
Environmental Urgency Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"Experts say that we have until 2030 to avoid catastrophe."
"We don't have another 100 years to fritter away the air, the water, and the land. We need to get this on now and catch up with the lost century."
"We need to electrify everything, and we need to do it by 2050; otherwise, we're screwed."
"Our planet is on fire. We have about 10 to 12 years to make a dent in climate change, and if we don't, our planet, and by extension our species, are doomed."
"Bill Gates: Our grandchildren will grow up in a world that is dramatically worse off if we don't fix this climate change."
"The climate is changing, and it's doing so too quickly."
"It's Socialism or Extinction, which side are you on?"
"I'm sure if we carry on what we're doing today in terms of pollution we will cause a catastrophe, but how quickly is the big question."
"We need to solve this fast. Every day that this problem continues is a tragedy."
"You cannot cut a deal with mother nature. There is no plan B because there's no planet B."
"But I can assure you this, you can't negotiate with physics, and your children and grandchildren will hold you accountable for the choices that you make."
"It is essential not only for survival but for healthy survival."
"Time is running out for the environment and for civilization."
"The living portion is dying and it's happening at an alarming rate."
"Anything could be justified morally if it meant stopping [climate change] from happening."
"The right lesson to learn is therefore surely that we have to go much further and much faster in developing homegrown zero carbon power."
"We are in really an existential moment where we have to decide not only what kind of world we will have but whether we will have a world or not."
"It's no longer climate change, it's a climate crisis."
"I don't want your hope, I want you to panic."
"Ultimately, the other issues are all solvable, but if the planet starts catching on fire and we're all dead, it doesn't do us any good to see how much money we can make."
"The coming decade would be decisive in the fight against climate change."
"Every year that we delay taking action, the worse it's going to be."
"If we don't keep it below 1.5, those people are finished."
"We have to start standing up and protect our house before we have no house to be in. We're in a burning house right now."
"We're on the verge of a cataclysmic climate crisis."
"We must leave the earth. We haven't given it much notice, but the blue in our world is fading."
"I don't want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day."
"Climate change is very vitally vitally important."
"The reason that climate change has become a lot more important recently is because scientists have worked out that we have about 12 years."
"Climate change is going to wipe us off the planet."
"We're already in the acute phase of human-induced climate change."
"Humanity is on thin ice, and that ice is melting fast."
"Climate change is real, it represents an existential threat."
"The oceans are warming extremely rapidly. Can't hide that for very long."
"We simply don't have another planet to ship our - right, it's as simple as that." - Underscoring the urgency of environmental conservation and sustainability efforts.
"Every additional half degree of warming matters hugely."
"Climate is changing fundamentally, extremely, and non-linearly."
"Corals are animals, they're dying, they're in trouble, they're important, and we should do something to save them."
"We do need to move to sustainable energy... if we don't move to sustainable energy, then it's unsustainable and we'll run out, and civilization will grind to a halt."
"The need for nuclear is urgent. Suddenly the world is on course to get dangerously hot, and nuclear power is expected to play an essential role in tempering climate change."
"Global power centers are going to fight to the death over remaining resources unless we stop them."
"We need to rapidly move to sustainable energy."
"As the world burns, not just to survive, but to thrive."
"We are entering a period of exponential growth in climate catastrophes."
"This matter is of utmost significance for the survival of every living being on this planet."
"If you don't have it already there should be an extremely loud clock in the back of your head that's going tick-tock like really loudly and that's the climate change clock."
"If we're gonna transition to clean transportation quickly, we need to wake the up."
"The climate crisis doesn't care if you are in a red or blue state, it's an existential threat."
"We do not have just three years to save the planet... the longer we burn fossil fuels, the worse it will get."
"We have 10 years until the effects of climate change are irreversible."
"It's time for us to stop the building of the nest because if we don't, we're in for big trouble."
"It's a race to keep the rusty patched bumblebee from becoming extinct."
"Climate change is real and accelerating and just curbing our emissions is not going to be enough."
"We can no longer delay or do the bare minimum to address climate change."
"More than 11,000 scientists declare a climate emergency."
"If we're to have any chance of averting near-term planetary omnicide... we must plan intelligently to mobilize a substantial portion of the human population."
"We have only the next decade to change course."
"From everything I'm hearing from folks in homeland security and intelligence folks, the word is calling up the balloon's gone up that we probably don't have 10 years before we reach the Tipping Point environmentally geophysical stability."
"If we don't take action today, we won't have tomorrow, and neither will our children."
"The situation is dire and getting more dire every day."
"This is our last chance at preserving the environment of the only planet known to exist that can support our lives."
"This is a problem for all 7 billion people on the planet and we all need to be driving... for a change in the way we run our society to become very low carbon and very quickly indeed."
"Scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal."
"A code red for humanity... the evidence is irrefutable." - Antonio Guterres
"We all need to be doing our bit because climate change is happening right now in our lifetime."
"It's an alarming reality that brings us face to face with the urgency of Environmental Protection."
"Climate activism was no longer about the future, it was about the present."
"It's not like oh climate change we just care about Earth for everybody it was like it's so bad here we can't breathe so so they I mean you know oh you can't breathe you got to do something right um and then so they've just gone all in."
"When we invest in climate change, there is no option."
"We need the whole world to stand up as one to stop hesitating and start acting." - Kira Rudik
"Climate change is the greatest existential threat to our species."
"Arguably it comes down to this though: the IPCC tells we have less than 11 years to get our act together and put extremely robust measures in place..."
"Our communities are on fire, they're drowning, they're being poisoned and our children need a future that looks brighter than famine and war." - Varshini Prakash
"Climate change is real, caused by human activity, and is doing a terrible disservice to future generations."
"We've got about three generations left to stop the loss of biodiversity."
"The gap between what we are doing and what actually needs to be done in order to stay below the 1.5 degrees Celsius targets is widening by the second."
"The climate crisis is gonna be probably the most defining thing that happens in our lifetime."
"Humanity has a brief but rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a livable and sustainable future."
"This is a film about the race against climate change and why what you do over the next 20 years would be so crucial."
"Climate change is coming oceans coming you better be ready."
"We need to start bending the global emissions curve over the next five, six, seven years to have a reasonable chance of avoiding disastrous climate change."
"This is global warming, we need to get to water ASAP!"
"Every day of inaction puts us closer and closer on this crash course."
"It’s not about you. It’s about the future of this planet."
"Climate breakdown has begun, however, as like scary as that sounds there's something we can do about it which is stop."
"The existential threat to humanity is climate change, not a joke."
"Why isn't everyone seeing this? We're talking about our life support systems here. If we don't have our life support systems, there's nothing. Nothing."
"Human survival is not guaranteed as Earth rapidly changes climate."
"We have 12 years left to save the world before a tipping point."
"The fight against climate change is the greatest challenge of our time."
"The very survival of our planet is on the ballot."
"The climate crisis was not just another issue out there, it was fundamentally a threat to all our values on the very basis of our society."
"We're literally running out of time for the planet."
"How bad is it? Earth barreling toward hot house state not seen in 50 million years."
"Hey, it's God. Climate change is real and I can't fix it."
"All life on this planet could be ending unless we do something before it's too late."
"The severity of what's unfolding can't be hidden for much longer."
"We absolutely understand the urgency of climate action."
"And if we don't want this to become the new normal, the single biggest thing we could do is just get out of coal, oil, and gas as quickly as we possibly can."
"The Arctic could be ice-free in the summertime as soon as the next few years."
"Dump everything into science let's build nuclear power plants all over the country let's invest in solar panel technology we have to go full speed ahead because it's too late to backtrack."
"We have to basically start pulling the emergency brake. The planet is not gonna save itself. I mean, the planet will be fine, we won't."
"Machine learning is growing in importance." - Jeff Dean
"We are the first generation who understand climate change and the last who could do anything about it."
"This fact gives urgency to seek vital information about the animals."
"Climate change is literally, not figuratively, a clear and present danger."
"We need to take big moves to protect ourselves and our communities from climate change."
"Considering the massive worldwide water crisis that we know is coming, shouldn't we be doing everything that we can to protect this precious natural resource?" - Highlighting the urgency of water conservation efforts.
"If we don't turn things around by 2025 or 2030, there's nothing we can do."
"Climate crisis: It's not climate change anymore."
"The clock is ticking, the sand in the hourglass running out."
"We're losing 200-300 species of plant, animal, and insect to extinction every single day."
"The Green New Deal is not something fun, it is something necessary."
"If we face the climate emergency, you want people resilient."
"...the need for the not even big ideas but definitely fresh ideas it's an emergency on planet Earth in my view."
"We've got to turn around insect declines, not just stop it. We've got to have insect increases."
"This is our opportunity to ensure that biodiversity is treated with the same urgency and commitment as climate change."
"We have a very, very narrow window to get life through this bottleneck."
"The danger in the world at present time is not that we've got too much capacity in producing renewable energy, the problem is have we got enough capacity to produce renewable energy in the time frame which we need in order to save the planet from climate destruction."
"It’s not too late. And there’s really no other option because there is no Planet B."
"It's being called a last chance for nature."
"Earth is calling for action this day."
"Climate change is the most dire and immediate calamity facing the world today."
"The rate of change is a hundred times faster."
"Remember those 60 years that the UN said we have left? They said that six years ago, so clock's ticking."
"I am very optimistic, but I think we need to act; we cannot delay action on both biodiversity and climate change."
"Increased action must begin this year, not next year; this month, not next month; and indeed today, not tomorrow."
"We are in the midst of the sixth mass extinction, and the extinction rate is up to ten thousand times faster than what is considered normal."
"We don't have plan B because we don't have planet B."
"If you accept what the scientists tell you about the danger to the whole planet... then why isn't it the issue of the election for you?"
"If we don't save this planet, all of us, no matter where we are on the planet, are in peril."
"The scientists tell us that we have a handful of years in front of us to transform our energy system away from fossil fuel, or we're going to face irreparable damage to our planet."
"Our last chance to save the planet."
"Our world needs climate action on all fronts, everything, everywhere, all at once."