
Environmental Appreciation Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"Finding beauty in the earth is quite possibly the only thing keeping us alive."
"We are always in the process of learning from nature. So, I think as long as we are willing to learn from nature, and the more of us the better, I'm happy at that prospect."
"It is every man for himself. Teaching self-resiliency and independence is a virtue."
"What kind of psycho doesn't like the planet?"
"The earth is a rare jewel in the cosmic expanse."
"As the light changes, the dunes of the Namib take on a thousand different hues, of spectacular beauty."
"Each grain of sand on that beach, each droplet of water and molecule of air is a story to be told. Each is a song to be sung."
"Overall, these trees are beautiful, with the crystal clear lake allowing light to penetrate deep down."
"It actually is pretty damn green and I like it."
"Having a connection to nature is important... observing trees, mountains, and rivers."
"Taking a moment to appreciate your surroundings."
"The significance of this sighting cannot be overstated."
"It's literal, it's a sea of beautiful trees that are all different shades of green."
"Crater Lake: some of the bluest water on the planet."
"The world around you becomes enchanted in a new way."
"Forests do tend to have a particular value in the profile of that particular culture."
"The Gallo cristales River in Colombia is regarded by many as the most beautiful river in the world."
"Our planet is every bit as alive and so much more alive than any of us."
"Sequoia National Park home to the giant forest it's been around for thousands of years."
"Being able to hear the birds and outside noise just makes me feel really happy."
"In terms of trying to do this for mental health reasons, I feel like it has just made me so much less stressed."
"We live on a planet that is all but perfect for our kind of life."
"The people were then, and are now, deeply attached to their landscape."
"But that's what I love about this office, that has character, guys."
"Life is beautiful here - no taxes, fresh air free of charge. What's not to love?"
"My respect for nature started when I was a young boy."
"It is so unbelievable to see these ancient relics of our past civilization and considering how we couldn't live without the Amazon rainforest it's crazy to think of a time when it didn't even exist yet."
"It's estimated to be at least 4,850 years old and is considered to be one of the great wonders of the natural world."
"It doesn't let you forget the awesome power of nature."
"This land is more than our mother earth, it is precious."
"I'm really liking the vibe over here in the water right now."
"Love when things are green and not red especially right now when times are a little questionable."
"One thing remains the same and that is being true to yourself is the key, knowing your roots and where you come from."
"I'm grateful to be an American to live in a country that still has a country like this wide-open wild stuff."
"Nature is stunning and mountains especially so, a glorious natural formations some of which are hundreds of millions of years old."
"It’s almost as if those turkeys were flopping their wings and clapping and saying, 'Way to go boys, a few more poults are gonna survive this year'."
"The extensive 70-acre woodlands around the village are a haven of natural beauty..."
"Nature has wowed people... organisms that walk around our planet."
"The Lord made a wonderful, sustainable planet."
"We only have this one home, and it's an amazing place."
"Nature is naturally abundant where you can see that a tree has thousands of leaves, the beach has billions and billions of grains of sand."
"The world itself is gorgeous, oh yeah, it's absolutely stunning."
"The wildlife that shows up in systems like this is phenomenal."
"This planet, Humanity, its beauty... I fight for it."
"Either way, it was another amazing encounter with nature."
"Whether you're an animal lover or not, the truth is our planet would be a pretty dull place if it wasn't filled with some of the more heartwarming and awe-inspiring animals that we share with nature."
"The air is so fresh, you can just feel that oxygen from the nature."
"Nature is magic and always finds a way to surprise us with its beauties worthy of all our admiration."
"Beautiful through here, the green starting to come back in the trees."
"What a platform with its waterfall and a rainbow and a beautiful mist and just gorgeous."
"I'm just taking in the sheer Beauty but also like a kind of gross Beauty of this environment."
"Try and chill. It's so beautiful out right now. It's so cold in the studio, the air conditioner on blast. It's time for me to get outside and relax a little bit. Enjoy your weekend."
"It's all about connecting, to connect with the world around them and to experience the value of our relationship with nature."
"The next time you look at plants, man, they deserve a lot of respect."
"Nature always takes care of you and feeds you."
"It's kind of nice right now. I'm filming this like during sunset around like six when it sets here in Dubai and I can hear like the call to prayer happening and say it's a nice moment."
"There's such a diverse amount of life in this world."
"Just the beauty of nature, Pacific Northwest is known for having huge trees."
"How chill is that? Tropical rainforest, beautiful Creek Crossing, crystal clear water."
"I actually value the bee more than I've ever valued it."
"I want to collect and filter some water from the source of the Colorado River so I can take a swig and toast all y'all that are waiting downstream."
"Yosemite Valley: a wonder of the natural world."
"I love the view I think it's beautiful I'm really enjoying I'm really enjoying working on the natural and nature stuff."
"Even on the worst of days, there is much beauty to this wild land."
"It's hard to believe these places exist on our own planet."
"Commonly referred to as the most beautiful river in the world... no wonder it's affectionately known as the liquid rainbow."
"Use what you have and go outside into nature and really use what God has made for decor."
"Nature is all around us, and that's what our Mantra is about today."
"I'm grateful for Pacha guiding us to this fertile land. Plant seeds and see them grow. You don't expect a dream come true at my age."
"Our planet, look at it, it's the only one we know of in any known universe with life on it."
"The beauty of the planet is in its diversity."
"Nuisance or not, trimmings are a wondrous creature, truly a thing to behold in nature."
"The Legend Continues and the little vessel that engendered a universal appreciation for the Beauty and the importance of Life below the world's many surfaces sails on."
"Throw on your favorite active gear and go out and enjoy your beautiful planet."
"Change the space up or going to the beach or the park and seeing God's creation when you're praying."
"This is actually a beautiful and vibrant little area."
"It's happening right now for Mother Earth. It's almost as though she wants to come in and say thank you for this opportunity for all of us to heal."
"Our world is full of such a variety of different species."
"Some people just have a connection with nature and they just want to go out there and try to be a part of it."
"What I do for recreation is a lot of golf. I love playing golf and I love just being outside in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina."
"I think the um nature color so it makes us think of the Earth and you know nobody ever walks through the woods and goes oh gosh this place is getting so dated."
"It was peaceful and I didn't feel uncomfortable at all out there."
"Thanks for all you do for this planet, little bee. Do you want to go for a hunt with me today? It was your first day, so I'll treat you seriously."
"There is nothing more beautiful than a wild untouched beach."
"It's moments like this you just get to appreciate the Earth."
"The real story is that nature can create many wonderful and unique things."
"This might be the nicest bit of nature I've ever seen."
"The respect for the land and for Sri Lanka that they have, and this is, it's awesome, it's awesome."
"Living close to nature definitely has its perks."
"It's one of those natural wonders that just captures everybody's attention."
"I love how intertwined with nature everything is."
"We finally reached the edge of the water, crystal clear water."
"Look at this weather, it's fantastic."
"Deserts like forests hold an air of mystery."
"I think nature is like the truest thing to me. It's like my friend. It's so special to me."
"The shining river, the trees glowing bronze and gold, and the sweet green of the grass."
"Time and again, we have to take some time and be with nature."
"Look at the environment. Yeah, look at the environment and just feel the peace, the quiet. Look at that, that's what I'm seeing right now."
"Trees are fun to play, but they also enrich our lives in many ways."
"Alabama's trees are a valuable economic resource, but today we're dealing more with the value of trees as living wonders."
"Look at that deep green and the sumax you guys holy moly I want those to naturalize a bit."
"Nature is absolutely turning it on."
"I like being immersed in wildlife, that's the whole project here at the camp, feeling like I'm just immersed in nature."
"We should all, in part, be naturalists."
"The mixture of forest, field, and mountain really made me feel like I was in a fantasy world."
"We are surrounded by nature, beautiful trees, and coconuts."
"I am reminded of the beauty and power of nature."
"It's actually when people say like, 'Oh, it's perfect out,' this is perfect weather."
"It was work as real conversation with the landscape, not abuse or a raiding of the land's gift."
"A sturdy roof to live under, a patch of ground, trees, and the fresh clean wind."
"I think it's been really nice to share the extreme landscape and picking above the river and the waterfalls."
"Nature is really regarded as sacred."
"I loved the environment and the people I met so many different people there that I'm still in contact with today."
"Birds and beasts and wind and water here beneath the bright blue sky, no man's smoke blinds people's eyes."
"The Earth is incredible, and there's so much beauty."
"I loved nature immensely and enjoyed exploring the wilderness."
"The Great Lakes are no joke; they're a big deal."
"The Ohio River is just an amazing natural resource."
"Natural Sun, you cannot beat natural Sun."
"To love yourself, to love your surroundings, your environment, and to love the people around you."
"It's beautiful, what do you like about it? Oh, there's like almost no garbage on the floor, and the ocean's nice."
"It's like going back 50 or 60 years into the quiet and the cleanness of the air and rather enjoyable."
"We really should be thanking the earth as a whole for welcoming him."
"The light from the trees is not just brightness; this is nourishing, this is holy, this is enriching light."
"Really, you just, you've got to give top marks to this national park, everything is spot on."
"It's a beautiful Green Space and there's a lot of them actually around Wellington, that's why I really appreciate about being here, there's just so much Greenery."
"It's nearly heaven on Earth; Singapore is just an incredibly green city."
"Look at how blue this water is, this is incredible."
"I really like how beautiful our trees are really growing."
"It's looking so much cleaner than yesterday, it's nice to see a clean ocean, clean lines rolling through."
"There's literal moments of turning a corner and not just the landscape but also the lushness of it."
"Just being out in that environment, it brings something out of you, something that yearns to learn more about the earth itself."
"The nature is what just hits you sometimes; it's everywhere."
"Trees are really interesting nonetheless."
"You don't have to switch on the lights for you to enjoy either the natural light or the natural air."
"It's amazing how much we can learn from studying the natural world around us."
"We do need the rain and it is a good soaking rain."
"Every time I feel 'Oh, that's disgusting,' when there's a green pool or something I want to swim in, I remember that without those things it would not be possible for me to survive."
"It was Nature's Beauty at its finest."
"The only thing that's good for you in the world that you can trust is nature."
"You can't really fault them for the green side of it."
"We live in a place where we can go outside, and we're blessed to have a wonderful environment here."
"Mother Nature puts on such a fantastic show and has for us."
"We call this the Tree of Life because the birds absolutely love it."
"If we truly admire our Mother Earth, we can acknowledge and save her."
"It's always special in these semi-arid environments when you do see rain."
"I just knew that I really, really loved nature."