
Team Play Quotes

There are 219 quotes

"Injection star power is so much better and helps Byron a lot in team fights."
"Infinite Horizon does this: when you gain Mirage Cloak, the trait is also applied to all of your illusions."
"If you constantly were playing between bottom and mid, pulling, getting your level six pretty early... this game's free."
"I thought the out cricket from both teams was spectacular actually."
"Typical just doesn't get the read and rattles is it back."
"If you're going to play out from the back... you gotta have players who can play it."
"Being flexible and proficient in multiple Legends makes you a better teammate."
"Okay, let's go flight, who do you have unlocked on attack?"
"Riley's NATO's win you games, bro. I swear, Riley's NATO's win you games."
"He's been the guy his entire life, but he showed in Vegas that he can play in a winning system."
"Wave 48, we got to it using only the upgraded spider camera - that's pretty sweet."
"It's not just the result, it's the way they've played."
"That's a great diving play to save that volleyball and give your team another chance to be successful."
"For those who like to battle with their significant other in a team, there are lots of class options for you... you can adopt the trainer class Guy or Girl in Love."
"Sharing your vision and your story is the first step to figuring out if your vision is going to work with everybody at the table because this is a team game."
"Rejoice, Bungie has finally added an in-game LFG system to help players find fire teams for any activity."
"Dante has been showing some good stuff on that Winston."
"Keep an eye on Poco's position to prevent multi-target hits."
"This is what you're going for, capturing those flags. Every point matters."
"It's gonna be basically to zone away once the Sion and the Jarvan jumps in."
"Getting good engages, spacing well, making the game hard for their carry, that sort of stuff."
"I do not like people who steal farm from those who are carrying you so hard."
"What an insane one versus series of 1v1 from zombs and the distraction from his teammates trying to keep him keep zombies give him the best chance he could beautiful stuff there from i mean from both teams playing so such a sick round."
"Fnatic's way of cracking this game open is through bot."
"RS 180s: The best possible sound quality wise, absolutely get the RS 180s."
"Call of the Dead is a really unique Easter Egg because you actually have to work as a team if you're playing as a team."
"Are you a solo player who's tired of playing alone? You've had it up to here with LFG and you just want non-toxic teammates you can actually talk to? Well, good news..."
"Tanks and healers are always needed in games so learning how to tank and how to heal will mean you're always in high demand."
"Breaking up the enemy team by just pouring damage into them."
"All of the great moments in Planetside involved a big defense."
"The infinite battle rezzes really help with making progression less annoying and more fun."
"Mickey with a really good three-man charm but it's not quite enough."
"Sexy football, sexy goals, pressing as a team."
"Maryland and Indiana both wanted to play through the post."
"I thought about this a little bit last night with the fact that it came together, obviously not a high amount of passes."
"Sometimes it's not about the kills, it's about your experience, map control, and objectives."
"Quite the adventure it's been, pretty fun though."
"This game finally shakes up the formula a little bit by including playable teams of up to three characters."
"The cool thing about RNG is that stylistically they can play a 131 or they can play a five a five."
"It's all about just getting trading those kills and getting some hill time right into the game."
"Without control the point it's almost impossible again you're out here especially with the aim of Letta on."
"His ultimate's gonna be crucial catches just one is not going to be crucial not gonna be relevant there gonna get the reset there on odors ulti"
"Focus on CS and objectives only. Don't play with your teammates."
"Playing with Yao was one of the greatest times in my basketball life."
"Being able to have a quick repositioning tool to get your team to safety and healed up again is going to be really valuable."
"Never dive head first into your own grave by going into a 1v5."
"Wow, we actually completed a game there. That's actually pretty crazy with how many people we had in there."
"Apex Legends is really a team-focused battle royale title with the classic formula in place."
"I respected how he was able to affect the game without hogging all the shots."
"Ultimate bravery 5v5: Is this a terrible idea or a good idea?"
"It was incredibly fun, team games were even more exciting with friends, a competitive ranking and placement system akin to that of Alif I'd created an intense and competitive environment for players to Duke it out online."
"It doesn't matter for me whether you score the winning goal or make the assist."
"Playing Trigger Discipline correctly is round-winning."
"Scottie Barnes, the potential to be an elite defender, a selfless player, and a potential Draymond Green comparison."
"Rotation made the push and ultimately flushed out their kills for the squad wipe."
"If you want to play back and simply help your team, enchanters are the classic definition of a support."
"I remember playing in a pub team when I was like 17 and getting absolutely balled out for being greedy because I thought I could take everyone on."
"Listen, everything that makes board games great, these social dramatic experiences that you can bond over with your friends and family at your table, is amplified when you play team games."
"Defeating the opponent... strategy and communication is incredibly key here."
"The gameplay is immersive, offering a lot of fun mechanics, especially in team play."
"OverWatch should aim for a version where crazy combos and counterplays are the norm in matches."
"Combat in any D&D campaign can be very scary, but if we're ever in a tricky situation, we know we can always count on Ava to flip our enemies off drunken bird and cast Moonbeam on them to stop them in their tracks."
"I always hope that you use the Nano boost on the monkey in order to charge his primal rage but even if he already has it he's still your best nano target because it makes him so durable."
"I actually really like the team's smart bans, targeting strengths and weaknesses."
"Eliminate your ego as much as you can so the game is no longer about you."
"I actually like that. CLG is threatening the base before going to Baron. That's smart with Ryze."
"A shieldless rein is usseless, it's free ultimate charge and it allows your teammates as well to follow up on the pressure that you created."
"Thresh is definitely main-worthy. If you practice Thresh enough, you will be absolutely able to 1v5."
"You push another mid wave, you disappear into their jungle, this time on the pink they are so scared they don't know what the [ __ ] to do."
"Team play is back...it should have never left the game to begin with."
"Team play is finally back in the game...a huge thing that people have been begging for."
"We just create the biggest blockade we can out of cars on the bridge and kill people as they come to us."
"That was lit, bro, hey, we got some big dubs to do, I said we're gonna play dubs."
"The crimson fists... still get the bolter buff and instead of ignoring cover they get a bonus against hordes."
"Even if I missed the three point... I knew we had the five pointer."
"But with the Elemental Rift, if your team is the first to slay three dragons, you’ll get a powerful advantage called the Dragon Soul, which matches that game’s Rift."
"It's more about either enabling a teammate or disabling the enemy's key threat."
"Alright, let's get the rock Drake's, get the rock Drake's."
"Combo Ultimates are essential. If you combo, you will win."
"Specializing to specific roles not only allows you to maximize your playtime but also your improvement."
"Easy game for us, just like we showed last week. Control the tempo, do the same thing today."
"If we lose this game, it's not my fault, the game's fault."
"It's so interesting to go through the different possible ways that these two teams can play"
"As long as this is the one AKO against Blastoise, we win."
"Gene's ability to displace brawlers for a goal opportunity or isolate them for the ultimate result of a 3v2 is really powerful."
"Just like in mid lane examples, we push the wave to pin down the enemy and then pivot elsewhere."
"You gotta have a guy that says you know what just go get open."
"All three Pro Bowlers, you said it right, and all three came through with very tight coverage one after another."
"This game is super lit, it's so cool guys, guys, we haven't beaten a single challenge yet, guys."
"Let's not kill the last one, please. Let's just let him live."
"When you play this game with your friends online, have three people joining you on your team it is the fucking it's just awesome."
"He's constantly saying 'a guy, a guy on her right.' No chance of a team, no hearing, no maybe, no thinking. Just there is definitively a guy."
"What a privilege, what an opportunity to play with great players from other schools."
"Lovely cross by Bruno, we should be scoring that."
"Lovely play, lovely goal, the way they play football Spurs under an is incredible."
"Even World of Warcraft requires voice chat for high-level raiding."
"another lesson to learn i would say is basically how he works with his teammates mostly violet because it's tracer zen and there's like a lot of natural synergy there."
"It's gonna be fun playing with him, for sure."
"I was excited to play with Josh Allen. I knew he could get me 10 touchdowns."
"I love the commitment by Fudge to go in and then bait with Zhonya's afterwards."
"When heroes are balanced closely enough, individual player performance and teamwork have significantly more impact."
"His whole team play aspect helping other lanes out."
"He does so many little things well that you don't necessarily... he'll screen those little touch passes that don't get the assist but they're the pass before the assist, the incubator of it."
"Overwatch is a wonderful game at creating these exciting moments."
"Mercy still has the ability to res people which is the reason why she's there like that ability to bring somebody back in a teamfight is so powerful."
"Once you have that golden two-player numbers advantage you need to get someone on the objective as fast as possible."
"Don't put yourself on characters that are not optimal for you. If you don't know how to play it just to please your team because your best characters will give you the best chance to win the game, period."
"We went for the two-point conversion and got it."
"We're gonna do the best we can here, there's one on the board for red."
"Dire victory. Skeleton King never died but lost the game. Obviously not his fault."
"During nighttime, don't be afraid to do a TP support gank on a person, you don't have to run all the way behind them necessarily."
"Every time a gank works, every time they get a couple of kills with a track, they extend their lease on life."
"Nothing that we've ever put in the game is done with ill intent, it's done with true philosophy to just change things up, keep it fresh."
"Red is contained inside their base while blue beats on the core."
"I'm gonna pressed cactus now Lord, you guys go for somebody else."
"The necromancer is still technically the speed meta for builds."
"Highly recommend playing as him, especially with a team."
"We still might be okay, but why did you do this to us?"
"I really enjoy playing with a team a million times more than solo Q."
"Bringing these professions together is what's going to make all of the difference in your playthrough."
"The Crewmates must complete all of their tasks before getting tagged by The Impostor."
"That interrupt was really important because you can see how low barrel and ghost were in this situation."
"Every single fight was simply a matter of they get a pick."
"Fortnite severely lacks the ability to communicate with your teammates if you don't have a mic."
"It's together for now we're hopping into this blind alright. I mean like I said I know a little bit about the game and we got 50 am already here."
"Love how he didn't even get the relic, like come on guys."
"The game has a ton of PvP options... guild vs. guild and more."
"Toby with good reactions gets that offload into Harry."
"It's all about understanding the best times to roam."
"The game is a fully cooperative game, meaning everybody works together for one common goal."
"This is gonna be a game changer. A lot of people want to play in-game content but want to find a team in-game."
"Plenty of mana to work with, Miracle might get silenced if he's not careful. There's the silence coming in. It's gonna prevent a Lusseur. He gets hexed on top of that, and a huge kill for Viking in this bot lane."
"Anathema's on Caitlyn, we can look for Baron here."
"The potential is way big, I've already seen a few clips of people taking advantage of the movement aspect alone."
"These guys are literally playing like a tier one pro team, I'm not even kidding, these guys got to be an underrated duo."
"Sometimes in Overwatch even if you don't have the best mechanics if you can land one good ult you can completely sway the fight for your team."
"Annie needs to force V5s. Any sidelaning is terrible, and Annie doesn't want to be in the sidelines. Annie wants to play for the teamfight, especially once you get to realize and liandry's."
"Multi-crew and the multiplayer experience is actually really slick at the moment and probably one of the best things about the game."
"I got two buccaneers in that one, that's nasty."
"I think being able to gain pre-30 minutes is more impressive, I think that is a more difficult thing to do than it is to actually just win a teamfight."
"The goal of the game is to reduce the enemy's team hp to zero."
"Pay attention to the mini-map and look where your teammates are."
"We should be able to use our heroes in friendly challenge, friendly war, even if they are sleeping or upgrading."
"It's all credit to just a good screen, understanding the nuance of who you're screening for."
"The fights were really tuned for around 30 people playing really really well rather than 40."
"He's practically unbeatable in any 1v1 situation."
"But at the very least we're going to start the game together and then we're going to end the game together."
"Obsessed with this game lately, we have done two team battleground streams now."
"This build is basically an AoE teamfight build that's what you want to keep in mind."
"Gotta love what this deck does for us sometimes."
"Any short duration Shield really biases the value of the shield toward team fights."
"They largely leave the Midfield vacant... they don't want to keep the ball in Midfield."
"Grouping plus objectives is a pretty good combo in solo queue."
"We have the ability to play some great football."
"So, I'd recommend that they ignore those B flags."
"Make friends, explore, and form teams to compete in dedicated PvP game modes."
"Providing a meta ADC-like Vayne with constant heals allows for legitimate 2v5 potential in the mid-game."
"Best player on all four Maps today for the optic squad."
"Warlock is a class you will see represented across all raiding content and arenas."
"He's just gonna have to 1v3 if they want to pull this off and it just got a little bit more difficult."
"The reason you would play Firebrand is because it carries harder."
"Caps as a player is really willing to adapt to whatever his teammates want to do."
"This is not going to be a solo kind of game."
"Their two-man game is way better than I expected it to be."
"We've gone to a 4-2-3-1, something that me and Tex always use."
"It's constant punishment on TL plays as well."
"Giannis told me if I get the rebound, go all the way or look up the court and pass."
"T1 hold their ground, they make a play, they make it decisive and they get out, but they do not stop without taking a fight in the face of RNG. They are not afraid to push them back."
"Good coaching is also going to explain to guys like Devin Booker, Zach LaVine, the importance of trying to make a play or being unselfish."
"We three started a townhall 12 level 5 as a townhall 10. That's not something that happens often, but when it does, it's incredible!"
"Yeah, I'll probably die to a gank but, you're totally... it's not a kill."
"I think Lacazette, he drops in, he links up work well."
"Pass the [expletive] ball, pass the ball, goddamn, pass the [expletive] ball, JBP!"
"...me and my first burrito died to play with Brian and the team..."
"Teams, not Spurs, play, so now the lack of quality is exposed."
"It was really quite a remarkable effort by the players."
"We should teach kids how to play one-on-one because if they know how to play one-on-one, they will easily be ready to play also five-on-five."
"Here's what we run versus a zone: simple three out two in, ball gets reversed, run exchange, and then go from there."
"Live to play the next play, get the ball back to your star quarterback."
"He's been terrific Costa Barbarous, industrious and instrumental in a lot of the good things Victory have done."
"Main character syndrome is no fun. Again, team game."
"He's an outstanding screener, is going to generate offense for others by his unselfishness."
"When you play as a false 9, it's about having that player link up with the midfield players."
"Players win the games, and 250 doesn't mean a thing to me. Honestly, what means something to me is that you play like you can play."
"I got to play against Ben Johns left-handed, and he played on my team."
"You win the elbow, or you win that nail drive, good things happen to your offense."
"Every dimension of the game, offensive defense, the team game, their court awareness."
"It's little singles moving people around, finding ways to get runners into scoring position."
"When you're the best player on the team but you still lose."
"We started this match playing the ball on the ground the way we actually got the goal."
"It was so much fun, man, playing with those teams."
"Jason Tatum has definitely become a better passer this season and a better playmaker."
"Defense is something that winning teams are going to play a lot more."
"It's hard to guard a team when they're playing five-man basketball."
"I never played the game selfishly; I try to play the game the right way."
"Team shape is massive; you've got overlapping fullbacks, underlapping runs, you've got a cohesive unit of a team there."
"Anybody could go out there and make a big play, but they're willing to play for each other."
"Both teams lethal on the attacking end, but in this game, everyone plays every position."
"You saw the way that they played against OKC, I was excited for them, they play fun ball, they're a good basketball team."
"Steve Nash drives into the middle then kicks the ball back to Boristia for the two-handed jam."