
American Revolution Quotes

There are 167 quotes

"The Great Awakening... sparks the culture throughout the populous of what would become the American Revolution."
"The American Revolution was fought over the idea that, for better or worse, we the people still decide who governs."
"During the American Revolution, while the Boston Tea Party gets a lot of attention, Rhode Islanders actually burned a British ship, the HMS Gatsby, into the sea in Providence, a whole year before."
"Let history say of us, these were golden years when the American Revolution was reborn, when freedom gained new life, and America reached for her best."
"The way we're going to unite this country is actually by rediscovering, dare I say, the radicalism of the American Revolution."
"The Freemasons themselves played an active role in the American Revolution and the formation of America."
"The American Revolution was not conservative; it was a liberal one."
"Adams was more intimately involved in the everyday workings of the revolution than any other American revolutionary at the time."
"Hamilton and his men rose up out of the trench."
"Hamilton finally had his moment of battlefield glory that he had dreamed about."
"Symbols played an essential role in the American Revolution and help define America today."
"I think we have a window right now to reinstill the values of the American Revolution."
"Many people across Europe who were influenced by Enlightenment thinking were fascinated by the Revolution and quite supportive of a new country seeking to experiment with and embody these ideas."
"The refusal of King George the third to allow the colonies to operate an honest money system which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators was probably the prime cause of the revolution." - Ben Franklin
"It's not good to distort American history by saying that the American Revolution was fought to defend slavery which is not true."
"Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American Revolution."
"The other colony saw what was happening and worried they might be next so they called it Brain Trust to decide what to do 56 delegates from 12 colonies gathered and met in Philadelphia at the First Continental Congress."
"Mark the beginning of the American war of independence the rebels were outnumbered and had to fall back to Concord as the British split up to search for Rebel supplies however more and more Patriot Rebels kept showing up."
"The most professional army in the world was forced to flee back to Boston."
"The truth of the matter is that when the British first declared their promise of freedom to slaves, it scared the [ __ ] out of the Americans."
"The Declaration of Independence said that King George the 3rd of Britain had violated the rights of American colonists."
"Winter at Valley Forge might have signaled the end of the American Revolution, but George Washington didn't give up."
"Without foreign help, especially from the French, the American Revolution probably would have failed."
"Arnold defied his orders and at the Battle of Bemis Heights he charged at the British and obliterated them."
"Cornwallis held out for nearly a month before he had no choice but to surrender over 7,000 British troops."
"Miraculously the Americans have won their first Victory on the first day of the American Revolution."
"The riots of 2020 are not comparable in any legitimate way to the American Revolution."
"Faith in the central bank is what is the driving force of big moves in Gold up and down."
"The 1215 Magna Carta was a Key Part of the American Revolution."
"Benedict Arnold, the man who almost changed history."
"Independent thinking is what makes us all human beings."
"Freedom from tyranny, that's pretty much the average American's view on the Revolution."
"The success of the American Revolution also helped inspire the French Revolution in 1789."
"The American Revolution from the perspective of the other side."
"The fundamental claim of the 1619 project is that the revolutionary war was fought over slavery."
"It matters whether people think that the American revolution was or wasn't motivated partly by a desire to protect slavery."
"When the American colonies went to war in 1775 against Great Britain, the greatest military power on earth, they did it without an army."
"Washington fervently believed in the cause of independence. He was willing to risk everything to make this ambition a reality."
"It is clear that without uniting around a single cause the colonies would have never effectively beaten back the British and formed America as we know it today."
"Boston: Scene of many revolutionary events, like the Tea Party."
"America was founded in 1773 as a tax revolt."
"Thank god the American Revolution... won the war."
"Nathan Hale was a 20-year-old captain in the Continental Army when he volunteered to sneak across enemy lines and spy on the British."
"The Culper Spy Ring, one of the greatest secret creations of George Washington, was lost to history for more than a century and a half."
"The arson helped to spark the American Revolution and the Boston Tea Party over one year later."
"He saved the American Revolution twice, at the Delaware River and in Yorktown."
"It was with this, the shot heard round the world, that the Revolutionary War had begun."
"The American Revolution is a conservative revolution."
"The Americans tore down a statue of King George in New York and melted him down into 42,000 musket balls. To the British, it was treason."
"The war is turned, but at Yorktown, George Washington surrounded Cornwallis."
"Hancock's signature had always been bold, but the one he scrawled on the Declaration of Independence is particularly impressive."
"The Congress quickly established a continental army and put George Washington at its head."
"The American Patriots signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring their freedom from British rule."
"Welcome to the shot heard round the world, the coming of the American Revolution."
"The history of the American Revolution has been mythologized, distorted, reimagined, and sometimes just made up."
"Blood in the streets of Boston and now Lexington a people unified in the fight against tyranny."
"Not only did the French bring credibility to the American cause, but of course they also brought military supplies, and most important of all, they brought the French navy."
"America at this point is still figuring out how to have a navy, so having the French navy was of huge importance."
"But as a nation, the French were particularly eager to help the Americans because they assumed that after the war they might be able to take over much of the lucrative trade with America that the British had controlled before."
"The story of the real Paul Revere begins in colonial Boston, 1715, when a 13-year-old boy of French Huguenot origins stepped off the boat that had carried him from his native country to the New World of America."
"The revolt against British rule in Mainland North America in 1776 was inspired in no small part by the fact that London was moving towards abolition of slavery." - Gerald Horne
"There's a myth that Lafayette went broke because of the American Revolution, that's not entirely true..."
"The British Royal Navy would have completely defeated the colonists if it had not been for the Continental privateers and later the help of the French Navy."
"Paul Revere actually staged a midnight ride."
"The Continental Army was created and founded by the Second Continental Congress."
"The American Revolution is not a dirty word; it is a noble cause about rights and liberty."
"The American Revolution is looked at as still a major model alongside the emerging French Revolution."
"The American Revolution was a monumental moment not just in world history but also in the history of the Habsburg monarchy."
"The blood of freedom had been swelling for a long time, and on the 19th of April 1775, it burst into bloom at Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts."
"Complete religious freedom was not achieved in America until the American Revolution enhanced the climate for religious freedom."
"It was only really three percent of all the colonies in America that participated in the Revolutionary War against the most powerful Empire in the world."
"The Royal Proclamation of 1763 was made void in the United States following the American Revolution."
"Reagan regretted that the new patriotism had fallen short of the second American Revolution he sought."
"The colonies believe they're fighting for their rights as British subjects, but some feel the only way they can get those rights is to break away from England."
"This is a very consequential time in history. This is when the American Revolution is about to happen, the Falklands events, and the independence movements breaking out in northwest South America. This is really a time when a lot of things are going down."
"...we've got history coming back we're starting off with the American revolution because I'm basically gonna take whatever I am studying in school and make content about it...I am paying for the education I will be paid for the education...it's a revolving door."
"The American Revolution was an attempt to make life a more horizontal vision, where we were born with the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"There is nothing more common than to confound the terms of the American Revolution with those of the late American war. The American war is over but this is far from being the case with the American Revolution."
"This is not how the American Revolution was fought. This is not how civilians were targeted."
"He served as a spy for General Washington."
"The Sons of the American Revolution was founded in 1889 for men who were 18 years or older who could prove lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution."
"In the darkest hours of the American Revolution, Thomas Paine wrote that times have found us."
"It was General George Washington who saw its strategic value to the lower Hudson Valley."
"The Americans won at Yorktown. It was the final land battle of the American Revolutionary War."
"This is the most untold story of the whole American Revolution because it wasn't a continental army that defeated Ferguson, it was a group of frontiersmen."
"Americans hated taxes so much that they had literally gone to war with the greatest military power in the world to pay less of them."
"The reason why America was able to defeat the British is because you had help from the French."
"The Battle of Yorktown is the decisive battle of the American Revolution and which allows America to finally be independent from Britain."
"Easily the most famous legend surrounding this weathered old plantation home tells that the expanse harbors the spirit of none other than the pen of the American Revolution himself, Mr. John Dickinson."
"The mountain range that you just saw in the backdrop here is actually one of the causes of the American Revolution."
"I think it's going to be called Washington Crossing the Delaware."
"The signal in the Belfry of Boston's Old North Church sent Paul Revere riding with his call for Freedom."
"I don't think anyone who sees this film will think of the American Revolution and the founders in the same way again."
"During the American Revolutionary War, the Americans defeated which nation to gain their independence?"
"The town of Southwick was incorporated five years before the American Revolution began."
"Martha Washington was the secret weapon of the American Revolution."
"This is a solid shot cannonball from the American Revolution. Isn't that cool? Has a nice mold seam on it, beautiful thing."
"The central significance of the American Revolution to the history of slavery... was that it was the beginning of anti-slavery politics."
"The American Revolution did not invent racism; what the American Revolution actually invented was anti-racism."
"Your average bar owner or your average wife or your average servant changed the course of American history forever."
"I grew up just outside of Lexington, Massachusetts, so we were very steeped in the American Revolution culture."
"We're gonna talk about this incredibly boring but incredibly important time period from the end of the American Revolution up to 1789."
"The American Revolution changed the course of Creek history."
"Without George Washington there may have been no victory in the Revolutionary War, and thus no United States."
"Washington’s most important role in the war was the embodiment of the legitimacy of American resistance to the Crown, the representation of the Revolution."
"By appointing Washington as your general, this tells South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, this is an all of us thing. This isn't just a New England thing, this isn't just a Massachusetts thing."
"This house was built in 1776 by Reverend Alexander Dobbin."
"Those who had fought for the Americans despite owning slaves himself, Jefferson had written the condemnation of slavery in the Declaration of Independence."
"The role he played in the American Revolution was important, a role that deserves to be remembered."
"He was a tailor and a spy whose work saved George Washington from capture by the British twice."
"The British fought Washington in and around New York during the summer of 1776, eventually forcing Washington to retreat and capturing New York City on September 15th."
"Hercules was with the crowd that went to Bowling Green Park and pulled down a statue of George the Third."
"American Revolution: rights given by God, not man; personal liberty more important than equal outcomes."
"In this time of desperation, Congress turns to Washington to appoint a man to save the south."
"Greene was given extraordinary power by Congress, so much so that he essentially becomes a second commander-in-chief."
"The victory at Kings Mountain was considered a turning point in the war in the south."
"The American Revolution's emphasis on freedom and the right of the people to consent to their political leadership inspired the French Revolution."
"The American Revolution was caused chiefly by anger about British troops in the colonies."
"Paul Revere produced an engraving of the Boston Massacre that showed the British soldiers firing on defenseless colonists."
"The colonists are heroes of the American Revolution."
"A lot of people were emancipating their slaves after the American Revolution just because they were so inspired by the idea of liberty and freedom."
"The American Revolution was less about the whole 'all men are created equal' rhetoric and more about money."
"Monroe literally and figuratively carries the American Revolution in him."
"The Freedom Trail allows you to follow in the footsteps of the Founding Fathers in Boston."
"General George Washington, Leader of the Continental Troops," came the firm reply.
"At the Battle of Bunker Hill, William Prescott instructed his troops not to fire until you see the whites of their eyes."
"As the British forced the Americans off the field on the 11th of September, Washington realized to his horror that the right flank of his army was about to collapse, potentially causing a general route and destroying his army."
"The American Revolution... huge effect on New Spain in general and as ruinous, it's going to later have a big effect on Texas."
"Who warned revolutionaries that the British were coming? Paul Revere."
"The French involvement in the American Revolution saved the rebellion, and without it, the militias surely would have lost."
"Now had these guys followed through on the logic of their own argument to its conclusion, that is that all men are created equal, and like freed their slaves, the American Revolution would have been the greatest historical event in world history."
"The story of the American Revolution owes at least as much to British bungling as it does to American bravery, patriotism, valor, etc."
"The irony, of course, is that these guys pretty much embodied the kind of freedom and liberty the war was supposed to be about."
"The story of the American Revolution begins with the end of the French and Indian War in 1763."
"British imperial policy after the war and the escalating cycles of American resistance they provoked were the ground from which the revolution sprang."
"The overriding strategic goal for the Americans turned out to be simply keeping an army in the field; as long as they could do that, the war would not be lost."
"The American Revolution was relatively successful by comparison to the French and the Russian revolutions."
"Freedom Fighters against Redcoat garrisons and supply lines made a shambles out of General Cornwallis's battle plans."
"Thank you for the $2, shout out to France for helping 1776."
"War breaks out in Massachusetts... in the spring of 1775."
"The Americans were morally free, politically free to declare independence at any point from the spring of 1775 on."
"The American Revolution had tremendous impact on the world."