
Coding Skills Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"That's all it takes to go from a junior developer to a more senior developer when it comes to writing code."
"As a front-end developer, you're going to use HTML and CSS to build and style the content of your website."
"Coding is such a special field. What matters is that you have the skills. It doesn't matter so much if you have a credential saying you can do it." - Chris Peach
"Coding is how you get computers to do things for you. The ability to communicate with computers is just such a powerful tool to have." - Chris Peach
"Understanding coding on a foundational level has really opened up a ton of different opportunities."
"It's no secret that learning how to code is the number one thing that you need to do before actually getting a software development job."
"Coding is just as important as being calm enough to explain how you're coding."
"You don't have to code, but you have to understand data."
"Being a good coder means being good at learning."
"Get comfortable with actually editing code in it."
"Challenges help you take your coding skills to the next level."
"If you want to be a game developer, you should learn how to code."
"Len, lower/upper, and str are pretty cool methods you can use in Python."
"It's about skills now. It no longer matters where you went to school, what you did. Learn to code and you'll be employed for the rest of your life."
"This is a skill that's tricky to hone but with practice I guarantee you're going to be able to perfect it and write out cleaner code."
"When you learn how to code, it really unlocks your brain in a very interesting way."
"Reading other people's code helps you a ton in terms of writing better code and understanding different ways of doing things."
"Coding skills: You don't have to be a developer or a coder by any means, but you do have to understand code."
"You will be downloading code from the internet. You want to make sure that you understand what is going on, how to modify it, and what you might need to do to successfully run that code."
"Teaching coding, people should know the basic language such as HTML CSS or JavaScript they should know these things coming out of high school that's how you be that's how you remain competitive in the job market."
"By playing with your code, you start understanding how things work a lot better."
"I attribute like 98% of my business success to the fact that I learned how to code when I was in secondary school."
"Honestly, get in. If you're, if you're right, take this advice. If you're like 13, 14, 15, you're trying to figure out what to do in the rest of your life, figure out how to do coding."
"These tricks will help you to work faster, write better code, and impress your friends."
"I don't tell people to learn to code, I tell them to develop code proficiency."
"It does everything reasonably well, nothing is class leading or vast but I think it's a really nice overall package."
"Sometimes the kid that's a little bit slower at getting his code working, but blows me away with the creativity."
"Learning how to read other people's code is very, very important."
"Once you master one language, then the rest will be fairly easy."
"If you can do this syntax, if you can write PHP properly, life will go very, very, very well for you."
"If you can get your hands dirty and start coding right away, you're going to learn a lot faster."
"So I hope you all liked this video I am coming up with more such content on interview preparation and how to improve your coding skills and coding knowledge."
"If you start using it, you will look like the elitist hacker in the entire universe."
"Being able to write and fully understand the code gives us an ability to modify and enhance this effect in many different ways."
"Canvas are powerful tools and today we will add many useful tricks and techniques to our front-end web developer coding toolkit."
"Learning to read the documentation very, very precisely is going to be your ticket to coding with very few errors."
"If you know how to code, the job market's always going to be good."
"Once you have a good grip on the syntax and you start creating little projects with it, that's a good time to start introducing some of these concepts."
"Hello developers, are you ready to take your coding skills to the next level?"
"One of the most important things I think you can learn is how to debug your code."
"Help developers to upgrade themselves."
"It's really important to learn how to utilize these in your Emacs Lisp code."
"You can become a fast coder if you find this field interesting, which you can by just following tech problems around you."
"A lot of practice is what's going to get you to be good at coding."
"It's super important to know how to hack so that you know how to know the exploits so that you can code better."
"Learning a little bit about functional programming can help you write code more quickly that more succinctly expresses the ideas that you really care about."
"If you can write production level code, if you can organize your code, if you get used to using these systems early on, that'll carry you so so far down the road."
"I'd rather work with people who are willing to learn and are positive, it might not be that great at coding, than to work with someone who's super good at coding but is arrogant and doesn't take any advice from anybody."
"You know how to write industry level code."
"Error messages are actually pretty easy to figure out and they're really easy to fix in your code."
"Now why I really, really like this project, because displaying items using JavaScript... is going to be your bread and butter."
"And once we have all our three selections, now I want to start working on a date."
"Now you basically know it all, now you can write almost anything."
"Big companies are really fundamentally evaluating you on coding and what they call analytical skills, which is essentially intelligence."
"Anybody can write code, but writing it well and following good practices, that's really hard sometimes."
"You now know how to copy, paste, and edit a little bit of CSS and HTML code."
"If you're coding in any other language, it's always good to know a little bit of SQL."