
Functional Programming Quotes

There are 210 quotes

"The benefit of knowing the functional interfaces is when you start to use optionals and streams."
"The cool thing about predicate is that you can have a bunch of predicates and then combine them together."
"This is the power of functional programming, streams, optionals, and once you start writing code like this, you can achieve a lot more instead of using the imperative approach."
"For you to write functional programming, you just have to shift the way that you think."
"Higher-order functions can take as inputs other functions or return a function as its output."
"In a functional style, we might use higher-order functions like Map, Reduce, or Filter."
"In functional programming, it's about decomposing a problem into a bunch of small, reusable functions."
"Pure functions cannot change or mutate their arguments."
"Immutability makes our applications more predictable and faster to detect changes."
"Now that you have learned the fundamentals of functional programming, you're ready to learn Redux."
"We cannot directly modify or mutate the store because Redux is built on top of functional programming principles."
"Reducers are pure functions... they don't touch global state, they don't mutate their arguments, and they don't have any side effects."
"Functional programming is back in the limelight and people think it's going to be a very important programming technology."
"Passing functions to other functions is the heart of functional programming."
"This is pretty much everything you need to know about functional interfaces and functional programming with Java."
"Functional programming makes me happy because there's never any unstated context they have to know about so it reduces his con cognitive load it makes it more relaxed."
"Functional programming makes me feel sane I feel like a mathematician and an artist living in a beautiful structurally sound clean house."
"Functional programming is really susceptible to arity, and so what I mean is when you produce small functions, you can really quickly feel how they become very composable and very reusable."
"You can define map on anything and by defining map on object that object becomes a functor."
"Values support reproducible results. If you define a function in terms of values, every time they call that function with the same values, you get the same answer."
"Understanding first class functions will help you understand other terms such as higher-order functions, currying, and closures."
"We should be able to treat functions just like any other object or variable."
"A function accepts other functions as arguments or returns functions as their result, that's what you call a higher-order function."
"Understanding these first-class functions will help you understand these more complex terms like closures and higher-order functions."
"Returning a function from another function like this is one of the aspects of what it means to be a first-class function."
"You're going to be able to use functions as if they are data."
"Scala has support for a lot of nice functional programming."
"So, what the heck is Haskell or what is functional programming? Well, basically it's just a different way of writing code that brings it closer to math."
"React components are just idempotent functions that describe your UI at any point in time."
"Functional languages apply functions to data rather than focus on state changes like most object-oriented languages."
"The map function allows performing a calculation on every item in a list and returning a new list."
"Use the pipeline operator to nest function calls, like filtering even numbers and then multiplying them."
"Concurrency gets solved by being functional by default."
"If a pure function is called twice with the same inputs, the result is guaranteed to be the same every time."
"Applies a function to each item emitted by the source observable."
"The identity Combinator is a function that takes in an input a and it returns an output a."
"You're going to be able to use arrow functions with map filter and reduce."
"I'm realizing I could use, in a very clever way, the higher order array function filter."
"Understanding the distinction between actions and calculations is fundamental in functional programming."
"Functional programming lets you rewrite things into a beautiful pipeline for your data."
"functional languages are moving towards a more pure conceptual way of thinking"
"So the key takeaways of this talk: Remember, functor is something that has map. Monad is something that has flatmap."
"Functional programming is about composing those functions together."
"Functional programming is the declarative way of saying things."
"Functional programming: Types are not classes. They're more like sets."
"But usually exceptions aren't that well regarded especially functional programmers uh often have issues with exceptions."
"Functional collections lead to great designs, especially in typed languages like Haskell or Scala."
"A monad basically means that we can chain operations together."
"Just apply this function to the insides of the functor."
"Should we just forget about Monad and try and always use Applicative? Well, we should use Applicative where it makes sense. We shouldn't throw away Monad. It is more powerful, sometimes we need it. But if you've got a Monad, great. If you only need an Applicative, even better."
"Rock is a pure functional programming language."
"It's basically just a way to compose functions so that you keep the pure and impure stuff decoupled."
"It's a relay race of functions. Each person takes the old item, does a thing, passes it on, and each time, it's a new box with the old one effectively chucked away the moment it was done because everything is transitive in functional."
"The magic of the Monad is not in what a Monad is, but in why are these Kleisli arrows so useful and what kind of problems do they solve?"
"Everything that can be computed using non-pure functions can be converted into pure calculations as long as you replace regular functions with functions that return embellished results."
"Impure computations can be transformed into pure computations in functional programming, but they return embellished results."
"Functors are a pretty powerful concept in functional programming."
"Logic programming and functional programming couldn't do the kind of concurrency that needed to be done."
"You can connect any two functions together and get another function."
"The most important principle of functional programming is composition."
"The biggest hurdle is still immutability. Not having loops that update in place, even local counters in place, you know, capturing return values as values is still the hurdle."
"...programming in a functional style provides benefits."
"Concatenative programming is a form of functional programming."
"If anyone's interested, there's my Twitter again. I am writing a book for O'Reilly on functional programming."
"Once you become familiar with them, you'll see that there are many ways you can use them to improve your functional programming code and eliminate boilerplate, replacing it with expressive readable code that more clearly expresses your intention."
"Let's not do all these mutations, let's instead let you write and think about your program as just a series of functions."
"And when we think about closure it's functional, it's data-driven, but lastly it's also pragmatic."
"In functional code, the output value of a function depends only on the arguments that are passed to the function."
"Pure functions require avoiding mutating the original data, making deep copy essential."
"Pure functions result in clean code."
"The same input always gives the same output."
"A pure function should have at least one parameter."
"No input state can be modified when we're writing a pure function."
"This is incredibly useful if you're doing any type of functional programming because you don't want to mutate anything."
"Haskell is mostly known just for being a purely functional programming language but I think it offers a lot more than just having those two words to describe it."
"Functional programming brings some awesome benefits with it."
"Functional programming encourages you to think in a general way about problems."
"Understanding lists is really important, especially when we talk a little bit more about functional programming."
"This is a functional approach to programming, so it's important to understand the basics of lists before we get into the functional programming."
"A higher-order function is a function that either takes a function as input or sends a function out as output."
"This is the idea of being able to call a function from a function."
"A higher-order function is a function that either receives a function as input or returns a new function."
"Functional programming has a different take on it; it's not the data that we wanted to encapsulate, it's the functionality."
"In functional programming, one of the real things we want is provability."
"Functional programs build models that describe complex interaction with the real world."
"If you want to start exploring how you can build your whole application in a functional style, then you need a library that allows you to take side effects... and model that as pure values."
"Would you rather write it in PHP or in a functional language? Well, I do know I'd rather write it in a functional language."
"That's the value proposition for functional programming; it helps our programs start off correct and stay correct as they evolve."
"For the functional programmers among you, note that every function in Halide is pure, that is, it has no side effects and always returns the same values at the same points."
"If you just had pure functions, you wouldn't have all these problems."
"A good programming language is one that takes the core ideas of functional programming and makes them really fly in practice."
"Functional programming to the entire server side and to your client side is a very powerful way of approaching UIs."
"What a higher order function is, a function that either takes a function as an argument or it returns a brand new function."
"This is more on the principle of functional programming and how you can use and leverage functions as values."
"Functional programming is a process of building software by composing pure functions, avoiding shared state, mutable data, and side-effects."
"This is functional programming, passing a function as arguments around in order to create interesting behavior."
"Delegates represent a functional programming paradigm known as function as a value."
"Functional programming is a completely different paradigm than what we are used to, which is object-oriented."
"React and Svelte are very good for functional programming."
"In functional programming, we don't really work with methods or anything like that, we work with functions."
"Map is one of those things that is extremely useful not just in functional programming where it is highly used."
"Functions are very important to functional programming; in JavaScript, functions are what are called first-class objects."
"Making your codebase mostly functional or mostly pure... is gonna make your life so much easier when you're testing."
"Pure functions are easier to test and also easier to reason about because you don't have to think about anything happening outside of the function itself."
"JavaScript is a functional language in the way that Lisp and Scheme are functional languages, which puts JavaScript in a completely different class."
"The code itself will tell you so much about what it does just by looking at the types and reasoning about it using the tools that FP brings to the table."
"It allows us to program in a pure functional style everywhere in our application except at the top level."
"We can still do pure FP in the vast majority of our application."
"Loops can be translated into FP by using recursion."
"The principle underlying pure functional programming is actually quite simple and involves merely translating the effects into descriptions and then running them later at the end of the world."
"We're already seeing some of the virtues of pure functional programming... it's so easy to unit test, it's just a function call."
"Managed is a tool from functional programming that allows us to build resource-safe applications without having to think about it."
"Functional effects give you the ability to interact with the real world but as a model, as a value."
"Functional programming enables us not just to refactor into tests... but also beyond that, FP embeds more information into types."
"Functional programming allowed us to take that information and to put it into the type system."
"Scala and functional programming working together in harmony give us the tools that we need to write extraordinarily concise, typesafe solutions to very complicated problems."
"The reason to do functional programming is not necessarily because of purity or all these sort of ideological reasons, the reason to do it is because of practical benefits."
"Now you have all the benefits that functional programming promises: the ability to abstract, the ability to refactor, and the ability to test."
"Whilst Pascal is primarily a functional programming language, it does now actually support OOP."
"We give you the structure you like from object-oriented programming and then inside your methods, we give you that nice declarative style that you get from functional programming."
"Higher-order functions are functions that will take other functions as their input arguments."
"The cool thing about functional programming is that it's a totally different way of thinking about how to design your code."
"Everything in functional programming is composition; it's the fundamental principle."
"What really makes Clojure compelling, however, and what sets Clojure apart from all other languages, is Clojure's unique approach to functional programming."
"Without mutable state, a function is truly modular because it can be understood entirely in isolation."
"The easiest way to parallelize work on massive data structures is using functional languages."
"When we talk about JavaScript we'll have an opportunity to talk about functional programming."
"Functional programming just fits perfectly with this... my pure domain logic is very easy to test."
"Functional programming in general is a function that has no side effects such that no matter what input you provided to the function, it's always going to provide you with the same output."
"If you haven't seen functional programming before, it can be a little bit tricky to wrap your mind around at first."
"Work with map, filter, and reduce functions, powerful functional programming tools that elevate your coding prowess."
"Pattern matching is an incredibly powerful tool in functional programming."
"Functional concepts are very useful for helping you manage your data and your state."
"You have a request represented by a closure which is the operation you're going to perform that returns some type."
"Take those rules and formulas and move them into functions."
"Everything comes with trade-offs and black and white thinking is not helpful to increasing adoption of functional programming."
"Functional programming gives us purity, which helps us improve the way we reason about and test our software."
"The compositional nature of functional programming kind of tends toward bottom-up programming."
"The tooling is, I'd say, one of the best of the functional languages."
"I believe in the power of functional programming."
"Functional programming can be really useful when you're wrangling a bunch of unruly spreadsheets or flat files into one format."
"Learning a little bit about functional programming can help you write code more quickly that more succinctly expresses the ideas that you really care about."
"As you master the tools of functional programming, it allows you to express these ideas pretty succinctly and eloquently."
"We need to create a new discriminated union type called result."
"The functional core is heavy on paths, heavy on decisions, light on dependencies."
"You design your program as a core of independent functional pieces that take values and return values."
"We want to understand what functional programming is, what its benefits are."
"When you do FP, you have to change the way you think about programming."
"In functional programming, we live in the world of equations and expressions."
"Functional programming will tend to support you a bit better if it's really important that this thing go up and stay up."
"Rule of thumb by the way with functional programming: if there is a question, the answer is functions."
"Scheme is functional, weakly typed; ML is a functional language and it's strongly typed."
"Because we wrote our code in a functional programming style, we can actually parallelize it very easily."
"Going functional gives you new ways of thinking about old problems."
"Functional programming is programming with pure functions, which means that every time I call the thing with the same argument, it must return the same result."
"Functional programming is trying to do all the way down at your language level so that you can think about results and not about the steps required to achieve those results."
"At their core, a functional data structure is immutable."
"A hitch-hiker tree is a functional and immutable data structure that still is able to gain these performance advantages of the faster inserts and the better i/o performance."
"A build step and a build process should be functional in the sense of the output; the output is a pure function of its inputs."
"Using methods as parameters is really using a functional programming style."
"In functional programming, the function is the most important thing and it takes the objects as arguments."
"Java 8 brings functional programming to Java as much as that is possible within the constraints of staying backwards compatible with previous versions."
"If you want to keep hundreds of cores busy, it's a lot easier to do with functional programming than with object-oriented programming."
"Functional programming is something that many of us have become interested in since using React."
"If you have pure functions, you'll end up with code that's a lot easier to test."
"This talk is for beginners in FP, so if you already know what a monad is, you're gonna find it kind of boring."
"Functional programming is you tend to use types as executable documentation."
"The technique of doing this thing is called currying, named after Mr. Haskell Curry."
"With functional programming, we can assemble this sum function from a reduce function and an add function."
"Finding happiness in functional programming has been interesting."
"Functional programming had performed so extremely well."
"We're facing a software crisis; we need to improve the cost of software by an order of magnitude. Functional programming can do that."
"Let's continue to push what we believe to be the right way, different tools for tackling games and things that are really complex using functional paradigms."