
Coping Skills Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Human beings are actually resilient, and the fastest way to stop yourself spiraling out of control is to have some amazing sentences. I have extraordinary, phenomenal, incredible, enviable, exemplary coping skills."
"If you are hurting, therapy can help. Therapy can also help you learn positive coping skills, how to set boundaries, and how to live an all-around happier life."
"Therapy can also help you learn positive coping skills, how to set boundaries, and how to live an all-around happier life."
"A sailor needs to know that they can cope with whatever the ocean throws at them."
"Once you know this technique, you have it forever to use anytime you feel like you're in a crisis and you need that support."
"There's a lot of them in there... and one of the things that happens is when... something is wrong something's profoundly wrong..."
"Teach them how emotions work and give them tools for handling strong negative emotions."
"We didn't learn any coping tactics... people said, 'Oh, get over it,' or 'There's nothing wrong with you,' so the cycle never got broken."
"Life has its ups and downs, but once you learn your tools... you can really get through everything."
"You have all the tools within your sphere to cope with whatever arises."
"Understanding and coping with these hard emotions is crucial."
"Empowering because it showed me that even if I'm [__] miserable mid-trip heightened exaggerated feelings I can breathe through it on my own."
"Better help is helpful for learning positive coping skills."
"When you have advantages, you actually set yourself up for a fall because you don't gain the coping skills necessary to negotiate crisis."
"None of us are really taught how to deal with our emotional difficulties."
"What if instead you get really good at feeling? What if you get really good at handling like feeling anxiety or sadness or grief?"
"The ability to manage your emotions on things you have no control over is such an invaluable skill set today."
"We affirm you're perfect as you are, but why not normalize learning coping mechanisms and problem-solving early on?"
"Life doesn't get easier you just get better at Living."
"I have extraordinary, phenomenal, incredible, enviable, exemplary coping skills."
"It's funny that for both sides of the coin, more over-regulated and more under-regulation, key skills that tend to come up is developing distress tolerance."
"Therapy isn't an interrogation; therapy works for the client, works with minors, is regulated, and life coping and resilience skills are imparted."
"But we can't do that until we've processed some of the trauma we've sustained and we have tools and resources we can pull on when we start to feel ourselves get overwhelmed and go into that fear/trauma response."
"Grounding de-escalate so important toughest tools to learn because of the cortisol anger fuel but some of the most important to learn if you're going to do well in recovery."
"Your level of emotional maturity only has to do with the skills you were taught usually at a younger age, the skills you were taught to be able to manage your emotions, to be able to understand your emotions, to be able to work with and through big emotions when they came up."
"I have phenomenal coping skills. Whatever you throw at me, it's good and I will cope because I have phenomenal coping skills."
"Those are the brain's coping skills because you're battling this cognitive dissonance in a relationship with somebody where you expect love and support."
"Our recovery is a lot more than just recovering coping skills."
"I've learned so many positive coping skills and how to set boundaries."
"Identify our core triggers and have some different coping skills."
"Distress tolerance skills can really help you take a breath and figure out what's going on."
"We need more coping skills, we feel completely unable to cope, we don't have the tools needed and if the ones we have aren't working..."
"Distractions just lower the intensity of our anxiety or trauma triggers enough so we can engage in those more difficult process-based coping skills."
"Therapy has been such an incredible experience. The coping skills that I have learned from her have been Next Level."
"Parents just aren't aware of how important it is to model healthy coping skills for our children."
"Distractions lessen our disregulation...process-based coping skills are the goal."
"But let's be curious about it, dig into it and I find that once we kind of know where it's coming from then we're better able to snuff it, better able to process through using those other coping skills."
"We all have a tendency to backslide. Those Tendencies just keep coming at us. We lean on them, they're a crutch for us, and we have to learn to not recreate our Tendencies as coping skills all over again. But that's where mental health comes in."
"Notice, know, and need. If you can remember these three words, you can actually do this in the moment. This is relapse prevention."
"It's helpful for learning positive coping skills and also for people who want to become the best version of themselves."
"Being able to self-regulate and make yourself feel better when you're feeling down is such an important skill."
"We need to get you to a point where those coping skills are moving you towards that helicopter feeling."
"Slowly but surely, using our coping skills and our grounding techniques, once we know them well, we feel like we can use them anytime, all the time."
"Now kids have endless coping mechanisms with none of the networks we were biologically built to have."
"Recognizing that you can manage those feelings... perhaps because you have a good repertoire of emotion regulation skills."
"Let your therapist know this is happening. You should feel like it's okay to feel disregulated for a little bit, but you should feel like you have coping skills and resources."
"Even though you feel like you need to be in a safe space to do this, you can work on building coping skills and resources to help you navigate those intense emotions."
"I think part of our job is, yeah, society. Our kids' job is actually to feel their feelings, because if they don't feel their feelings when they're young, there's no hope of having coping skills for those feelings when they're older."
"Therapy is so helpful in learning positive coping skills."
"Therapists are trained to help you learn productive coping skills, which makes therapy the closest thing they'll get to a user manual."
"Therapists are trained to help you figure out what the cause of challenging emotions and learn productive coping skills."
"We can change our own neurotransmitters by coping skills and mindfulness; like any learning, yes, it changes our brain."
"Building up your support networks, building up your coping skills, right? Because coping skills are super important in building up your psychological foundation."
"If you have coping skills gained from a previous distressing event, you are more likely to come through a traumatic incident resiliently."
"They're realizing they need to create different coping skills."
"Through all of the therapy, it's really given me the skills to sit in really difficult situations and kind of have faith that at some point or another you're going to come out the other side and you will prevail."
"Therapy enables realities to become true by helping you build the survival skills to cope with reality as it is today."
"Our girls are just being faced with a barrage of stresses and new experiences that are really beyond their ability to cope."