
Deadline Quotes

There are 302 quotes

"Experts say that we have until 2030 to avoid catastrophe."
"We need to electrify everything, and we need to do it by 2050; otherwise, we're screwed."
"In the United States, federal income taxes and most state income taxes are due on April 15th."
"Could I ask if it would be possible for you to send me this letter by the end of the week?"
"December, by December I'm gonna have my life together, okay? That's two months to really just grind it out."
"It's getting pretty exciting as we're getting down to kind of realistically the last few days."
"Let's get Brexit done on October 31st, not just because we have such an immense agenda to take this country forward, but because Brexit is an opportunity in itself."
"The mission of the Lincoln Project is not over until Joe Biden takes the oath of office on January 20th, 2021."
"You'll get that information by the 1st of June...you've done all that you can do...you're gonna work on your mind, body, and spirit..."
"Make sure to enter the giveaway, it's going to end a week from today."
"Time is running out from the 1st of April there will be no free tests."
"If it's in a bad way and the team don't turn up, me, I'll give it today. I'll give it to maybe end of the month if that because it's only going to get worse from there."
"Are we going to work to get to our goal for September 27th? Yes."
"Wow, yes! Okay, the clock is coming down to the wire."
"The end game is supposed to be 2030, so if they want it moved up to 2025..."
"We have officially run out of time on this video, but I hope you guys are impressed by the transformation. I sure am."
"I think we're going to make the deadline...the Halloween deadline. The car just has to run and drive to my house and make it onto my lawn, that's the goal."
"We have only the next decade to change course."
"The end is quite near... Peloton just announced they're only giving themselves six months right."
"So yes the clock is ticking axiom and collins have a few years to get their suits ready for lunar operations."
"Can you guarantee that we're coming out on the 31st of October?"
"Join third degree quarterly or annual by December 31st! Visit MythicalSociety.com for details."
"All parties are confident the deal will be done before the deadline."
"We have 12 years left to save the world before a tipping point."
"I would like to be down thirty pounds for the end of March."
"Race to June first: the final two weeks of getting the main crop garden in."
"By the end of the 20 days, I must release whatever I've got."
"We've got to get this to a show condition for April this year."
"It's Monday, we got to tear this thing apart and put it all back together with a lot of new parts by tomorrow so we can go to the track on Wednesday."
"Spurred on by the June 2015 deadline, hardly any part of the site has escaped some form of renovation work."
"Stick around if you're curious to see if we make this deadline and if we manage not to catch anything on fire in the process."
"A lot of making comics is working against the clock; the deadline is such an integral part of the process itself."
"The games are running out quickly for these teams before the World Cup squad has to be named."
"These prices will continue until 2 May. Don't miss out."
"I have four campaign videos to shoot by Friday. I'm kind of stressed, but I know I can do it."
"Something done right before a deadline is a great feeling."
"It's September 7th and I'm six books behind so far."
"I had a 12 noon deadline to make it back to where I launched from so I could get picked up. It's always good to have a plan."
"I finished way before my deadline, so that's really nice."
"I think Jesse Lingard over the line before 11 o'clock. That's the thing, yeah."
"You guys have proved to you what I could do in the morning... You're going to get a three, no, no, no, no, no. I'm not even giving you three days. You're going to get nothing."
"They know they're running out of time."
"He needs to have my ring by the end of December because I've been waiting for two years."
"Less than nine days left to be able to get your hands on my craft kit if you've been hesitating. Wait no more, these are in limited quantities until August 15th."
"So we don't have much longer that school's going to be out, we got till the 24th of May."
"Normally the only thing that motivates me at that point is a deadline and all the fear of letting people down."
"Don't sacrifice understanding and enjoyment to reach an arbitrary deadline."
"Hey listen, you're not available for lease after the 14-day window closed."
"It's funny because even as I'm making this video, I'm realizing, 'Oh man, I kind of want to keep... I want to go back to the piece and keep on adding to it.' And you know, because I don't have a deadline on it, that's exactly what I'm going to do."
"Tonight is the last night to sign up for my October 21st online reading."
"They have a deadline to give you your [__] either you're in the public eye or this person is in the public eye."
"If I don't read 24 in 24 hours, I don't know, I have to like live stream naked on YouTube or something, I don't know."
"I'll give you 24 hours to think over this offer, Miss Powers."
"It's just a law, it's a law of physics. January 9th, boys. That's how long you have. January 9th. They all go back to college. They're all going back to Auburn. They're all going back to Mississippi State. You have until then so you better lock in."
"Any missed deadline is a complete failure of the system."
"Firm real-time, where if you miss a deadline, it might not be a complete system failure, but the result you get back after the deadline is useless."
"Self-love is the best kind of love, okay? Whatever, just make sure you get this in on time."
"All hell's broken loose here at graveyard cars we are down to the nitty-gritty with our deadline for our 1970 roadrunner and people have lost their damn minds."
"Making a deadline for yourself really and having a deadline and being like well it's done at this date because if I don't know I think we probably could have worked on it for another two or three months but we just kind of were like this is it."
"It's just really exciting. It's like sort of Christmas all in time for the official opening by the Prince of Wales. There's nothing like a deadline to concentrate the mind."
"If we don't leave on October the 31st, then the scores you've seen for the Brexit party today will be repeated in a general election."
"It's going down to deadline day. This isn't intentional, like trying to create tension or drama. It just is gonna go down to the last day."
"I was quite freaked out, but I really needed to get the mixes done."
"You have until 6 o'clock to do it."
"I just want to finish it in the next six months."
"It's going to come down to the wire for sure."
"You got two months, you an easy dinner."
"The sale ends on December 27th so you do have some time to decide what you want."
"You're basically a teenager three days before a paper is due."
"We've only got 82 days left to get this thing all built completely done and together."
"We've got 81 days left. Time is ticking."
"I'm like okay Lena is coming in a month what are the things that I would love to have gotten finished by the time that she comes."
"Tonight at midnight, all of our deals end."
"If it's something I can get to in a day, I will deliver it to you. I'll shake your hand. But that is the deal. It ends tonight at 11:59 PM."
"We need something new and fresh, so if you don't give me something new and fresh by Christmas, we're going to go with one of the junior kids from the company that still tries to sell greeting cards."
"If we stick to the minimum, I think we can make it 11 days."
"Time has officially run out, guys, and I'm so proud of you."
"We're gonna stop collecting at the end of April."
"We booked it, and we told the kids we're going camping and trick-or-treating, and there was no way that we are going to miss this deadline."
"...but we're under a bigger deadline right now. Yeah, Kat's coming home in just a couple of hours actually and not only that, she's bringing her future mother-in-law with her. We're going wedding dress shopping. That's exciting."
"So I cannot wait to see your entries, like always you have the rest of the month to work on it and send me your photos."
"I fully expect us to have DC up and executing code before the end of the year."
"It's a strange feeling when you're close to finishing an album. You have a deadline, it's like the only thing you just eat, breathe, sleep, you know, even in your head."
"It's officially about to be 1:00. Your time begins."
"I prefer not to have to do that, but when we have a deadline, like we really want to get Dawnshard in people's hands before the new book launches, I just feel like, um, it will make a perfect appetizer for Stormlight 4."
"I'm three books in, I gotta read two more books this month and it's the seventh."
"If it's not out by the 1st of January 2025, it is officially, legitimately Jova. There's no return."
"It's literally Saturday which means my video is supposed to go live tomorrow. I still haven't finished editing and I also don't have a conclusion because it's been so much work."
"Keeping a deadline is powerful. It makes you a better developer and architect. It has done for me. Internalizing your learnings forever."
"I've already sent an eviction notice your way, and I'm giving you 3 days to move out."
"Absolutely man I mean we only perform best when we're out of time and on a deadline."
"If you don't pay within 21 days, Monday, we just keep the cigarettes."
"The plan seems to be working, but now they have only two weeks to excavate and clear up 25,000 tons of soil and rubble."
"They were racing towards a self-imposed deadline for the sake of having a successful brand launch that completely throttled every step of the filmmaking process as a result."
"If you don't have a deadline then make it take as long as it takes to be exceptional."
"I'm finishing this tonight. I have to."
"Tick Tick Boom was just like he felt like he was up against the clock, then he made rent."
"So, don't forget, guys, okay, you've got until the 1st of January 2024 to get the special offer, and then the price will go up, so don't say we didn't tell you."
"The origin of the 12-year deadline was from the IPCC 1.5 degrees report."
"The giveaway is going to run until Sunday, June 6th, at 8 p.m. Central Standard Time."
"The FAA Chief making it very clear they have 90 days to get their act together they had better do exactly that."
"We've extended it till October 10th literally because of popular demand."
"We have basically one day here to get this thing painted, get a bombay equipped, and then ultimately to get it transported out to Arrowhead Orchard."
"When I moved, that's her deadline. There's nothing else after that. I've done all that I can do personally to help her, and if she doesn't have it by that time, there's nothing else that I can do for her."
"Two months, from today to March 10."
"It's done, bro, you got 24 hours."
"Make the list, give it to me, and it'll get the purse. Okay, three weeks, let's start right now on it."
"We built this whole car in three weeks leading up to sema."
"I'll give you one week to prepare."
"I need that pressure of a deadline to push myself to have it finished, but I like to approach that deadline with urgency."
"Winners will be selected at the end of day October 30th so you better get on it quick."
"I have this tendency to work better when I'm under a deadline or pressure."
"I Want You To Source me this car but you got 24 hours yo Mark 7 GTI that's how we do it."
"Give me two days. Meet me back here in 48 hours and I'll have what you need."
"We've got to bring carbon emissions down by 50 by 2030."
"You have one year to find a suitable woman, a good woman with substance and integrity."
"We only have two days to get this bad boy done."
"Guys, we've got less than 3 hours to make this happen."
"We got about four days to get to that treasure after that it'll be at the bottom of a lake. Timeline four days."
"Remember the contest ends May 15, get your entries in now."
"Remember 100K by May, we're about halfway through April."
"Right, not to mention the work that other people have put into this project, expecting it to go live on the 25th."
"Final order cutoff is tomorrow, Monday."
"Ryder, in a surprising twist, demands that Walter personally deliver the ransom money, setting a tight seven-minute deadline for the delivery."
"Crazy man, like this is crunch time."
"It's going to be right down to the wire for that sweet taste of honey and nuts."
"Absolutely essential point to know: the Morsis 90 day transformation challenge entry is closed tomorrow."
"Setting that deadline for yourself takes you out of uncertainty because you just created your own certainty, right? And that's really important to be doing."
"The plane is not delivered by the last day of this month at midnight, we're dead in the water."
"So remember, you got till Saturday the 13th, if you want to have a chance of getting a valve, titanium valve, or a piston and rod assembly in your random order, it'll be great."
"I could have totally finished it before the deadline if I wasn't in ICU and in a coma for two days without my laptop."
"I'm having a blast doing this, really. I'm like, I'm watching my cover deadline slip away, I don't care, I'm having a good time."
"They'd only get too carried away as they also have to deliver the 10 000th trdr order by 4 pm tomorrow or they get disqualified."
"There comes a time in the process of making hardware where you just have to ship the damn thing."
"There's nothing like a deadline to make you work faster."
"I just feel like I can relate it back to being in school or something and you're looking at assignment and it's due in a few hours and you're like I'm not getting this done times that by 10."
"You owe me 10 large and by Wednesday it's going to be 15."
"if I don't get it today then it's gonna be 600. it's 1 30 each day so it'd be like 620"
"I'm so zoned in, I'm so focused on June 5th, this Sunday."
"It's actually working. I don't know. We'll see. I have my calendar circled for July 31st. That will be 90 days."
"You need to write to your school as soon as possible, requesting for an extension."
"If you make payment after November 6, you will get the work permit handbook but you will not get the bonus."
"If you want to be guaranteed to get a specific model then you need to order before those deadlines."
"Last day that we're able to hunt."
"You could win this week, you've got until Thursday to get all of those entries in."
"A deadline looms, an agreement is absent."
"Exactly two weeks from the time that this video is uploaded, I will pick a winner using the random comment generator."
"The winner will be randomly selected and announced on Friday December 21st."
"It's time for the drawing. You have until 1:02 to enter. Not accepting responses."
"Checklist completed." In actual fact, a deadline used to be a physical drawn line around a prison.
"The rest of the weeks now is going to be really trying to get all the jobs on Renko done and there's lots of them."
"You want to know when your car's going to be done? When's it going to be done? One month. I need one more month."
"You must register by 3:00 today, alright, so if you're on the fence, you just seen how easy it is to work with our fonts, don't walk, run, over, get in there."
"Or I'm repossessing it. No, no, three more weeks. No, we got a month."
"Thanks for getting it all done with me before Christmas."
"On average, how early did you submit the weekly pset? 11:59:59, I live on the edge."
"Remember 201 pounds by June 13, 2022, or you can cut off my right hand."
"It's time crunch time, alright guys?"
"You've got two weeks to consider my offer," Naruto set a deadline.
"We actually try really hard to have that done by no later than Thursday."
"You got a week to work with this kid."
"Dream without a deadline will become your nightmare."
"I have 30 days to complete these few stages of this trailer. I need this trailer ready to go, no flaws, everything installed, ready to roll out in 30 days."
"...I did my very best, everyone here did their very best, push send we gotta be done guys."
"It's barely organized chaos. We open in seven hours."
"I've always kind of been this way I'm very driven by deadlines."
"If this video can hit 2,000 likes I'll have this video up in exactly one week."
"...I don't think that this one is going to be finished by the end of the month."
"I'm amazed how he's going to get this done in three weeks."
"Now the thing is Kirk said that this came right down to the wire but they just made it for mom's birthday."
"an overtime today because this has to be back by 3:30 this afternoon"
"Don't forget, the Web Awards nominations close this Friday!"
"It was crazy. Crux was a prince. He didn't need a matchmaker. But he only had until the next full moon to make the choice on his own."
"So help me get this channel to one mil before August 28th, so we could do it in under a year. That would be amazing."
"I don't think anyone's ever actually done this. We're in the sixth day, so we have five more days for the deadline."
"The plan was meant to end the fighting by Christmas and bring the boys back home."
"Legally the default position in the absence of an agreement, a deal, is Brexit on the 31st of October."
"We have four months left, it's crunch time."
"It's a hard deadline, but we're gonna do it, we are gonna do it."
"With the competition deadline coming sooner, Mina has to consider whether winning will really be everything."
"Time being of the essence means it's a firm deadline."
"The moment the thing hits zero, we're going to stop the process."
"The end is in sight; we've got three weeks left in the term."
"However you want to get this done, that's all good. What we need to get it done is by 1600 on Wednesday."
"The scientists of the world have given us six months to find a way to live together."
"Now would probably be a good time to mention that even though we don't have the deadline of moving out of our rental and into the house anymore, we now are working under the deadline of leaving for Andrew's senior trip."
"To avert the worst consequences of climate crisis, we have nine years left."
"We are currently at two minutes to midnight for climate change."
"We're gonna give you one year to unfuck this situation."
"Find a cure for the Frostmore palsy before time runs out."
"We have a SEMA build that we have to finish in 12 days."
"Hopefully we can finish this before Christmas; we'll see if miracles happen."
"We're really excited to see everybody on that appointment on June 17th. There's a lot to do and there's only 100 days, but we have a good crew and we will be ready for launch."
"I want the first part of this to be done by Memorial Day because I'm having guests over."
"Simply running our existing infrastructure through to their date of completion is enough to blow past 1.5 degrees."
"2050 is too late; we need to get to net zero by 2035 or 2040."
"It's that time of year; it's getting out of crunch time, got about two months left till season."
"The world's leading scientists claim there is now less than 12 years for global warming to be kept to a maximum limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius and avoid the most catastrophic effects of climate change."
"There's nothing they can do because she has a timer implanted at the base of her neck that'll kill her if she doesn't surrender willingly in five days."
"We leave by the 31st of October, by doing so we end this argument, bring the public back together and unite them."