
Religious Support Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"For if God be for us, who can be against us?"
"Jesus is your Savior, but he can only go so far on your own. He wants to be your pole vaulter as your Messiah."
"Don't ever give up, don't ever quit. God always got you."
"God is our helper. Who made Heaven and Earth."
"You couldn't be around Marcus and not pick up how much he loved Israel. He loved the Jewish people."
"God is for you, cheering you on, so don't dwell in shame and condemnation."
"Fear not." "Doubt not." "Be of good cheer." "Let not your heart be troubled."
"And all the world's horses and all the world's men can't put us together again but the Lord can, and the Lord will. And that's my testimony in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen."
"We thank God for anointing this ministry with resources to raise up Christ-like leaders like yourself who will make an impact within your sphere of influence for the betterment of humanity."
"The United States has been blessed because of its stance towards Israel."
"We thank you Lord for sending an emergency miracle for Semmy, Lord you know what Semmy needs."
"When he found you, he didn't leave you in your brokenness. He took you on a journey."
"I haven't been perfect... but Jesus Jesus make up the difference."
"Let the Almighty God be your strength, your shield, and your unwavering support."
"God looks at you and he doesn't call those that are equipped, he equips those that are called."
"When you stand up for Jesus, he'll stand up for you."
"Jesus Christ did the same for us that we we once we were lost once we were walking in darkness once we were broken and he came to fixed our lives up is amazing."
"Cheer up, my child. I will not leave you. I will not forsake you. You have the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and you're the fourth man."
"The church is an assistance and accompanyment alongside the poor."
"Freedom of choice to make decisions, not to be forced upon by an oppressive government. Can I get an amen?"
"The grace of God is experienced by everyone fighting this pandemic."
"God bless Jason Jones thank you thank you sir clicking the bell for notifications God bless see you in future videos."
"If you believe the Bible, you will support Israel and the Jewish people."
"Support for Israel is an expression of American patriotism."
"Thank the Lord for helping me be a better father to my daughter."
"We're so excited that during this pandemic Jehovah has given us something to energize our ministry."
"Evil people don't have God on their side. We do. Evil people don't have the masses on their side. We do."
"You're with us even to the end of the world."
"Think of it being reshaped around Jesus. That's the challenge."
"I feel like I'm an overcomer with Jesus by my side."
"Joan's victory at Orleans was so vital for Armagnac morale... proof that God was on the side of the Dauphin's cause."
"God helps those who can't help themselves. He's the God of the helpless and the hopeless."
"He's accompanying those other people in the church."
"Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for Yahuwah thy Elohim is with thee whithersoever thou goest."
"He was going to fight, like it or not. At least he had God."
"I prayed to Jehovah to help me stay in the truth."
"Please don't beat yourself up, know that God forgives you."
"Sometimes you need people to say Jesus with you."
"I promise to help you stay healthy spiritually during this time."
"We thank you that you send all good gifts towards us and that you send you whisper behind us and we'll not stumble to the right and will not stumble to the left but you'll tell us exactly which footstep to take."
"I pray that God will overwhelm you with wisdom, with knowledge, with understanding."
"Jesus cares about you and wants you to see these things."
"Believe in Me; do not let your hearts be troubled."
"We certainly couldn't do what we do which is to proclaim the soon return of Jesus Christ without you partnering with us in prayer."
"He will not leave you or forsake you." - Hebrews 13:5.
"God is going to take care of your bills, He's going to take care of all the issues in your life."
"We're not giving it to Pastor Benny, we're giving it to the ministry to do the work that Pastor Benny has been entrusted to do."
"Please pray for the church, especially in these times."
"The Believers, believing men and women actually, men and women, explicitly, men and women, both of them are allies of one another."
"God is not against me. He is in it with me, working through me, fighting for me."
"Religion does seem to help some people out, but when people are helped by religion, they should give themselves credit."
"If you determined to love your husband or loved your wife, God will give you a heart and eyes for them."
"You are considered an encourager of this move of God."
"God is for you, no weapon formed against you will prosper." - Romans 8:31
"I thank God for everyone that supports this ministry."
"Take your problems to Jesus and he will strengthen you."
"We appreciate your continued generosity in supporting the ministry in times like this."
"Thank you for the ministry, blessed by this livestream, sowing into the work of the ministry."
"Wisdom is not the enemy of Revelation, it supports it."
"Only the Holy Trinity, through the unified intercession of the Blessed Virgin, the angels, the saints, and the souls in purgatory, can help you."
"Thank you, Joshua Movement. Love this brother. So glad to see you setting the captives free."
"You are trusting me to help you bring about the promises of the Lord."
"God's got one more move. Jesus was already in the fire waiting on come on in guys."
"The Holy Spirit helps by revealing the mind of God."
"Perhaps the Lord needs such men on the outside of his church to help it along. They are among its auxiliaries." - Orson F. Whitney
"To support Francis now would be to betray mother church."
"If it had not been for the Lord on our side, where would we be?"
"Pray for the church and like and subscribe if you haven't done so."
"The Blessed Virgin Mary accompanies us. She cast her own anxiety upon God."
"Lord Jesus, I pray for wisdom and discernment in this season."
"Jesus cares, it's going to be all right. Look to Him."
"Standing by our side is the omnipotent son of God."
"Numerous and repeated statements by the church and popes uphold the rights of indigenous peoples."
"Helping you grow spiritually and helping you get to where God wants you to be."
"I was surrounded by other ministers...and sent on my way."
"We're gonna pray for our bishops and our priests, and we're gonna pray that some of them, all of them, get the fortitude of this nun right here."
"The number one trending story on Twitter right now is Pope Francis calls for same-sex unions."
"In Christ, there is peace and hope for everyone who is struggling."
"Allah does not burden a person more than what they have the capacity to bear."
"There's so much that's going on against certain Faith groups and so um it's important for all of us to be on the same page and to be have each other's backs."
"With god you can get through this. You can become stronger, wiser, more caring, more compassionate, and more loving."
"Will you today help the ministry on its mission? The gospel is free, but the means to deliver the gospel on a mass scale, that's what takes resources."
"Have hope in the mercy of Allah. Seek assistance from Allah."
"Jesus loves you and I love you too much to leave us where we're at."
"It's us against the world, and we really believe that with God's help, there's nothing we can't accomplish."
"Once I started believing that there is actually a God who has something of a design for the world, who is working in a certain way in the world, after that, some things became clear to me."
"Praying for the Peace of Israel in Jesus name. Love you and LA Marzulli." - Brian
"We're here not to judge you, we're trying to help you get things together before you get judged."
"Having that spiritual fitness... is that relationship that's going to see you through."
"Trump's foreign policy decisions, including recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving the US Embassy there from Tel Aviv, were praised by many Christians, particularly Evangelical Christians."
"Please don't murder your baby, you can come to Christ for salvation and we'll help you."
"The Book of Mormon is the best friend the Bible ever had."
"Let's pray for the church in Germany let's pray for Pope Francis because he has a tough job I would not want to be the pope having to deal with this situation because it's not just Germans it's also some of the Flemish Bishops."
"I was very strong in that sense of standing up for what I believe in, and by God's grace, I stood my ground."
"You survived the sacrifice. You can survive this type of stuff with God close to you."
"We're not left alone; He's our great High Priest."
"It's amazing that it's the people that profess to be Christians that are keeping Catholicism and Freemasonry afloat."
"It is through your prayers and through your offerings that we are able to be here and to do this ministry, praise God."
"My God is not punishing, my God gives me a hug, my God supports me, my God is a team player."
"Whatever you're going through, God is here to build you up."
"God is our refuge and our strength and our ever-present help in time of need."
"We want to stand with those that God's calling to stay in the country, that it would be an advancement of His kingdom."
"The Lord stood at my side and gave me strength."
"I love you. I'm praying for you. Y'all pray for your pastor."
"We as the church refuse to allow the devil to pit the vaccine against the unvaccinated, the mask against the unmasked. We are brothers and sisters and we are here to pray and to help each other navigate through troubled waters."
"Both in literary productions and writings within the church's priesthood ranks we still find plenty of supporters of the joust, even from a religious perspective."
"What motivates me, excites me, is helping the servants of Allah to be able to worship Allah if their pockets are set."
"What brought Jehovah the most pleasure was not the material offerings, but the willing spirit of those who thus supported pure worship."
"It's the perfect circle of gear, from your closet going to smaller churches that need it."
"The ministry stands since the very beginning concerning our support for the Jewish nation, the Jewish people."
"There is no doubt whatsoever that IM Al was the first Muslim and the first to come towards the aid of the religion of Islam."
"You are not alone, God bless you, I love you."
"Bring your tears to Jesus; He understands."
"God's grace is for the poor and needy."
"He lives to make intercession for them."
"Man is to become divine by realizing the divine. Idols or temples or churches or books are only the supports, the helps of his spiritual childhood."
"I rather have somebody who's strong in their religion and to push me forward to be a better Muslim, vice versa."
"Religion begins by offering magical aid to harassed and bewildered men; it culminates by giving to a people that unity of morals and belief which seems so favorable to statesmanship and art."
"As saints, we have Him with us; it doesn't mean we're going to be exempt from the suffering as He comes, but He will be with us and He will help us."
"You might bring hope to people here about their spirituality or their religion."