
Industry Comparison Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"Hollywood and every sports league out there should be trembling right now."
"Streaming TV is starting to look a lot like cable."
"In the end, Killzone was still Killzone, matched against Halo."
"For every bad AAA game released, 10 great indie games are released."
"Voice acting is such a specific skill. It's very different to acting for TV, film, and theater."
"Agribusiness is what I wanted to do. Like Pricewaterhouse provides services in accounting, finance, and management."
"In a 45 billion dollar market, you know it's gonna be bigger than beer."
"The most recent reports we have... legal cannabis employs more individuals than the coal industry than the textile industry."
"The branded products could be way bigger I think this company is going to have basically the Reese's Pieces and the M&M's and the Patron and the Jack Daniel's of basically the jack jackson space over time."
"It's not us versus Ethereum, us versus EOS, us versus Polkadot. We're all very small. It's us, the industry, versus the legacy systems."
"Hell of a Boss: firing on all cylinders, surpassing professional adult animation."
"Music is like the gaming industry, it's all art."
"David versus Goliath. How could you not love the story of a privately owned company developing a full loot MMO with tons of sandbox features in the Age of games like World of Warcraft and EverQuest?"
"In its latest earnings report, GM forecast higher growth and higher margins, but still below what Tesla achieved."
"Its sales per store is higher than any other fast food chain."
"Blizzard had proven yet again they could take older ideas and mechanics and give them a more fun feel with polish that most developers just simply couldn't compete with."
"Descenders came out on February 9th and since then the game has essentially made more money in its first month than Rage Squid's previous game made in its lifetime."
"Lucid Air is Tesla Model S 2.0 on the company level."
"I think GE can make a faster improvement and comeback compared to the other plane manufacturers. Plus, it is a very well-diversified company."
"Electric cars are not necessarily created equal, and legacy automakers are struggling to compete with the Teslas of the world."
"Launching a new YouTube channel now is a little bit like trying to launch a new TV channel 15 years ago."
"You can't do that with music, you can't do that with film, but you can do it with games."
"So many studios, developers have tried a varying different levels, whether it's AA, AAA, Indie, but nothing is quite like 'Left for Dead'."
"The Batman Arkham series did for superhero video games what Rockstar did for open-world games."
"It's clear that Pornhub is being targeted not because of our policies and how we compare to our peers but because we are an adult content platform."
"Wall street's actually making money off of it... just like completely eclipsed by netflix."
"Data is the new oil... it's the extraction and what you do next that's the real hard work."
"Ultimately, Nickelodeon is 40 years younger than Disney, so they had a lot less time to figure this out."
"If you don't deliver the growth, the market will make you pay."
"Microsoft and Sony are not even in the same universe at this point."
"Canon or Sony, they're both just excellent companies."
"Netflix promotes a culture of binge-watching."
"Netflix released more original content in 2019 than the entire television industry in 2005."
"This is the best exclusive PlayStation working."
"Better graphics, better sound, better gameplay, more diversity, it's just really a lot of people, I think people that are Metroid fans would say Super Metroid is the gold standard for the series."
"Toyota has succeeded in building a plug-in hybrid SUV that can rival Tesla."
"Do I think SpaceX will get more flights out of a booster than Discovery's 39 flights? That's a hefty goal."
"Would you say that they're the GameStop of pools?"
"They're getting really good results... 2x what the industry norm is."
"Gasoline burns cleaner in our vehicles than it does in the factories that manufacture green vehicles."
"Try to keep this in your mind especially going into the future as you compare Tesla to how other companies are approaching solving FSD."
"The distinction between games and movies has never been more clear."
"Nintendo nailed decades ago that strong art direction and just, you know, being a good fucking game is going to blow the bloated budgets of Ubisoft out of the fucking water every time."
"Riot is absolutely Riot is basically what blizzard was 15 years ago a blank chat right like I have to prove and the team has to prove that whatever ride is putting into it is worth it."
"The visuals on the campaign map are really the best in the strategy genre."
"Comparing most Pokémon to most other Pokémon like games, it's clear to see who puts more effort into their design inspirations."
"Yes there's a level of mutual respect between these teams that we honestly haven't seen from any other oems."
"AMD is closing the gap; the 3080 FE OC proved to have worse consistency and 0.1 lows due to errant frame times."
"The Camry has gone from one of the slower entries to one of the faster entries."
"God of War stands proudly alongside the likes of Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharted 4, and Gears of War 4."
"Hell Divers 2 made Hell Divers 2 the right way, they worked on the game for 7 years before releasing it versus COD working on MW3 for barely over a year."
"I thought that gaming was just much more interesting than business software."
"Why PlayStation 5 is better than Xbox Series XPS 5 is saving gaming."
"Our new world is going to look so different; the cannabis industry is no different than the wine industry."
"The show is far beyond pretty much every American Western cartoon released in the last decade."
"Fans have confidence in the MCU, juxtapose that against the DCU, it has been a chaotic mess."
"AI is not just a trend, it's a much larger opportunity than crypto and NFTs."
"I mean these machines are just as valuable as planes, Boeings average price per plane is somewhere around 80 million dollars, ASML is selling some products that are twice as expensive as the average plane that Boeing makes."
"Well, in the beginning we try to contract those things out, but at Tesla and SpaceX, we start with most things contracted out."
"For every amazing gaming experience on the Super Nintendo, there was a Sega counterpart you just didn't hear about."
"If Ford opens Pandora's box what it seems to be and going towards like a Tesla and Rivian type of model..."
"I could even see a future where a popular and a well-respected YouTuber hosts their own version of the Grammys and could pull more viewership than the actual Grammys themselves while remaining less corrupt in making better choices..."
"Big Tobacco and Big Oil avoided further regulation and made mountains of cash."
"Twitter is not hard. Building cars is hard. Getting to space is hard. This isn't that hard."
"This product is like not revolutionary in my opinion, Tom Ford and Hourglass have been killing the game in the kind of wedge-shaped eyebrow pencil market for years now."
"This car still feels like it excels as a luxury stand."
"These new electric cars make Tesla objectively superior."
"Joker exists because the DCEU is not the MCU."
"Apple's M1 cores process twice as many instructions as AMD and Intel CPUs."
"Tesla's cash ROIC is at 23, within a stone's throw of Amazon."
"You can make more as a computer programmer or doing something in a creative arts industry."
"Traditional media is like a kind of sinking ship that will survive but not to where it was before, and YouTube is chugging along like an incredible ship."
"The health care industry spends more on lobbying than the oil and defense industries combined."
"When comparing games from 1991 to ones from 2021, it’s easy to see improvements in terms of how games look, how they run, and how they feel to play."
"I don't think we're going to be the only one...so much more of the car than other OEMs."
"Makita had the fastest average time to install those lag bolts."
"Ultimate family capability, comfort...the CR-V remains one of the very top choices."
"Vice is filing for bankruptcy... equates it to BuzzFeed... similar sort of lowbrow rubbish refuse."
"Value created by marketing is no different from the value created by manufacturing."
"We think a Netflix, Facebook kind of moment."
"Tesla is increasingly becoming a manufacturer of hardware and software just like Apple."
"NACS is the most common charging standard in North America; NACS vehicles outnumber CCS2 1."
"Head and Shoulders above every other Ute in this segment in terms of dynamic engagement and the breadth of talent that it actually has."
"This is exactly what separates Tony and AEW from WWE."
"This is like next level stuff like I wish Sony and Microsoft would do more stuff like this like true special editions."
"Stop [ __ ] killing kids Game Freak, even Call of Duty is outclassing you in this one."
"AMD is now becoming a lot more competitive, if not equal, with better power in some circumstances."
"These shows are putting these huge massive franchises and their television offerings to shame."
"I could do a versus by myself with hits, more hits than a lot of these new guys out there."
"The safety suite or a driver assistance package in this vehicle is still one of the best in the segment."
"There is no industry on planet earth that outperformed bitcoin last year."
"An incredible feat given that Tools of Destruction was made on half to two-thirds of the budget of other contemporary AAA games."
"Toyota has nothing of any value that Tesla has."
"Every Assassin's Creed game is like an explosion of creativity compared to Pokémon games."
"Tesla is the Apple of the automotive world. They're justifying a valuation that is more on a price sales basis than every other automaker in history."
"Critics worry Japanese automakers are replicating the decline of Japan's semiconductor and consumer electronics industries."
"It's not news, it's marketing. News directors are less secure than Major League Baseball managers."
"This is wildly different than other automakers who wait to update a car for the 2023 model year."
"Tesla has spent about 20 percent what Ford and GM have spent on R&D over the last five years."
"I think Marvel is there, the innovators... everyone else is... either an emulator or their counter programming."
"Tesla is poised to capture a substantial slice of this opportunity—an opportunity that completely dwarfs the entire transportation and energy markets."
"Lucid's vehicles are more efficient than Tesla's vehicles and vehicles from other EV manufacturers."
"I think in a way you can almost compare it to how Netflix changed the market."
"Changing trends in markets, from fast food to fashion."
"Autofocus is unmatched by any other camera manufacturer out there."
"Their marketing so far has been pretty on point compared to other blockchain companies."
"Tesla aims to produce 50 000 electric semi trucks in 2024 while the competitors are struggling to make electric trucks that are simply inferior."
"Obsidian's design philosophies really match with the time where Bethesda was making those style of games."
"We are so new to the space... we're literally in 1994 right now with crypto."
"Wonder Woman's hard work and achievements got the attention it deserved. Patty Jenkins' Wonder Woman is probably one of the DCU's biggest accomplishments over Marvel Studios."
"They know that they're in completely different spaces. Sony is tackling the hardware market while Xbox seems to be more focused on the services market."
"Even if the game was shifted to a Lobby shooter at this point, players were still expecting it to be a competitive Lobby shooter that could stand up to the likes of Battlefront, Battlefield, and even Team Fortress."
"It's extremely difficult, not impossible, but extremely difficult to catch up when Tesla has 100 times more miles per day than everyone else combined."
"Tesla's operating margin is above the S&P 500 and double the average of the Auto industry."
"The level of world interaction, history, lore, and depth, as well as sheer immersion to the worlds they create are in my opinion unmatched by anyone else in the games industry."
"Both Toyota and Honda decided they were going to make the vast majority of their active safety technology standard."
"The amount of difference of how good Tesla is and how well run they are as a company versus... it's just an incredible once in a century business case study."
"We are actually making EVs profitably and hardly anyone else is."
"Lies of PE does something that I got to be real fromsoft has struggle to and fail to do often and I hope they're taking notice of this and"
"Already has more stuff in it and more online features than most fighting games have ever seen in the entire genre."
"Just the one manga series outsold the entire United States comic book industry."
"It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that his talent rivals many industry seniors."
"He needs to go the route like what other games are doing."
"Ultimately, AEW felt more refreshing. It just felt different, like watching a brand new thing compared to what I'm used to with NXT."
"if their games weren't as consistently good as they typically are then you would see people flocking to companies that they have nostalgia for like sega."
"No other game comes close to the attention to detail that Rockstar Games has put into Red Redemption 2."
"John Moxley staying with AEW does one thing and one thing better than what WWE is doing right now."
"WrestleMania is like the Super Bowl of our industry."
"With similar philosophies comes similar results: open-world titles that are so polished and high-quality that others simply can't measure up."
"Netflix is now larger than HBO with 40 million subscribers."
"I think as it stands now, Royal Enfield supplies the best motorcycle toolkits on the market, probably on par with the old BMW kits from yesteryear."
"Destiny's really the only one that I can think of that is in any like you could you could call it like an unqualified success."
"Nintendo and Sony knock these events out of the park and then there's Microsoft like the kid in the corner."
"Blockchain is at a turning point, with the potential for massive growth akin to the internet in 2000."
"Deep Rock Galactic is yet another of those really well-made indie games that make me question the future of AAA titles."
"It's cool. It's a little boring in here. This is more of sales. So, tell me about this. Apex is different than SEMA. Apex is more for the automotive industry."
"The pet food industry today is similar to the Tobacco industry in the 40s and 50s."
"...it's possibly the only key EV spec item the Tesla range is missing right now."
"You want to start with an economic basis, you want to find two stocks that are in the same industry, two socks that have a similar supply chain, whatever, and then dig into those."
"Beta is a relative risk measure that's why I can go across countries and look at the betas for steel companies across the world."
"The channel report under benchmarking allows you to measure how you compare to others in your industry."
"Video games make so much more money than movies that it's not even funny anymore."
"Revenue has increased by 24.8 percent, is that significant over the industry?"
"People are talking about your company right now the way they were talking about Google 20 years ago."
"Tesla is more profitable than its rivals with operating margins exceeding 17 percent."
"I think we're as comic artists, we're much more fortunate than we once were."
"Video games are much better business than movies."
"I think that you have a unique sound. I think that you put together a project that is rivaling a lot of other projects this year."