
Spiritual Gathering Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"No person accompanies such people or sits in such a gathering except that he would be forgiven."
"The church is where two or more are gathered. The church's mission is to make saints."
"The church is not a building; we are doing Church right now, gathered online."
"The Quiet Ones invites you to revere in the power from the song of our source. Together we will attain true control."
"I'm glad you're here. I've been praying and I believe that God wants to do something special in here tonight."
"We're gonna gather at the water for this final move."
"But when we get there, it's going to be beautiful."
"We didn't come here tonight just to hear a great sermon or somebody preach... we're here to hear what God is saying and do it."
"No person accompanies such people or sits in such gathering except that he would be forgiven."
"Let's go down to the river to pray, he's reaching out to you."
"Times are dire, we are about to be gathered again into the arms of the mother."
"God wants to gather His people back into His fold, where truth abides."
"He shows up in the most powerful way when we come together."
"May our feet journey together, may our hands gather in unity, may our hearts be in unison, and may our souls be in harmony."
"There's something about coming together with your brothers and sisters."
"Words of life are the reason we are gathered here."
"May this be the beginning of new days for so many people who are listening to this service."
"The word talks about us needing each other and how much stronger we are when there are two or three gathered."
"I was glad when they said unto me, 'Let us go to the house of the Lord.'"
"We don't come dragging in one at a time trying to get through the gates."
"And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together the elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other."
"Tomorrow Faith Friday is going to be really amazing people need to make sure that they don't miss it."
"When I'm here, everything comes up. When I'm here, everything that's hurt heals."
"Thank you for these that are standing here, get ready, Lord, get ready to be healed."
"The circle of 12 will be an enhancement circle that your innate will recognize and see, and say finally a place where you can sit week after week if you wish and feel that which is the healing energy that is within your body."
"This is a house of miracles and we bring everything to the feet of Jesus."
"Father, let not one person in this place remain the same when they leave these doors."
"This Gathering is like a hospital, where you come and get patched up and fixed up to go out there and fight again."
"Tomorrow's gonna be massive guys. The chat's gonna be wild. It's gonna be a Holy Ghost time."
"Let's bring the ones that need the healing and the forgiveness. Let's bring them in here because we can only get to a place of healing and forgiveness for the collective if we heal our self."
"We greet all of you and we thank all of you for taking the time out of your very, very busy lives to seek the truth in this circle of seeking."
"I will see you guys tomorrow... we will make it to Jannah, all of us."
"We're all here right now by Your divine appointment."
"This is the voice from the dust meant to flood the earth with righteousness and truth and gather out the elect from the four quarters of the earth."
"Two or more of us gather and break bread and exchange this enlightenment, it's church." - KRS one
"I believe that this thing is where many streams come together to make a river that God uses to ignite Revival in this nation."
"God is not just calling new men to this city, there's about to be a feast. We must discern it."
"I believe there's a lot of great power when believers get together as groups, even if we could get thousands of people on the streets praying together."
"We will not miss this moment in this room and online we will not miss the opportunity to be a part of a God thing."
"It should have started that way, everybody coming out there with your soul."
"This is not a rally, it's not a seminar, this is a sacred assembly."
"This is an appointed gathering at the appointed place at the appointed time by the hand of God."
"May you who have devoutly gathered on this day carry away with you the gifts of spiritual joys and heavenly rewards."
"This is going to be a powerful time, two nights of miracles, preaching, worship, and in-depth teaching in the word."
"We're here for the same message and that's to praise and please Allah."
"I'm going to give you a stadium... Sundays after Are Gonna Fill Up stadiums with the glory of God."
"Help me thank God for this beautiful family coming today."
"Join us for our annual prayer conference."
"We are certainly grateful to be back in this place of worship another time."
"Welcome to miracles on Zoom! I'm Apostle Katherine and I'm so blessed to be here with you today. I'm so excited for all that God's going to do today on this livestream."
"I am very much looking forward to today's satsang."
"Father, with joy we come before You and we are thankful that we are together again."
"Satsang is a place where everyone has the same intention to get absorbed in their own pure self and to stay there forever."
"All flesh shall come to worship before Me," says the Lord.
"We are gathered here this day, Oh God, because we are all empty and you are the God of all fullness."
"We gather each day in the Father's love, we gather with Jesus, his Son."
"By whatever good energy comes out of our gathering, may each of us individually achieve enlightenment state of the Buddha of compassion."
"Praise the Lord, today you are here as a family; please come together as a family wherever you are."
"May Allah the Almighty bless this Jalsa in every respect."
"Every gathering by the spirit of God is a feast of light."
"Whenever two or three gather, God shows up."
"Every year, millions of Muslims worldwide gather in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, to perform the Hajj pilgrimage."
"When we come together, God really moves in such a powerful way."
"It is because of you that we are here tonight because you are our God."
"I'm calling everybody to get your family together and pray with us. It's going to be a powerful time."
"When you come together, each one has a tongue, an interpretation, a prophecy, a revelation of Him, a psalm."
"Are you excited to be in the house of the Lord one more time?"
"Be with us now, Father, in our last presentation at camp meeting in Jesus' name, let everyone say Amen."
"Heavenly Father, we praise and thank You for giving us this opportunity when we can be together and encourage one another."
"Oh come on, let's bless Him for the privilege of being in the house of the Lord."
"Bless His Holy Name; how good it is to be this weekend with God's people."
"Welcome to this amazing global soul gathering."
"Lord, we're so thankful that you're faithful to meet us here, every time we gather in your name."
"We thank you tonight that your sovereignty is in this building."
"Good morning everyone and welcome to this satsang with Mooji Baba."
"Welcome everyone to satsang today, and very happy so many people came in spite of the rain."
"Father, we're grateful for today, grateful for the people that you have brought, grateful for our online viewers and everybody that follows this ministry."
"Please come into our midst and minister to us."