
Religious Obedience Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"Even if there was no heaven or hell, we would still not disobey Allah."
"It is better to live a life obeying Allah and feel peace in this world and the next, than to chase worldly desires and face eternal regret."
"If we love Yah, we will keep His commandments. It is not about working our way into His kingdom; it's about living the way He has directed because it pleases Him."
"Jesus said if you love me, keep my commandments."
"Wanting God to change his commands for you is the opposite of obedience."
"Obeying God is for your good; He knows the best for you."
"Thank you for being obedient to the call of God, my life will never be the same."
"Jehovah loves you very much for obeying him, Caleb."
"It doesn't say believe in me, what he says is keep the commandments."
"To disobey Allah, one of two ways: either you don't do what He has asked you to do, number one, or you do what He told you not to do."
"These men they're the hinge figures if they had not done what Jesus told them to do we wouldn't be sitting here doing what we're doing today."
"Obeying Allah and His messenger: a distinct command."
"Obeying the messenger is obedience to Allah."
"God's special people were always characterized by obedience, they loved him enough to obey him, they were carved out from the majority, they were a commandment-keeping people."
"Your financial prosperity tomorrow will be determined by your obedience to God's Word today."
"You cannot obey Jesus without obeying the apostles."
"It's all about obedience and you doing what God asked of you to do which is to give 10."
"To obey Jesus, you must obey the apostles. That's right, if you reject the apostles, you reject Jesus."
"You're not a Christian unless you obey God, Christian means to be Christ-like."
"Nobody been saved unless you obey what the word of god says."
"David followed to the T what Hashem wanted him to do."
"True faith obeys the word of God even if the whole world disapproves."
"As long as you're obedient to God's calling on your life, you are successful."
"Obeying God's instructions is better than sacrifice."
"Follow the instructions to get the promises attached to those instructions."
"Are you obeying Christ's last words to his church?"
"You can't call God and specifically speak to Christians, you can't call Jesus Lord and then ignore His commandments."
"If you love Allah and you love the messenger then follow what Allah said in the Quran."
"If you honor God and you obey his Commandments and you do what he tells you to do then even your enemies have to bend the knee."
"Loving Jesus goes beyond sentimentality, it's about obedience to His word."
"No Protestant living today has ever yet obeyed that command."
"If we love the Lord, we're going to want to keep His commandments."
"It is my obedience to God that guarantees me eternal life with Him."
"The believer primarily obeys Allah because of gratitude."
"At the very core of their intimacy with God was a genuine heart for obedience to his desires."
"Whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger will be in the company of those blessed by Allah: the prophets, the people of truth, the martyrs, and the righteous. What honorable company."
"Obedience is better than sacrifice. Disobedience leads to defeat."
"You cannot have God's results without God's rules."
"The 'yes' unto the Lord changes and confronts atmospheres."
"Obeying God means keeping His Commandments always."
"I pray for the child that they make it to age 21 and they could claim their own identity."
"I think it just... simply means that if God calls it a sin you have to echo that because you're not God."
"If God says it's unholy, you need to get rid of it."
"When you get it in your mind and in your heart to obey God, you're going to lose plenty."
"When we get the relationship right and understand God's grace, obedience happens."
"Rebellion is obedience when government inserts itself into the place of God."
"Rebellion is obedience when you obey God rather than men."
"You must submit to everything in this book, whether you understand it or not."
"I don't care about your cheap color. Don't obey God? Die hell, your britches going. Going, all right. Hallelujah!"
"Islam is an instruction from Allah... it's not because you saw benefits, it's because you trust Him."
"If God shows you his will and a certain thing and tells you to do it, he intends for us to walk in it."
"If we are obedient to it, our needs are met because His word becomes active in our lives."
"God does not command you to pray to be strong enough to do something He told you not to do."
"This is Islam: doing God's will, not your desires."
"Make a decision now to not bow to the kings of this world, but to only bow to the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Obedience is better than sacrifice because God is trying to use you to save someone else."
"God's calling you today to be obedient to him."
"I have no power to say whatever I want. I can speak only the message that the Lord puts in my mouth."
"Obedience to God is a reward for us because we feel so good when we know that we're doing the right thing."
"Whether you love it or hate it, you still gonna have to obey God."
"The Spirit of Christ subdues and enables the will of man to do that freely and cheerfully which the will of God revealed in the law requires to be done."
"We believe that Christians should keep the Ten Commandments. They are not suggestions; they are the commandments of God."
"Jesus said John 14 verse 15 if you love me keep my Commandments."
"Submission to both [the pope's] infallible teachings and his authority for the discipline and government of the church is required."
"Allah says, 'Obey Allah, obey the messenger, and those of authority among you.'"
"Friends, The New Testament plainly teaches that God's people will keep all His Commandments."
"Obedience is a huge part of having the hedge of protection of God."
"We will radically obey you because we will see the promises of God come to pass."
"If the law on the books makes you violate God's law, uphold God's law first."
"Faith and loving obedience, not rational inquiry."
"Keep the commandments, you will be called great in the kingdom of heaven."
"God is Sovereign... we his people need to submit to what God has said in his word."
"We do the things that we do because we're commanded to do them and we walk it."
"We go by the commands of God, we go by what God said, that's right."
"Every act of obedience carries a blessing from God."
"When the prophet saws calls them to something, they prefer what the prophet saws calls them to."
"The Bible is here to be obeyed and believed... avoid every preacher that preaches anything that contradicts God's word."
"Christ says if you love him you're going to keep his Commandments you're not going to make excuses you're not going to cherry pick scriptures you're not going to hold on to the traditions of men."
"The most obvious and minimum manifestation of taqwa is listen to Allah and the Messenger (peace be upon him)."
"When you obey Allah, He makes a way out for you."
"The ultimate goal is to find ease and comfort in the obedience of Allah."
"God will never ask you to do something without giving you the power to obey."
"We have the greatest reason to obey the Holy Spirit."
"True growth is measured by how much we obey and delight in the word of God."
"When you obey God, you grow in strength, freedom, and joy."
"If you love me, keep my Commandments." - Jesus
"Submission to God is yielding to His rule and authority."
"Obey God at any cost. The message of Christ to the church in Smyrna: 'Be thou faithful unto death.'"
"Exercise your Authority and stay free by submitting to God."
"If I could have rejected the command of the Prophet system I would have done so."
"If you want to obey God on God's terms, get the right baptism system and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ."
"Obedience to god I want to say look in verse number four he says he that saith I know him and keepeth not his commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him."
"This is what he's always desired from us: Do my Commandments, keep my Commandments."
"Obedience is the servant of the faith, not of obedience."
"If the state commands that which God forbids or forbids that which God commands, we are to obey God rather than man."
"I'm not trying to change the world, I'm trying to obey God."
"He realized that this guy is obedient to God, so what does he do? He uses his title as leverage."
"Your feelings cannot be the barometer of your obedience."
"Our modesty should be motivated towards obeying God, and the fruit of that is a benefit to those around us."
"God values a person's willingness to follow his commands and live in a way that honors him more than the physical act of offering sacrifices."
"Obedience in the New Covenant is all about believing the gospel of grace."
"Obeying God's commandments brings blessings."
"Obedience, obedience, and obedience is the key to please God."
"Obedience is part of God's last will and testimony for us."
"If you are going to turn away from obeying Allah's instruction, He will replace you with others who will not be like that."
"It counts for eternity and it gives God Eternal pleasure when his people obey him even in seemingly small ways."
"Be strong and push yourself towards the obedience of Allah."
"They're not going to do anything against what God has already authorized them to do. If you do anything or give them commands to do anything contrary to what God has commanded them to do or what Jesus has told them, they won't do it."
"Salvation in the biblical sense is not obedience to any religious organization."
"The Midwives however feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do."
"We need an army of men and women today who are willing to be obedient to the Word of God."
"Obedience is not salvation, but obedience comes when you have a heart of love towards the Lord."
"Whoever obeys Allah and His messenger achieves the prevalent success."
"God is a God of order. We have to do things God's way."
"If you love God, you won't disobey his word."
"Love for God moves us to obey all his Commandments."
"Moses did look upon all the work, and behold they had done it as the Lord had commanded."
"The obedience of the message of the prophets is one of the keys to please God."
"If you will fear the Lord and serve Him and listen to His voice and not rebel against the commandment of the Lord, then both you and the king who reigns over you will follow the Lord your God."
"We are going to obey the Lord. Amen, amen."
"God's kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Him."
"We come before you in a spirit of submissiveness, a spirit of obedience, in a desire to be transformed."
"Continue to obey Allah and His Messenger, and none of your deeds will be canceled away."
"It commands us; it's really critical."
"If thou turn to the Lord thy God, and shalt be obedient unto His voice."
"God's always clear about what He wants us to do."
"You have to worship God in the way that God has laid down."
"When you honor His Commandments, He takes care of His people."