
Code Optimization Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Once you learn that, you can then start to use streams and optionals to write code in a declarative way."
"You'll be surprised at how often you'll use these and how much code that you can go through your codebase and replace these long nested for-loops with these list comprehensions."
"One shortcut is if you don't plan on using this named instance of another class like game frame, you don't actually or necessarily need this portion of this line of code."
"Always use polymorphism if you can get rid of if and switch statements."
"It's one of those features that you know it's right."
"It's good practice to release your variables as soon as you finish with them."
"But then we wanted to actually bundling abilities and tree shaking, so we the as an entire JS Community switched to webpack or more accurately abstractions on top of it."
"The loop will allow you to run through all of these objects and parse them into your application using just a few lines."
"When in doubt, parameterize. Instead of passing data through global variables, make it an explicit parameter of the function."
"I'm realizing I could use, in a very clever way, the higher order array function filter."
"Hooks give you custom abstractions without inflating your react component tree."
"It makes the code lighter, but also because it helps us to debug faster and to have some code cleaner."
"Great start! Move play towards the center of the code."
"A compiler can assume that undefined behavior is unreachable."
"With the latest version of React, we can use React hooks which makes our code lighter."
"...this is a much cleaner implementation. We're hopping back on the main thread only when we have the data back that we need from our service, and we're updating this stuff. We need to parse this as a string really quickly."
"This is a really good way to show you how optimal your code is or how often and how long your code is spent executing."
"Top tips of optimizing your code: avoid using Global variables when possible or where you really don't need to."
"Inheritance helps eliminate redundant code, saving time."
"Concepts simplify the code, they make everything smaller, smarter, cleaner, maintainable, understandable."
"With Java 8 streams, you can achieve the same thing using only a single line of code: `streamOfNumbers.min()`."
"I can simplify this line of code and use ternary operator to write all of this on a single line."
"If I could write code mechanically to be optimized for a given architecture... wouldn't that be a good thing?"
"If we can divide our code into two separate parts, we can then run each part on its own core."
"It's all your choice; you can make the changes as well according to your choice or you can optimize the code as well."
"You get automatic code splitting, and that's another thing that as your app gets bigger, it's gonna be a bigger and bigger deal."
"My code is significantly simpler, I think it resulted in smaller binaries, large maintainability gains, some compile time help, and large readability gains for my case."
"Follow the rule of zero and understanding triviality is one of the main keys for writing code that is constant or friendly."
"Our keep rules do not actually have to keep extra classes; all we want is we want to prevent them from being renamed."
"Try and reduce code in your Lambda functions."
"Using iteration, we can actually make this code much more concise."
"A switch is an alternative to using many else if statements; it's more efficient and easier to read."
"It enables efficient code optimization."
"The IR enforces a property called static single assignment."
"Measure it repeated and we can focus on the code that we really care about."
"If you find yourself copying and pasting from an old project into your new project, odds are there's an opportunity there to factor out that code."
"So if you guys can make this code smaller, A plus, right off the bat."
"So how do we restructure this? The first thing I recommend doing is to scroll through this code and identify what parts of the code should be grouped together."
"Let's make an improvement to our code; instead of using useState, we're going to use the React Spring library."
"I'm going to step it up a notch and this is again to illustrate the power of what I call like chunking and up structuring code properly."
"There's a lot of maintenance going on if you're reducing the size of the code but not losing any features."
"The optimizer will then take an intermediate representation of your code and perform lots of optimizations on it, hopefully to make it faster and leaner."
"Tree shaking is just a ridiculous name for dead code elimination."
"Previous hot code is already optimized, so the applications will start faster."
"If you can make it const, make it const, because the compiler will like you."
"Having these three variables in one location means if they're being manipulated at the same time, you're going to use fewer SLOADs and SSTOREs."
"I don't think you should be scared to optimize your code."
"First of all, when and how do you optimize your code? I want to take a step back, look at the big picture."
"One character turned to six, so about eight keystrokes, 30% runtime improvement. Very good return on investment."
"We also need to look at our for loop ranges here, right?"
"Avoid repetition... define a single point of definition to avoid hard coding of business rules and formulas."
"Your largest performance improvements are going to come from algorithmic changes in your code."
"Your block is, you know, so much more reusable than how it was before."
"If you're desperately trying to eke out the last bit of performance from your VBA code, supposedly it's technically faster to use the typed version."
"Memory access can be completely hidden away if you write good code."
"A good software synthesis system should take a formally specified problem and produce as output correct code that's optimized for this class of problems on that hardware."
"The compiler only has to deal with what actually had to be saved."
"Over time, you will have a lot of opportunities to generalize your logic, more code reusability, easier maintenance, and more participation from your engineers."
"Template macros are a great way of reducing the amount of repetitive code that you need to write."
"If I find myself copying and pasting code, I immediately stop. I should find a way to reuse that code, make it more modular."