
Player Preferences Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"I was honestly surprised to see more pros actually voted for Well Oiled as the better option for Tick."
"Please just put me anywhere but the soul sand valley."
"Players don't really seem to care about this; they just want to play an exciting game with good mechanics and a great story, regardless of the race, gender, color, or ethnicity of the characters."
"I believe the discovery and the proliferation of bunny hopping across decades of gaming expresses something fundamental about what gamers actually want out of a video game experience."
"Oh shiny, St., ey, I honestly I wish the alphas stayed in though."
"All of the awesomeness of the Totem Warrior aside, I personally think the Zealot Barbarian is also worthy of the S tier for many of the same reasons but also for a few different ones."
"Comparing them is always fun in videos and yes some people really wanted to see this sort of thing but at the end of the day these are two different games made by two different people doing two fairly different things."
"I've always been very vocal and adamant that I believe that champions should get buffed instead of nerfed."
"There's just so much to this game and I'm getting to the point where I don't like playing it without the Mystics, I don't like playing it without the gods."
"Casual players have a much lower tolerance for what they feel is time wasting."
"I'm enjoying it, but the casual kind of space player might not like this."
"I know a lot of people as soon as they see that you have to use duplicates to really get the max top power of your character I know that turns off a lot of people it just really depends."
"Let us play the game. That's more important to me."
"PC gaming allows you to play games how they're meant to be played, and how games are meant to be played is however the [expletive] you want them to be played."
"There are no Sancho alternatives. I don't want to hear about Gareth Bale."
"Every guitar is different, every player is different... set it up for the player."
"Don't let it be on Arena before it's in paper."
"Either make it so you don't need to actually use a perk to get point man or make it so we have point streaks instead of kill streaks by default."
"In a game like that, I don't think players like ambiguity."
"I still want to have original characters as partners."
"We love chaos so we love the wild magic sorcerer, other people don't love the gambles or the chaos and it's not a great class for those people."
"Honestly, seven chemistry at least for me guys is the golden rule in FIFA for me."
"To all those folks out there who dislike this game or who just prefer adventure 1 I want you to know that I respect your opinion."
"If you're a shaco player who enjoys the assassin's style over tank which I'm sure most do these buffs will provide a nice uptick in strength."
"If it's adding depth, players typically, from what I've seen, seem to love it."
"Not all of those combinations are played a lot but there's a few that doing those people probably love their decks."
"One drops rock. We talk a lot about removal spells like Path to Exile, Swords to Plowshares, or counterspells. Everyone knows Josh loves Swan's Song. But we have a lot of other one drops in Magic's history."
"If your Metroid game is too hard to be a Metroidvania game, we'll go with people who make easier games."
"Gold scar? Yeah, okay, okay, gold scar, I like that, I like that, I think that's a very good item."
"I hope that they do consider keeping this as permanent."
"It's clear to see why the warlock is a player favorite in D&D."
"People gravitate towards what makes them succeed, even if it isn't remotely fun or interesting."
"Playing in first person because the view that you get with third person is so much better."
"Customization is something that we saw glimpses of in BF5 - why not have full customization on weapons?"
"You should not try to do things to please other people especially in a video game."
"I understand why people wouldn't like this game."
"Death touch is one of my favorite eight. I challenge you to concoct a situation in which you're unhappy to have death touch."
"There were some features that I would love for 2k to adapt like this upgrading system is crazy nice."
"Most people prefer to just throw with double Scotty at whatever rider enemy they see."
"Planeswalkers as commanders, it's definitely the most talked-about rules change, the most demanded, the most hated."
"As long as they don't shoot Zeus then I'll be perfectly fine."
"As much as I wouldn't be sad to see the pump meta stay in the game... I would like to see it changed up."
"I'm not a fan of shock waves or crash pads... they allow you to exploit."
"Graphics and sound aren't everything as long as the game is fun to play, I couldn't care less if the game went back to 8-bit."
"I've seen people call for a return to unity's combat because they think it feels more like a middle ground between the style focused games."
"Skeleton king is one of the best cards in the game."
"Literally everyone would win with an FOV slider."
"I would rather get Sancho than Kane because I think that is more about building a team."
"What so many players value the most is good loot."
"Number five is one that I think goodness gracious this is this might be the top one on everybody's list multiple Islands."
"Why would you remove all the stuff that makes the game cool?"
"Lionel Messi in there for the Portuguese national team... without Ronaldo, I kind of want to cheer for Messi right here."
"Why would you ever want to rock normal Exotics when you can rock an exotic that combines two Exotics together?"
"It's available on PC, Xbox One, and PS4 so no matter your platform preference, you can still live out your grimdark gang war fantasies."
"I'd love to see a lot more customization when it comes to that aspect."
"People don't like getting Creative Fairy Fire."
"Ultimately it doesn't matter whether something's single-player or multiplayer, people play something that's compelling and of high quality."
"I really like the no perk limit thing. I really, really like that."
"Kirito, he's a good character, but his kit is predictable."
"I don't mind being crew. I would like an impostor round though."
"The majority of video game players just want a balance of competition and fun."
"I really would like to turn off the trade and all that because that can be a pain."
"Pogba's happier playing on the left wing at United."
"I don't see any reason not to like these at all... everyone wanted random rolls back here they are."
"The dark zone is much more friendly to PvE focused players than the pure PvP playlists in destiny."
"Slow gameplay is not necessarily a bad thing."
"Here you have it though, the long-awaited 'Why no one plays Eula.'"
"For first off North America, we have 22.2 phantom and 39 vandal... a lot of pro players are preferring that vandal."
"The 81 pluses and the 81 to 86 packs are so much better than everything else available in this game right now."
"Valorant, for that reason. Destiny 2 is close but for me, part of it that loses it is the game updates patches."
"Slope glitch has got to be my favorite glitch in the game."
"I mean, really, the Channel Fireballs of the world wouldn't love that."
"Faster League of Legends is probably better League of Legends."
"Seriously guys, who would actually want to play that secret game?"
"Black Ops 4 would be a much better game without the specialists in it."
"Bigger doesn't always necessarily mean better in Star Citizen."
"All Sonic games are perfect with no flaws or the classic games are the only games to play."
"If you dislike how grindy the default settings are, you're able to fully change rates and remove restrictions to make a game that's more fun for you."
"The gunsmith is definitely something that I love, customization returns in the depth of modern warfare."
"Cosmetics and other things will always be available from tour gas, sure, but we have a feeling that the requirement to go through this tower every week to gradually gain power is something that players want to see come to an end."
"The third jump is really, really useful. This is probably my most used melee for the scout."
"The characters that you no longer want or lower rarity characters that you're not interested in or just they're just not cute enough you know how I am you can throw them into the pit here."
"Diana, Bödvar, and Nyx are my main contenders for the best character in the game right now."
"The potential speed increase is far outweighed by people's desire to have the Tactical flexibility of being able to sneak attack even on someone else's turn."
"This mod is really good for rotational players like myself."
"The Queen's Gambit is more solid and positional, loved by many."
"We do what the players want, as long as we're together, that's all that matters."