
Athletic Training Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"The best training facilities you can possibly send your player to are also going to help their development."
"Efficiency in energy use and understanding the limits of human performance are the frontiers in advancing athletic training."
"There's a tight correlation between performance and volume, indicating that maximizing sustainable energy expenditure may be key to unlocking ultimate human performance."
"It's not what you can do for five minutes on fresh legs, it's what you can do for five minutes after four hours of racing."
"The technical demands of the two sports are different. In weightlifting, you use multiple muscle groups that are changing rapidly, and you have multiple directions that your body is moving."
"Powerlifting puts a much greater demand on hypertrophy; a stronger correlation between how much muscle the athlete has and how successful they are."
"Do stable large range of motion movements that are specific and let you practice high force and power outputs in the gym to become better at sports."
"Kobe spent hours upon hours perfecting his craft and it's plenty of testimony out there that validates it."
"These women who have trained every day to get to where they're at... who are doing something I know physically genetically I will never be able to do..."
"Train hard, train smart, and get some good insurance and protection."
"The number one influence for training success is your actual running training."
"What am I on? I’m on my bike, busting my ass six hours a day. What are you on?"
"If you get up at 10:00 in the morning, train at 11:00, 12:00 train for two hours, 12:00 to 2:00, you have to let your body recover, so you recovered, whatever, you get back out you train, start training again at 6:00."
"How can you continue to train at your best especially as you get older when you have so many other pressures on top of you because this is what so many people don't understand"
"You gotta make sure that practice is quality practice and you're 100 working on those fundamentals."
"Every training session every mesocycle microcycle everything you do is setting yourself up so that at the meet you have the best possible result."
"This increased uptake of electrolytes, especially post-Jiu-Jitsu, has been a game-changer when it comes to not only my mental state but my recovery as well."
"He reset his mind, got the right coach, developed strength and conditioning... learned strategy."
"Being known as one of the biggest, most dominant players in the NBA doesn't come without a hearty workout routine."
"I've been feeling great in training camp, I've been doing really good in sparring, I'm going to put on a great show."
"That's the kind of thing that could make a huge difference on the run."
"I was always training and playing with older kids who had much more experience than me."
"Every fighter should visit Silver's gym, the best place for training."
"I was helping him Spar so I was sparring with him every day for him to repair so myself was ready."
"It's about getting minutes, getting that rhythm, getting that tempo."
"We launched 40P, four-dimensional power, in the fall of 2017."
"It helps a lot when you have teammates like I do who are always there for you mentally."
"The scariest thing of all is how when I heard that news I just took a swig of my pint and found myself smiling."
"Basketball was invented as a safe way to keep track stars in shape in the winter."
"Speed is in the brain, it's not in the muscles, and so I studied the brain, how it works to be able to make people faster."
"If you're training, you know, the most, most, in fact, all total bodies, they're all on drugs, right?"
"That's going to be the best way to build speed and it's going to set you up for like way more complicated and advanced stuff."
"You know, we got on the sand and we did a lot of balance work, which is great for running backs."
"If you wanted to build a clinic for how to be an explosive well-rounded pass rusher... Carl Lawson's tape is right out there with the best of them."
"Age affects recovery... older athletes may tolerate less training."
"Training is not about checking a box, training is about going hard."
"Increasing Zone 2 training proportionally may require adequate time for adaptation, especially for high-intensity sports like cyclocross."
"Marcelo Garcia doesn't squat 400 pounds... Mendez doesn't have an incredible bench press."
"You really can't be in the training camps to see what these guys go through."
"It's a good partnership that they have and it shows in how the bench tests go on these players, how excellent they perform."
"Push-ups are always part of every professional athlete's workout regimen for a good reason."
"A great trainer don't put no limitations on that fighter."
"You can't teach people to run like that, you just have to have that instinct."
"If you go through a training camp and you give it your all, you should be able to beat anybody in your weight class."
"These movements can and will help you move better, produce more power, and increase your efficiency in the sport."
"Short passing and vision, horrible. What about dribbling though? Oh god, I think we're gonna work on passing first."
"Embrace science. Let's take a scientific view of how you train athletes and maybe even how you teach them skills."
"There isn't really any single answer because even in specific time periods the level and frequency of training varies massively."
"Ricky Carmichael changed the game of training. He raised the bar to another level of nutrition, fitness, straight being a badass every time he got on the bike."
"Fundamentals are so important that the greatest players in all sports... practice stick handling every single day and for longer than their teammates."
"When we take twenty-five thirty highly limited studies and they start to all point in a very similar direction, we can start to get clues about how we should train athletes."
"Every second counts, so make this your best sprint yet!"
"I think if Woodley had a full training camp, it'd be hard for me to bet against Woodley."
"It's more about training smart and thinking of yourself as a tactical athlete not just a marine."
"Mastery comes into play with ball awareness."
"His tireless aim left me pondering what kind of physical training underpins this level of athleticism and endurance."
"Structured training makes a huge amount of difference."
"Do you now understand the importance of having the best quality coaching available?"
"The fundamentals, because that's what athletes Master."
"Power move, power lunge, go, good, train like an athlete."
"Even the most elite athletes don't jump straight to putting weight on the bar. They do a couple sets with just the bar alone to prime their body as efficiently as possible."
"Even highly conditioned athletes have to go through workouts that are difficult."
"Be conscientious of your technique, that's how you can develop speed, precision, pacing, and all of that so your technique is extremely important."
"Training splits establish that performance rhythm that then enables your coach and yourself as an athlete to really lead to that monster response that you want to get when you're competing inside whatever sport that you're doing."
"The pressure is higher, the stakes are high. It's what we train for every day, it's what we dream about. It's huge, it's creating a legacy that you want to be a part of."
"I think he needs to take six months, work on the grappling, come back maybe a change of weight classes as well."
"What they see is the finish line being crossed, one by one. They see 30 seconds, they didn't see 10,000 hours. But you did."
"We always train hard, you know, adapting to the fight that's across from me that night." - Gervonta Davis
"Training like an athlete means incorporating athletic movement into what you do."
"Find some way that you're not just a one-dimensional trainer - incorporate athletic movement into your routine."
"Tony's cardio alone, you can build your entire skill set."
"Mechanical efficiency can almost always be improved."
"If you're not training your glutes maximally, they're not going to be getting the most out of your athletic performance."
"Navigating your training while also competing in the open can be a major challenge for athletes."
"This is really important that we understand where the athlete's needs are on the force velocity curve because that's going to determine the type of training they're going to prioritize especially as they approach the season."
"Strength and conditioning should complement, should supplement, should enhance your sport. It should enhance your ability to be an athlete. You're not a weightlifter."
"...three most important things that you can prioritize are sparring, running, and pad work."
"One of the reasons that these Collegiate athletes improve so quickly is they train smarter."
"That's the big training hack right there: nine hours of sleep."
"It's also going to help improve and enhance dynamic trunk control which will carry over really well to the athletic realm."
"Remember, whenever you're training athletes, you've always got to remember to cultivate your power. Peace."
"That's one of the classic movements that you want."
"The gym and athletics is a great proving ground for a lot of these things because you either win or you don't; it either works or it doesn't."
"It's really an honor to coach higher level athletes and just kind of take my gymnastics days into the CrossFit world for you guys."
"The sole purpose behind Dynamic effort work is being more explosive, more athletic, more force production."
"For most sports, they require a very well-rounded approach and need to display power in all major planes of movements."
"Our main priority now is to make strength training like the second priority and absolutely prioritize power production, explosive speed."
"The major difference is basically more wrestling sessions and tougher conditioning sessions; those become the priority and we prioritize power development over strength development."
"I think with all the training the muscles have developed to such an extent that whatever I do, I use the muscles efficiently."
"I want to still be maintaining the right amount of nutrients that I need to upkeep with my training."
"Training is so crucial if you want to be a competitive cyclist."
"The stronger athlete can generally tolerate more acute training loads and they're not going to be as fatigued."
"If you want to go faster, first is you need to do all your training, and you need not to be injured."
"It's so important to be training your body outside of that, as an athlete, specifically so you can avoid injuries and have longevity if you want to dance professionally."
"The more explosive you are, the more power you're able to produce."
"Speed is King, training at maximum effort whether it's speed or heavy weights."
"You just can't teach this type of mindset to an athlete of her caliber."
"True champions are built when you coach the whole person, not just the athlete."
"It's about six hours of work a day, you're talking about like plyometrics, strength and conditioning, footwork type drills."
"To achieve success as an athlete, it's imperative that you train your mind and body for play."
"Elite level speed... is not just a blessing; it's trainable."
"He is looking forward to trying to give his best to get ready for the tour to France."
"It's time to grind whether you're looking to get in shape, put on size, or improve yourself as an athlete."
"Check out this athletic position."
"The bigger the base of aerobic training, the higher the pyramid can be on race day."
"Tapering is one of the hardest things to get right."
"Tapering is a balance between too much and too little, and finding the right balance requires experimentation."
"That's what we dream of, this is why we train."
"The whole premise behind altitude training is to try to boost the amount of oxygen carrying capacity you have in the blood."
"Acclimation to altitude will improve your performance at altitude."
"Training for performance and not trying to body build so much, my physique improved."
"Our whole mission is to help the amateur athlete just make the most of their training time and efforts."
"Strength training seems to improve endurance performance in trained to elite cyclists."
"To run as fast as possible, you need to be very comfortable in upright sprinting."
"You want to progressively decrease ground contact times."
"It's the sort of time that you really want to give your body as much tailwind as possible on being able to absorb that sort of training and rebuild and recover from it."
"An ideal split step, we want to be fairly wide."
"We want the feet to move as tight as they can, as fast as they can, and as quick as they can."
"Power training can enhance the amount of force that can be produced in short periods of time."
"Athletes should still apply progressive overload by performing more reps and more weight over time."
"Welcome to my channel, one of my favorite things to do is take on big athletes' different workout programs."
"The faster we move our feet, the faster our body's going to move, the faster the bar is going to move."
"Periodization is programmed variation in the training stimuli with the use of planned rest periods to augment recovery and restoration of an athlete's potential."
"I'm really looking forward to the second moto, I feel like I've been training really hard."
"So you want to run faster? I have five speed drills that you should be doing."
"It's a full-body and balanced workout that can be used with any athletic client."
"There's an inflection point between where you spend so much time in the gym lifting weights that compromises your ability to either recover from or participate in higher volumes of your sport practice."
"Training and warming up that system to be able to do that stretching and shortening very quickly can be really beneficial."
"Jump squats are a ballistic explosive movement, meaning you're gonna actually leave the ground and accelerate through the end of the repetition."
"If you want to do well in the classics, then I think it's being proven that so many riders are taking advantage of that high-intensity, the short efforts that you need to be a good classics rider."
"What separated the most is like the weight lifting and the nutrition, 100%."
"Every single athlete's body has its own specific needs and requirements of what it needs to be tuned in order to perform as well as possible."
"I really, really love this movement not only for general fitness but also for elite level athletes."
"A lot of people want to put limitations on you so you're going to be burnt out, but me and my coaches trusted the process."
"If you can improve your ability to be explosive, to be rapid, to be very strong off the ground very quickly, you will have a massive impact for your team."
"Quality over quantity with plyometric training."
"They managed to turn elite athletes into elite athletes."
"One of the main reasons I jump so high is because after every single practice since third grade, he's made me do like 400 to 500 box jumps."
"Having limited time with my athletes, I needed to come up with a specific method of training and a system that was going to be conducive to get them to the goals that we wanted to accomplish."
"Systematically, this is the best thing that I've been able to put towards my athletes' programming and as far as the system goes, it's very simple and it's direct."
"If you want to maximize your potential and add inches to your vertical, then you need to train right."
"We want to be doing band assisted jumps, loaded jumps, and strength training to set a foundation of strength and power in our legs."
"We definitely want to push him and make him train other aspects of his body and just kind of let him be an athlete again."
"Speed strength has two components: starting strength and explosive strength."
"I think 80 maybe like 75 to 80 of my DMs are dudes asking me how to jump higher."
"The three main components of sprinting are going to be acceleration, top speed, speed endurance."
"Remember there is still plenty of time to improve, Tyson's muscle memory kicks in and he will become even more lethal than he is now."
"Rest becomes a key in everything we do because even if you have somebody training for an elite athletic competition, their body needs and also it's a mental rest."
"I'm probably fitter than I was at World's last year, and I'm still nine weeks out."
"Glucose is the key to creating ATP, and that helps during high intensity training."
"If you want to train like an Olympic athlete, that's great, but you've got to be able to recover."
"You know, sport is 10% physical, 90% mental."