
Economic Independence Quotes

There are 166 quotes

"Economic independence and self-sufficiency for black people is essential."
"A man's value is not tied to his economic competence."
"The primary goal of the women's movement was economic independence, was to break the chain of dependency that women had on men."
"If you can build this type of cash flow, now you are financially free and have broken out of the traditional system."
"Farmers who grow their own seed, save their own seeds, don't buy pesticides have threefold more incomes than farmers who are locked into the chemical treadmill."
"Yeah, I've never said 'Buy my nail polish to help me put food on the table.' Like that's bullshit."
"We cannot be overly dependent on any one country, any one shipping lane, any one product, any one natural resource."
"We've been programmed to feel that investment will only happen if a white man says so. But inter-Africa trade alone could change Africa overnight."
"Bitcoin probably helps fix that because at the end game for Bitcoin is that it separates money from state control."
"We will not have to rely on those central institutions nearly as much going forward."
"Reducing dependence on foreign exports will lead to a happier life."
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man how to use Blind and they will get into a career and buy organic fish from Whole Foods."
"We're actually taking the reins of our own destiny, we're actually making money, but the biggest growing economy in Europe, we are actually kicking ass."
"You've got to create multiple flows of income. There has to be a second flow, if there's two flows, you've got to get a third flow."
"The energy of unity, yeah, the energy of black dollars, the energy of buying land has been spread everywhere, everywhere."
"Allowing women access to education and jobs liberates them from sub-optimal relationships."
"We need to really become entrepreneurs so we can control our own destinies."
"Farming should be an option, not a requirement."
"We're reasserting American economic independence."
"The executive order will require that U.S government agencies purchase all essential medicines that we need from American sources."
"Renewables are expected to grow an additional 50 percent over the next five years."
"We are not equipped to handle crises because crisis management isn't profitable."
"For black people to control our dollars, for black people to invest our money."
"Abortion is central to a person's ability to make economic choices for themselves and their families."
"Free Enterprise in the United States cannot work if China dictates policy."
"Bitcoin is to a lot of people, it's not about investing and raising your money, it's about getting off the dollar system."
"If you're a working person on a salary and you want to take control of your own economic destiny, there's only one thing."
"Can you move away from 'I'm right, they're wrong' into a 'well how is that position helping me grow, how is what they're saying helping me learn'?"
"If black people educate our own children create our own jobs and support black businesses then you can begin to build the pillars of power."
"Bitcoin is not just an investment but a means to break the cycle of monopolies, corruption, and indirect taxation."
"We'll buy only from our people and nobody else. We'll buy everything we need from our own people."
"We need businesses to build our own products, services, and goods."
"Educate our own children, create our own jobs, support black businesses."
"Giving away our jobs and buying our medicines and our Rare Earth only from China empowers them."
"Your income is directly related to your philosophy, not to the economy."
"Economic empowerment is our only hope, it's our only hope for true freedom."
"Create a parallel economy that cannot be touched by government regulation. Do you want dangerous Freedom or do you want peaceful slavery?"
"if you don't have to work for money there's no money you have replicators for food and all that suddenly you can spend your time being the best version of yourself"
"Bitcoin truly is uncorrelated. Bitcoin has gone up 18 in the last five days or so and the S&P 500 has gone down three or four percent. That tells you something."
"We need to get our sovereignty back by bringing back manufacturing."
"If we don't control our money, we're losing the fact of our freedom."
"We need to end dependence on russian oil and gas."
"Freedom is the ability to choose between jobs, not whether or not you have a job."
"The natural resources of Norway belonged not to foreign oil companies but to the people of Norway."
"There is no greater dignity than economic agency when capitalism is king."
"Single women buy their own homes at more than twice the rate of single men."
"You're not gonna convince me women are out here making money and they don't fix something they don't like about themselves if they have the money to do it."
"Bitcoin is seen as a way out from the US dollar hegemony."
"A great way to go against this is to opt out of the dollar, get out of it."
"Buy assets that can't be printed at will by a corrupt central system."
"The liberation for black people is going to require economic independence on each other."
"Financial Independence allows African nations greater control over their economic policies."
"Africa made the right choice to pursue economic independence."
"Why not encourage family for the blacks? Why not say hey black people get married, earn your way, save your money, invest?"
"As long as we do not own land, we're not going to be a productive people."
"Having things that are as uncorrelated as possible to central bank policy, to me, that makes sense."
"We all have intrinsic value as people, as citizens, as human beings. We have to disentangle this confusion that economic and human values are the same things because they are not."
"We need to be economically independent of Denmark."
"You will not prosper until you own something. If you do not own and control something, you cannot prosper."
"Your innate abundance and prosperity frequency is not connected to external systems... you can still ride these waves with a sense of your own power."
"It's this that allows Africa to enjoy the benefits of the pipeline forever. It will be in the hands of African countries to decide gas prices and negotiate all terms."
"We cannot be truly independent if we are dependent on foreign sources for manufactured goods."
"You have guaranteed purchasing power with Bitcoin."
"Over the next four years we will build America into the manufacturing superpower of the world and we will end our reliance on China and all other faraway lands."
"You're not depending on a government bailout for that. It's structural, which really makes a big difference."
"Financial confidence is knowing that doesn't matter what happens to the economy, you can still generate income."
"Every penny that comes from the Nigeria region no longer goes to anywhere. That would be a new country, wouldn't it?"
"The emancipation of the black man starts with job creation. As long as we keep looking to other races to give us jobs, we'll forever be injured."
"We get the land back, we have the minerals back."
"Passive income is when you can do a little work today and it makes you money for days and days and days to come."
"I just want to say thank you so much for watching this entire series. It was a blast to work on."
"Thank you guys so much for watching, leave a like and subscribe."
"Your dollar matters we don't have to keep asking them to cover our stuff so please support us in what we do."
"We should not be looking for China to become number one."
"China is decreasing its dependence on the United States quite rapidly."
"You are in control of your destiny, your control of your pockets, you're in control of your money."
"Black ownership and wealth building is the key to our future."
"No matter where you're at with your money and no matter the state of the economy, you actually can get on a path to building wealth."
"Having sound money separate from the state is the idea."
"Real security comes from knowing how to make money."
"No migrant is taking my job because I've created my own job." - Discussion on immigrants in Texas
"It is amazing that money chases me, and how much money I have turned down."
"Your value is not defined by how much you earn or what you possess."
"Real estate is a proven path to achieving financial freedom."
"I was moving how I was moving even when I was broke."
"We have to commit to building our own schools, creating our own jobs, bouncing our dollars in our communities."
"Bitcoin is immune from both fiscal and monetary policy."
"This actually makes us harder to exploit and harder to push around for landlords or abusive employers."
"Get off the plantation and start with yourself."
"Guys like Ron White or Jeff Donahue, their money's in the bank or in investments and there's an end to it. Mine, there's no end because it's a creation of my own."
"If Biden were serious about China we'd decouple our supply lines on shore and kick the CCP out of our markets instead we let them control us economically and savor rattle wars we cannot afford."
"A decade of sacrifice can lead to a lifetime of financial freedom."
"You know you can't run a business on free, you know you can't employ black people on free."
"It really is the true definition of passive income."
"Put in as much as you're realistically able to don't stress about keeping up with the Joneses and keeping up with other people even in the investing world everybody's in different situations."
"Thanks to bitcoin, I was able to pay my developers and pay my friends. So this permissionless innovation is really what makes it so great."
"We're going to build our own communities, build our own businesses, spend our money with our own people, and we're going to vote as a solid block."
"Passive income is one of those popular topics on this channel because everyone wants to make a little bit more money."
"European governments are now working to reduce dependency on China."
"Together we will lift millions more of our citizens from welfare to work dependence to independence and poverty to prosperity."
"Stop letting people convince you that you don't have any money."
"80% of financial freedom and independence is psychology."
"We're all going towards more abundance...independence."
"It's time we work on ourselves and stop making others rich."
"Bitcoin is not $24,000. Bitcoin is financial sovereignty valued currently at $24,000."
"I have the money because I work hard, I worked a lot."
"You can create your own economy. You can create your own future. This is all very real. This is not pie in the sky. This is pure science."
"Everybody wants Financial Freedom, so this is the guy behind the four percent rule."
"Bitcoin did not need fed or government bailout because Bitcoin is people's money."
"The Winds of Change are sweeping across the continent fueled by a deep desire for economic independence and social justice."
"Nobody cares more about your money than you do."
"By following your heart, money will flow from there."
"That's why you see things like OnlyFans, that's why you see things like where women are saying you know, I make my own damn money, I don't, you know, what is it a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle."
"Success is building companies that create jobs that the government doesn't have to come and bail people out."
"Men are mad they don't profit off of a woman's body this ain't the 70s how dare woman have agency and autonomy over her body and make money off of it."
"Bitcoin takes coercion out of the equation and richly empowers everyone."
"He's funded the entire account by the account itself, meaning he's used no alts like many free-to-play players do to make money."
"Nobody wants a handout. We want a job that pays well."
"The entire Western society is distancing itself from China, reducing its dependence on the Chinese economy."
"Indonesia is using its own resources to benefit its own people not multinational corporations"
"All we're saying is can't we at least get Manufacturing in the United States of America... that's the difference."
"In geopolitics, China has learned not to depend on just one country or plan."
"Promoting African solidarity: Through the AOSS Alliance, Tor seeks to strengthen the continent's collective voice and reduce its dependence on external actors for economic and political support."
"Financial freedom is truly possible by using the internet platform."
"Securing economic independence by women is the greatest economic Liberation in global history."
"We can build institutions, we can buy farms to feed ourselves, we can do anything that it takes to make ourselves economically independent."
"No country had economic independence before it had political independence."
"The American system is pursuing a goal to build a home economy free from foreign."
"The mission statement is to help families earn more income, become properly protected, debt free and financially independent."
"In U.S. homes, women are the sole or primary breadwinners in 40% of cases."
"We represent the first generation of women who generally, and by and large, represent economic power."
"Women around the world are gaining economic independence, and Japan is no exception."
"Forget about accumulation and focus on cash flow, go for economic independence, plug the leaks first, continually expand your business."
"We are taking our destiny into our own hands; ultimately, we believe our economic independence will secure our resilience."
"African countries need to regain control over their economies, reserves, and political affairs, free from neocolonial influences."
"Where we're all about financial freedom."
"Financial security... I wish everyone could experience this type of freedom."
"There's no way that the economic empowerment and the sexual impairment cannot co-exist; they obviously can."
"The British would not let the Americans trade; they wanted to hang on to all the trade for themselves, so the Americans had to build something faster."
"If there's sovereignty for the Haitian people, they'll reclaim their economy, they'll get rid of the Sweatshop economy."
"If people don't have economic freedom, they don't have freedom."
"The very success of the women's movement in achieving one of its central goals, which is greater economic independence for women, has really asked new questions about what it means to be a father."
"Paid family leave and paid sick days promote the economic independence that is a preventative factor against interpersonal violence."
"We are lifting people from dependence to independence because we know the single best anti-poverty program is a very simple and very beautiful paycheck."
"What happened in Black Wall Street or what happened at Rosewood, where African Americans seem to have their own economics."
"We're heeding the wisdom of our Founding Fathers by restoring our economic independence and reawakening our industrial might."
"If your economy is controlled by outsiders, your country is not free."