
Energy Source Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"As long as there are individuals out there that have the ability to overcome fear, the Green Lanterns will always have their source of energy."
"Ketones are able to provide an energetic life raft for the brain."
"Fossil fuels continue to be the primary source of energy for factories precisely because burning them is a quick and easy source of heat."
"Introverts... draw more of their energy from time spent alone, from solitude. It's not an aversion to other people, it's a style."
"Emotion is passion, correct? So if you push it in a direction towards the things you want, it's fuel, it's rocket fuel, 100."
"Nuclear fusion is the same process that powers our sun and every other star in the universe."
"Love is the ultimate force of nature, the ultimate energy source."
"The longer you fast, the more you're going to drive your body into your fat stores which are a source of energy in order to survive."
"Sugar is not the Antichrist. Sugar is the gasoline of the body."
"Lactate travels to adjacent slow twitch muscle fibers to be oxidized as fuel, making it a preferred energy source."
"The only way that you're gonna have the energy to see all of that through is to have a mission to know why you're doing what you're doing to know what you're fighting for."
"Judah reveals the real power source of little garden stating that a simple nuclear reactor cannot provide sustenance to the entire island."
"Every message that you get it's like another energy boost."
"Food is essentially fuel to nourish our bodies so if we have like a battery and we need to be charged the food is the nutrients that gives us energy to live."
"Your body runs on ketones. Your brain runs preferentially on ketones. That's your primary energy source."
"You're tapping into an energy source, almost like ancient knowledge."
"You can be a source of light for people, naturally being a source of energy, protection, and inspiration."
"Those are constantly maintained through our lithium battery pack."
"Accidents we don't have to drill or mine for fuel anymore because the fuel is sea water."
"I carried around nuts for over five miles an acorn and a Buckeye. I kept them in the crease between my index and middle fingers on both hands. It felt like they were giving me energy."
"Hydroelectricity is also using water."
"Almost free of charge, we now had a source of near-limitless energy."
"This Energon is self-replenishing."
"The brain is massively dependent on ketones."
"A good old-fashioned politically incorrect fossil fuel-burning generator makes the most sense."
"Nuclear fusion powers the sun and has been ongoing since shortly after the beginning of time."
"When Pierre and Marie Curie studied the decay of radium, they discovered a constant and seemingly inexhaustible source of energy inside radioactive elements."
"Transformers don't run on sunshine and kisses, they run on Energon."
"...ketones are the superior energy source..."
"The human world that we created needs an outside energy source, but everything else in this world that Hashem created has no energy source."
"Let's try and aim high. Let's develop a new energy source that solves many of these problems."
"As I've got older, I think I'll need less carbs and more fat as an energy source than carbohydrates."
"If you start to shift over to make fat your energy source, I will guarantee some of that fog that you have in the brain will start to clear."
"What does it take to become a champion? Well, if you want the most prized trophy in television, you need to tap into your own soul. You need an energy source that hitherto you may only have been vaguely aware of."
"I do think that it's worth looking into to see if we can use the energy radiating off of these divorced, weirdos if we could you know, harness it for an energy source."
"Most cancer cells rely on glucose as an energy source and are not good at using ketones."
"The source of energy comes from this place, it's also the cultivation land for physical cultivators."
"Nuclear energy is one of those topics that elicits very passionate responses from people both for and against it."
"The granulated sugar provides the energy that the bees need."
"Therefore, ketone bodies are generated through this diet and that serves as energy for neurons to function."
"When you fast, your body will significantly decrease its requirement of carbs for energy and instead of breaking down muscle, it'll mostly rely on stored body fat for energy."
"Fasting is potentially a true reset, allowing the brain to move away from just using sugar as an energy source."
"The Sun is a nuclear fusion reactor, a controlled one fortunately for us, and this is the source of its energy."
"One of the more controversial theories on the Great Pyramid at Giza is that it was an energy source built at a specific location to harness a strong natural electromagnetic field."
"Your body's go-to supply of fuel, sugar, will run out within a day or two of fasting. At this point, and only at this point, your body begins to move to its backup source which is fat."
"The implication of the future of uranium is simply fantastic, it's simply enormous in terms of power."
"The black marker will pose itself as an energy source that holds a supposed source of limitless energy."
"Glucose is the most important source of energy for all organisms."
"Brain octane is a superb brain fuel."
"I don't know where this energy came from, I'm assuming it's the Lord."
"My energy is coming from me being proud of myself."
"Fuels are pretty important; we use them a lot in our lives."
"This is anthracite coal, the hardest coal, pure carbon; this was the fuel that energized the Industrial Revolution in America."
"Carbohydrates are the most common organic molecule and the primary energy source our body needs."
"Metabolic flexibility is the ability of your body to switch between burning carbs for energy and fat for energy."
"Sugars are fantastically important."
"The energy we get from food began as light energy from the Sun."
"It's all about having that direct connection, that direct lifeline to source energy."
"The presence of liquid water is important and we need an energy source to have that liquid water around."
"Carbohydrates are simply the body's preferred fuel source."
"Bananas are an excellent source of complex carbohydrates, providing a steady and long-lasting supply of energy."
"The main function of these six carbon sugars... as a source of energy."
"Our ancestors understood that stone could store information and serve as an energy source."