
Catholic Church Quotes

There are 174 quotes

"The Catholic Church has had more influence on the world for the kingdom of God than any other institution."
"The great psychologist Carl Jung believed that the fundamental threat posed to the integrity of the Catholic Church was associated with the temptations of centralized power, so the pull of authoritarianism."
"On July 16th, Pope Francis issued a bombshell of a law titled Traditionis Custodes. It placed restrictions on the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass."
"The origins of our universities, our hospitals, and our science all came from the Catholic Church."
"The most authoritative view and the one that appears to be in most harmony with Holy Scripture, is that after the fall of the Antichrist, the Catholic Church will once again enter upon a period of prosperity and triumph."
"I love the fact that the Catholic Church does not subscribe to the idolatry of the modern."
"It's not something disobedient or offensive or even subversive for a Catholic to say that there are many in the hierarchy who are bad."
"Benedict XVI's stunning decision to renounce or resign his position to end his reign prematurely was also arguably a signal of the abruptness or shortness of his reign."
"The Catholic Church is an enemy, and to pretend it's anything but is ridiculous."
"The Catholic Church has the fullness of the truth."
"The Catholic Church built Western civilization."
"Who started the Catholic Church? Jesus Himself."
"The Catholic Church will survive, it will thrive, it will continue to have a billion adherents."
"The Council of Trent is where you see some changes begin to happen, where the Catholic Church is beginning to put its house in order."
"The teachings of the Catholic Church have never changed in 2,000 years."
"They want to control what kind of message the Catholic pro-life movement is being given."
"The mood was festive. Jorge Bergoglio was about to become the Holy Father of the whole Roman Catholic world."
"The Catholic Church should thrive on variety when it comes to non-essential elements."
"The future of the Catholic Church is in going back to principles that actually matter."
"Peter’s Pence is the tradition from the 8th century when all Catholics are instructed to donate to the church."
"Pope Francis is the head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State."
"However, whether or not Cathars as a specific growing religion existed, those that opposed the Catholic Church most definitely did exist."
"Revolution raged all throughout the 20th century in the Catholic Church, and then of course there was the massive modernist coming out party that took place in the 1960s."
"The biggest debate is on this term 'subsists'... It's almost like a Platonic form of the Church, and it subsists in the Catholic Church."
"You can't reverse engineer the 27-book canon of the New Testament without the judgment of the Catholic Church."
"The Catholic Church is like a chariot riding through the centuries reeling but erect."
"Now is the time for the Catholic Church to throw off the shackles of the spirit of that cursed Second Vatican Council and make the church Catholic again."
"The Catholic Church has got to go back to being Catholic."
"Internet access, because it's one of the reasons I don't get bored. I have ample opportunity to find something interesting on the internet."
"The Holy Father has decided to keep Cardinal Izzati in office."
"The Catholic Church's ongoing struggle with allegations of child abuse, spanning decades and continents."
"On these shelves sit 12 centuries' worth of documents, and unmatched history not just of the Catholic church, but of the world as we know it."
"I love the Catholic Church, I love our Bishops, I love our Pope... let's get mobilized, let's get active."
"The Catholic Church owns 177 million acres of land."
"The Synod is only there to give advice to the Pope."
"Bishop Jorge Bergoglio was a great communicator."
"Despite his old-fashioned style, Pope Francis understands the need for more openness with the media."
"The church had been so beautifully consistent... there was no institution on the planet that had so opposed communism like the Catholic Church."
"The Catholic Church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator, and property owner in existence."
"The Catholic Church does not have a monopoly on the practice of exorcism... The main actor in an exorcism is Jesus Christ."
"The confusion from Rome endangers the trust in the successor of Peter."
"Unfortunately, many Bishops who restricted traditional Latin Mass are on the losing side of history."
"We're not protesting anything anymore we're just not catholics."
"The Catholics are still solid throughout it."
"I'm not attacking Catholics... but pick up any history book that's not biased towards Catholics and you'll see the Catholic Church throughout history did some awful awful things."
"The Catholic church is defended by the magisterium."
"I become a Catholic out of a deep love for the Petrine office."
"The Catholic Church has faced an avalanche of sexual abuse allegations in recent decades."
"The Roman Empire never went away; it just reincarnated as the Catholic Church."
"The very fact that the Vatican has sanctioned over 70,000 exorcisms is pretty shocking."
"The third secret of Fatima, a precious message warning to the church and the whole world, be revealed in full."
"The Catholic world is shocked as am I that an Archbishop of the Catholic Church would knowingly give the Holy Eucharist, the body of Jesus Christ, to a Muslim."
"Catholic Church announces new patron saint of email. Dude, bravo. Say it. Say it, Kyle. Say it. Saint Francis. Francis of Assisi. Amazing."
"The traditional manner of distributing Holy Communion must be retained." - Pope Paul VI
"It's a hostile takeover of the Catholic church and faithful Catholics must resist."
"Submission to both [the pope's] infallible teachings and his authority for the discipline and government of the church is required."
"We are to be grateful and accept always questioning of course and always relying on the Judgment of the Catholic church but always Place yourself at the cross."
"There are not a hundred people who really hate the Catholic Church... but there are millions who hate what they think it to be."
"Pope John XXIII was a much-loved pope, revered for his compassion and leadership."
"Your fastest and most assured way of Salvation is defined in the Catholic Church's doctrines."
"If people knew what the Catholic church was, 99 of people would love it."
"Let's pray for the church in Germany let's pray for Pope Francis because he has a tough job I would not want to be the pope having to deal with this situation because it's not just Germans it's also some of the Flemish Bishops."
"There's nothing new under the Catholic Sun. This is not our first rodeo."
"The Catholic Church is credited with a big part in fighting on the side of democracy."
"The Catholic Church, the popes, who are at the Vatican, which pays h to the freaking Serpent."
"We are going to try to respond to every conceivable objection to what the Catholic Church teaches about the Blessed Virgin Mary."
"A revival will spring forth in the Catholic Church like never before."
"Galileo's support for the heliocentric model brought him into conflict with the Catholic Church."
"The Catholic Church wasn't about to take challenges to its power lightly."
"When a second miracle has been identified and validated by Rome, Solanus Casey will go down as one of the greatest saints in the history of the Catholic Church in America."
"The Catholic Church had always believed in art. It relied on it. It knew that people like to see what they're worshipping. They like images. And that gave art tremendous power."
"The best thing you can do for us is to please keep praying for us pray for the leaders of the church pray for the Pope brothers and sisters the Lord Jesus founded the Catholic Church and he will never abandon his church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against the church."
"...the effective cure for the victim is prayer developed by the Catholic church that comes against the possessing spirit and ultimately sets the captive free."
"The Catholic Church has something, it has the right soil in which the roots of great Saints can sink down deep."
"Allow the Lord to transform your life through the Catholic Church. You won't regret it at all."
"The Catholic Church is the only thing in which the superior cannot be superior in the sense of supercilious."
"The Catholic Church is the only thing that frees a man from the degrading slavery of being a child of his age."
"The Catholic Church is the only philosophy operating from first principles and not from fashionable prejudices."
"The most unacceptable and unpalatable claim of the Catholic Church in today's world is the church's claim to be the true church."
"The Catholic Church does more for the sick the poor the oppressed the elderly the unborn than any organization of history of the world."
"In the future, the traditional rite of Mass must be retained in the Roman Catholic Church as the primary liturgical form for the celebration of Mass."
"There is nowhere else to go. The Catholic Church alone has the fullness of the truth."
"The Holy Spirit is the soul of the Catholic church."
"To renew the life of the Catholic Church from within."
"We need God, we need other people, we need the sacraments, we need the full gifts of everything the Catholic Church gives us to be the man that God calls us to be."
"I totally grant you that a lot of modern religion has become quite feminine and has driven men away, right? But I'm saying the Catholic Church is not exempt. It's absolutely not exempt."
"The so-called Catholic Church was invented by the Roman government."
"The liturgy of the Catholic Church has meaning and significance only insofar as it is directed to Almighty God."
"The Catholic Church says there are a few things we must believe, a few things we can't believe, and beyond that, we are free to believe whatever we want."
"There is a kind of unity that already exists in the Catholic Church."
"I remind you of the following lurgical law and authoritative teachings of the Catholic Church regarding the celebration of the most holy Eucharist."
"There's not supposed to be second-class citizens in the Catholic Church, we're all supposed to be on the front lines of pursuing holiness and being witnesses for Christ, type of thing."
"The act of Archbishop Lefebvre in 1988 is an act of fidelity to the Catholic Church."
"There is no divorce in the Catholic Church... commanded by Jesus himself."
"The liturgical reform is a major conquest of the Catholic Church and has its ecumenical dimensions."
"The Catholic church has presented on several occasions since 1992 its official apology for the abuses perpetrated during the evangelization and colonization of America."
"No other organization in the world does more work in areas of Education, Health, poverty alleviation, and healthcare than the Catholic Church, none."
"The Catholic Church rejects nothing that is true and holy in these religions. She regards with sincere reverence those ways of conduct and of Life whose precepts and teachings, which often reflect a ray of that truth which enlightens all men."
"The council is explicitly stating this truth that you are free to seek and adhere to is the truth found in the Catholic Church and in her teachings that she's received from Christ."
"The whole idea of justice and trials comes directly from the Catholic Church and these biblical concepts."
"The Catholic Church did so much during the Dark Ages to advance and preserve society that if it weren't for it, Western society would have completely collapsed."
"The growing Catholic Church always had as its official position celibacy is superior to sexuality."
"The Catholic Church has always loved and venerated scripture."
"We have arrived at the worst crisis of faith in the history of the Catholic Church."
"All of those things that allow you to speak with passion about your faith in Christ, your love of the Church, the beauty of the liturgy, all of those things came from the Catholic Church, and all of those things find their proper home in the Catholic Church."
"He said you should become Roman Catholic."
"The lineage of the Catholic Church goes back to Jesus himself."
"The Catholic Church was also responsible for barbaric witch hunts where so-called witches were rounded up and slaughtered for centuries throughout Europe."
"He essentially established the modern papacy."
"If the Catholic Church were to disappear, a black hole would appear in human society."
"The Catholic Church's approved movies list is The Blues Brothers."
"In 1506 Pope Julius II desired to build the most magnificent Church in all of Christendom."
"Everything that we have in Christianity comes from the Catholic Church."
"The scandalous lives of Vatican popes serve as a reminder of the complexity of human nature and the challenges that come with wielding power and authority."
"While these scandals have marred the reputation of the papacy, it is crucial to remember that they do not represent the entirety of the Catholic Church or its teachings."
"The beauty of the universal Catholic Church united under Peter is that there's this whole storage room filled with spiritual treasures."
"Jewish historians estimate some 860,000 Jews were saved by the actions of the Catholic Church during World War II."
"His Summa Theologica was a compendium of all the main theological teachings of the Catholic Church."
"Particular churches are fully Catholic through their communion with one of them, the Church of Rome, which presides in charity."
"Pope Francis has significantly changed the composition of the College of Cardinals."
"Every day, the Catholic Church feeds, clothes, shelters and educates more people than any other organization in the world."
"When the smoke emerges white, we and the rest of the world will know that a new pope has been elected."
"If the relevant government were to submit to worldwide inspection and knowledge any facts proving the existence of rational beings outside our galaxy, this would be a crisis for the Roman Catholic Church like no other crisis in two thousand year history."
"In the year 1530, the Church of England split from the Catholic Church to forge its own way."
"There are not more than a hundred people in the world who truly hate the Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they perceive to be the Catholic Church."
"It's no secret that the Catholic Church is the largest charitable organization in the world, serving people all around the globe and advocating for peace and justice."
"Saint Maurice Catholic Church, impressive."
"We owe the Catholic Church a lot for how much these clerics did preserve of the ancient medieval world that wasn't part of their own worldview."
"Please look into the Catholic Church, study it for yourself."
"The Catholic Church does with her money immense amounts of social services and charity."
"The Catholic Church is involved in the greatest spiritual struggle of her whole 2,000-year history."
"The Western Catholic Church basically invented Western civilization."
"The modern Catholic church has acknowledged that the persecution of the knights was totally unjustified."
"Jesuits are the teaching order of the Catholic Church. They're just like pretty chill, pretty liberal."
"The Catholic Church responds in the Catholic Counter-Reformation."
"The Catholic Church's history of censorship dates at least as far back as the 9th century."
"The Holy Roman Church is the guardian of the Holy dogmas and confirms them because representing the prince of the Apostles she does not vacillate in anything concerning the Catholic faith."
"The Catholic Church clothes more people, feeds more people, and cares for more sick people than any other organization in the whole entire world."
"The Catholic Church has made a huge impact in the world."
"The Catholic Church enjoys the ongoing presence of Jesus Christ in its churches."
"Every bishop that has ever been ordained in our church... can be traced back to the original apostles."
"The Catholic Church appoints its priests and parishes out of obedience and faithfulness."
"The Catholic Church administers seven sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Confession, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Matrimony, and Holy Orders."
"The doctrines of the Catholic Church are unchangeable."
"The Catholic Church did not make these things up; they're based on the Bible."
"Constantine would qualify as the first pope."
"Pope Gregory the 13th decided that all the Catholic dominions... were going to ditch the Julian calendar and adopt the new Gregorian one."
"That was the oldest Catholic Church in America, that was something."
"Only the Catholic Church even claims to be founded by Jesus Christ."
"It's also the seat of power for the Catholic Church, which is the largest branch of one of the world's major religions."
"Visible unity of the Catholic Church is permanent union with the Holy See."
"For no one can be in any doubt that indeed in every age the holy Most Blessed Peter, Prince of Apostles, the pillar in faith of church, is the foundation of the Catholic Church."
"I have so much respect for the Catholic Church and the impact it's had on the world and on some of my dearest friends."
"Vatican II was partly an attempt to try to find the missing links to the Church Fathers, the missing links to the Eastern liturgy."
"Martin Luther wrote the 95 Theses, starting to question the Catholic Church."
"Pray for me that I'll continue, please God, to be faithful to the Catholic Church and what she teaches."