
Leisure Time Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"In a future where AI does most of the work, there'll be one thing that humans will finally get to do all day long: nothing."
"Make some time this weekend for your mates; they'll love you for it."
"The instant that humans became advanced enough that we were able to strip just a tiny bit of free time from each punishing day, we started making games of chance and skill."
"There were no duties to perform; we were completely at liberty to take a rest."
"I finally get to watch alive. Don't have to work tomorrow thanks to the hurricane. Wish me luck."
"Well, I don't have a tan and I need to be soaking these toes in the pool."
"Enjoy yourself when you're hanging out with someone this cute."
"Bro, I'm not trying to do this right now. I'm hanging out with my friend. I'm having a good time. This is recess, this is supposed to be my break from the nonsense."
"Enjoy the football tonight, it is football time."
"Millions of people sitting at home with nothing to do."
"Train a babysitter, pick a good babysitter, and you'll be able to leave and enjoy your time away."
"There is nobody else that I would rather spend this Sunday Funday with."
"Consistency is something that needs to be improved upon."
"Personality is revealed on weekends when you just have time. What do you do with that time? Are you solving problems or are you wasting time?"
"After years of making things right, the team gave the Belle a little time in the sun."
"Enough drinking to get [ __ ] up, Steve. [ __ ] up. Five o'clock on a Friday, let's hit it."
"You know what, I probably have nothing really better to do on a Saturday afternoon if all I have to look forward to is ranking empires of the world."
"It's a very relaxing way to spend some time, especially on these really hectic weekends."
"The apartment changed into my bathrobe cuz I'm gonna go have a bath and just chill."
"All we did was just like binge Netflix eat snacks go in the pool read and that was really it it was just four days of relaxation."
"The beard will always make time to sit back for an occasional drink and a hard-earned cigar."
"Not bad at all if you fancy a little bit of casual thinking as a break."
"I think if people don't have to work, there'll be more time to be focused on other people. And it would cause more damage, yeah, you're right."
"Spending time together, it's always good vibes."
"It's been good, it's been slow, spent Christmas watching cats reviews and they were so bad guys."
"It's good to have lots of free time, it just means you can spend more time with me, your best friend."
"Quilting on Saturday night - a quilter's life!"
"Beach picnic at sunset: Food, drinks, and chilling by the ocean."
"Who is ready for the weekend? I know I am, just ready to kick back and not do anything. Now would be fantastic."
"Some days you're cutting it up, having a good time."
"You gotta do one lazy thing together. There's nothing wrong with that."
"I think this weekend I'm just going to take for pleasure and just take care of myself."
"It's a good time where anyone can come and have fun."
"Five days off is great and 10 days off is a blessing."
"I usually spend time reading here."
"Seeing the rain come inside sideways, all the hot tubs on the Leo deck were completely empty, nobody was on it, so I was like, 'Oh, here's my opportunity to get a hot tub by myself.'"
"When else do you get to just completely Veg Out prop your feet up, eat good food, and watch movies for 19 hours guilt-free?"
"It can create an enormous amount of leisure time. Now what the world does with leisure time is another question."
"It's no secret that a lot of my time is spent on big lakes."
"Your time on the water is precious, you return season after season to make unforgettable memories."
"I'm gonna go hit the beach, and I will see you guys next time."
"It's always a great time to get your gravy, get your pasta, get some wine, sit back and relax."
"My flight won't depart for a while yet, so let's sit down, explore, and enjoy Auckland Airport before my flight."
"We all dream of having these like Italian or French lunch breaks that are two hours or three hours long."
"All right, day at the beach with my friends."
"Saturday night got nothing better to do, figured I'd hang out with all you lovely people tonight."
"Play is so underestimated in our world... we need to be encouraging kids and adults to take time off themselves just to play naturally."
"We spend so many hours out here; I can't even tell you."
"Following a system like this makes it a half day project; you can still chill out and watch football on Sunday."
"Whenever my husband Paul goes to the community center to play basketball or work out, I usually like to kill time and take a dip in the pool."
"There may be an unforeseen increase in your income, and you'll also be able to take some time off and celebrate your success."
"It's so nice to have a Tuesday night off for once."
"Have fun with your friends; go out and have fun like on the weekends."
"What a fun day playing hooky, I do mean it, thank you everybody that's watching."
"I'm busy teaching; I'm on vacation."
"Chalk it all up to the game, baby, we on vacation."
"I love to fish and I spend a lot of time fishing."
"How delicious do all of these sound? I can't wait to have like a Netflix night with these."
"Any day you're on the water's better than none."
"That's enough news for now, let's talk about what video games we're playing this week."
"I really need a day between Saturday and Sunday."
"It's an honor that people have an interest in this enough to give up this beautiful Saturday afternoon."
"We just had a chill night last night, didn't we? We just kind of watched movies."
"Whether you're having your day off or chilling with friends, have fun by watching this compilation."
"It's time to play, it's time to have fun."
"This is why I'm going out, to have a lovely drink in the Sun."
"Readership in the US is much higher when people have time to relax, especially on Sundays."
"I'm gonna go eat and play with kittens."
"It's Miller time, time to head for the best tasting beer you can find."
"This is where you can sit back and enjoy a nice cup of coffee, a glass of tea, a bottle of water; you've got the options here."
"It's a lovely Saturday afternoon, we are out here in the park basking in the sun."
"It's nice to have a bath, isn't it, when you've got time on your hands and you can relax."
"It's that time to just sit back and relax."
"I hope you play tons of video games this weekend."
"Hope you enjoy your Sunday, whatever you're up to. The Wallabies certainly are enjoying Sunday."
"I haven't been out on a night out with friends for drinks on a Saturday for the longest time."
"Every moment on the water not spent fishing is a moment wasted."
"It's been getting hotter and hotter outside, so we thought, why not take a break and have some summer fun?"
"Is everyone excited for the holidays? Do you guys have some time off?"
"I've been having a lot of free time and I kind of want to do something good and read a book."
"This amazing space that you built down here is not for you to sit and play video games."
"I've been spending every single night here, just enjoying a good Netflix show."
"Grab yourself a beverage, grab a self-snack, that's where we're gonna go in the next half hour."
"I like to feel like I have time to smell the roses."
"It's the day off, we might as well make the most of it."
"Sit yourself up with a nice tall drink, a snack, your favorite show... and you're gonna be there a while."
"Weekends aren't for sleeping in; they're to enjoy."
"I just want you to relax and chill and enjoy the time."
"Sunday is my favorite day of the week, and I have finished my socks."
"I'm not gonna say I have not missed it, but it was nice to have such a popping weekend."
"So technically, I have a three-day weekend, two in a row. I'm not mad about it either."
"This is the time to enjoy life, to enjoy your retirement."
"You can't only be focusing on making money all day, you need something to spend your time on as well."
"It's a fantastic day, really enjoying ourselves."
"Been drilling for oil eight years, if you're not lazy and like time off, get on a rig."
"We're gonna just hang out, watch a show, and be married."
"There's a time for smoking, there's a time for fishing, and believe me, this is the time for fishing."
"I'm off every Friday for the next month, and I'm going to enjoy it."
"We're just going to chill out, just relax, just talk, enjoy some quality time together."
"Having an extra excuse to cuddle up on the sofa with the peppermint tea, your box of chocolates, and a good film is my idea of a good time."
"You can spend as much time as you like soaking up the sign, getting some pictures, and just enjoying yourself."
"It's the freaking weekend baby, I'm about to have me some time."
"I bet Elon Musk watches Hallmark channel. I'm sure he does, he's got time, right?"
"This is the room that all of us watch TV and we usually spend time in."
"I just sit back in my little chair and relax, and it's just the best."
"I hope whatever you're up to, you have the most lovely time."
"It's boba time, we're treating ourselves to a little Boba."
"Grab yourself a drink, put your phone on do not disturb, and enjoy the next 60 to 80 minutes."
"I'm just gonna chill now and then tomorrow I think I'm going to do like a little pamper session."
"I'm really enjoying this and I'm not thinking about anything awful, which is nice."
"I'm gonna pick a cozy little corner at the house and start reading."
"Next time, grab yourself some cold drink, put your feet up, relax."
"I am going to lay in this bed, and I want to get up. Why not? That's what Saturday is all about."
"I hope you have a great week and that you get lots of time to craft."
"We're just doing it to be with each other on the weekend."
"This hair just gives me like summertime vibe, like Sunday Funday."
"Here's a list of things that you could do other than watch: go to a charity, find Jesus, read a book, cook something, chill."
"I think it's about time I showed you all the hot tub."
"Let's go out, forget the stress. We work too hard and have no time, so let's go relax."
"We're gonna hang out for a little while tonight, maybe do a little grilling and chilling."
"Enjoy your time and our local needle workshops need your support."
"It's coffee time, peppermint mocha time, movie time."
"Please get your snacks, get your drinks, get yourself comfortable."