveal character."
"A lot of people say, 'What are your dreams and aspirations?' And we just want to keep glorifying God with our music."
"We want to maximize both the content and the style."
"I want to do more narrative content short films and comedy sketches and that kind of thing."
"I've had this long-term goal of becoming a professional artist and within the last year I've accomplished that goal."
"I try to focus on what kind of artist I want to be in five years."
"I like to see music impact the world, wake people up, and change stuff."
"I genuinely want to be a legend and I genuinely want to make sure my music lasts forever and I make classic albums that are undeniable."
"It all starts with self-belief, man. You know, you come off as a humble guy but a very confident person, a person that believes that you can do whatever the [__] you put your mind to."
"I just want to make music that's therapeutic for people."
"We want to make music and be happy. That's what we want. We just want to make a living making music."
"Stop relying on willpower to achieve your art goals. Willpower is garbage."
"Through my music, I want to be inspirational."
"The point is, like the 2018 Halloween reboot, the goal of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake was to capture the same mood and feel of the original by applying the necessary provocativeness."
"I just want to make music that moves people."
"I want to bring joy to the world, I'm a composer."
"I want to be the king of this. I really want to be like the best artist of my generation."
"My goal is to just keep making music and keep moving."
"I want all my projects and my songs to be a part of the culture."
"Making the best movie you can is what's important."
"I'm at a place where I want to real a realist art to incorporate it."
"That's something that you want as an artist, for things to be timeless."
"I want to make music that everybody can listen to, everybody can bump in your car, you know?"
"Nothing's more important than putting out music that people can relate to."
"I just want to make people laugh, think, feel."
"Focus first on making the absolute best film that you can."
"My goal is to be as good as a comic book illustrator, if not better."
"Larson's goal was to revolutionize musical theater with 'real rock,' incorporating influences from pop music at the time."
"If you're interested in learning more about how to actually achieve your artistic goals and incorporate that into your content, I really recommend watching this video right here."
"I want to outdo everything we've written so far and make our next album like over the top. That's my goal."
"I'd say I'd like to I like to do films based in reality a lot try to do films that uh have some real content to them not necessarily like my own life but if I believe that this is really going on was the type of film that I strive for a lot."
"It's all about the music and leaving a legacy of stuff."
"When we're trying to make games that succeed artistically, our ultimate goal is to evoke ideas and emotion from the player about subjects that are difficult to express."
"I'm really hoping I get to do some artworks in my Sketchbook as we go around."
"I want to do more writing and directing."
"The aim has always been not to win awards or get recognized the aim has been to do the best that I can and to make the best scenes and to make the best movies that I can do."
"Let me know what is your artistic goal for the year."
"It's not about impressing producers; it's about making overall good quality music."
"That's a dream come true for any artist I think that wants to do stage performances."
"Sometimes my biggest goals often are just to kind of communicate mood and atmosphere, gesture that kind of thing."
"What I hope to accomplish eventually is to fit avant-garde sensibilities into pop forms so more people will enjoy them."
"My goal with this painting was to have three different zones."
"At the end of the day, the artist's goal is always going to be to have their music reach the masses."
"It taught me that I wanted to make art and characters that were interesting, not art and characters that were pretty."
"I want to make more things that I'm proud of."
"I think it's about achieving what you set out to achieve in a broadest artistic sense."
"I at least want to have an album out with my name and likeness on it, my voice that I'm really proud of."
"Always be asking yourself what do you want to accomplish with your art."
"That's to make music that motivates people and inspires people."
"One major goal of my artwork was to be fully able to pay for my sushi eating habits, and now it has, so for that, I'm really thankful."
"I want to be the type of artist that gets knowledge, gains perspective, and gives back."