
Shared Vision Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"You need a shared vision, you need common language."
"Everything starts with people. This is all about people's lives and creating meaning around a common vision for people to come together."
"You need to hold each other's hand support each other trust each other have the same vision and go for it."
"We're creating a common dream here which is bigger than our own."
"Crowdfunding isn't just about money, it's about finding a community that supports your vision."
"Let's just like try dreaming together you know."
"We're so different but we have the same vision."
"Heroes across Tyria banded together, shared a vision of a better tomorrow."
"Great progress is possible. Important relationships with people who share your vision."
"Okay guys, so if you're liking the way it looks we are on the same page."
"You're building a passionate, intense world together."
"Keep making sure you look at your friends and make sure they're on the same mission as you."
"It's not a one-person vision, it's what we have here today as a community."
"It's 100/100. The man has to have 100 percent of the vision and the wife has to be 100 percent bought in."
"You're definitely gonna find your way together I actually see you guys manifesting this beautiful future together because you have the same goals and dreams and aspirations."
"Being successfully married is all-encompassing... it's based off of a mindset of understanding a vision that needs to be executed in everybody playing their part."
"They're envisioning a future as spiritual teachers together, writing books and speaking about their journey."
"Someone is coming in to share the same vision as you."
"Talk about a shared hope or a shared dream."
"And they love that about you. And also that you are a dreamer that wants to realize their goals. So I feel like, um, if you have always been dreaming of like, um, how can I say that? I feel like both of you will also have like a common dream."
"To come together on a shared vision is to get viewpoints that are helping us to understand from where we are talking."
"That's when I knew you saw it too."
"We have a common goal in mind: to see his face in peace."
"We all work for the same boss and we should make a masterpiece of art with our lives and share it together."
"We shared a vision, a dream of freedom, not just for the lanes but the whole of the underground."
"She wants to be a man's partner in his pursuit of his life and his vision and his dreams."
"You and me versus the problem, versus the goals, versus the vision, et cetera."
"If people aren't united by a vision, then they're divided and divided people can't cooperate or compete peacefully."
"I've been invited to a shared vision with my creator."
"It had always been our dream, ever since we were little."
"That was a great time with the band because I think that everybody was really breathing the same air."
"All five of us have the same goals, we have the same aspirations, and we've given everything that we've had for this band to work."
"It's always fun to build a fantasy together."
"If you hang in there with us, you're gonna hear where Randy and I would like to see the hobby go in the next five years."
"Do you share a vision with the other person, a vision that transcends the changes of day-to-day life?"
"I see your footage bro and I really think we on the same wavelength."
"Partnering with others who share your dreams, great progress being made."
"Thanks for being part of that dream with us."
"Shared goals and being aligned on visions is one of the key ingredients that helps maintain a strong connection."
"Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction."
"It is somewhat very exciting to be part of an environment where the people have the same visions and dreams with me."
"A group of five that came together under one dream to build a new tomorrow."
"Australia and the Philippines are in the same boat, and we share a vision for our destination: a peaceful, secure, stable, and prosperous Indo-Pacific."
"They see a future with you, you both saw it."
"They know what they want, and they want to build something with you."
"The most important thing is to have a common goal."
"You have to collaborate with the dream to see it grow."
"This vision that we share is ours, together we can touch the stars."
"They're coming with great prospects, great ideas, great visions about the future together."