
Cognitive Engagement Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"The more stimulus that you put on your mind, the more that you're getting out of autopilot."
"When people understand the what and the why, they assign meaning to what they're doing, and they switch on their prefrontal cortex."
"Puns keep our minds alert, engaged, and nimble in this quickening world."
"Finding a way to just get a lot of exposure in a way where you have to think about what's going on."
"The best games are the ones where while you're playing you're passively thinking about something."
"I research it until about 4am until my eyes physically cannot stay open anymore, so then I go to sleep and then I wake up and the thoughts are still screaming in my head."
"The brain finds it most compelling to learn through stories."
"Your brain is going to enjoy, and happy brains just learn better."
"A lot of it is actually spent in your own head, just thinking about what you know about the systems."
"Link summoning... it does give you more to think about when you're playing the game."
"Art doesn't have to be beauty obviously, that's an idea of the past, but I think we have evolved as a species to appreciate cognitive engagement more than passive beauty, at least that's my ideal of art."
"Stories engage our mind, our emotions, and imagination all at once."
"The human mind is hard-wired to pay attention to and understand stories."
"The winner of a milsim event or a training type of situation is the one who had their brain turned on the most and learned the most."
"Maybe by telling stories, we fire up a flight simulator of engagement with the world."
"Our attention is an immutable beam of intention shining all the same on whatever captivates us."
"Context is key, if I start telling you a story, all of a sudden your brain kind of holds onto that a little bit tighter."
"Always having something to look forward to... opening up that opportunity for your brain to pay attention."
"Spend time watching videos that actually teach you things, that actually show you their thought process."
"Deep engagement without open-mindedness... you have to be both engaged and open-minded."
"When you lead your point with a story, people's brains fire up and they start to try and work out why the things that you were saying matter."
"Already we're learning guys, already we're learning."
"Every picture is a story, and you're composing to tell a story to your brain about this thing."
"Start something, keep the mind engaged with open loops. Finish it."
"I used to love things like that. It made your mind go in loops... and I just love that." - Mr. Ballen
"Visualize, associate, add emotions, create stories: the keys to unlocking memory."
"This game is really chill; it takes a little bit of thinking but not too much."
"Go find media that challenges you, it really gets your brain firing."
"The Quran explains itself to those who think."
"It doesn't do all of the work for you, which is fantastic for your brain."
"I'm always thinking, even when I'm drinking."
"The quality of listening is attention and when you attend totally, your whole mind, your heart, your nerves, your eyes and ears complete tensely listen and you give your full attention."
"The difference between a beginner and a master is how much they utilize system two."
"We just love board games. They make us think, they make us laugh, they make us happy."
"Highlighting the importance of engaging our brain and using effortful practice to learn more effectively."
"It's such a personal, intimate experience and sometimes the intention of saying I'm gonna sit and read, which obviously takes a little bit of brain power, is an important place to introduce into your daily habits."
"Learning through a book is like a different style of learning because it engages your brain in a different way."
"I love the novel as a genre... where emotions and thoughts can mingle, the heart and the mind can work together."
"I'm going to be honest, this is like activating my neurons."
"It's better than watching telly. Watching tele is passively stimulating where playing games is quite active because you're using your brain to think."
"Computer science is not screen time; computer science is brain time."
"We define an experience as how you cognitively and emotionally interact with digital content."
"I'm really itching to use my brain and challenge myself more."
"When you can see the amount of visceral fat that you have in you, it just engages your cerebral cortex, your brain, in such a profound way that it helps you to overcome the resistance to change."
"You have to be able to think about what it is that you're doing while you're doing it."
"I love watching sport on TV, I love doing that. Quiz shows as well, I'd like to stay up on top of that just keep the mind going."
"The cognitive work that goes into the imagination can be very, very powerful because your brain draws from what it already knows."
"We're getting the brain working just as much as the body."
"It's so rewarding, and it's just like your brain's going all the time, you know, trying to figure this stuff out."
"When they're reading, they're thinking; when they're thinking, they're reading."
"It keeps your mind going, keeps your mind active, and you're away from electronics."
"The more focused the experience, the more engaging we are, the more determination we have, the better the brain changes over time."
"It's kind of fun and it makes you think about things differently sometimes."
"I am trying to listen to the little part of my brain that loves to read."
"The thing about freemotion quilting is it uses a different side of your brain than piecing."