
Esports Strategy Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"It's going to be a question of if they can get CarSa ahead because when we're talking about the two junglers on the desk, it was about CarSa trying to deny Kanavi."
"Riot have only really, if you look at their actions, ever used League of Legends eSports as advertising for League of Legends the casual game."
"What's really exciting about hero pools is that we really get to see the personality of these teams."
"The more we talk about polarization in this way, the more polarized we seem to become."
"Finally, they managed to break the cycle. It was not the same setup. Rcds is constantly playing aggressive up past the bomb..."
"It must be a reverse sweep for TL to win. Thank me for them; they've been there before."
"It's not the Ray and the Fade nade here coming from loud, so this is more of a firefight util hit."
"Shock needs to be more aggressive, bumper's not being as aggressive."
"Crusty shut the door as he says you don't get to come home until you beat the Houston Outlaws."
"Thank you guys for everything salute my people to another great project it's a 300K to a new year Happy New Year man 2020."
"Yeah, take a risk, just flip it on the bot lane. They could be Superstars, they could be mediocre, they could be bad, whatever it may be, just take a risk."
"It feels good knowing that we can now actually get a big lead against G2 in the early game."
"Fnatic look unstoppable...how do we approach a teamfight?"
"I think a lot of people in G2 have the X Factor and we can, like, I think we have really good eyes for like seeing the right opportunity to like punish enemy's mistakes and I think in EU a lot of people do a lot of mistakes."
"Dragon stacking four minutes, double enchanters Ivor and mid, sign me up for more."
"Look at how they set up the team fight. Utter dominance."
"Fnatic could surprise Elements... Fnatic are gonna have very high expectations for the rest of their games because this is phenomenal coordination."
"It's that formal three piece that really set up the... that first hill to get the rest of that time."
"Great play by karma that's exactly who you want in that 1 versus 1."
"I feel like if we can just get like one more map an SMD under a belt that works extremely confident in I feel like there's not really a team that can match up with us."
"It's actually fairly realistic for TSM and RNG to play one-one in this group."
"What a play from priest does he gets the high ground gets the angle through the window and hits the shots, a big clutch to bring us even."
"TSM does like to look forward, famously scouting young talent."
"Unfortunately losing a few Corsairs there in the center of the map but that's ok with an Archon and dragoons out there's no chance of a mute Allah switch here for Jaedong"
"If he does not get ahead in the early then fnatic does not function as well."
"They have so much dive potential and so much engage that I think Wunder is just gonna kind of get... they're just going to dive past him straight on to the Rekkles."
"Positioning is so key, ability timings, like which ones are on cooldown or which are off, and then also positioning is just so important with these Lucio rush comps, and Dallas understand this wonderfully."
"I think gx has what it takes to really turn things around and i think their best chances if they can take a game off of rrq that in itself is a huge huge statement."
"Fanatic is one of those rosters where I never agree with anything they're doing. It always seems random as [ __ ] and somehow also simultaneously after like a few months works out."
"Envy is so well prepared ahead of the game right now."
"He's someone who learned all the smokes and all the spots and how all the teams played and varied it up and hence is the greatest player of all time."
"I actually really like the team's smart bans, targeting strengths and weaknesses."
"I think the best way to play League of Legends from level 6 onwards is playing mid to bot or playing both to mid and controlling bot river."
"I actually like that. CLG is threatening the base before going to Baron. That's smart with Ryze."
"His hero pool is just perfect for the kind of comps and chaos comps while the Chengdu Hunters want to run."
"It's really just textbook Overwatch coming out from New York."
"The fusion they're pretty much playing for the draw now."
"EG just have everything, they can play slow, they can play fast."
"Guys he does it again just starts off the Widowmaker and they just do not see it coming at all."
"They outplay some of the ultimates and some of the plays from Atlanta Reign so well."
"The TL strategy: buy them when they're big and guarantee success."
"G2 definitely favored in the current position they've kept baron control on top side you can see the pinks around the Nash they've kept that top side vision and they denied any kind of split push opportunities from Mad Lions."
"A much different and more proactive SKT is what we're seeing in this game."
"And then all of a sudden, glaive calls rush to the outer bomb site and my friends that is where my life ended, that is where that's where it all went downhill for no [ __ ] good reason."
"Gragas should immediately be on everyone's radar already but these buffs should almost certainly put him back into scrims."
"Monkey Moon created full credit to him, he's been much more tricky, harder to read."
"Faker has to match, LeBlanc is going down there to match."
"So Rogue continuing to come out ahead in these early skirmishes."
"I'd rather buy the entire NRG roster than have a piecemeal shit and a lineup like this one, you know? Like, actually get a real squad."
"Dignitas already in playoff form in week two drafting pure metag Golem comp."
"The fusion as expected take map one looking dominant in the series."
"I don't know what to tell you, Tens and Relics were just in a 2v3 like that, their backs to the walls."
"That's one of the big benefits I mean if you think of the Seoul Dynasty it's like okay if it doesn't pop off that's fine because profit's gonna pop off either way."
"The way he utilizes his charms the way he's forcing out summoner spells is making it very difficult for rogue to approach these fights."
"G2 have the Baron now, three and a half thousand gold lead as well."
"I have more faith in Fnatic when against G2 than a BDS win against G2."
"Smart play by squishy there for the second time this game he makes the challenge without jumping just trusting the angle of approach to do the work for him."
"Mid to late, Don Juan Kia in absolute control."
"It never feels like they're five thousand eight thousand gold behind despite there being highlight movements for the enemy team."
"Astra is the main smoke agent of champions as she has been picked in basically every single match."
"Great CS:GO rosters weren't built on fancy op flicks or once-in-a-lifetime deagle aces."
"Singed is an interesting champion... he just kind of becomes a coin flip."
"Self-made does perform at a higher level when he gets a comfort pick."
"This time around it felt like T1's draft really just neutralized what Hanwha wants to do."
"Scarlett, she has so many builds, so many styles... she's been through every single meta."
"It's a signal from both sides that they'd like to calm things down, they'd like just to reestablish channels."
"Maybe before we didn't have that trust in each other that we were going to win but now like everyone's always all in on the play I think that's the CSM that is going to win the split."
"If you ask me to build a team and select the mid laner, you choose caps."
"Complexity, they might just win this round - config has a rifle!"
"This is what I love about G2 - they pull off these moves that you just don't expect when they're behind."
"Freak honestly too the Camille pickup here is fairly bold because they haven't thrown any top lane bans."
"Most likely team to join Cloud9 in terms of drafting to me, a hundred thieves because of Reapered."
"Throwing down the gauntlet game one: Team Liquid, your job is to withstand the storm. Cloud Nine, you must snowball this game."
"Every single time a blue car touches this ball, it gets Complexity a little bit closer to Sweden."
"Why do you run away in fear instead of just... cuz I know, you know? Where are my R5 support counter picks to win the lane?"
"Gonna do it, they're gonna deny Astralis the chance, blame doesn't have any time, does he have any hope? No."
"Great players are completely missing a trick if they're not device."
"Caps as a player is really willing to adapt to whatever his teammates want to do."
"Crazy Raccoons actually meant it with all seven players making a regular appearance."
"It's London in control, the point first. If they can keep Sparker alive, controlling all the angles across this point, the Ashe is going to be a really good pick."
"They stopped double committing for everything positioning is on point and just like we talked about in the very start of the match the boost management is on the par."
"T1 hold their ground, they make a play, they make it decisive and they get out, but they do not stop without taking a fight in the face of RNG. They are not afraid to push them back."