
Survival Tactics Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"Survival is subtle, nonlinear, and full of sleight of hand trickery and deception."
"Moving as one not only confuses predators but also decreases the individual risk each starling faces by the sheer power of numbers."
"It's all well and good trying to just do damage to enemy tank destroyers, but to complete this mission you also have to survive and win the battle."
"That's just a way to keep them safe, right? That's that one last ditch effort like, 'I'm running away from this predator, it got me, let me get rid of this tail, and then I can scurry away and run to safety and hide and grow that tail back.'"
"Such jumps confuse predators so much that there were cases when lions stopped following starting gazelles."
"The very same things that the pathogen is exploiting to kill us are the tools we need to use to best it."
"Pandemic because it's not entirely infected as the players know but it is... the spirit of infected, if you want to survive."
"Do I trust physicists right now? Physicists are induced to lie in order to survive."
"Could you become invisible? Could you become the gray man?"
"At least Catherine kept her head, which is more than many others who got in Henry’s way could say."
"The best way to win right now is to just Turtle up and help Veigar and Seneca or Cena and uh, sivir come online we've got to survive."
"Everybody must eat, that's why we're stealing bottles of Hennessy and Tito's vodka."
"Let's just get to the end and not die. Pretty good actually."
"Be fluid. Move. Get your point of traction, friction, and leverage. Get on top of that gun and get to work with no extra [__]. Do it from your knowledge base."
"Plants have to have fancier tricks than all sorts of boring animals because plants don't run away."
"If I am ever being chased by a murderer, I can promise you I'm going to take the stairs at a really sensible pace—quick enough that I'm."
"You can't be thinking when you're in prison because if you take time to think in prison then you too late"
"If you run into a bear, make yourself look big."
"Playing an idol on yourself or your ally is about the most basic defensive move you can get."
"There's even signs like if a bear is attacking you know heading towards you if you just stop moving it kind of triggers a response."
"Let's try and move now. This is probably the best chance we got."
"Reboot round is what it's all about, there's no messing around, it's just last team standing."
"If you see one of those things, you do not hesitate. You take it out or you run."
"I think she did what she thought she had to do in order to survive."
"Surviving is generally very oftentimes going to be better than getting one kill and instantly dying."
"Movement, whether people realize it or not, is a huge indicator of skill."
"Now scientists are digging up dirt to uncover how these real life monsters were forced to fight for survival."
"A civilization on the run, trying to stay quiet and escape pursuit."
"Preparation contributed a large percentage to my survival."
"Pure survivability: nothing was more important to a historical ninja."
"Surviving doesn't make you win, surviving makes you a [ __ ] cockroach."
"Before the M.U.T.O. could kill Brody, Godzilla
emerged behind her and blasted her with his
atomic breath, buying time for Brody and the
other soldiers to carry the warhead to the docks."
"If you can build yourself kind of like a stretcher that's up raised, that's even better."
"You get in a fight, you win. I don't care if you have to pick up a rock or a stick."
"She succeeded in creating sticky Vines and attempted to grab one arm of the Frog."
"Speaking of the palisade trap for a second... any piles of leaves or cornhusks should be treated as potential traps."
"The way to survival whether you're the victim or the rescuer is through the path of methodical caution, a calming of the spirit and mind, and careful planning of your every move."
"Salange proved that she would throw them punches, she proved that she'll call the police. She called the police on her own dad. So Jay-Z, this ain't looking good for you, dude. Pure survival at this point."
"Things are bad when you kind of look at a sunken ship and be like, 'Oh, that's actually a really good way for me to get stuff.'"
"Ancient humans had to be pretty inventive with their hunting techniques - they were up against way bigger animals with much more limited technology."
"You're hard to kill, but make sure you're hard to convict."
"Chansey seems to be a solid pick since it's the Pokémon most associated with medicine. You could also go with its evolution Blissey, assuming you can make it happy enough to evolve during a zombie apocalypse." - Madrid
"You can't trust a drug dealer who doesn't use his own product."
"There's nothing to me that stands out for [the ranger]... they've got less options for surviving on the front line than the cleric does."
"The act of doing it alone would always warm me up even before I got the flames of fire."
"He did what he had to do to survive the onslaught of demonization."
"Why are you just storing them and waiting to use them? I mean, well, you know, if you cook it, it kinda kills some of the germs, okay, this just—no, no, it's called survival, Amy."
"You can survive on the point... but you're not gonna survive under heavy fire for long."
"Some things are better farmed, some things are better scavenged for, and some things you cannot farm."
"American rust is is a deep dive into good people stuck at the bottom doing whatever they can to survive and del harris is one of those people."
"The Gulag can be easily won by baiting people out...play it safe to get the highest percentage wins possible."
"Preparedness and awareness: the keys to surviving any fight."
"When paired together like did you know that stacking a particular exotic with air apparent can help you survive a sniper headshot in PvP?"
"Survive and extract, then hand it in. Tiger safari."
"Calling attention to yourself when others are seeking to destroy you is an exceptionally bad idea."
"You want to win, you gotta be a little reckless sometimes."
"The trade-off in these characters is between empathizing and survival."
"I loved when he begged that sniper with Stormtrooper aim not to make him kill him."
"It's exponential too, and because it's a survival situation, you gotta conserve your calories."
"Killing may not be the order of the day now. I think survival and holding objectives is the answer."
"There's no better feeling in a poker tournament than to be on borrowed time and still in the main event."
"We're surviving by the seat of our pants, living off the land with the guns and the weapons left around."
"Learn, adapt, experiment, and survive." - Loading screen
"Are we just doing things to basically survive and win the game?"
"...and through comboing these all of a sudden you can have mass mobility and mass survival."
"Sometimes you have to do what you have to do to survive."
"Success in this game will come down to your ability to adapt to these situations and put as much distance between yourself and your enemies' crosshair."
"Prone camouflage is awesome. You cover yourself in mud or snow and you're far more difficult to spot."
"Maybe that's part of my disguise if you watch like the nature channel like you know some of the most uh some of the species that have lived the longest is because they they know how to survive by blending in."
"Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to put food on the table."
"Rule two: the double tap. You never know when a zombie is truly dead, so just to be safe, shoot it twice."
"Staying solo makes some sense in a situation where former humans are your primary threat, but having friends can lead to an easier life."
"Stick together or fall divided—it's a lot easier for teammates to save you when you're side-by-side."
"Cooldown reduction is really important... life on kill... armor and health... the symbiotic aspect... is really important for this build."
"It's about survival and you know that was the only way I actually got to survive with John Wall because of that, you know, I had to think fast."
"This is probably gonna be our means of survival, or at least escape."
"At what point do you bug out? Bug out, do you have an escape route?"
"Our only chance is to become as much like them as possible."
"To survive on the battlefield, you can only rely on your own strength and your own wits."
"The Rain Frog loves to bury themselves in the sand to avoid heat!"
"ABM, always be moving, standing still is how you get killed."
"Anticipating your next move to avoid an attack... is really a lifesaver."
"I drank pee out of it and I'm not even sick."
"If this was your last resort, you're going to do it to survive. Here's cheers to last resort."
"The only thing I found was this blue AK and I would take that blue AK all the way to my grave."
"If your life is in danger, you can absolutely use any means necessary to ask for help."
"Using the environment and what traps are already there is a great way to buy time to escape."
"Hope's duration has been removed, allowing it to last until escape or death."
"Almost every other gadget requires the operator to stay alive in order to get the most out of it, but as Rook, you can increase the chances of winning gunfights for each and every one of your teammates before the round even starts."
"Flashes and electricity are going to be really important to keep yourself alive in this game."
"Movement while looting can save your life, especially from sniper shots."
"If they were me I would have tried setting the warehouse on fire because it's easily one of the most effective tools you could use to signal for help."
"She had a sharpie with her and would mark how many days had passed on a tree nearby."
"Yeah, no zombie is safe from my reach of hand, as anyways."
"If we do nothing while in the stomach hatch, then eventually the scooper kills us and we get the FNAF ending."
"People's behaviors are often survival tactics learned in childhood, even if they're now living in a new country."
"For all those reasons he makes sure he's always going to damage boost the hook kills."
"It's level up time, I'll increase our health attribute to give us a little bit of survival ability."
"Build walls around areas and effectively do what the governor did in The Walking Dead."
"You can't survive on the top only being nice."
"One of the big things is to improvise to survive."
"As far as climbing into a horse as a means of survival, it would totally work."
"To survive, they have to set up and pull off a series of increasingly audacious heists."
"Rotate and position to make it hard for enemies to finish you."
"Here's the thing not only will you do a ton of damage but you also have ways to survive aggressive engages from supports like Leona and Alice Stark give this one a try."
"Fully upgrade your pistol early on for backup."
"Once you're an ambush predator, that constraint's gone. Off to the races."
"In survival, you've got to explore every opportunity."
"The idea of being able to take back the town slowly, set up outposts, recruit survivors, make sure they are well trained up and they're well equipped, and just maintaining my little community to be a very cool experience."
"In a bear market, the only thing you need to do is survive."
"I saved you, you better run, wow this crawling thing actually works."
"Planning routes based on where you've eliminated the most foes is key to conserving your health and ammo."
"The arms race is a race to improve the equipment for survival."
"Every killer would rather leave the survivor flattened out than take the hit if they believe you have Decisive Strike."
"Whereats can actually regenerate lost limbs and pretend to be dead."
"Your most common win condition is simply by staying alive."
"They got all the food and clothing that they needed from the people that they killed."
"They can't follow me if they're dead. Hopefully I can change their minds before they're all wiped out."
"Knowing when to cut your losses to keep others alive is extremely good decision making."
"Puffer fish can inflate themselves like balloons for survival, becoming inedible when swollen due to their highly toxic poison."
"If you've seen like, Evil Dead, you're not opening the trap shack. You don't go down there, you know what you do? You go, 'Uh, Claire, I'm coming over.' You sleep over at Claire's, come down the next day with three guys, and then you go in bright noon."
"Who knew that a moose could swim? Apparently, they swim to little islands to save their young from other predators."
"Oh snap, so this is essentially how this owner, or in this case my brother, how he's been getting by in life, is by making mixtapes."
"Philip's craft of diplomacy, deceit, and bribery, combined with his lightning speed, had saved Macedonia's impending doom."
"When this turtle opens its mouth, a small appendage sometimes appears, however, this is a trap."
"They didn't think of themselves engaging in something like devil worship, they were simply trying to figure out how to live in this new and strange place."
"They can make their escape from waterborne predators to land but equally they can return to water to flee danger on dry ground."
"Camouflage everything, blend with your surroundings."
"It's quite all right, you cut a piece of bamboo and when they get near you go under the water and breathe through the bamboo till they've gone by."
"I did what needed to be done in order to survive."
"Some animals suddenly reveal a bright color to confuse predators and escape."