
Database Management Quotes

There are 348 quotes

"We did not have to write a query like 'select star from category'; Entity Framework Core takes care of everything."
"The task system that we're going to build here uses a master tasks database and this is very useful because once you have a master tasks database, you can create linked database views to show yourself what you want to see."
"If you really want to query anything and everything, or you want to transact on the world, or you need strong consistency for all of your operations, or you rely on a solution that assumes these things, you really need to use Cloud SQL."
"And the Datastore really shines in these areas--super scalable, really flexible schema management, and really easy to get started."
"MongoDB Atlas actually makes things a lot easier, even if you're just doing a local project."
"Making a new object in the database is really easy."
"So, now that we have that password defined, what we need to do is add this account to our database."
"The beauty of writing the Select statement is that there's much more power in what you can return."
"When you're doing the same logic for every client request, that's definitely a good case for caching or even database normalization."
"Indexes are efficient cheat sheets for finding data fast."
"Transactions solve that problem by doing the equivalent of saying while David's like counter is in the process of being updated, keep Carter at bay, ideally briefly, and then let his data go through too."
"Microsoft Access is a relational database software program or database management system (DBMS) that runs on Windows operating system."
"Knowing how to use MongoDB is so so so crucial. You can build scalable applications very fast."
"We can now add data directly to our database here using the platform."
"Would we tell superman not to stop a bullet or a doctor not to save a life? Would you tell a nut don't even go there?"
"Optimistic vs. pessimistic locking: know when to use each in database transactions."
"We've learned how to get data from our database, delete data from our portal, add a new customer from our portal, and update an existing customer from our portal too."
"Each one of these pages has already been created for us automatically. The database is in the background."
"The new MongoDB driver is definitely a lot more powerful lately where it allows you to do validations as well."
"MongoDB documents: Keep them small and bounded."
"Learning how raw SQL works will help you understand some of the magic."
"Django's admin panel is a built-in feature that allows easy interaction with the database."
"Here's their website. It's called sqlitebrowser.org. It is very simple to use."
"You need to understand how to read and write SQL statements before you can understand how a tool like Room can make your job easier."
"The next thing we need to do is add a document to this collection."
"Another awesome thing about firestore is that it's able to work offline if the internet goes out and the user is still trying to send writes to the database firestore will still update the UI."
"Migrate database changes with 'python manage.py migrate'."
"Prisma is really cool... it's like mongoose if you guys have used mongodb with mongoose... makes it easier."
"You can insert multiple records at once with 'insert many'."
"Now we have all of our data inside of our database and now we can go start working with it."
"MongoDB is becoming extremely popular because of its speed, ease of use, and scalability."
"Structured databases aren't necessarily bad; they're a great thing. In fact, non-structured data, you should consider it as an addition to your structured data."
"Even if it's a stored procedure with output parameters, you can still use SP_help_text."
"SP_depends is really useful to view the dependencies of the stored procedure."
"Deleting a table may affect the stored procedure, so be cautious."
"The primary key is the minimum number of columns that you need to uniquely identify a record."
"SQL is such a powerful skill to have... you can query the data, extract it, and do all sorts of things with it."
"Marking the table as a date table makes the data model much more efficient."
"This group by and like count and sum is super useful."
"When we commit, that means okay, anything in the session, go ahead and actually write that into the database permanently..."
"The model is the thing that surrounds that and then provides us with an interface by which to communicate with a database collection."
"Optimizing database operations for speed and efficiency."
"It is a sin to have information that would help other people and not share it with them. It is perhaps the greatest sin of omission that you can commit."
"Functional dependencies: the backbone of relational data integrity."
"MySQL Workbench: Your gateway to seamless database management."
"Firestore is one of the most powerful aspects of Firebase."
"We want to somehow identify all of the records in our data set that contain numbers and the ones that don't contain numbers."
"We're gonna have some tools from terminal now, for example, you can run the command create DB."
"Firebase Firestore allows you to have such a powerful app with such little setup, guys."
"Setting the ID to auto increment means the next ID will be one higher than the current highest."
"Primary key: a unique identifier that prevents duplicate rows."
"You created a table inside the database and you added some data to it, simple, but killer."
"Inserting, updating, and querying documents in MongoDB is straightforward once you get the hang of it."
"And that's how you sort your notion database."
"A relational database management system allows us to store, manage, query, and retrieve data stored in a relational database."
"As a general rule of thumb, keep your row keys reasonably short. Long row keys take up additional memory and storage and will increase the time to get a response."
"See what happened? Hibernate drop table if exist, which table? Student. First it will check do we have the student table? If it is already there, then drop that table and create a new table."
"If you change the parent record it'll change the child records automatically."
"Watch out if you run out of space in dataverse."
"By using database change management systems we get a log where we can sort of audit everything that's been done to the system."
"We no longer have any users in the database. Our delete functionality is indeed working."
"...and the data was actually saved back to the database using the new encryption key, so now it's been updated to our rotated key gracefully and automatically with no errors for our users."
"The entire platform is actually built on Postgres, one of the leading production grade SQL databases."
"Maria DB running on a box with PHP my admin running on top of that. Beautiful."
"Oracle charges a fortune for its database. Yeah, you're fast but you're expensive."
"Azure SQL is a fully managed platform as a service or a database as a service."
"When they were sitting together then they were not having a good database. Now when they are sitting apart, how can you guarantee they would work together? Better databases are there, distributed databases are there, and they make everything work together."
"Super Bass gives you the power to have full control, full access on your database."
"NoSQL databases are distributed, fault-tolerant, and can process large amounts of data with high availability."
"Cloud Spanner, this is a fully managed relational database... if you want something that scales like crazy then this is the service for you."
"But the problem is that there’s a bunch of these relational database management systems."
"One of the core tenets of interacting with the database management system and using SQL is writing these little queries."
"Allows us to migrate our schema to our database very easily."
"Naming and using temp tables can help you deal with a lot of data in a more streamlined way so you don't get lost repeating query after query with the same code that you could just include in a temp table."
"So we will define the scheme of that index."
"Just keep an eye on any time your query... Just keep an eye on that any query that you fire, any column that you are using, you are indexing it properly, because that's when you'll get the best performance out of your database."
"We start writing stored procedures or functions right in Harran a couple to that data at this point which is very hard to migrate away from it when we're in a cloud environment."
"Learning Postgres and SQL has been one of the most beneficial skills I've learned throughout my entire career."
"SQL stands for structured query language. It's a language that allows us to communicate with our database and make changes."
"Probably one of the more popular ones is MongoDB."
"Tables store all the data in your database."
"That's how you can use some database functions to look up some data in a big table or a database, particularly where you've got multiple criteria."
"We're going to be utilizing SQLite for simplicity's sake."
"A whole new world will open up to you in how you treat SQL Server, how you treat your queries, how you treat your indexes, how you treat performance tuning, how you treat hardware."
"Your database is just a stack of 8K pieces of paper."
"If I'm going to read a page, I've got to go get it off of disk, put it up in memory. Everything that SQL Server does is in memory."
"In a perfect world, SQL Server can easily understand exactly what you're looking for."
"In our world, our query is indecipherable. It's a mess of all kinds of joins with functions in the WHERE clauses and functions in the joins."
"Our job, you and I's job, is to figure out how SQL Server is going to guess the data that we want, how to guess where it is, how it's going to pull that data out of the pages as quickly as possible."
"The first thing that SQL Server has to do is scan the clustered index. That's what a clustered index scan means."
"It is important equally for application developers to have a strong grip of SQL Server performance concepts."
"By having basic SQL Server client tools installed and knowing how to use them, you are done to accomplish almost all the performance tuning that you need to do."
"The SQL Optimizer included with SQL Server is very, very good, and it's almost always come with the correct answer in the most efficient way to execute any statement."
"If you're not using the database, yeah delete it. I'm gonna delete this one right now."
"If your application doesn't insert at the principal, the insert has to succeed at the mirror as well before the application receives an acknowledgement."
"Automatic failover for high availability, you need the witness if you want this."
"You could be running applications like SQL always-on, like Oracle Data Guard, and even data in memory can be stored in Azure Site Recovery."
"Let's create a new column here, let's call it user_id."
"We want to just write a policy, so let's say create policy."
"And we get back a 200 response and we can see our items."
"Be very careful with update statements. Insert statements? No big deal. Delete? Just delete the entire row."
"This is the tool that I like to use when I have to read deadlock graphs."
"The repository pattern ensures that if we ever need to change databases, the only thing we would need to change is our repository."
"...most of the times I do this in a stored procedure..."
"SaveChanges() starts a transaction, does whatever SQL is necessary to issue that to the database and then commits the transaction."
"And really that's the basics of Entity Framework. We've managed to create the database, we've managed to create data for the database and we've managed to read it back."
"Option number one is that we literally have like a translation layer, right? We have SSH key to DB name."
"Splitting your database is more secure."
"Lasting database connections... really is not that big of a deal."
"Expire on commit is more prone to a silent kind of failure, whereas having it on is more prone to a loud kind of failure."
"When we roll it back, the database no longer has that data, those changes we just made are gone."
"An ORM is an object relational mapper which basically allows us to translate database logic into simple JavaScript code."
"Related records is a sub-tab typically against transactions which will show any other related records associated with this transaction."
"Once we are done adding or updating or deleting all the data that is relevant for our database change, then we have to call the method SaveChangesAsync."
"The reason that this random function is okay on a small data set and terrible on a large data set is the result set has to be produced in its entirety first."
"This is the core where I wanted to go to in this lesson: I wanted to demonstrate to you how powerful adding object graphs to the database is with Entity Framework."
"With a single line of code, I added a bunch of rows to the database, which makes our lives much easier."
"You can load object graphs with a single query using the include clause, very, very simple."
"Access may seem intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of it, you'll see that it's really easy to use."
"You can control exactly what people can do in your Microsoft Access database."
"Auto numbers never change and Access maintains the list for you."
"They want to give you that consistency of performance without having expertise on every single team there."
"The best thing I love about Dynamo and the predictability, right, is I always tell people, do the math."
"With a multi-column index, always make sure you specify the first column in your WHERE clause that was specified when you created the index."
"It tells you right in front of you that this plan is better than that plan and then you've got a choice whether you want to accept that or not."
"This represents a concept that people that have worked in production on database systems for years are already familiar with: never delete a column."
"It's very important to understand how all of these tables are going to be interrelated."
"Tune your database indexes; don't deploy your code without testing it."
"The type of IMS region and the type of database that you use really depends on your business need."
"Normally, integrity is king and we sacrifice some speed to make sure that happens, but in this case, because of our access patterns and our database load, this was a real win."
"You're really in control and you can do basically any kind of migration, the right migration you want without downtime."
"SQL Optimizer will be there; you can fine-tune and you can improve the query performance as well."
"And we have now gone through all the CRUD functions: creating, reading, updating, and then deleting."
"Depending on your query, you can get a lot of information about the query plan which is going to help you optimize the query even more."
"Using UUIDs as a primary key in a database is a great idea when used correctly."
"You have complete control over your own data inside of your database, and it's all within one tool."
"Union, Union All, Intersection, and Minus are the four popular set operators in SQL."
"Table partitioning is a powerful feature to optimize the performance of data load and data query."
"With table partition, data gets divided into multiple chunks which we call as a partition where each partition can be managed separately."
"Partition switching is a metadata operation, in which case it's going to be almost instantaneous."
"With that, we can define the partitioning logic based on our need; it could be daily, it could be weekly, it could be monthly, or it could be yearly."
"This is how we kind of bring in new data into an existing partition table by switching in the data from an intermediate table."
"While partitioning can be used to improve performance in some scenarios, creating a table with too many partitions can hurt performance under some circumstances."
"This whole space is our playground, we can bring in whatever information we want from our database and assign it here."
"No database queries theoretically means faster response times to load a page."
"Remember to attach the record's unique identifier ID in the action links so that you can identify and perform actions on specific student records."
"So now we can update the database again, run the make migration script, create product model, and migrate."
"MySQL is something you need to look through in the future and it's something you should always be ready to check."
"We need to create some kind of a table inside our database where we are storing all of these tokens."
"The GROUP BY clause allows us to combine results into some sort of categorical or categorized output."
"The ability to read consistent data while data is being written is key to simplifying your pipeline."
"You want the ability to roll back in case of bad writes, which can be extremely problematic."
"What's beautiful about Strappy is that you can create your database models, you can create your users and permissions or actually just manage them."
"We've designated this as a primary key and labeled as not null, so it adds it automatically for us, which is very cool."
"Sequelize is an ORM, which essentially is just a library that lets us connect to our database and perform operations without having to write raw SQL queries."
"Ownership is a concept in SQL Server whereby every object must be owned by something."
"So once you know what your query is waiting for, then of course life becomes a lot easier."
"So instead of creating a brand new connection for each query that I want, I'm going to have a pool of connections that can be reused, which can be really handy as your application starts to scale."
"SQL is one of the crucial aspects with writing basic queries."
"I never have to write a single type for my database queries, I just write one schema one time that validates the data into the database."
"Putting your database in source control is huge, and it's free."
"It was generated for me by Django's migration system."
"Instead of us having to write low-level instructions to tell the database system how we wanted to execute our query, we instead provided a high-level instruction and say this is the answer that we want you to compute."
"This frees up the database system to do whatever it wants to do in terms of executing your query in the best way that it thinks is possible."
"If you know how to do query optimization... I can get you a job immediately because everyone has this problem."
"Drizzle is a very light abstraction on top of SQL, so it's very similar to SQL if you're already familiar with it."
"The first time that you use this and someone wants to run a crappy query, you can just go let them hammer the AG secondary."
"CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete."
"So now our app is fully ephemeral and it's really heavily leaning off of the manage database as well as the manage object storage, it's fantastic."
"So that we make a change in our source code, and they push that not only does the API get pushed to the cloud but also our database changes go to the cloud as well."
"Entity Framework Core makes this really easy with a process called migrations."
"Now it's time to write a query, so we're using sqlc to handle our queries and Goose to handle our migrations."
"With Access Database Cloud, you can share your Access database remotely 24/7 from anywhere in the world."
"Relational databases are very powerful, and Salesforce allows you to customize the relationships between your data."
"MySQL is a relational database management system that stores data in rows and tables."
"It's a good skill to know how to interact with PostgreSQL databases and hash passwords."
"No SQL is an approach to database management that is super flexible."
"The Python script will not only help you import a CSV file to a Postgres database but it will actually clean up the file names, clean up the column headers, and just prepare the entire dataset to be uploaded to the database itself."
"You could really be a hero with the tuning a database platform to run a database better."
"Your code is never out of sync with the table definition, which is amazing and very useful."
"Who needs Management Studio when you have this great console-based interface, and you're just making files for your SQL input, running them, seeing text files of the SQL output?"
"MongoDB is really a good choice for things like storing big documents of information or text."
"Essentially, they are ORM which stands for Object Relational Mapping; it's a tool that maps from your database to your actual code and makes it really easy for you to interact with your database."
"Indexing is very important as it helps us in many ways to manipulate as well as get the desired operation."
"I love that it gives you complete control over your own custom database, the design to create your own interface, the workflows to stitch your application together, and also the ability to integrate with third-party tools and services."
"Amazon Relational Database Services make it easy to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud."
"SQL is the programming language used to access databases of any kind."
"By having AWS manage the database for me, it allows me not only to focus on the logic of the application but also on the things that really make a difference."
"There's a couple of cases where table partitioning really shines and it can help make certain kinds of things much faster."
"I'm going to create this resource link in my database that is local to me called target database 1."
"One of the biggest reasons... you don't want to weigh performance on your operational database."
"If you've got a good IO subsystem, a full table scan is actually quite a reasonable execution plan."
"If you've got super complicated expressions, you might want to take advantage of dynamic sampling."
"SQL is very widely used, and relational databases have proven to be very resilient."
"Dynamic Management Views were introduced back in SQL Server 2005 and they are very powerful."
"A basic health check in SQL Server can be done by inspecting the overall aspects of the instance such as database status, critical errors in the error log, or active connections."
"The database management system also guarantees that the transactions of many users in parallel are executed as if in isolation."
"First thing I could do is empty the database in case I want to erase everything."
"With Multi-Version Concurrency Control, the database system is going to maintain multiple physical versions for a single logical object in the database."
"Choose a database system that supports efficient retrieval and sorting of data."