
Coding Efficiency Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"You see that this is much concise, and right here you can see that I'm not creating a list and then adding to that list."
"Some people say using fully qualified names is too much typing; if you just hover over the mouse, you come to know from which namespace this class comes from."
"Interfaces are better than classes abstract classes."
"Our app is gonna refresh automatically with fast refresh, so we can see our changes as soon as we save."
"I think one of the main things, main pieces of advice that I have for people that are writing code is learn to use your shortcuts."
"VS Code has the flexibility to work with the whole ecosystem of linters."
"You don't have to spend the whole rest of your programming life just putting individual print statements everywhere."
"It allows you not to have all of these bloated class-heavy divs wrapping everything around just to get things lined up."
"I became more and more a believer that this can go beyond just boilerplate code."
"It's this great experience of faster simpler code"
"Easily create lists with Emmet's multiplication."
"Quickly generate document structure with Emmet's shortcuts."
"Already copilot is making developers 55% faster in coding."
"Chat GPT: Making coding accessible and efficient with its AI capabilities."
"Remember, order of operations is important in programming."
"Test-driven development can and does work in all of these cases."
"Know when to make new components...anytime anything's functionality becomes unwieldy or it represents its own thing..."
"Weeks of coding can save you hours of planning."
"Visual Studio code as your editor of choice - there's really no reason to use anything else."
"It takes your existing code and makes it better."
"I love being able to just auto complete with vs code and not have to type all this stuff out myself."
"Git tracks every change that has ever been made to the code you tell it to manage."
"Git allows you to change back to previous versions of your code with a single command."
"The terminal is a lifesaver, increases your productivity workflow."
"Start using git today to manage your project's code effectively."
"Use the pipeline operator to nest function calls, like filtering even numbers and then multiplying them."
"It's good practice to release your variables as soon as you finish with them."
"Storing the folder path in a string variable makes life much easier when running this code."
"Storing a file object in a variable gives you access to all sorts of other interesting and useful properties."
"Referencing the scripting runtime library is incredibly useful."
"CSS variables enable you to set multiple properties at once."
"I have enjoyed a huge speed up in my coding speed."
"Build steps let us Minify code, combine modules, load faster, remove unused code, optimize images, hash assets, and guard against bugs by type checking and minting."
"Chat GPT is a powerful tool for generating TradingView Pine Script code quickly and easily by simply providing natural language prompts."
"For developers, co-pilot is turning natural language into programming language helping them code 55 times faster."
"If somebody's already written the code and you can find it on Google someplace, that's not cheating, that's being efficient."
"Refactoring also helps you write code quicker."
"WebAssembly: the shortcut to your JavaScript optimizer."
"Inlay hints are a game changer in developer tooling."
"Two lines of code, folks. You still have a problem to deal with, but you don't have to spend that typing and having carpal tunnel."
"Top-level code eliminates a lot of ceremony."
"I just go backwards so that it deletes line."
"...you only have to type that opening word to get that tag generated."
"The goal is to build a workflow where unit tests are part of coding efficiency."
"Typescript does not save code in fact write more code what it adds is security is robustness is tranquility."
"With a single line of code, I added a bunch of rows to the database, which makes our lives much easier."
"Do not repeat yourself; otherwise, you're just going to well, it's inefficient, it looks messy, and you're bound to miss bits if you ever have to go back and change it."
"Agile requires fast, and if you are fighting your code all the time, you simply cannot be fast."
"Doing that gives you tremendous power as a programmer."
"We're going to try to do as little coding as possible."
"Instead of having to sit down and code out things, you just work with this web interface."
"I find myself making less spelling mistakes and writing code a bit faster."
"The tab completion, syntax highlighting, and automatic indentation alone will make your life much easier."
"Less typing means shorter code, less boring code."
"I always reach for Zod whenever I am writing a server action."
"The system is built for it; use it, take advantage of it. It'll make your life easier, make your code cleaner, and happy times."
"And we'll take a look at how we can quite easily build this application in Django and actually make it even more featured than our Flask version using potentially fewer lines of code, in fact."
"Snippets are really, really powerful; writing your own is very helpful."
"Our game board was coded in approximately 27 seconds, awesome."
"It comes with lots of great plugins that we can use to make the coding experience easier."
"Your code is never out of sync with the table definition, which is amazing and very useful."
"C++ allows us to write better code faster code that we actually can feel confident about."
"It's similar to like Material UI, but I like Chakra better just because you don't have to write as much code to get the same results."
"It's a super quick, fast way to start coding."
"As a developer, how powerful is that you just get this much out of the box and not having to write it all?"
"It's always nice to write less code."
"We're hoping to demonstrate how you can build really fully featured media playback functionality into apps using quite little code."
"It would be more efficient if the whole thing was wrapped up and could be done conveniently within a function."
"Let's see how we can use Zod and infer types in TypeScript to give you both of those in just a couple of minutes."
"This means that you can code faster and more efficiently."
"An Arduino library is just a group of functions that are packaged together that are similar."
"This piece of technology built directly into Xamarin Forms and .NET MAUI enables you to make your XAML bindings eight times faster with just a single line of code."
"It's great that all that can be so easily expressed in just those three lines."
"Because that is the beauty of React, it just makes it a lot easier and less code."
"Hot reload updates your app with any new code while preserving your app state."
"As you master the tools of functional programming, it allows you to express these ideas pretty succinctly and eloquently."
"It's particularly useful for writing one-liners in Flutter."
"This is probably the more simple and easy way to implement with less coding."
"We'll actually go ahead and turn it into a snippet."
"This is just a very beautiful function, you can create all kinds of changes to it... and you can back test multiple strategies for multiple stocks just with one line of code and that's the beauty of coding, you can do multiple things in one go."
"So now whenever we want to layout views, we don't have to write all the redundant view.frame.size or origin, we can use these shorthanded properties."
"Juice saves you from having to write a lot of code."
"Instead of calling thirteen files, we're just going to be calling in these two; that will make our website perform significantly better."
"With array reduce, it's a single call and it compacts everything together to give you that result."
"Nested for each loops can perform hundreds, thousands, millions of operations with some very simple code."
"With SwiftUI, you will build better apps with less code."
"There's so much that Google Apps Script can do with so little code."
"If you get really good at Matlab, you can make very compact and concise code."
"You can make a lot of stuff in SwiftUI with only a few lines of code."
"This is just a superpower essentially that you can use to make writing out some of these boilerplate codes so much easier."
"With TypeScript, you write less line of code, but it's a safer code."
"The documentation will make it easier for you to come back to the code after a while."
"With D3 I can write less code, and code that I can come back to later and have a pretty good understanding of what I wrote earlier."
"Pipes can transform any input type into any output type."
"The order of magnitude difference in productivity is just enormous, how quickly you can get good code up and running."
"The app was roughly sixty percent less code than Android."
"That's super powerful and can make your code really efficient if you can do it well."
"If you take the time to encode things into your types, then you can build better code faster that's easier to read and says more about what it is."
"Everything gets transpiled to ES5, but I've just been able to write things a lot faster by working with the TypeScript versions of things."