
Code Quality Quotes

There are 252 quotes

"With all of this new clean code that you're going to be writing, you're going to need a place to host your websites."
"And the code is readable, maintainable; when new persons join, if the code is readable, it helps."
"The first step is to simplify the code, have less code, have code that is less likely to go wrong."
"If you want to write high-quality, easy-to-maintain code, type safety is one of the most important things to consider."
"With all of this computational ability and code comes a responsibility to actually write correct code."
"With TypeScript, we get auto-completion, type safety, and it's easier to refactor or restructure our code."
"As a best practice, always properly annotate your functions."
"Refactoring your code can make your view very readable."
"The proof of the pudding is in the good code."
"Code is very good at hitting back where you are thinking in a wooly manner."
"You can give me the worst programming language ever and I'm a professional programmer who knows make quality and I will make quality code."
"More copy-pasted code implies future headaches."
"With test-driven development, the idea is that you start by writing your tests, then you implement the code to make those tests pass."
"Style is about aesthetics. Are your variables reasonably named? Is your code well-commented?"
"Code that lacks a meaningful purpose creates unnecessary complexity."
"By writing tests along with your code, even if your code is a little bit messy, it actually helps make your code better."
"Worst written code with tests is better than better written code with no tests."
"If you have any kind of mutation of your object or any part of your object, then records are not for you."
"When you write good tests for your code, it gives you more confidence."
"Cohesive code makes debugging and modification easier."
"Any pull request has to be reviewed. Presumably you'd want only good code going in."
"Code duplication is down there with breathing, heartbeat, and a few other fundamental things."
"One of the specific goals of Go was that if you took two PRs, one from a really senior Dev and one from a newer Dev, the code would look nearly identical."
"A test failure is a definitive statement that our code is not working."
"I just made something that showed off that I understood how to work on the back end, that I could write clean code, that I understood how to hook up a front end with a back end."
"One of the goals of the unit tests that we write should be that whenever the code is not doing the right thing at least one of our unit tests should fail."
"Even getting feedback is important, even as a good developer, because you want to get feedback from others. Are you writing code that is effective, is efficient, is also readable, and maintainable?"
"I want to refactor this code towards the domain model."
"Reduce technical debt, have the cleanest code possible."
"Testing your code is one of the most important things."
"Good quality code got there at least in part because I used test driven development."
"The readability of our code is not a nice to have it's an investment that saves time and money."
"Writing duplicate code has a lot of disadvantages."
"Writing robust asserts is just as important as executing more code paths right."
"Ship good secure code the first time."
"Reducing the single points of failure of the code base is the most important thing right now."
"Effect also gives me more confidence overall. It gives me confidence to refactor my code."
"It's important to understand this design pattern because it offers a lot of bang for your buck, letting you write code that's cleaner, easier to maintain, and easily expandable for little effort."
"Some projects work differently, accepting code quickly and then cleaning up once it's been committed. The Go project works the other way around, trying to get the quality first. I believe that's the more efficient way."
"As we go up this pyramid, in other words, as we test more units of our code together, our tests will be slower, but they will give us more confidence in the reliability of our application."
"Writing unit tests encourages us to consider various edge cases and error conditions, leading to more robust and reliable code."
"If you don't like your code, fix it now."
"This separation enhances reusability, testability, modularity, and the maintainability of your code base."
"If you want to improve code quality in your organization, I would say take all your coding guidelines and replace them with one goal: no raw loops."
"...this code has zero coupling with my player or with my point of interest..."
"Why should we refactor? It's because we want a good quality codebase."
"By using enumerations, you define which values are legal to use in your program, making it easier to understand and maintain the code."
"Using enumerations as parameters of functions improves code readability and reduces the chances of errors."
"It's totally fine if it fails because it helps you to write actual good code."
"Code reviews can be given that you've written this feature and you've touched these classes, does it look like you've addressed the tech debt in those areas?"
"Implement SOLID principles for cleaner and better code."
"I think it's going to make code very good and very safe."
"Always leave the code in a better state after every commit to start the process of improvement aim to make the parts of the code where you are working a habitable space."
"Overall, this is a phenomenal code base."
"The more we can eliminate side effects from code, the more we can increase the code's predictability."
"Technical debt is a backlog of work that's caused by not performing regular cleanup and poor coding and all of this is solved through refactoring."
"The best answer is read good code."
"Once you become familiar with them, you'll see that there are many ways you can use them to improve your functional programming code and eliminate boilerplate, replacing it with expressive readable code that more clearly expresses your intention."
"It's probably still worth it, I'm willing to put up with a few little impurities in my code if it makes it net simpler."
"Every time we're moving code from a stateful messy mutation-heavy part of the system to a place where it's just pure and perfect, it's better."
"There's actually this technical term in the world of programming which is code smell."
"SonarQube is a fantastic tool that allows us to create quality gates and shows us how our code behaves."
"Robust code that pleases reviewers and can stand the test of time."
"Code reviews are actually really good."
"Code reviews have tangible and intangible benefits."
"Return of investment in code reviews can be measured in various ways."
"The unsafety factor... will effectively lead you down a path of writing worse code and more unsafe code."
"Pure functions result in clean code."
"They're decoupled and independent."
"The safe Parts allows you to actually do some true false validation which is really important."
"Code quality generally refers to a number of different things, but generally good code quality is considered to be well tested, it follows maybe consistent styling."
"With Typescript, you can write more robust and maintainable code, catching potential errors during development."
"Unit tests provide early feedback, aiding in faster development and stronger code."
"Early unit testing, even with low coverage, accelerates development and strengthens code."
"You'd be surprised how many times it's just a single error or a single line out of place."
"Ultimately, your code quality is limited by your test quality."
"Good unit tests are easy to understand; they prove that each piece of our code does what we want."
"AI... generates you basically perfect code that is bug-free and leak-free."
"It provides you with code separation, keeps your test and locator separate, and makes your code clean and easier to understand and maintain."
"The refactor step is where our sole focus is on making the code cleaner, better structured, easier to read."
"If you feel the need to write a comment, your first response should be to look for ways to refactor the design so that the comments aren't necessary."
"With DBT, the code you'll write will be clean, easy to find and understand, easy to test and document."
"Keep your functions short. Your functions should do one thing and do it well."
"Clean code is cheap because you can move forward quickly."
"You don't want to get a bit of code that's spaghetti; you want to get a code that's well structured and laid out."
"The real software product crisis is not that we don't know how to estimate or that our estimates are wrong, but rather that we're building code that doesn't do anything useful."
"We want to make sure that code is readable, understandable, and clearly expresses the intent of what's being written."
"Make sure that you address your warnings because they will help you out if your code has bugs."
"I wish all my code could look like this, it's purdy."
"These statements enforce you to write robust and less error-prone code."
"Structured bindings... it helps clean up our code."
"If I achieve that, my code gets more composable, it gets more general, it's more correct, it's more efficient."
"It helps maintainability and readability a tiny bit, makes the code more understandable."
"Burn down the number of warnings until we reach zero."
"Being trivially destructible and trivially copyable are probably the best things you can do to write optimizable code."
"Casting away const... is a code smell."
"Optimizing for readability is actually a win."
"Standard move itself is a code smell."
"Webflow writes beautiful code and gives you access to the code if you want it."
"This is easier to read, more maintainable, just a nicer form of code to work with."
"That's a huge benefit with enums, they help make a program more readable."
"Refactor your conditionals into a boolean variable or into a boolean function to make your code more readable."
"Can we make the code nicer? There totally is a way."
"Code that is more testable is also code that is following the SOLID principles."
"Our code is a lot more cleaner now."
"The overall quality of the code is going to improve with the help of this JUnit framework."
"Good code and good documentation go hand in hand and make each other better."
"Mastering these things is a really important step to writing clean, elegant code in Rust."
"Write your unit tests and get good at unit tests because it makes you employable and it makes it so that your code doesn't stink."
"You can write absolutely perfect code, but if you haven't addressed the problem that was supposed to be solved, then that code doesn't really have any value."
"It's very important to aim for code that is as easy as possible to read."
"It actually forces you to write better code and more predictable code."
"The better the code readable, the more quality delivers her no matter where."
"That makes working with your code much cleaner."
"If this was a project you want to sell, now would be a great time to clean up your code base, get rid of some spaghetti code, and output repeating tasks to utility functions."
"We all know that testing is very important; well-tested code bases make our jobs easier and our products better."
"Testable code overall is just better code."
"Making your codebase mostly functional or mostly pure... is gonna make your life so much easier when you're testing."
"Make coding or the code quality a point of pride in our organization."
"The best way to avoid bad pointers is to just not write buggy code."
"Unit testing is by far one of the first lines of defense that you can have in place to make sure that your code is doing what your code needs to do."
"Thinking about how to write maintainable and readable code is way more important in most situations."
"And to write clean and reusable code."
"If you had that button and if you believed it, you could clean the code."
"Once you see how much value it delivers for your code base, for your work, I think that's a huge takeaway."
"These higher-order functions are going to make your code nice."
"Clean code will enable you to have your software last longer in production, which is to increase the longevity."
"Your focus should always be to write clean code."
"You can be rest assured that you will never push broken code to your client."
"Refactoring consists of improving the internal structure of an existing program's source code while preserving its external behavior."
"Well-written code pre-answers those questions."
"Structured concurrency is probably best understood by first looking at unstructured code."
"Referential transparency is a property of code that we really like because it helps us reason about code at the local level."
"Code reviews drastically reduce the amount of defects in software."
"It's easier for people to read your code, it's easier for you to check your code, and you're actually going to be less prone to mistakes."
"Inheritance... eliminates redundant code."
"An acceptance test asserts that the code does what the users want the code to do."
"With the help of GitHub, the quality of code has significantly increased."
"I like them for that kind of cleanliness and just making it so that the code is really easy to read and easier to follow."
"Performance is important but way more important is your code readability."
"Writing code in this way can greatly improve the quality and stability of the applications that you write."
"Unsafe by default is better. It's the same principle behind 'const' ultimately, right? And we like 'const'."
"The code coverage is a metric which measures how many lines of your code are executed while the automated tests are running."
"Code coverage is an important metric which reflects the healthiness of the software."
"It's readable; it's all the same Dart code that probably you would be more or less writing yourself."
"Overall, I think this is really good, I would probably just clean up this code a little bit."
"If you want to go fast forever, you have to have clean code because bad code will slow developers down."
"Out of the box, it looks pretty good, and the code seems very readable as well."
"As a programmer, it is our responsibility to think about what code we are adding in our project, is it quality driven or not?"
"You feel you can sleep a lot better if you know the code that gets into production is tested."
"You're writing code for other developers; always keep that at the back of your mind, and you'll naturally write better code."
"I have always had tests running on it so every time I make changes to the books, I increase the test coverage."
"Don't repeat anything; whenever you repeat stuff in your code, you're essentially committing an act of hard coding."
"The important point is that there's a higher signal-to-noise ratio in this code."
"Make sure our code is clean, organized, and easy to read."
"Constraints serve to act as preconditions on instantiation."
"Your code should be well written enough so that anyone can read it and understand what's going on."
"The best thing is to not let that happen; write your really high-quality code so that they don't face those crashes."
"The amount of bugs in your code is directly proportional to the amount of code you've written, so write less code."
"Everything was linted correctly, and our code all looks good, so this action has indeed passed."
"Test a lot... test your code, try and torture it a bit and see if it works."
"You want to develop your code in such a way that it is easy to change up and readable."
"It's a good idea to get into a habit of commenting your code regularly and extensively."
"Every step of the implementation, every line of the code really is the result of collaboration."
"You grow as a team. The better the code your colleagues write, the better your understanding is going to be."
"Cleaner code, fewer top points, more modular code - all the good things that good programmers need to know."
"Software engineering is a standardized, structured, and thorough approach to writing code."
"Strict Data Typing or Strong Data Typing... means that any changes of Data Type will be shown in the code."
"The third part is the refactor phase, this is where we clean up our code to make it more readable and maintainable."
"We encourage you to write lots and lots of fast, scalable unit tests that test all your exhaustive conditions."
"This is kind of self-documenting because if you have good code, you know what it's doing."
"Maintainability is all about the future, about being able to look after and fix and extend your code."
"Getting things done in the static analysis in the code analyzer is much easier because you can adapt actually any tool by your team."
"We've got a test harness that gives us a safety net and allows us to go ahead and refactor our code into much cleaner, much better separated, much more elegant code."
"Structured programming brings structure into the code."
"Refactoring is easy, reading and using the code is actually a lot easier."
"Use asserts as a form of documentation."
"Improve developer productivity, better code quality, happier teams, happier users, happier everybody."
"Make code quality management accessible to everyone with minimal efforts."
"We can't underestimate the amount of thinking work that's involved in figuring out where these explicit points in our code should be."
"If you can't be confident that you can rewrite some code without introducing bugs, I think that's probably a concern that you should address more head-on."
"It makes our code easier to read, update, and extend."
"Your goal should be to write code that is as readable and clean as possible."
"What's the purpose of using generics and how can we use them to better enhance the quality of our code?"
"The main use case for this is that even though you can run Lint during your development, you really want to run it continuously on a server along with your unit tests, right?"
"Every piece of code that's checked in is code reviewed by at least one person."
"Null safety catches issues immediately, making code safer."
"I went on to rewrite and clean up a lot of my code as I wanted to make sure I keep things readable and reusable."
"There is no right and wrong as long as you can keep your code clean and well-structured."
"You don't have to worry about none of that spaghetti code."
"Assertions are used to make sure that the assumptions on computations are exactly what the function expects them to be."
"PL/SQL also offers a compile time warnings feature that... offers advice about ways to improve the quality of your code."
"My application is easy to unit test; I don't worry about dependency bloat; my code is clean; it has high signal to noise."
"A well-commented piece of code will be a lot easier to read, improve, and edit later down the line."
"You can turn this thicket of insanity into a beautiful garden of tests."
"Clean code is a code that can be easily used by a team and that's easy to understand upon first glance."
"Hopefully you've seen that by testing, it allows us to question our code and whether we're capturing errors in the correct place."
"Files modified by multiple authors in a short amount of time are more likely to cause breakages."
"Code hygiene and keeping things as simple and as comprehensible as possible will help you or your future version of you to understand what we did here."
"Automated testing and quality control are essential for maintaining a high standard of code."