
Market Fluctuations Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"With investing, especially in the markets, it's up and down; you can't just look at one year to measure your success."
"If it gives you a chance to buy something that you like and you can buy it even cheaper, then it's your good luck."
"Survive the dips, weather the dips, and celebrate the rips, man. It's as simple as it gets."
"Investing is easy when the market is up. The real test is what you do when the market goes down."
"Ignoring short-term movements and stock prices and instead focus on the long term."
"Building a financial plan that's going to work when the market goes down... you're not losing your house, you're not losing your retirement."
"You can still make money on a heavy drop like that."
"Index funds can really be useful, especially during market fluctuations."
"We're gonna get past this. There's gonna be periods where Bitcoin goes through these iffy periods."
"Are you a long-term investor? Then these dips are your friend."
"If a company goes up that much in such a short period of time, you have to expect some share pullbacks."
"Every time we see huge fluctuations like we did yesterday... that is followed by an immediate correction."
"Long-term investors are looking beyond the short-term volatility for long-term returns."
"Diamonds are forged under extreme pressure, just like our diamond hands."
"Crypto's down right now, but it'll go back up."
"I hope it dips, but in the meantime, I hope it rips."
"Dips happen. Small corrections happen. Embrace them, utilize them, and stack SATs."
"Things went crazy they not only went crazy to the upside but they've gone crazy down to the deflationary side."
"Just enjoy the ride, don't worry about those day-to-day little volatile movements."
"You have to be able to handle the swings in the market."
"I'm a long-term investor... If stocks are going up, that's great, I make money. If stocks are going down, that's great as well... either way, it's a win-win for me."
"VO has shares in the top 500 largest companies in the US, investors can expect a lot of safety from market volatility."
"Dips and troughs are part the course for new Innovations."
"This is not normal, we're seeing Bitcoin right now over 50% drawdown in the bull market."
"Market ups and downs should just be noise to you."
"Stay strong in your convictions, don't let the day-to-day price sway what you think about the future."
"There's gonna be volatility and peaks and valleys."
"Take a very long term view so you don't care what happens to the price in the short term."
"The day that I'm most excited... when Tesla's down in the [ __ ] when it has the biggest drawdown from its intrinsic value ever."
"Life is good. Honestly, you're panicking about a little dip like this, you're not looking at the bigger picture."
"This is normal. We go through periods even during bull runs."
"It's simple as that, you don't even have to worry about dips or whatever."
"If you do truly love your cards, don't worry about it, you know? Cards go up, cards go down, it's just the way things work."
"Listen, if it's going down, it has to come up a little bit, if it's going up, let's go down a little bit."
"A reminder, prices can change in an instant and items can sell out."
"The price is down, do not panic, my friends."
"The big advantage of my strategy? Not caring about the fluctuations of the stock market."
"Don't get too crazy high when things are high and also don't fall too hard when things are low."
"Don't panic sell in the event the market goes down."
"The power of dollar cost averaging - you can automatically invest month after month and ignore the short-term ups and downs."
"Everyone in the market is losing their gains right now but you have to focus on the long term and buying fundamentally strong companies when their valuations get cheap and the risk is taken out of them."
"Your preservation of capital is going to matter more than trying to chase intermittent bear Market rallies."
"Never mistake short-term declines for permanent losses."
"Do not mistake short-term dips for long-term losses. You haven't lost anything, just hang in the game."
"Double-digit correction means double-digit gains."
"It's gonna be shaky, but overall you'll be net positive."
"If you invest for 30 years on average you're probably going to see nine bear markets in your time with a whole host of five and ten percent declines along the way."
"Crypto goes down but it gets up again, are you ever gonna keep it down?"
"You're not some bad luck charm. Markets go up, markets go down. Overall, long term, take a look."
"Yesterday's fud price is today's fomo price."
"Regardless of whatever your strategy is, whether you're a short-term day trader or you like entering the swings, in times of fear like this, even slowly averaging up those dips and going long would still be considered a win long term."
"The market is losing some of the names that were otherwise pretty strong... how I knew Home Depot had a great earnings report because I was down eight percent."
"Day-to-day events should not dictate your long-term investing strategy." - Warren Buffett
"Leverage is something that works great on the way up, but decimates on the way down."
"We have to buy the dips, we have to hold through the tops."
"Vega represents IV pump and IV dump. It's an important metric to keep track of."
"It's like a burger I never thought I'd ever wish for the market to not go up dramatically but let's just let's argue the mark went to 16 000 tomorrow."
"Do not panic sell if this stock starts to go down."
"Everyone has a long-term perspective until they have short-term losses."
"If you only believe in an investment when prices are going up, you're definitely not going to make it."
"They can never beat you if you buy the dips."
"That's the correct mentality. You want to wait for things to come down, you buy a little bit. If it goes down more, you buy a little bit."
"Worrying about day-to-day volatility is setting yourself up for failure."
"Bitcoin has taken a beating in the past couple of weeks."
"But even like a Mosul I mean guys I saw this card at 280 last rewards he's to 40 right now and some of these cards mean outside of Neymar are really just kind of low Neymar's back up a bit today."
"We went through a year of intense shortage, and now we're on the opposite side with a glut of semiconductors."
"Every time it increases 10%, or every day, I can put in 10 and every time it decreases 10%, I would put in 20."
"A dynamic spending plan in retirement can allow us to adapt to various market returns."
"This guy's falling, Bitcoin is crashing, we're down thirteen thousand dollars - you do realize forty six thousand dollars where we're trading right now was all-time high two weeks ago."
"This is absurd, check this out. Two days ago we're at 14.55, now we're at 15.88 and that is insanity, that's stupid, that's ridiculous."
"Flash crashes are a good buying opportunity in my opinion."
"We've just been seeing flash crash after flash crash, basically every week since coming back to hit the previous cycle top at $69,000."
"Don't let what's happening now, short term, discourage you away from the market."
"Quality dividend growth stocks allow your dividend income to increase even during bear markets."
"When these markets try to get you down you just have to keep going"
"Balance resistance to inflation and market fluctuations."
"It's not like that every day. The market dictates it."
"If stocks go down, I'll be buying the same. If stocks go up, that only applies when you're buying the whole market though."
"Gas prices are publicly available. Gas prices are down 40%. Can you find super premium somewhere in the remote California coast for some number much higher than that? Sure you can."
"The only way you can lose money is if you sell when the market is down."
"Sometimes you're gonna to watch your money shrink like when the stocks all crashed what was it like a year ago I watched a lot of my money shrink but I know that over time it will come back I have faith and that's the fun of investing."
"The ability to have a sense of humor because the market gives us and takes it away."
"That's the reality of being a Trader, there are ups and there are Downs."
"Longer periods of time also allow you to ride out eventual dips in the market."
"In a rising tide, all ships rise... it's only when the tide goes out then we'll start to see who was swimming naked."
"If you have a long-term outlook on stock, you should not focus on beats or misses on the short term."
"If you're seeing your portfolio down 50%, understand that it's quite normal."
"If the markets do go down in the short term, just have faith that this is normal."
"I'm not overly concerned about the short-term moves because I'm in these for the long run investments."
"If you feel too smart during green days, you're gonna feel really stupid during red days."
"Can you imagine how sweet my dreams are and how soundly I sleep regardless of what the market is doing?"
"The difference between investment success and investment failure was the single mistake of mistaking the temporary declines for a permanent loss."
"Property is like a roller coaster; the prices do go up and they do go down, but the only time a roller coaster is really dangerous is if we get off in the middle of the ride."
"You have to understand the market goes down, that's the nature of the market."
"Be consistent and stay the course, the market will go up and go down, there's always going to be bad news, there's going to be some good news, it shouldn't sway your investing much."
"Always check prices, because prices change all the time."
"Short-term returns don't bother us as long-term investors."
"Don't fear the small pullbacks; they will be caught by the support here."
"It's better just to have a plan and say, 'I don't really care what happens; if it goes up, okay, I'll sell some; if it goes down, alright, I'll buy some.'"
"The drama never stops in crypto, and today is no different."
"We discussed about different types of uncertainties in the last session that you can have uncertainty with respect to demand, you can have uncertainty for prices, you have uncertainty of exchange rates, you have uncertainty of different types of market structure."
"We have to have a business that can sustain every single season and every single fluctuation within the market."
"I've been in the Housing Industry... I've seen the UPS, I've seen the Downs a couple times."