
Work Habits Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"If you change the way you work, you change the time you spend on these new behaviors, you will actually change the outcomes of work."
"If you take strategic and intentional breaks during your deep work sessions, it could potentially make you more productive."
"Be prepared to take walks, take breaks if you're stuck."
"If your eight hours straight is working for you and you sleep well, that's awesome."
"The world's largest study of productivity... found that the most productive people tended to take a break at 52 minutes."
"One study found that 70% of remote professionals work weekends, and 45% work more than they did before the pandemic."
"The professional Tipping Point is the point at which your natural impulse to be productive actually outweighs your natural impulse to procrastinate or waste time."
"Intentionality, the most useful thing you can do when you sit down to work."
"Remove any potential distractions before you start working."
"Don't keep email or any instant messaging apps open while you work."
"Lastly, do some amount of work every single day, or at least almost every single day, because frequency is your friend."
"Bezos knows when to call it quits: 'By 5 PM I'm like, I can't think about this today. Let's try that again tomorrow.'"
"I get the most work done when I'm not working, because imagine this: why do we have all these brilliant ideas in the shower or when we're driving?"
"Viva Insights analyzes all of your different work habits."
"Creativity isn't really something that can be done on a schedule."
"We can work more productively if we take breaks and sharpen our axes."
"Every day, good habits. Whether it's punctuality, work ethic, attention to detail, intensity when you're training on a training pitch..."
"Poor thinking habits keeps most people poor, not poor working habits."
"If you keep your process the same, then you'll be able to get a lot of work done."
"As a creative, it's very important to have most of your stuff done the night before."
"I like to work quickly... I'll scribble something down."
"It's okay to check your phone; just do it after you've finished working."
"Great routines and structures regarding work."
"Did I mention you should be saving all the time? Control S, yes I did."
"Hopefully I wake up a bit earlier than normal and I can hit the phones in the car on the way into work."
"If you're doing the same old thing, you're not being as productive as you can."
"I personally what I recommend do you on a break if you're in a flow and you don't want to take a break then please look away from your laptop it is so important to like visually not stare into a computer for long periods of times."
"Ultimately, it's totally up to your preference on what makes you the most productive."
"It's a lot easier to keep the momentum going, keep the ball rolling, than it is to keep starting and stopping and stuff like that."
"Develop good work ethic to stay focused and productive."
"Don't let yourself get sucked into the idea that running the same thing over and over again is the fastest way because I think it's the fastest way to burn out."
"Complacency kills. I've seen so many police officers on the streets like, 'I don't need my vest, I've been working for 33 years, I've never been shot.' What kind of thinking is that?"
"People prefer mono-tasking, but our world demands polychronic attention."
"In a 8-hour workday, I would get more work done in the last two hours."
"Productivity leads to more productivity and unproductivity leads to more unproductivity."
"You're not meant to focus for 8 hours a day... let consistency compound results over time."
"I do think there is definitely a few things that I do to kind of maximize productivity."
"You're self-sabotaging through work. Taking it to its extreme becomes its opposite."
"I want to start trying to sit at my desk more."
"Every time I say I'm gonna do something tomorrow, I just stay up to an ungodly hour and do it the same night anyway."
"I work really well in like finishing tasks not everybody's brain works this way some people are like I like to have days where I get ready and put on makeup and like batch film everything."
"When you do extra, it becomes an expectation."
"Switching between sitting and standing has become an essential part of my work."
"I'm the type of person who gets distracted by dual monitors."
"I might use something extensively for a couple of projects and then it might sit for a few months while I'm working on something else."
"I thrive on pressure and procrastination."
"I'm not an early bird, I'm a night owl. I do my work usually at night. I keep my morning for sleep."
"I stopped working. I started taking cabs. Anybody that knows Creative will know that I was always taking all those drops in school."
"I still work little in the morning and at night on my computer. Everything's online now in the cloud."
"Work while you're procrastinating."
"I've now realized I can get a lot more done easier if I work alongside my brain instead of forcing it to do things on an arbitrary schedule which it absolutely hates."
"Think about how you work best and what routine you need in order to be most successful."
"One of the best changes I've made at work recently is to stop nitpicking in code reviews."
"The typical knowledge worker approach of frantic switching back and forth of your attention is exhausting us."
"I'm kind of a night worker, which I would solely just blame on the fact that I'm a major procrastinator."
"It's going to make me make some serious changes to the way I currently work."
"I don't get all hung up about having to be at the desk all the time."
"I would get 80% of my work done before 1 p.m. anyway."
"Leveraging your rumination is a shift that the average knowledge worker rarely makes."
"We don't burn out because we work hard; we burn out because of the way we work."
"Sometimes I feel as though it actually helps me to be that little bit more productive if I work outside of the flat."
"Think again, 'cause I'm a night owl, someone who works in the evening, proper nocturnal, real popular too."
"Know what time of day you work best."
"Let's talk about some habits that you can practice if you're stuck at your nine-to-five job."
"It's always a good habit to start saving your work as soon as you type something."
"I am wired to work on multiple things simultaneously."
"You don't always have to get up at the crack of dawn to be productive."
"If you want efficiency, find your laziest employee and find out how they clean."
"Make sure that you're saving your work every so often."
"I've always worked best where I'm bouncing around two or three different things at the same time."
"Please remember to back up your work."
"Being efficient in how you work makes you more profitable."
"Always, always remember to save your work every so often."
"Don't eat at your workspace... it can be tempting to work through lunch and be more productive, but in reality, the opposite tends to happen."