
Public Welfare Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"They don't want anybody to get hurt; they don't want that suspect to get hurt, they don't want the public to get hurt, and heaven forbid a law enforcement officer gets hurt as well."
"Let's start spending money where we can agree to help the American people."
"Rebuilding bridges is not a democratic idea, ensuring kids have access to clean water is not a democratic idea."
"We freaking did it. We helped get real relief to the American people."
"The air force has suffered a great loss of prestige in this community. Once people entrusted with the public welfare no longer think the people can handle the truth, then the people, in return, will no longer trust the government."
"It's life, it's safety, and it's our country, but we have to take care of people at the same time."
"What good is a strong economy if it doesn't serve the people of this country?"
"I really do believe that this president is putting the health of the American people first."
"We need to give people a New Deal for the American people."
"One of the things that's come out clear for me from this year... is how much does your government care about you?"
"America is depending on what you have - the food we need to feed our families."
"The economic salvation of the masses can only be accomplished by getting a large number of people to practice the scientific method."
"But let's talk about caring about the American people. The American people have had to sacrifice far too much because of the incompetence of this administration."
"What I'm suggesting is I think good for the people who are suffering in this country and is good for the rest of the world."
"There's no way we're to leave Washington without taking care of the emergency needs of our people."
"Every dollar that we spend is an investment in the lives and livelihood of the American people."
"I want to give money to the people, I want to put money into the people's hands."
"We've got to make sure that our leaders are actually serving the interests of the people, putting the welfare, the interests of the people ahead of the corporate interests, and the greedy that have ruled for too long."
"Americans are getting hurt, migrants are getting hurt. The President of the United States, his Cabinet secretaries, have not lived up to their oath of office. All Americans need to recognize this."
"It is really quite devastating to see people have a conversation about what it looks like to prioritize anything other than preserving the lives and the livelihoods of the people."
"It's very important that we deliver cheap food and plentiful food for people."
"We've got to be able to put the well-being of our people ahead of politics."
"America does not want to witness a food fight, they want to know how we're gonna put food on their table."
"You're going to need a president who actually cares about your life."
"Estonia has public health, education, roads, and public transportation, all with a public debt of only 8.4% of GDP."
"Good government is the difference between living and dying."
"Stop amplifying conspiracy theories, election interference, and disinformation."
"When he was in power you know he helped fight poverty he helped expand social programs health care education very important things that these countries have all lacked."
"It's about the lives and livelihood of the American people."
"It's about putting the well-being of our people ahead of partisan politics."
"We have an obligation to look at that truth, especially when it pertains to the welfare of the American population."
"We understand the importance of the eviction moratorium to everyday people."
"We will not rest until Americans have the health care system that they need and deserve."
"This love dissolves pain, frustration, and exhaustion."
"Education and healthcare should be socialist... It's just sheer investment in your people."
"We've got to get back to what's in the interest of the American people. We don't have that right now."
"To play politics with people's lives in that way... it's really disappointing."
"This government is trying to do right by the majority of the people."
"Be for the people, don't leave for corporations."
"What people want to know is what plans Labour government might have to improve the life of people in this country."
"Government's job is to take care of its people. That's the only job government has."
"National interest means the interest of the people of your country."
"People want health care and education to be social goods, not market commodities."
"There's an urgency to delivering relief to the American people."
"China's new growth strategy directly involves the expansion of the consumption of the Chinese people."
"When you have a community's concern in front of you, their well-being immediately takes precedence."
"Hopefully, most Americans now understand the need for child care, for better health insurance, for better public health system, for paid sick leave."
"I think cable news has become a serious serious detriment to the national welfare."
"The country should function for the benefit of the people."
"Fix the economy. The survival of people depends on it."
"It's time to reopen the economy so people don't starve."
"When we work together, we can dramatically improve public safety."
"The government needs to do something to take care of the people, not just the large companies."
"Nobody gets hurt. This is what I call governing and government doing its job, ensuring everybody's better off."
"Those are unmistakably good things for this country..."
"Government doesn't care about you or your children or your rights or your welfare or your safety, it simply doesn't give a [ __ ] about you."
"The news stopped caring about the well-being of the country and the people a long time ago."
"We need a government that has the capacity to go directly into not-for-profit production if private industry can't provide for the needs of the people."
"The most important thing is not to be so tied up in politics with morbid policy. Create policy that helps the people and makes life easier for them."
"Rio Vista farm hosted a variety of public welfare programs beginning in the 1930s."
"So sit the [ __ ] down and come up with a gun safety plan. That's how you save lives, which is all we should be concerned about."
"Development continues whether you're in office or not because one must be concerned about the welfare of the people."
"The 'invisible hand'... led by an invisible hand to promote the public welfare, which was no part of their intention."
"I'm focused on getting the American public back in a place where they have some certainty, some surety, some knowledge that they can make it."
"Our NHS should be focused on making people better, not the wealthy few richer."
"When you maximize profit, you will have to endanger public good."
"The purpose of this code is to establish requirements to safeguard the public safety, health, and general welfare."
"It's Safety First for us; it's safety for the public and it's safety for the workers we're putting out there."
"Public goods are important, man. So underrated."
"So the decision to do health care was, I think, a decision to prioritize what actually matters in people’s lives."
"It's logical and forward thinking, and it truly considers the needs of the people."
"This is a proposal from the Biden administration that would provide material benefits to the American public."
"The public good requires you to have housing."
"The government transformed slums and unhealthy dwellings into tenements, launched a wide range of infrastructure projects, and provided free health care and education."
"Police power is the supreme power of the government to enact laws to promote public health, public safety, and general welfare."
"The best health policy starts with a good housing policy."
"An engineer's number one importance they have to hold paramount in any ethics code is to hold paramount the health, safety, and welfare of the public."
"We're using the full measure of our fiscal firepower to protect the jobs and livelihoods of the British people."
"Public is better than private; together is better than alone."
"I really love the Nordic model... I do see a place where private businesses... there are sectors of the economy though where I think that introducing or having a profit motive causes more harm than good."
"Always consider the safety, health, and welfare of the public as paramount."
"The value of investments in public health."
"The city authorities of Valencia really care about the leisure of the local people."
"The restoration of credit, the revival of industry and commerce, the expenditure of the public money for the public use, the promotion of public comfort, and the security of public safety."
"We will work with others to do everything we can to prevent that from happening and to bring an end to the austerity that voters the length and breadth of the UK are no longer prepared to accept."
"They also wanted to limit the power of monopolies and improve the general public's working and living conditions."
"The welfare of the public is obviously our foremost concern."