
Novels Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"I wrote 13 novels in 10 years. This was a good strength to me."
"To me, it was akin to saying after 'Gone With the Wind,' 'Well, how many more movies can be made out of novels? Do you think the audience will sober on movies being adapted from books?'"
"Drow have some of the best lore in D&D, which is no surprise given that they've been developed across several novels."
"Novels can immerse you in the sea of English."
"They're such great great novels if you've never read them they really are recommended."
"I'm very very excited at the prospect of this new scary fantasy novel."
"It's not even on the same plane, like Legendborn is what City of Bones thought it did."
"Some of you who are old... BOOMERS may remember the Halloween novelizations."
"He found writing novels was his way to relax."
"He's been wildly successful in novels, in Big Finish audio, especially. He has some amazing stuff."
"The soul is the freed and missing passenger of these novels."
"Great novels change the world by changing the reader."
"These novels exemplify why I continue to read, why I continue to fight for time in my busy life to read, to seek out novels like this."
"Although he was a best-selling playwright, his novels are better known, I think really, and popular both in Britain and the US."
"Many of our ideas on love come from novels, and most novels give us a really strange view of love."
"Novels had an uncommon power because they affected both body and mind."
"Danielle Steel can put happy endings into her novels."
"I think that's quite useful in terms of structure for novels because one of the things that stops people writing novels is this kind of panic at the scale of the thing."
"Omniman has written sci-fi novels explaining how to defeat the Viltrumites in different ways."
"He wrote about this part of the country, and even his last novel 'Lady Chatterley's Lover' is set in a kind of Derbyshire."
"I always want to go back to the hardcore fans first because they are people who have been passionate about these novels for years and years and years."
"I always read novels in my entire life, maybe with the exception of medical school when I didn't have the time."
"I think all novels are about the past, actually. Some have public figures in them, some don't."
"Sibling relationships in general are prized in her novels."
"Food and the sensation of taste are central to MT's novels."
"It is the privilege of novelists to create characters who kill those of the historians. The reason is that historians only evoke mere ghosts while novelists create persons in flesh and B."
"Even novels now are engineered to keep us hooked."
"I have ridden and had published a Trilogy of romantic novels under female pen name."
"I love dystopian type novels because they put perspective into our world that we live in."
"It's not dissimilar from some of the other fast-paced novels I've discussed, extremely different book but the speed and the color, the texture, the weight with which it hits you like a literary locomotive."
"Then if you're a fan of Persephone Books, you've probably read at least one of the novels of Dorothy Whipple."
"These novels absolutely moved me to tears."
"The novels hinted at and explained numerous aspects of lore and history to the doctor's character."
"So that was the Man in the Iron Mask by Alexandre Dumas, which is a subsection of a colossal novel called The Vicomte of Bragelonne, which is the third in the series of novels that begins with The Three Musketeers."
"The found family in this is amazing, and Lucy Score is coming out with another book in this little companion series."
"I really believe novels are a way of telling the truth about something."
"All the happy families are of course uninteresting because all the happy families are absolutely identical. However all the unhappy families, oh they are interesting for novels right because each and every one of them is unhappy in its own way."
"Good novels, good stories, surprise you, by adding drama, by performing twists..."
"They have like box sets and stuff as well, but this has the light novels themselves, have a whole section, and this is where the fun really begins."
"I wanted this beyond the books thing, explore things that go beyond what's in the novels."
"Novels then should be a reflection of human fallibility and complexity rather than pictures of perfection."
"Writing novels is talking about yourself in such a way that others think you're not talking about yourself..."
"I love the novel as a genre... where emotions and thoughts can mingle, the heart and the mind can work together."
"To really know the man, you need to read more of his books and novels, and I think you will really get to learn a lot more about him."
"I find it really impressive that these people can write fully novel-length stories often at really young ages."
"Michael himself sent me his first three novels, so thank you, Michael, hope you're watching this; this one's for you, man."
"Reading novels has been shown to improve empathy."
"I loved Normal People, I loved Conversations with Friends."
"She wrote a novel for practically every year of her life, it's like 80-something mystery novels, it's insane."
"It's not only 1984, it's also Fahrenheit 451, Animal Farm, all these other dystopian fiction novels."
"There's just something about old school mystery stories and old school mystery novels that oddly are always able to get me with the twist."
"What better way to celebrate such a milestone than the publication of two new Dresden novels this year."
"His novels include of course Neuromancer, Count Zero, Pattern Recognition, Spook Country, and he is here with his new novel The Peripheral."
"I adore the novels... excellent design, such a shame it hasn't been made."
"Novels that are not timely but timeless."
"A novel is not its plot. A plot and a story is something that holds all the dear things that we want to talk about."
"You have a second chance that romance novels are made of."
"I would love your book recommendations for novels."
"I'm living in these novels... such a wonderful experience."
"I'm currently reading 'An Ember in the Ashes'."
"You can do philosophy by writing a novel, like a philosophical novel."
"I've written three novels in the last four years."
"Reading novels improves brain function on a variety of different levels."
"I try to make each novel as different from anything I've done in the past as I possibly can."
"The rise of the novel in the 18th century was contributed to by an immense increase in literacy."
"I just love futuristic, I love dystopian novels; they're like my favorite."
"It's one of my favorite Tamil films."