
Academic Advice Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"Don't stress out too hard on all those exams and assignments."
"Really the only way to do well in this class is to get a lot of practice by solving problems yourselves."
"The best way to get good grades is to actually have a mastery of the material."
"Write your body paragraphs first and save the intro and conclusion for last."
"You have to put your priorities first. School is your number one priority because it's obviously the most important thing."
"Once you've been offered admission into a program quickly email the director from the program."
"Students that just focus on writing a clear essay write a clear essay and answer the question."
"It's never too late and it doesn't matter if you haven't finished the homework in time."
"Please, for the love of god, go to office hours."
"You don't need to master every single tiny detail."
"Don't be afraid to ask for help if you don't understand something."
"Take the SAT. If you can, you know what's the worst that could happen?"
"I think that would be the biggest Victory you could have in your life you actually pay attention in class and treat it like it's important because it is."
"For anybody who's looking to set exams and write essay questions, ultimately you look at what you're being asked."
"So being able to formulate research questions like this is just kiss perfect."
"Don't screw up freshman year because you just want to be on a good path up and not like trying to recover from every mistake you made freshman year."
"Make essay plans, essay plans are so useful."
"Perseverance is a key ingredient of research."
"Learn as much mathematics as you possibly can right mean that's that is for for for a theorist translating your abstract ideas into something that you can really use and make predictions from is is a precious gift."
"In order to understand this teaching, it would have been important that you have listened to part one."
"Guess if you run out of time; there's no penalty for a wrong answer on the SAT."
"Get a good night's sleep. Never pull an all-nighter or try to study last minute for the CPA exams. It just does not work."
"If you're interested in a sort of deeper answer to why there's a conserved angular momentum then you should take that course."
"Learning physics isn't easy. There's a certain way to approach physics problems, a certain style of thinking that needs to be adopted."
"Let this represent the beginning of your research, not the end."
"A bigger piece of advice is: get comfortable with fractions if you're a GCSE student. Your fractions are your friends."
"Research is so, so important when it comes to every single niche."
"When it comes to reviewing, don't watch everything. Focus on the stuff you're working on."
"Keep your grades up by going to class, being on time, and putting in effort."
"Every subject you want to study differently, adjust how you study based on the subject that it is."
"I would double major in Theology and world history."
"GPA is not everything... what's important is gaining the skills to achieve your goals."
"Choosing a topic can be daunting. It is important to select something that will sustain your interest."
"A degrees are still valuable so really think about the college."
"Practice structuring essays and you'll be absolutely fine."
"Subject terminology: clarity over complexity."
"If you do great research, then you will have a huge array of ideas to work from."
"Don't wait till the last moment to submit your exams."
"Hopefully, this will help you in your research and hopefully, you've learned a little something about the process."
"Don't worry about your future, as long as you keep training, you will get into a strong class."
"Go to class, get your work in, but have fun at the same time."
"Many classes have two or three big things that your professor talks about all the fricking time. Listen for that. Pay attention for that."
"Having a little bit of research experience is going to strengthen your application because faculty love it when students show initiative to do research."
"As MD PhD applicants, you want to complete your PhD within four years ideally, so you don't want to take forever if there's no one there that does the kind of work you want to do."
"The reality is the MCAT score does play a really important role in the entire process."
"In plain English, I highly recommend taking as many AP classes as possible. If you're competing with applicants at the top of their respective classes, you'll need to step up your game more."
"Let me assure you that if you leave the more difficult parts of the core to your later years, you're going to regret it because you're going to be taking much more difficult major classes alongside more difficult parts of the core."
"When you read the office hours on the syllabus at the beginning of the semester, I'm going to tell you to do something that most people don't do but that if you do this, it's an easy thing that will have a huge positive impact on your entire college experience."
"Length is important, longer essays tend to score better, so write as much as you can."
"Take a breather, and when you're ready, do the homework at your own pace."
"Go over it, get someone to proofread it... whether it be a friend, teacher, parent, anyone."
"As researchers, especially young researchers, you need to understand your own discipline very well."
"I think with your GPA where it is, with the strong upward trend, I don't think you need a master's if you were just applying to medical school."
"Work smart and study efficiently, and you'll be fine."
"If you choose the wrong methodology, it can cost you between 18 months and 36 months of your life."
"You have to think of your notes as something that you will keep for five years, ten years from now."
"Definitely take advantage of office hours and reach out to your professors if you're a first year."
"I'm going to keep that mentality: your advisor and your committee wouldn't have you go take comps if they didn't feel like you were ready."
"Just make sure you enjoy what you're studying and choose wisely."
"Always finish all questions on your exams. Do not ever turn in a test or quiz early. Do not ever leave questions blank."
"I realized how useful it would be to so many of you to have a bit of a list of must-have items that would be useful for you during medical school."
"Make sure that your school is accredited, that's a major thing."
"What I care about is what you actually see on the test, how it's worded on the test, and how you should answer it on the test."
"Every semester that you add to your college career significantly increases the chances that you will not complete the program or the transfer or whatever you're trying to do in college."
"Reread the question twice every single time, so you don't make that mistake."
"Invest your time doing that; there's going to be a few questions that are going to be rough for you, let them go, it's okay."
"Attendance is not mandatory for this class, but if you do attend all of the lectures, that grade could be pushed up to an A minus."
"If you enjoyed the project and the research parts of your undergraduate degree, then a PhD would suit you quite well."
"A lot of students will be really quick to tell you that if you get a C-plus or a B-minus even once in your entire undergrad that you're not going to get into medical school, and that's really just not true."
"Go ahead and give this a try for maybe one week and see how your grades and retention improves."
"The important subjects which you have to take are physics, math, English, as well as life science."
"If you follow all of these steps, there's almost no way you can write a bad assignment."
"Describe images in depth and detail to maximize your marks."
"The most important lesson that I learned this year was to start assignments early."
"I'll give you my thoughts on enrollment, what classes I think you should take together, and what classes I definitely think that you should not take together."
"If you want to graduate in spring, you should apply to graduate the previous fall."
"Stay focused, set up study groups, and just have a core group of classmates."
"Provide guidance to future researchers as to what research needs to be done and how it should be done."
"If you're using this method responsibly and not as a way to procrastinate, it'll help you stay really flexible and avoid a lot of the burnout that comes from the added stress of studying."
"Believe me, if you know how to solve questions like these, you'll be very comfortable solving the exam questions."
"The key to chemistry is doing tons and tons of practice problems."
"Plan your essay, plan, plan, plan."
"Your answers are always going to be rooted in your Henderson-Hasselbalch."
"Even if you're lacking confidence, even if you have no idea of the stuff you meant to have learned and your brain has gone dead, there is a solution that is going to help you in most cases."
"Avoid writing too little as this will make it difficult for the examiner to award marks."