
Scientific Principles Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Surface tension is actually occurring because of the interaction and interplay between the water layer and the air layer."
"The more water you add into it, the more you're weakening the effect of the medium that's in here."
"Gravity and acceleration are the same thing according to Einstein."
"Accuracy and accountability are paramount in science where these things don't seem to matter at all in religion."
"Entropy goes up, but complexity first goes up and then goes down."
"And that's really the power of thermodynamics, is that it takes so little information to get so much information out. So little data to get a lot of predictive information out."
"In the quantum world, particles act as statistical probabilities until measured."
"Our universe exists as it is because of the Planck constant."
"Here's the good news: renormalization can work in reverse too."
"The law of gravitational attraction, not theory, is responsible for the direction of the falling and the magnitude. Relative density is only responsible for the sign."
"If we increase the temperature, we put energy into the system."
"Opposites don't attract in nature, opposites repel each other."
"The laws of this galaxy are often inconvenient but because outer Wilds follows those laws so closely it can get away with showing me something that felt like science fiction and yet make me respect it."
"Eventually, you realize all of the laws come from deeper and more fundamental laws."
"That's the way fundamental laws work in physics."
"Reproducibility is kind of super important in science."
"Bragg's law places a severe restriction on the scattering of the plants but it also tells you interesting information about the spacing between those plants."
"Energy doesn't die, ever, energy does not die."
"A sinking ship occupies a certain volume, displacing water - it obeys the laws of physics."
"The magic of it all really just boils down to each bending type mastering control over one key scientific principle."
"Evolution by natural selection is a beautiful example of a scientific principle."
"Entropy didn't need to be nearly that low in order for life to come into existence."
"Religion vs. Science: faith vs. verificationism."
"Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it's transformed."
"We're going to focus on general principles that would allow us to understand all species on the planet."
"Lots and lots of physics really depends on refractive indices."
"Energy is actually proportional to both the mass and the momentum of a particle."
"This symmetry is baked into the laws of physics and there it manifests as the Strong Force, but SU(3) is free to appear in many other contexts, like the behavior of the color receptors in our eyes."
"The real important thing about a Higgs is that it allows our theory of nature to obey the rules of special relativity and quantum mechanics in a very particular way."
"Objects move because they're pushed, not pulled." - Newton
"Invisible rays bounce off of a mirror in the same way that regular light does."
"Symmetries imply the existence of conservation laws."
"No comprehensive theory of quantum mechanics can be strictly local."
"There are fundamental constants in the world of physics. With their help, only you can derive all physical laws."
"Science is supposed to be about data, it's supposed to be objective."
"The laws of quantum mechanics cannot be formulated without recourse to the concept of consciousness."
"There's no such thing as new energy, okay? We already had the energy. The energy was there. We just have to crank it up one notch higher."
"What this means is that without enrichment..."
"An increase in temperature causes a shift in the equilibrium towards more products."
"Science is about skepticism, openness, communication, all that stuff."
"Quantum mechanics is real and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is real."
"I've never been one to create chaos; I just want to repeal Bern's principle."
"Symmetries and conservation laws and invariances are some of the ways that we end up encapsulating physics."
"We believe in the conservation of mechanical energy."
"In science, explanations must be based on naturally occurring phenomena. Natural causes are in principle reproducible and therefore can be checked independently by others."
"Other things being equal, simpler explanations are generally better than more complex ones."
"The central Axiom of special relativity that light travels at the same speed in all inertial frames is something of a head scratcher."
"All the stuff that you did before that was good and that works and that is based in science, good programming, good nutrition is the same stuff you're gonna apply today."
"The second law of Thermodynamics will probably outlast anything that comes up time and time again."
"If anyone is into physics, you know this."
"Hess's law means that no matter what you do to get from A plus B to C and D, provided you start with that and you end with that, you are going to have the exact same enthalpy change for that reaction."
"Buffers resist changes in pH. If you start with a weak acid, then you're going to quickly rise in pH for just a short time until you have formed some of the conjugate base in solution."
"The equations of fluid dynamics are the same for air molecules and for water molecules."
"The laws of physics are immutable."
"Inertia and Newton's first law of motion."
"What we want to think about here is the inverse square law."
"These are some of the most proven equations in science."
"We want the physics to be obeyed; you don't want nonsense predictions."
"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction; that's inertia."
"The tiny Planck constant at \(6.626 \times 10^{-34}\) joule-seconds sets the scale of this quantum blurriness."
"We are prisoners of the laws of physics. There's just no evading them."
"...the laws of thermodynamics are the only physical theory of universal content concerning which I am convinced that within the framework of the applicability of its basic concepts, it will never be overthrown."
"All great theories are based on simple principles which are pictorial principles that even a child can visualize."
"Both exact and approximate DFT are size extensive."
"We always have a struggle between kinetics and thermodynamics."
"The stimulated emission of radiation gives rise to some light."
"What we will do here is we'll go ahead and go through the backgrounds of quantum mechanics in its own way."
"KCl and KVL are expressions for familiar conservation laws that hold conservation of charge and conservation of energy."