
Custody Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"It ended the best way that suspect in custody, nobody was seriously hurt."
"LAPD has successfully taken them into custody."
"It shouldn't just be about if he's okay to be with his mother, it should always be about who is the best fit for the child."
"In what may be one of the most shocking displays of authoritarianism we've seen yet, a judge has taken away custody from a mother of her child for not being vaccinated."
"After being found guilty, Danny Masterson was immediately remanded into custody."
"The man taken into custody today is 36-year-old Terence Kelly."
"The happiest day of my life was when I got custody of Micah."
"They took Jessie into custody at 9:00 a.m. on the morning of June 3rd."
"I feel like my mom has taken my daughter and I don't believe at any point she has any intention to give her back."
"Ralmer's ex-girlfriend managed to get custody of their two daughters again."
"Nobody just ups and files for sole custody out of spite for their child's father, there's usually a more sinister situation."
"Sinister plot that transcends the Realms of divorce and custody battles."
"The mothers were ushered into a room filled with waiting police officers who informed them that their children were now in state custody."
"False allegations are rare and usually come up in the context of divorce or custody proceedings."
"All seven fugitives are finally back in custody."
"I expressed my lack of trust in her capability to safely and responsibly care for our children given her recent Behavior and the ongoing legal issues."
"Marriage will collapse immediately if men were getting custody of kids and women had to pay child support."
"Even if I got full custody, I still won't get y support."
"It's been dubbed a custody dispute on steroids."
"Just because you're biological, if you're not well in a mental brain I don't think you should be having custody of your kids."
"Maybe consider whether your child would be better off living with you and visiting the mother occasionally."
"Custody of little Alice was given to her maternal grandparents who admitted that now the main meaning of their lives is their granddaughter."
"Whatever is decided by a judge is always made in the best interest of the children."
"Judges are still massively favoring towards women than men in terms of custody."
"There was no way a mother as devoted as Anna would have upped and left without taking Gracie with her."
"I want what's best for my kids, and it's not fair that the kids should go to him physically fulltime all the time when his emotional and verbal abuse forced me out."
"I am gonna remain here and play chess, and the matter of our daughter is SETTLED. She stays."
"The boys didn't die in the bush, they died under custody."
"Child custody is just, it's personal. Very personal. People get desperate because they feel like they're losing their child forever."
"The first step is self-custody. If you're holding it with them, you're trusting them with your privacy. You want to reduce your exposure on that side."
"A perfect example here is in between self-custody holding your keys yourself and trusting an institution with your keys."
"I got a text that goes why does he get visitation rights?"
"I can't just let her leave with my daughter."
"It disturbs me that men end up seeing their kids every two weeks on the weekends."
"Two years later in a landmark case I won back custody of my children."
"Let her have it and let her have the kid."
"Hardy was taken to colindale police station once he was in custody sio Kenny Bell realized their suspect wasn't in the best of health."
"I'm hearing that at least one of them is in custody."
"You're going to have to carry this now. It's Dr. Bruner who has custody of you."
"I'm the primary parent of three children, got primary custody."
"...there's really nothing to mediate because plaintiff is asking for consistent visitations and custody to see me and my dog and I'm asking for no contact with the plaintiff."
"Fights over custody, access, parenting time and visitation have unintended victims, the children themselves whose emotional well-being can be harmed by their parents' fight."
"The only solution in entrenched alienation may be to remove the children from the alienating parent."
"Ideally, custody should default to 50/50 parenting as a starting position to avoid parental alienation."
"I'm arresting you for escaping custody."
"You know you can ask for a change of custody if she is wrongly denying this and it comes that she is. If she is alienating, you know you can ask, and that is a change of circumstance or proper cause for me to take care of and look at custody. I'm not going any farther today."
"In the past, mom got the kids because she was home with them doing the thankless, unpaid, mountainous work associated with that role. Today, neither parent is at home, so there's no reason the default custodial parent should be mom."
"Two men in suits collapsed on her, wrapping her up and taking her into custody."
"If I get custody of Zayn, I might need someone I trust to watch him."
"I won the custody battle and am happily living with my daughter."
"Updates: I'm at my mom's house for at least the weekend while the adults try to figure things out. But my mom said that I was welcome to live with her full-time, and if I really wanted, we could change the custody agreements."
"I stopped going to his house when I was 14 and tried to fight for full custody."
"I'm happy to announce that I'm getting full custody of my daughter."
"...my attorney was appalled at the actions of my ex and was 100% on board with helping me get primary custody."
"Protective custody, protective custody, protective custody!"
"So I'm filing for divorce and I'm asking for full custody for the time being once dick agrees to therapy and starts making some progress we can revisit the custody agreement."
"I filed for joint custody and finally managed to get 15 days."
"You take care of your kids very well, never lost custody of them."
"We employ cryptographically secure quorums backed by tamper-resistant hardware which enables custodians to provide digital custody that features the security of those cold wallets with availability and speed of a warm wallet."
"You know, from Chad's perspective, I think he did get a raw deal. I mean, he was the primary custodian of this young girl. She was all he knew."
"Your ex sounds nuts and is humiliating your son by forcing two new people in his life and by having to live in another man's house. File for sole custody, citing emotional abuse."
"'I'm afraid that is impossible, we cannot allow you to take young Naruto.'"
"Parental responsibility also includes time sharing questions which is visitation."
"Do we want every human in the world to be able to self-custody their Bitcoin in a censorship-resistant way? Absolutely."
"I wanted to gain joint custody and have a home that my kids could come and feel comfortable in."
"It's very sad that this happened all because she simply wanted access to her children. She wanted to be a mother and she wanted to raise her kids."
"If she was the father in this situation... she would barely have visitation, let alone 50/50."
"My lawyer said it's a clear-cut admission of untreated addiction which pretty much guarantees me full custody."
"I have sole legal custody. I call all the shots."
"The defendant Tracy did not want to lose physical custody of Dr. Pittman John Pittman."
"Michael after a long long custody battle was finally able to get full custody of his children."
"I actually ended up going to the courthouse and was able to get legal custody of him when they found out about Carter's situation and learned that I'm the little sister of Josh's mom. They had no reason to say no to making him my true son."
"Chris Larsson was granted the divorce and full custody of his two daughters."
"I want them to remember this means I want full custody. Not just weekend visits. Not just Wednesday for discipleship. Not just Sunday at 10 or 12. I don't want weekend visits. I want full custody."
"...am I the for telling my husband if he fights for custody of his kids I will divorce him?"
"I straightforwardly asked my mother why she had been asking me to give Dev full custody of my children even though it was never going to happen."
"I do find that the petitioners are fit and proper persons should be the legal parents of Cason."
"Nobody's asking you two to get back together, but the family court does say he has a right of access."
"custody battles are tough and if each parent wants to have more time with their child they should have the right to do so because there are so many kids out here who have terrible parents"
"Thankfully, I have full custody of my daughter and we are now living over 1200 miles from her demented mother."
"The court of law will always favor the woman getting custody."
"My mom's name isn't on any of the special guardianship paperwork... she's the only one that can actually come and pick her up."
"There is an open case but until me and her have actual custody established then there's no there's nothing that they can do."
"Crypto says user custody is good. Deflation is good. Central banking is bad."
"We're asking the court to just give the people who our witnesses the opportunity to speak to their knowledge as to who they believe should be primary, what is in the best interest of the children, and that some relief can be granted here."
"I have a fear of Mr. Allen getting the children and not bringing them back."
"My client believes that he should be the primary parent and Carson should go to the school closest to his resident."
"I think it's in the children's best interest that they remain in the Department's custody. I would ask that you keep custody with the department at this time."
"There's a pretty good chance of him getting full custody of the kids."
"Every single person that you see locking arms voluntarily, they will be taken into custody and booked."
"No one will be able to take her son away."
"I'm glad I can finally bring you into custody."
"Mason wants to live with Dad. Mason is more comfortable at Dad's home."
"What offense had Mr. Markell committed against these people? Refusing to let his children be taken away from him, objecting to them disparaging him to his kids."
"Meanwhile, what's going on with Darcy and the kids? Well, Jerry wanted them to visit him all the time. Darcy initially did what he wanted and went to see him."
"He is in my custody. I believe he could lead us to his allies that assisted him on Old Mantel."
"Muhammad and Malvo's murderous spree was brought to an end. They were in police custody."
"I will fight for custody with every ounce of strength I have."
"Being a mother became a core component of Amy's identity to the point where losing custody would have shattered her sense of self."
"I would love to see the father get full custody in this situation."
"At the end of the day, what matters is whether our son is happy or not, and if he's happier with me, then he'll stay with me."
"In the interests of the child, there is always a strong presumption that a child of tender years should be in the custody of the mother."
"I divorced Darren and gained full custody of our daughter."
"I was granted sole custody while she received supervised visitation."
"She did get custody of her kids and she did find the strength to leave."
"They will take your kid, they will take your rights."
"When the judge is looking at who gets custody, it's not about who puts up the better defense in court; it's who spent most time with the child."
"This court is vested with the authority and has the jurisdiction to address custody cases such as this and enter orders accordingly."
"You're asking for possession of your daughter, is that correct?"
"I am returning the children to their custodial parent in this situation, Miss Alvarado, but I am ordering court ordered services in this case."
"Earlier today, he appeared before a court in Windermere and was remanded in custody."
"I think turning these children over to a man who has no history of taking care of them is ludicrous."
"If you don't think you can get my kids away from me by framing me, you've got another thing coming because I will fight this all the way."
"Every decision you make about custody and visitation should be based on what is best for the child."
"We cannot hold someone in custody after a judge signs an order for us to release them."
"She's been in custody for three years; it's time for her to go home."
"Whatever you got to do, sir, within the confines of the law to get your children in full custody, I say hats off to you."
"I am fresh out of Family Court where I successfully got sole custody of my child."
"I don't want to fight for her in the custody suit. I think what is best for Mary is that she be with her natural mother permanently."
"Custody is a massive market, something like 1 trillion dollar by 2030."
"There is zero percent chance that standard custody and poly sign won't be listing XRP as available to custody."
"The children remained in the custody of their grandmother and uncle, and the widower was unable to claim any of his late wife's property."
"I'll help you get your kids back."
"Don't get discouraged; get your stuff together, get your life together, that way you can go to court, you can fight for your kids."
"Bail is the security given for the release of a person in custody of the law."
"They both deserve to have time with their kids."
"The court, weighing all the factors, is firmly convinced that the parties should be granted joint legal and joint physical custody."
"The court cannot change custody from that environment except upon clear and convincing evidence that it would be in the best interest of the minor children."
"If a child has an established custodial environment with both parents, neither parent's custody may be disrupted absent clear and convincing evidence that a change is in the best interest of the child."
"A child's custody determination is much more difficult and subtle than an arithmetic computation of factors."
"It is one of the most demanding undertakings of the trial judge."
"I paid eight hundred dollars for my kids to have a safe room over their head because I just want custody."
"It is illegal custody when the state becomes the parent."
"The Nevada legislature has created a presumption that joint physical custody and Joint legal custody is in the best interest of a child."
"We are heartened to know that he will finally be in custody for a crime he was convicted of not once, but twice."
"In custody situations like this, it's vital that the interests of the animal be put first."
"The best interest of the child is what the court is supposed to consider when making a custody determination."
"With two equally good parents, the one who is willing to co-parent will be the one who will win the battle."
"Custody for Mel would mean she makes the decisions for the kids, not him."
"Custodian is coming out of the word custody, which means taking care or safeguarding."
"Both parties have the capacity and disposition to provide the child with love, affection, and guidance."
"By the time the judge said you now have full legal custody of your daughter, it just felt like a huge weight just got lifted off of my shoulders."
"I got full custody of my son, y'all. Full custody. I'm a full-time father, y'all."
"The courts actually granted my grandparents custody of my brother and me."
"Everybody wants paternity, everybody wants to take control of the child."
"I'm not fighting over custody in my petition; I've already stated that I want my husband to have equal custody, both legal and physical."
"I am ordering that unsupervised visits begin as long as Mr. Gomez is a part of those visits."
"I will order the department to come up with a schedule for those unsupervised visits that can progress to overnight visits."
"I wanted no custody, full stop, but would pay full and maximum child support instead."
"The best interest of the minor child which is the preeminent consideration of this court in any custody case will allow the court to consider the evidence."
"Little Emily will stay with her mother."
"As you know, Your Honor, when looking at determining custody, the court has to look at the best interests of the child."
"Most of the time when a single mother has a child, the father needs to establish custody."
"I can't believe they're actually letting me have custody of my son."
"I was told at the time that it was a very fair plan."
"He is a fit and devoted father; I see no reason to restrict his parenting time or custody of the minor children."
"We are all safer because they are in custody."
"I am going to put a short stay on visitations; let's focus on counseling."
"Fortunately, as of now, the FBI has taken the mother and boyfriend into custody."
"I have custody of Jace, he lives with me now full time, my kids are happy, they're healthy, that's all that matters."
"I hope Sophie ends up in a custody situation that is safe and healthy for her."
"He states that he will attempt everything in order to regain custody of his son."
"I've adopted the kids and have full custody of them. They're doing better now and leading happier lives."
"It looks like that father really loves his child, that's why he's fighting for custody."