
Technological Change Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"Bitcoin fixes that; Bitcoin fixes everything."
"The magnitude of what's happening with AI and technology is so radical, it isn't like a small incremental change; it's fundamentally completely redefining how our lives will be impacted in the future."
"The medium is the message; things change when mediums change."
"The pace at which AI progression is changing is staggering. We are only in the first inning."
"The single biggest challenge that we are going to face as a country, the world is facing at the moment, is the technological revolution."
"As time goes by, things change quicker and quicker because of technology."
"AI will be the biggest change not just in your lifetime, in anyone's lifetime."
"If somebody comes along with the way to change the way we store our electricity, you watch, [the reliance on traditional fuels] will plummet."
"The era of the four-engine mammoths is becoming a thing of the past, and their heirs, the twin-engine giants, are starting to reign the skies all over the world."
"The digital dollar isn't conspiracy; it will be reality very soon."
"This is a step function change, it's an enormous change."
"Evolution really is the right model to think about what's happening here."
"Solving the problem of technological unemployment is a far better problem to have than the one that haunted our ancestors for centuries."
"Programmable money... just everything is about to change."
"The biggest change in social media in 15 years."
"You're seeing this change from industrial to digital and Miami is the only city in America that got the memo."
"If first contact brings technological change, it could also be social change."
"We're going through the greatest economic and technological transformation."
"I love the way you always talk about the tokenization of everything."
"It's going to completely change how people do film."
"Change is happening, it's inevitable... robots, AI, it's all coming."
"We want to remove the dirty data spewing engine that the Internet is currently running on and replace it with a clean engine built for privacy."
"Crypto is going to change everything, but it's early days."
"TVs were wide, heavy, low to the ground. Small. Low res."
"I think you're going to see more change in the next 10 years than we saw in the last 50 years because of Technology."
"Apple is going to make the biggest change really ever to the iPhone."
"Technology may advance but God's plan remains unshakable."
"Long gone were the days of local co-op split screening with your friends, replaced by the ability to play with anyone, anywhere, in the world."
"Blockbuster's failure to recognize the potential of Netflix cost them their crown as the king of sofa-side cinema."
"In the long reign of a single queen, Victorian inventions changed the world."
"We've seen these things come and go, just because the technology is new, it doesn't mean the dynamic isn't old."
"Maybe in two years, we'll look back and say 'Wow, Sony at one point wasn't going to allow crossplay.' That was crazy!"
"Because we haven't seen that happen ever since push was first introduced in 2019."
"It suggests to me that at the very least, the way in which software and compute Hardware is designed and works is going to change."
"AI is the move right now because it's the brain it's the global brain not to say it's going to end Humanity or anything but it's definitely going to change it big time."
"We are not going to be trading pieces of paper and small pieces of metal in 100 years from now. That's a zero percent chance."
"Hackintosh is already dying even while Apple is still selling Intel-based products."
"Why is it that right now, when it is really easy to get access to facts, and information, where you could just pull up your phone and look up anything in the world... Why is it now that we have the most access to facts, do facts mean the least?"
"Eliminating the toll collector role of traditional banks is crucial."
"The fact that there are going to be jobs lost to AI... if I could do a better, more genuine job than all that, I say good."
"The whole game changes because then all of a sudden the amount of economically viable tasks on which we can unleash these agents on drastically changes."
"The innocence of Backyard Sports was spoiled when Atari started publishing these games using a lot of 3D models."
"It's revolutionizing everything and if you're not using it to your advantage, you're going to be like somebody in the early 20th century when cars were being mass-produced, looking at their horse and being like, 'No, I'm going to stick with this.'"
"I saw electrification as something that would certainly come in but I thought it would be much slower than it's been."
"The rise and fall of Myspace is certainly not your typical business story."
"A terrible day for the internet. The internet as we know it is not going to exist anymore."
"No more Facebook account requirement for Quest 2."
"The global auto market is undergoing its most significant revolution in decades."
"World War II proved... the battleship was a dead issue."
"Having representation and citizenship based on geography is a pre-land line technology in a post-cell phone world."
"This is not just a small thing. These guys were one of the last few literal few Bandai Namco Arc System Works SNK that have not jumped on the rollback bandwagon and the fact that so many people said all this stuff they're actually doing it."
"Technological revolutions are happening fast. If you ride the wave of changes it brings, you can build wealth."
"Discovery like back when I you know when I was growing up we were talking about the NES yeah and like so there wasn't the internet so you had to games were full of Discovery like every game you played you have to figure things out."
"Pick up on the things that speak to you, let go of anything else."
"AI is going to be upon us soon and a lot of things are going to change."
"Autonomy is going to open up Tesla network for Tesla which I believe will be the beginning of the end for car ownership."
"Has technology made humans obsolete? When the car was invented, it made the horse obsolete."
"The striker fired pistol really did change things a lot."
"Movie theaters are going to become a thing of the past."
"There is no iconic car chase scene that is improved by replacing an internal combustion engine with a battery."
"Artificial intelligence is already changing the landscape."
"Starlink will be an absolute game changer for people who live in rural areas."
"All infrastructure eventually becomes a platform; how easy is yours to change?"
"Blockchain can completely change how this works and actually create a solution that's more in line with the web3 vision."
"This game right here completely revolutionized the way that we see for now as a whole."
"It's hard to believe, but in this age of electrification and smaller engines, this V12 is going away, and this car will be the end of the line."
"We are at the cusp of a seismic disruption the likes of which we have never before seen."
"We are living in the age of consequences, at the crossroads of massive technological innovation."
"We have to be fluid because science and technology, what we can learn and identify changes over time."
"The first year in terms of the psychological barriers, the fears, doubts, the insecurities, the technological barriers, it will go away."
"The switch to electric cars on a global scale will not happen because we want it to happen, or because there's a push for it to happen."
"The genie is out of the bottle. There's no getting rid of it really. It's going to change our lives forever."
"Can you imagine traveling Ford 100 years from the past to now and seeing how much things have changed?"
"California has a law to eventually ban gas-powered lawn equipment."
"Ford actually announced they're going to take AM radio out of electric vehicles and new gas cars as well so this is a huge issue for the broadcast industry."
"The question is not whether we are migrating, but whether we are migrating safely."
"I think these things are coming faster than people realize and they're happening by technology companies and by open source communities not necessarily from central banks and large commercial banks."
"This is going to see a dramatic change in the way that we think about solar."
"It might even change the way we think about consumer drones and camera drones in the future."
"The world's changing folks. I need to learn other languages. Your headphones will learn them for you, allowing you to communicate."
"Digital currency is going to dramatically change the world."
"Things are definitely built different than they are now."
"It's great to see this confirmed because this is what I have experienced but had no word of the change from Tesla."
"The fourth industrial revolution is coming with enormous speed. It will change not only what we are doing but who we are."
"The digital disruption has already happened."
"Most of what we consider notetaking and information management these days will disappear. I'm talking organizing your notes gone, formatting your notes no more."
"There are a lot of fears about the jobs that might fall by the wayside with AI coming in."
"It will be kind of fun to see the EV Revolution to take off."
"Somebody had a great line. They said it's like, they're dinosaurs suing the Ice Age. You know, when the technology changes, that's the dealer in this game is the technology."
"The way the world is changing so quickly at the moment, nothing is forever. Who would have said even four years ago that you would see triple A PlayStation IPs being published on PC?"
"AI generated content in general is just going to slowly become more and more accepted over time."
"If you're trying to live a 1995 life in the Year 2015, you're going to be left behind."
"I think the genie is out of the bottle basically or right this thing has been opened up and you can't close the box of the printer."
"Having an Optimus robot as just someone that's there all the time... it's going to change so many people's lives."
"I feel like Roblox is trying to shed the old skin."
"Tesla set out to change the world, and here we are in a very different one than 10 years ago for the driver who wants to get around on electrons."
"It's too fast like sometimes the technology just changes too quickly right for the culture to begin to adapt to it."
"It's a technological revolution that changes the way humanity works."
"Unless you've been living under a rock or some weird cave in Antarctica, you would know that the car industry has changed."
"If somebody describes to you the world of the 21st century and it doesn't sound like science fiction, it is certainly false."
"Apple is bringing side-loading alternatives... thank you, EU."
"Blockchain technology is evolving the internet right before our eyes."
"Understanding the truths from this video wakes people up to how the PC gaming market is just changing and changing permanently."
"I think people need to stop and take a look at what the internet was 15 years ago."
"Imagine all of the things that I said before but alongside your pals, cracking jokes, saying stupid stuff that doesn't make sense and crying about falling off a cliff."
"At what point do we draw the line and say that it's obvious that our current copyright laws are not updated to how things have become?"
"Bitcoin is gonna totally redefine how we establish trust and what we believe is true."
"The internet back then was nothing like it is now."
"The nature of work is changing... accelerating technological changes... towards automation... automation."
"Since 1999, nothing culturally has actually changed in this country, and never will, technology has changed but culturally what's changed?"
"We're stepping into a new technological world that we won't be able to come back from."
"People are getting ready right and I would say you better get ready because it's really a very dynamic environment a lot of things are happening the technology is developing very fast."
"One reason that regulators and others are a little bit in denial about this is the speed, the pace of change. What is the consequence of that speed of change?"
"Physical papers are just not as in demand in our world with the advent of the internet."
"The computer industry we're in today doesn't resemble anything that we came from. That's the beauty of it."
"We have a technological revolution that's happening now a technological revolution is not the same as the technology I'm not talking about an iPhone."
"Technology is changing faster than we can even keep up with."
"The smartphone has entirely changed the world."
"It's conflict that drives technological change."
"Things were about to change for Arpanet and in fact most of the other networks connected to it as well."
"I just brought that one up as kind of a joke. It's crazy how bad they were. Luckily the gas crisis came along in the late 70s and also the fact that gas is not so cheap anymore, that's what killed these type of cars."
"... the changes are going to be enormous."
"The digital age was something Modulex simply couldn't overcome."
"...there was another fuel crunch and big engines like this went away by 1981 82 there were no more 350 ones in half tunnels like this 302 was as big as it got up."
"Eventually, social reformers and common sense caught up with the technological changes wrought by the Industrial Revolution."
"The idea that we're living in an era of especially rapid revolutionary technological change, it's just not the facts, it's just not what's happening."
"Technological change changes everything. It changes food supply, changes medical care. It doesn't just produce cheap shirts or cheap widescreen TVs, so I remain an optimist that we still have a lot more."
"Listening to radio was in the 1920s. People often talk about the accelerating pace of technological change, and I'm really not sure about that."
"The key debate we're having isn't about the rate of change that might eventually happen, it's about how local that rate of change might start."
"We can redirect technological change towards new tasks for greater worker productivity."
"Redirect technological change towards new tasks for greater worker productivity."
"In 250 years, the number of companies that survived technology innovation by keeping their business the same is zero."
"The Internet is poppin more now, the Internet was poppin and now the Internet is poppin even more."
"Technology is changing very quickly, but people are remaining the same."
"The future of Cardano is really going to change quite drastically."
"The age of the long-range bomber is arguably over."
"The big driving forces of change are digitalization and decarbonization, and cities are leading those changes."
"Hyper-intelligent natural language AI will change the way we interact with our computers and robots."
"We had 450,000 telephone operators in this country in the 1950s. You tell me the last time you're talking to a telephone operator."
"There's a lot of change happening in the auto industry."
"Artificial intelligence is trying to change the world by changing how we analyze and process information."
"The shelf life of innovation has gone from three years to about three minutes."
"The biggest change in technology in the world is AI."
"The way that we work, learn, and teach is going to be changed because of AI like Chat GPT."
"It's so cool to see how much the video editing landscape has actually changed."
"Once photonics becomes on all the FPGAs and processors in memory, that's when things completely change."
"It's about the Internet turning itself inside out."
"Our culture is out of control because change in our civilization is driven purely by emergent technology."
"Artificial intelligence and chat GPT and AI, whatever you want to call it, it is going to change the perspective of what people see professionals as."
"People don't change, technology changes, how people use their technology changes, but the programs that keep us operating, interacting, they don't change."
"Anytime you see any sort of technological shift, it takes time for the shift to shift and absorb into the economy where workers have to learn new skills."
"Generative AI is changing everything. It is the technology of this lifetime, and it's coming at a pace that we've never seen before."
"The only constant you'll find with any technology is change."
"AI will change how people interact with technology, it will improve our productivity."
"AI is going to be a fundamental building block that's going to change everything."
"We're living through the first fundamental computing platform change in 60 years."
"Software is different, the way that software is written, operated, and what software can do is profoundly different than it was before."
"A technological revolution was starting that would change the world."
"Technology happens, change happens."
"Reliable, secure, and efficient operation of power systems is becoming increasingly important due to drastic changes in technology and industry structure."
"Ten years ago, many of us had BlackBerrys in our hands, and companies like Tesla, Instagram, and Spotify didn't even exist."
"Analyzing the expected technological changes and their potential impact on the project allows for proactive planning and decision-making."
"The technology has changed quite a bit, in fact, it's changed so much these people stopped keeping track by what is the scale of capacity change in the world."
"Large scale production accompanied by massive technological change... fueled the development of a Gilded Age."
"AI now is everywhere, and that's been a huge change."