
Programming Concepts Quotes

There are 235 quotes

"With declarative programming, you simply tell it what you want instead of defining the details."
"You see that this is much concise, and right here you can see that I'm not creating a list and then adding to that list."
"The idea of taking a thing and priming it to do work for us in the future, particularly work involving things with variables such as time delays and buffer sizes, is very powerful indeed."
"Object-oriented programming concepts make you a better programmer."
"The four core concepts in object-oriented programming are encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism."
"Abstraction means we should hide the details and complexity and show or expose only the essentials."
"A namespace can contain another namespace, class, interface, structure, enum, delegates, etc."
"The Python data model is a means by which you can implement protocols. Those protocols have some abstract meaning depending on the object itself."
"It turns out that Python supports what's called object-oriented programming."
"Passing functions to other functions is the heart of functional programming."
"It's like chain but backwards and we don't have to wrap and unwrap data explicitly."
"Abstraction is the concept of object-oriented programming that only shows the necessary attributes and hides the unnecessary information."
"Front end is what humans interact with. Back end is doing important stuff behind the scenes." - Chris Peach
"Iterators in Python are not rewindable, they're not reversible, they're not copyable, none of that, they're the lowest common denominator in iterators."
"The real power of object-oriented programming is that you can compose things together."
"I really would like to use the fully generic concept auto if and only if there isn't a more precise way of stating what I'm trying to state."
"Components, interpolation, property binding, two-way data-binding, event binding, and animation—key concepts in Angular 5 development."
"Arrays are useful for storing collections of data that relate to each other."
"JavaScript: non-blocking event Loop allows for asynchronous code."
"A switch case is when you have some input value and then you have various conditions depending on the input value it will go and execute that particular block of code."
"Any non-zero value in a computer language like C is considered true, also known as truthy."
"The idea is that an interface says what you want to do. A data structure says how you do it."
"Getters and setters provide easy access" - Utilizing getters and setters simplifies managing attributes and ensures data integrity.
"Arrays are just like boxes inside of boxes that all have indexes or labels."
"That's how we create blocks, enums are going to be used whenever you want to define a custom variable with a set of constants."
"Encapsulation is actually a perfectly useful idea."
"Looping: Java, like most programming languages, has a for loop."
"An instance of the class is basically that blueprint applied."
"Interfaces: When a class implements an interface, it promises to implement its methods, enhancing flexibility."
"Encapsulation protects data, ensuring it's accessed and modified safely within classes."
"Trust without humility, there's no learning because in order to learn you must accept that you don't know. That's Socrates."
"Concurrency is a way of writing or structuring your program to deal with the real world."
"It's much like a regular switch statement, except it blocks until a communication can proceed."
"Decorators are kind of cool. Let's write a decorator 'cause it does something cool for us."
"That's another benefit of interfaces - you're not tied specifically to a certain type."
"Closures encapsulate functionality dependent on variables outside their scope."
"Understanding first class functions will help you understand other terms such as higher-order functions, currying, and closures."
"A function accepts other functions as arguments or returns functions as their result, that's what you call a higher-order function."
"Returning a function from another function like this is one of the aspects of what it means to be a first-class function."
"In programming, we have a very important concept called scope."
"You're going to be able to use functions as if they are data."
"Recursion is the act of a function calling itself."
"Functions that can receive other functions as a parameter are known as higher-order functions."
"Exception handling allows our program to handle errors rather than just crashing."
"The only way you can do that is by passing it down through props. So, we can pass down the information from here to here using props."
"That basically means that the field is optional or the prop is optional."
"Generics may look really scary, but when you start from the beginning, you'll realize they're actually quite simple."
"Understanding how a graph is laid out, how it looks in code, and just in general how you can use them to do different calculations is super crucial."
"Recursion is typically a program referring to itself in its body, so long as I have what I call a base case."
"Inheritance allows a class to inherit attributes and methods from another class."
"Variables for the most part are immutable, meaning that once the value is assigned it cannot be changed."
"Recursive code can be very powerful and immensely useful."
"Ranges allow you to define basically a starting and an ending value and do all sorts of nifty little calculations in between."
"Understanding the power of simplicity: 'Move is Turing complete but what does that mean? Well, it means that any code that we write could be written as a set of moves instead and absolutely nothing else.'"
"Reflection allows you to look at an object at runtime and get the properties."
"Variables can store things like strings, integers, floats, and booleans."
"A variable is nothing but a name given to a storage area that our code can manipulate. It can hold different types of variables, so a variable can hold a boolean, a variable can hold a string, and a variable can hold a number."
"This is a really powerful tool in object-oriented programming."
"These instance properties are unique to every object which is created from that class definition."
"If what I want to do is program graphics, simulations, animations, things moving around the screen, one way to do that is to think about this circle moving around as an object."
"Think of observables as functions." - Ben Lesh
"Observable is nothing but a function." - Ben Lesh
"Reactive programming: like spreadsheets with superpowers."
"Nearest neighbor. It doesn't get much simpler than that."
"I emphasized early on that from primitive Combinators come other Combinators."
"So you can see that we are able to create objects that way."
"So what is the command design pattern? Well, the basic definition is the command design pattern is a behavioral design pattern in which an object is used to represent and encapsulate all the information needed to call a method at a later time."
"This idea of block scope is one of the main advantages of using let and const instead of the older var keyword"
"A variable allows computers to store and manipulate data in a dynamic fashion."
"This shows that you could imagine a subset of JavaScript which didn't have variables — would that still be a useful language? It turns out yes, and this is the proof that anything you can write with variables you can write without variables."
"Just imagine this is an integer and I have int here, well now it's going to be an integer or a float."
"Generics allow us to specify the data type to be used at a later time, and this is extremely useful."
"Context allows you to invert the flow of a program."
"Mutable versus immutable: primitives are immutable, but structures contain mutable data."
"Decorators can be a great way to add some type of wrapping functionality to a class method without needing to modify that method directly."
"This also illustrated that you can use a decorator on more than one function at a time, and when you call it, it will work just like any other function that is decorated with that."
"And the way to think about this from a JavaScript perspective is that JavaScript understands some certain events, where click is an event, where if you click on a button, that triggers the click event, so to speak."
"Category theory unifies all these things and because of that, it's extremely useful when you want to lift yourself above the everyday programming chores."
"The zen of eager loading refers to the fact that eager loading does not want to ever change the results that you get back."
"A tuple is very similar to an array but it is a fixed length array where each element has a specific type."
"Iterators in Rust are lazy and they don't actually do anything until there's some sort of execution at the end."
"Pygame calls all user interactions events."
"To draw stuff in pygame, you have to understand the hierarchy of four different concepts."
"One of the greatest things about Haskell is its ability to abstract over type constructors."
"A big reason for referential transparency is the ability to debug code."
"So okay, hooks are very powerful, and I hope you now understand how they work and when to reach for them."
"They got it right. Part of what happened was that they needed tail recursion in order to allow you to keep calling things and never expect them to return without running out of memory."
"Atoms are ideal for when you have a small set of words that are going to be used throughout the application that indicates some meaning."
"Understanding lists is really important, especially when we talk a little bit more about functional programming."
"Macros are just a way of creating abstractions."
"This is a class, which is a blueprint for an object."
"To create this custom tab bar, we are going to use generics, view builder, preference key, and even the matched geometry effect."
"This is the idea of being able to call a function from a function."
"And we have now gone through all the CRUD functions: creating, reading, updating, and then deleting."
"Catching an exception is a language construct; handling an exception is how you meaningfully respond to that error."
"We just talked about loops, we got to talk about arrays, objects, object-oriented programming, APIs, and then how to interview."
"It's always going to check itself to see, do I have that property, do I have that method."
"Backtracking... is really, really powerful."
"So Native Client takes this different approach that's in general called software fault isolation."
"Think in terms of operators, text objects, and motions."
"I'm not a great fan of type erasure... I'm very keen on the concepts which allows us to have interfaces that are far more general than plain old types."
"Hash tables are used in a lot of popular programming languages."
"Give me anything that looks like a duck and quacks like a duck and I will use it as a duck."
"Memory leak: a chronic condition in which an application retains a growing amount of memory that is never accessed and is never freed."
"Garbage collector periodically scans the heap memory to identify and reclaim memory that is no longer in use."
"A comment is some text that is ignored by the compiler that is used as an explanation, description, or a note for yourself or anyone else reading over your code."
"What a higher order function is, a function that either takes a function as an argument or it returns a brand new function."
"Public static void main(String[] args) - public is an access specifier, static means you do not have to create an instance of the class, void means it does not return any value."
"The really big thing in Julia that is a kind of novelty is what we call multiple dispatch."
"This is functional programming, passing a function as arguments around in order to create interesting behavior."
"CTEs are what make SQL Turing complete."
"Delegates represent a functional programming paradigm known as function as a value."
"That's the notion of cargo programming."
"Even if you've never written code, what you'll find is that these ideas that we've just kind of harnessed from real life are at your fingertips already."
"Node has this concept of wrapping modules."
"There are two base components of recursion: the base case and the general case."
"Co-routines are more fundamental than subroutines."
"I feel like a lot of what learning programming is, is just hearing a bunch of concepts and maybe you don't understand them at first."
"First of all, what are the modules? Essentially, that is encapsulated code."
"Set is just a much higher level concept."
"This is a good one for beginners."
"Ajax is not any programming language; it is just a set of existing technologies."
"These higher-order functions are going to make your code nice."
"Protocols are primarily a way for types, structs, classes, enums to say what they are capable of, and also for other code to demand certain behavior out of the other type."
"This has to do with understanding semantics of a program, not just the syntax."
"The super function is not the spike; the super function is the little connector socket."
"Loops are a very general concept in computer programming and when combined with branching, they're extremely powerful."
"Binary shifts are easy, it's literally shifting."
"A class is specifically designed for generating objects."
"Think of them as the atoms of the programming language."
"Hopefully, monoids are not quite as scary now."
"It's not that scary, you know. It's just unfamiliar."
"Borrowing is a way of not taking ownership."
"Everything in functional programming is composition; it's the fundamental principle."
"Inheritance and composition are not competitors; they usually complement each other."
"It offers a very nice way of mapping real world concepts to programming."
"Explore the magic of Python functions, your go-to recipe for organized and reusable code."
"Brace yourself for the beauty of Python's lambda functions, concise and powerful tools for functional programming."
"Master iterators and generators, elegant Pythonic solutions for iterating over data structures with ease."
"A common question is why is this important? Well, object-orientated techniques such as mixins, multiple inheritance can be used to factor code into reusable components."
"Closure is a function of having access to the scope of its parent's function after the parent function has returned."
"What if instead of having to track every piece of memory's lifetime specifically, we let groups of related allocations share a lifetime?"
"Let's start today by discussing variables."
"Static methods will be available to you without first requiring you to create an instance of a class."
"Ownership and borrowing goes to the heart of why Rust is Rust and fundamentally different than other languages."
"Classes don't contain any real data; they are just merely templates."
"State machines have a finite number of states and only one state can be active at a given time."
"Compilers are really mostly about how to handle trees, how to walk trees, how to do interesting stuff with trees."
"An object is a collection of data and functions that operate on the data, perhaps on other data as well."
"If you want to conceptually compare one string against another, you can indeed use equals equals and Python will do the right thing for you."
"This notion of a closure and a channel as a pair, it's a really powerful structuring concept."
"This is extremely powerful concept."
"A tuple is really like an array; it can hold many different elements in it except those elements do not need to be the same type."
"Functions are really useful because it allows us to break down and group our code into smaller chunks."
"Dependency injection... when you pass a class in as an argument to a method you call it dependency injection."
"States and lists are extremely interesting because it is very common for you to use it."
"Let's talk about meta classes and this is a different kind of simplification."
"Classes define objects which have attributes and behaviors."
"Abstraction removes a lot of detail."
"Dynamic programming is just an impressive name for some really basic ideas."
"What numpy really is, it's really just an interpretive view of raw memory."
"Model-view-controller... it's actually pretty simple and it's so well known that everybody calls it MVC in the trade."
"Throughout my days as a software engineer, I don't think I've ever created a project in a professional environment where I haven't used delegates and events."
"You have to understand the concept of a debugger."
"Closure is essentially the memory of a given execution context."
"Object-oriented programming, the notion of wrapping our data and functionality in objects, is the heart of many modern programming languages."
"We work with objects on a daily basis, not just in programming but in real life."
"Understanding closures, you know, not only does it make you a better programmer, it is specially makes you a better JavaScript programmer."
"Streams, similarly to iterables, can return zero, one, or multiple values."
"A float is used for any kind of mathematical equation on a number variable that has a floating decimal point."
"Closure is the source of a lot of power in JavaScript."
"The incredible expressive power you can get just by combining these means of abstraction."
"Now instead of thinking in terms of individual data and functions, we start thinking in terms of objects."
"So even though we call it a phone number, now that you're a programmer, it's not really a number so much as a string that looks like a number."
"Anytime we invoke a function, we create a new function level execution context and function level memory."
"We now have this idea of encapsulation."
"The curly brace defines the body of your function."
"It's the concept that matters; behavioral pattern, security patterns still exist in these forms like guard checks, state machines, oracles, randomness, and so on."
"Functions are objects; in fact, we refer to them as first-class objects."
"They're a key part to JavaScript's power and expressiveness."
"The class defines a template; objects are specific instances of the template."
"The concept of a thing that knows how to do something, we call that a function."
"The whole purpose is to use ranges and this push model together to get the best of both worlds."
"What this cycle has to do with is unwinding the means of combination and the means of abstraction in the language."
"The error is called an exception because it was an exception to what was expected."
"We are using different concepts which I have taught you so far in this particular series."
"Although the final demo is still going to remain the same, you would have learned a lot more concepts by the end of it."
"Control structures are language structures by which we can change the flow of control."
"Captured variables... allow us to maintain a reference to a variable that would normally go out of scope."
"What's nice about these classes is that they can have properties... they can have methods which are functions that are related to their purpose."
"Next, we're going to see a lot of these ideas of greedy and dynamic programming in practice."
"We'll need to learn about the pin mode, we'll need to learn delays, and also how functions work."
"The interesting thing about lists is that they are indexed; they start from zero."
"It's a Concrete instance of a much bigger idea."
"State is either a single value or a set of values that can change, and then you can have your view listen to that state, and if that state changes, your view can automatically update and change accordingly."
"The way to think about this is really what I'm doing when I write something like this is writing a tree."
"When you have message passing and concurrent processes, you have this very powerful model for thinking about programming."
"So functions we've defined can call other functions we've defined."
"So that's one big thing to understand is that when you call a function, you're basically setting these, you're initializing these parameters to a particular value."
"Special methods always come from the type and never from the instance."