
Tactical Advice Quotes

There are 181 quotes

"It's best to keep the sword between you and the enemy."
"Avoid mid if you don't ward or understand positioning."
"Hold down your choke points, you're gonna win every time."
"It's never a good idea in war to do exactly what your enemy wants you to do. That's called losing."
"Flight, if you just didn't run through the door, you would have lost."
"Always do more than you think you should do when hitting a unit of Death Guard."
"Switching to your pistol is always faster than reloading."
"F1 F3 is Every Mountain blade player knows the best strategy the only strategy a Jerry to the face."
"The safest place is usually right up in something's face smashing it with a sword."
"If you're attacking somebody and they have a weapon, you should be ready to die."
"You have to move away because the left is going to come out right afterward."
"Distance, utilize it, be creative. Don't get in Mike Perry's range and you're gonna probably win that fight."
"You need that control key, stay invisible, pop your one, pop your four, keep pressing that control key."
"What would be the best way to destroy a movement? Escalate it to the next level."
"I do think Ollie would have massively bullets him to be fair."
"In order to win, conservatives have to really follow the rules of Saul Alinsky because those rules work."
"Never ever get into a turning fight when you're flying one of these things. Never try to dogfight a Spitfire or a zero because they will hand you your ass on the silver plate."
"If in your team report they tell you that your team is good at dribbling, you should probably dribble more."
"Hurting a bunch of people into a place unarmed is not smart. We can all agree, right?"
"Use a sound step to get behind the target for wave orb and stuff, it works really well."
"Great shooting can sometimes make up for bad tactics but great tactics can't make up for bad shooting."
"If your enemy is making a strategic mistake, don't interrupt them."
"Please, for the love of God, master the shield bash."
"Absolutely, so you know especially if you find this one of the best ways especially on this composition."
"Velocity is what defeats cover and concealment."
"The biggest key point there is reload. Anytime you pull that trigger, be ready to reload."
"First rule of politics: don't interrupt your opponents while they're making a mistake. Second rule of politics: don't run directly into trees while kicking yourself in the balls."
"Underestimating your enemy is basically the worst mistake you can ever do in war."
"You don't want to be the first guy over that Ridge when that you have opposition on the other side of it you typically would want to reset get altitude and then look over it so that you're at a far enough away position that you can defend a weapon."
"You absolutely do not want to be the first one to fight if possible."
"The ultimate rat counter to the ultimate rap player is really just running cap can or proning around corners with a shotgun."
"You can stab it with your three-prong flash hider and just twist it and pop it cool."
"Let's make an entrance, we got a sniper back behind us, just let me know what I recommend here, Doc is run in a straight line."
"Learn how to quick peek, it will save you a lot more gun fights and even win you a lot more gun fights."
"Surviving is generally very oftentimes going to be better than getting one kill and instantly dying."
"In most practical real-world fights between the two planes, it would likely be smarter to put your money on the F-35."
"That's what Arsenal need to do more of - switch the point of attack."
"I genuinely think the game is easy as hell if you're playing tank jungle double carry mid."
"These kinds of tactics are going to backfire on us hard."
"If it's reasonable, always aim for the head."
"Rule number one, I'm never going to underestimate my enemy, that's arguably one of the biggest mistakes you can make."
"You want to get rid of this bishop because this off is so good on the diagonal."
"Shields are very, very effective if you do see something incoming."
"I swear to God, all you have to do is kite them, all you have to do is fall back."
"Start maybe attacking the body a little bit more, that's gonna help open up the head."
"Cowboy needs to give McGregor nothing to counter."
"Shinobi's ranged attacks are probably one of the most frustrating things in the game for your opponents."
"I think Corvus will probably do the most for you there."
"She should back into the hallway and demand Jerry drop the screwdriver, so she’s out of range of Jerry’s weapon."
"Drag the creeps away from the trees to avoid getting speared."
"It just really helps things when you're not looking directly at your magazine well."
"Definitely try to use this gun in as many medium-range matches as you can."
"One of the worst mistakes I see in all of Fortnite is that whenever you beam someone...never ever shoot your entire clip into the guy's wall."
"Don't stay there with this guy because in the end of the day, that's what happened."
"Switching to your weapon, switching to your pistol is faster."
"You don't have to be Sun Tzu to know that the last thing you want to do is attack when and where your enemy wants you to attack."
"Wildfire's reputation is literally spreading like a wildfire."
"Never underestimate the guy with a knife, even if you're armed with a gun."
"Let's use the AR from that distance man, that's how you do it."
"We try to make specific call out combatants, where like, 'Oh snipers are up top, make sure to take these over.'"
"Your remains need to stop the initial ult, they just need to get in there, going hard, going fast."
"The most important thing is to try not to give away pieces for free."
"If you can put a light on your gun, then you should always have it. You could argue that if you're going to have to draw your pistol in a self-defense situation, it's probably going to be in a low-light environment."
"You definitely want to pick your battles, you don't want to get into a fight that's a losing battle."
"Hopefully that gave you a view of how the battles work and how to command troops."
"Rotate ahead and get to a better position than the team."
"He tells him to keep it safe as it could be used to deflect the enemy's attack during a battle."
"This is what you want to do in a battle like this, try to get some cavalry there or infantry and just roll the enemy up, attack them from the flank."
"I think Sisters are a strong book, if you get into medium range with Sisters, you're in trouble."
"Be aggressive, sometimes your armor will work, sometimes your armor won't work."
"This spell is [__] stupid... it's one of the most formidable offensive incantations that anyone could ever end up with."
"Honestly, yeah, just get some more cavalry in play right here. Cavalry is a good solid answer to line infantry because it can just hugely outmaneuver it."
"You want to save that for the single entities, man, like if you can, you can straight up delete the Gladlord or the Branch Wraith."
"This game rewards being aggressive and it discourages turtling."
"Never go Bush to Bush, Bush to Bunker is just not the play."
"Save your hook for when D.Va uses matrix, Sig uses grasp, Baptiste uses lamp, Hog uses heal, or Wrecking Ball uses pile drive."
"It blinds him if you want to throw a right hand and the left hook behind it."
"You don't want to fight someone to their strengths, and Sean Strickland's strength is really just to walk you down and box your ears off."
"Kill the enemy leader as quickly as you can."
"Always run lasers on pistols. Don't run anything else."
"One thing I know is that you're doing quite often is using the log against an expo." - Ash
"The best thing that the square can do when it's being initially charged by the cavalry is actually to hold their fire."
"If they breach your wall with any significant force it's probably gg."
"The ping system is incredibly powerful and you should be using it almost all the time."
"The key to success is five scars in your inventory."
"When in doubt, pull the scar out. That's what I'm saying."
"Reinforcements are all about wasting utility."
"The name of the game is closure spread, closure distance. Be quick to pull the trigger once you find a good automatic weapon and decent armor."
"When you need to get the job done and cut through the enemy lines, then use your hammerers wisely."
"It is important that Ukrainian forces not lose the initiative they currently hold." - Ukrainian General
"One thing you can do is you can raise your levies before you declare war."
"Honestly, right there, you should be going for a Q then an E because you can combo both."
"The number one strategy that outlives all strategies."
"Seed, kite out, seed, kite out, do not initiate, do not initiate."
"What are you supposed to do as a CT, what are you supposed to do, stare at the smoke, push through it?"
"It's focused on you not on them the basic scouting is important make sure you don't just die to a bunch of zerglings or Marines or adepts anything like that."
"Take a leaf out of my book and don't do this play. I think this is actually really bad."
"That's how you win League of Legends baby play around the hand you're given."
"Let's not drop pawns in the opening, you know?"
"Don't forget that you can aim your weapons while you're on your mounts... so you can use your mounts abilities and you can help them with weapon support at the same time."
"Ruses are scattered all across the map... very important to get control of the map." - Storm Gale
"Remember that only the talents from the primary Commander matter when you're fighting in the open field."
"Whenever you're making a deck, think about what type of card draw and ramp specifically." - Deck building
"Don't trust the order resolve: sometimes it's about experience, not odds."
"Fire will give away your position, smell, and can be seen very well with MVGs from a long way away."
"Avoid aiming at the center of smokes: aim at the side to catch them off guard."
"Picking up those orbs quickly surprisingly can actually help you."
"Learning when to dodge and when to parry is really important."
"Renekton is strongest in the early laning phase and in the mid game as a result you want to be making the most of the lane phase so that you're able to extend your lead through the mid game and end before it gets too late game."
"Alright, stop firing at anything else, let them kick the out of each other."
"Which direction should you generally be sidestepping and sidewalking to avoid the majority of attacks or key attacks that the opponent is performing."
"Get in there, get in there! And while your troops are pushing, send up the reserves close behind the wall."
"If you want another good spot start, Foster Moreau. There's three teams that we're targeting defensively against Titan."
"I is a commentator but I will on this if you follow the underhook in there with the overhook that's a better throw."
"Assume they have the poison spell... don't player barbarians offensively unless your opponent has been baited out of their poisons."
"Use the brush to break aggro and line of sight."
"If you're not using Ghost, you're doing something wrong."
"This gun is extremely extremely good, do not underestimate it."
"Marauders on the waterfront are supplied by sea; burning their ships is the path to success."
"The pressure's on Manchester City, keep it on them."
"Don't feel the pressure of needing to force gunfights."
"If you're taking banners from spellbreaker, you are delivering insane value."
"Awareness is very powerful at least in the current build of the game."
"You don't fight wars on too many fronts at the same time."
"You have to know how to fight tall. Hooker doesn't always know how to fight tall."
"If it's not at least a little bit fun, then I can't upload it, dude."
"Get in there, Reapers! Ain't gonna be able to go in there by themselves!" - Press Stone
"Maintain your distance, kill it with arrows."
"Defensive play styles never work, the best defense is a good offense."
"Your goal is just to clear this game mode so take the towers kill the nexus and then win the game."
"Lesson one from battle number one: if you're playing against a graveyard player and you have poison, make sure you are saving that poison for the right moment."
"Focus instead on what's the best weapon for you."
"You really shouldn't only be looking for checkmate in these types of positions you should really be looking for ways to win material."
"If you go for the Q3, exp like if she's on your W and you're going for the Q3, she's obviously gonna ult. In that situation, just start backing away, like E away during your Q3."
"Just trust and know, your intuition is picking up guidance."
"So, I'd recommend that they ignore those B flags."
"This is a prime example why committing to a chase for a long period of time is gonna get you killed."
"Avoid assuming, respond by developing your pieces."
"When you take your foot off the pedal, that's when they will approach."
"Be super efficient with what you take and pick up that first gun. Super important."
"You should always defend the walls, never give up the walls."
"Okay, at least buy a thing, got a little bit of extra armor."
"It barely creeps forward and you're ready to go ahead and pull off that next round."
"Do your best to get around the flanks and really give the enemy as many flanking charges as you can. It can save you a lot of losses in the end."
"You never want to approach the military base from the East... very deadly."
"Maybe the conservatives should think about doing something similar... they're very good at it."
"Hesitation is a big one. Don't hesitate. Reposition."
"Folks, when you play against the knight, you gotta push your pawns together."
"Don't engage if you can't win. There is no point of engaging in a fight if they've got the 75% advantage or even 55% advantage and you've only got 45 so you're probably gonna lose."
"Never interrupt your enemy while they're making a mistake."
"The faster you move, the more time you have to shoot right, so we move fast and we shoot slow. In time, slow becomes really fast."
"Aim to hide the hull and play it behind cover if at all possible."
"You only need to be in range of your target at all."
"Good positions don't win the game, good moves win the game."
"If you don't parry those light attacks, you're pretty much enabling her to get into that sweet, sweet vortex and 50/50."
"Duplicating isn't something that I say you have to do... but if you're about to wipe on Wave 30 or 40, by God duplicate away."
"There's a time to stay and there's a time to run. It's that classic art of war by Sun Tzu."
"Bushes can conceal you when you're within them. Press C to crouch and hide, use them to sneak up on enemies."
"If you hit a power spike, make a play! Don't just sit back and farm when you're the strongest hero on the map."
"Close range, the classic pistol is better than the phantom or the vandal."
"If you're looking for an army skin you got to go with this one trust me."
"If you are gonna be playing tomb Kings, I highly suggest you bring some casket of souls in case you didn't realize it from watching this battle because it's very good."
"It's all about positioning it's all about your positioning it's not about your aim it's not about what you shoot it's about where you shoot them from."
"Bottom line: if you have to use a car as cover, get behind the engine compartment."
"The moment you jump out and create gaps, you're making it easier for them."
"Alleyways can be useful in breaking up a patrol pattern they can also be extremely dangerous."
"Always check the corners and the peripheries in these games."
"That's a breakdown on every position on the pitch so you understand what you need to do in each role."