
Historical Accuracy Quotes

There are 773 quotes

"There are a lot of truths about George Washington that seldom get told, and then there are 'facts' about him that are just plain wrong."
"He's reliable. Archaeologically speaking, whatever he tells us proved to be correct."
"Over the centuries, artists occasionally nailed cadavers to crosses to get the right pose."
"The overwhelming body of evidence is against any notion the Zero was a foreign copy."
"Ignore the history and all you have is a fun action-adventure, a Mel Gibson, America, yeah, beat 'em up or rather, mutilate them up kind of film."
"I think both sides of this conflict are evil. My objective is not to favor one side or another but to tell accurate history."
"If tomorrow we found conclusive evidence that Alexander the Great never won a single battle, my life would change not one little bit."
"It's absolutely amazing. Her timeline is wrong, her history is wrong, the actions taken were wrong."
"The level of attention to detail when it comes to historical accuracy is mind-blowing."
"Simply put, to doubt the veracity of the historical account of the scriptures is to put into doubt every single event of ancient history, as the life, death, and teachings of Jesus are the best sourced histories in the ancient world."
"But why is lying about our history considered more patriotic than owning up to our mistakes?"
"Most experts now agree that the exodus and Jewish conquest of Canaan never quite happened as depicted in the Bible."
"We cannot afford to engage in revisionist history."
"Kings become legends, legends become myths, and after enough time has passed, it becomes really difficult to suss out exactly what's true and what's false."
"The latest research from archaeology indicates that the Bible greatly exaggerates its description of Solomon's reign."
"Don't let historical accuracy get in the way of your fun."
"We have access to so many sources of information... reconstructing what happened accurately has gotten so much easier now."
"Game of Thrones" is one of the most historically accurate pieces of television media ever produced to date.
"Much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the Old Testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories."
"Sometimes history isn't what we've been told."
"The Epic of Gilgamesh is the true and full story of Noah's Ark, a story that's not even close to being fully accurate in the biblical text."
"But we have been embedding totally false claims about our collective pasts in the names of trying to refine the present."
"It's authentic, also because we have the letter of response of Emperor Trajan which again speaks about the same thing so the two things can be double-checked and cross-referenced."
"If you've got something about the historical Jesus that's written 500 years after he died, you have to figure out where'd that person get their information from."
"They have absolutely got the correct fabric that is strip woven fabric, and I would not be surprised if they got it from the exact region." - They absolutely got the correct fabric.
"100% historical accuracy would be a utopian, however, is the game historically accurate in all its major aspects? I would say no."
"Maleficent's costume greatly resembles artworks of the era where you see women wearing houppelande."
"I wanted to take it one step further than she did when it comes to historical accuracy."
"The reenactments are true to life representations of actual history."
"This game, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, has so much more access, so much more of the castle is actually modeled and designed."
"In terms of the accuracy of this city and the castles, it's ten out of ten, hundred percent."
"Easily the most historically authentic castle I've ever seen in a video game."
"Contrary to what a lot of the internet may have you believe, a lot of period costume in film and TV is actually, if sometimes a bit imperfect, generally passable."
"The recreation of the city of Baghdad is also really impressive."
"The U.S is a Christian Nation is a lie, a fairly hateful one."
"George Washington was not 300 years ago, you need to do some history lessons."
"We have to admit what we read in history books, is not the whole picture."
"The gravest error a thinking person can make is to believe that one particular version of history is absolute."
"The pollen grains found on the Shroud of Turin match Jerusalem."
"I cannot stress enough that the ninja or more accurately the shinobi did exist... it is just our idea about them has been misled for almost all of our entire lives."
"Authenticity was key, so from the iconic ping of the empty M1 Garand to the first assault rifle, the STG44, these guns have a real weight to them."
"They managed to do it but yeah they do say they weren't an axis I'm sorry it just doesn't make any sense there's no way you could say that not an axis but I'm sure some people would disagree."
"Every single set shimmers with a period-appropriate naturalism and never showy but ever-appropriate amount of detail, that honestly makes us feel like Coppola had somehow shot this thing through a portal into the past."
"Are you gonna put some mango in under now oh I forgot about that thank you yeah the recipe I found online calls for angostura bitters which I didn't include in my first build here because they didn't exist until 1824."
"We demand historical accuracy. Nay, we demand it!"
"The Perry race map: an astonishingly accurate depiction of the world in the 16th century."
"We are actually getting closer and closer to the original text as time goes on."
"It's a movie adapted from a comic book based on a Spartan story that is either fake or exaggerated. How the [__] is it Nazi propaganda?"
"If we're becoming afraid to tell history because it's not politically correct, we're going to be in very big trouble in the future."
"If any of you out there think that what you're taught in your history books is actual history, you're not understanding the way that history is written."
"The Gilded Age sets itself apart by accurately representing prominent black families."
"Any worldview that denies Jesus' death by crucifixion is simply out of touch with reality."
"Let it be clear that Ethelfled, the Lady of Mercia, was very real."
"The dedication to historicity is very nice to see as are the innovative mechanics even in familiar spaces which are always a welcome sight."
"There are grave sites that are unmarked, that doesn't mean people deliberately discarded bodies with no care or concern for those bodies."
"Bitcoin removes the ability to gain an unfair advantage."
"Our job is not to believe in the word who tells us why, how, and what to believe. It's to believe fully in His Word, and history has proven His Word to be true."
"Bill Clinton did NAFTA which killed the unions in the United States... That's like a joke, it's like the opposite of what Bill Clinton did!"
"It is a lie to say that there was never any cavemen."
"You can have a reliable tradition about someone being taken up to heaven even if that tradition does not preserve specific facts about the person's death."
"Jesus was a Muslim" - "Big banner. That's what they had on camels' backs. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."
"Yes, it's all official. But remember that we were reporting back from a time where stories aren't always true or at least 100% accurate."
"The media has postured themselves as dispellers of misinformation and that can be very true but historically it's also been pretty false."
"Unlike in arcade battles where a lot of the aircraft behave like more like UFOs than the historical counterpart ever did things are modeled much more seriously in historical battles and definitely in full real battles."
"It was all true. That was in '08, correct? Or '08, it was '07."
"That's how I know this movie's not trying to add anything new, because they're just trying to hit all of the Wikipedia major events."
"This tells the true story... everything you could ever imagine occurring."
"From the going forth of the decree to rebuild Jerusalem until the Messiah is 483 years... That's the prophecy. It's very simple and it's pretty miraculous."
"The intent here is to talk with Craig about where the show came from, why he created it, the experience of making it, and how closely the docudrama tracks real history."
"Not only does the Bible not teach Peter was the Pope, he wasn't even a leader in Rome."
"We haven't gotten the basics of American History right. These are the building blocks of a Nation."
"The biblical scholars found in this cave and other caves around about they in many ways did not really expect that the scrolls to be so close to the text that we are presently using today in the synagogues and in the churches."
"The most important lies about history are lies of omission."
"Pretending that it wasn't socialism 80 years after the events in question is shameful at best and dishonest at worst."
"Allowing them to rewrite history means the end of the truth."
"Is it really dishonest to say that maybe it's the period that shouldn't be romanticized?"
"After figuring out the dimensions of this object, they discovered it was almost exactly the size of the Temple of Poseidon that Plato described."
"Everywhere besides Rhodesia now agreed Great Zimbabwe, medieval city that thrived from the 11th to the 15th centuries, had been built and lived in by Africans."
"We need to realize that when we're presented with an accounting of history that does not engage with all the facts, we're being subtly conditioned to constrain the scope of our world view and our politics."
"Putin looked confident, poised, and in command of his historical facts."
"It's not good to distort American history by saying that the American Revolution was fought to defend slavery which is not true."
"Our motto was originally 'E Pluribus Unum'... not the judeo-christian fantasy."
"The idea that the pyramids were built by slaves is totally wrong."
"There's this claim that Ashkenazi, Sephardic Jews are impostors stealing the legacy, and that's what's anti-Semitic about it."
"I knew unless I went to HBO for a miniseries this was not going to be a motion picture called Lincoln it just couldn't be."
"Nazis killed over six million civilians... they're not tweeting, they're going out into killing people systematically."
"The pyramid was ultimately finished and cased with fine white Tura limestone in an amazingly precise fashion."
"First tell the truth, then give your opinion. It's not deniable that vast numbers of Indians died as a result of Europeans settling in the Americas."
"If you were able to see it and you choose not to, you're actively making the choice to live a worse life."
"RRR is not concerned with historical inaccuracies, but it delivers amazing spectacle."
"For Americans in 2022 to claim descent from Anglo-Saxons who lost control of England to the Normans in 1066 is quite laughable."
"Chronology of events is often hard to keep track of."
"Is this supposed to be the companion Cavalry? It looks cheap, I will say that right now."
"Tom Hanks is a white celebrity who wrote an op-ed to discuss the evil of racism and the alleged whitewashing of history."
"But whaddyaknow, when an archaeologist wanders around the western coast of Anatolia and starts digging roughly where Homer said the city was, one might happen to discover a Troy or two."
"The Vikings themselves had British DNA, so the idea of them just coming on boats and raiding isn't 100% true."
"Realistic showcasing of soldiers in a trench state of warfare or any kind of warfare to be honest."
"It's completely wrong, scientifically and historically."
"Bernie clearly is more progressive and was correct in terms of history."
"You're not fueling your narrative with facts, you're not fueling it with history, you're fueling it with your own whims and desire, and that's the problem."
"There is historical validity to it but in terms of fantasy, you just need to be plausible."
"True history is not how it's being currently betrayed."
"So when I play battlefield 5 I'm not gonna sit down and worry about the historical accuracies of pirate lady with robot arm Nigel Thornberry or how in the world this guy got a katana all the way from Japan to Operation Market Garden."
"It's terribly important if you're going to create a period in history I think whatever the subject of the film that you pay respect to history and you get it as close as possible."
"My problem with the Patriot is that it's not a true representation of American history."
"Muhammad's story comes from the 9th century, much too late."
"It's pretty much universally agreed that this film is one of the most historically accurate war films ever made."
"Odonists ignore actual Norse history to save the supposed white race."
"History repeats itself—the siege of Nice ends the same way like it did historically with a Franco-Ottoman victory over the Holy Roman Empire, Spain, Genoa."
"Now that no longer can you say that the Quran has been preserved."
"The answer from the history is clearly unequivocally no."
"HEMA is actually a brilliant analog for real sword fighting."
"This mod is so much better with the historical setting, it's so immersive."
"Classic car restoration from the ground up, faithful to the original, historical, all screws the same."
"Overall, whatever historical battle you cover next time, just make it logistically sound… so that it’s emotionally investable, understandable, that it’s believable enough to suspend disbelief."
"I want castles that are very historically authentic or plausible."
"Critical race theory gives us the tools to examine our history in an open and honest way and to fix the parts of our educational system that aren't doing that."
"It's certainly within the realm of possibility that Gospel writers 2,000 years ago would have exaggerated or invented stories."
"A true castle has proper fortifications and defensive elements."
"I think what's more offensive is the fact that we teach little kids in schools like a surface level story that isn't true."
"The correctness of that statement referring to something in the past is dependent upon historians."
"Christianity is not a white man's religion; on the day of Pentecost, there were Africans present."
"It's never going to be the grounded and gritty take on the era that I want it to be."
"The joust represented here is quite advanced, matching the late medieval combat technology."
"Women had the right to vote a lot earlier than we think."
"Fantasy doesn't have to be restricted completely to what we did in history."
"It presents a very true picture of Lawrence's struggle with the Arabs against the Turks in the desert."
"The game's dedication to accurately depicting the events mixed with this bizarre sense of humor."
"Reality based on evidence is always far more interesting than a belief based on Fabrications."
"Mafia: The Definitive Edition is a complete remake, a faithful recreation of the original. The entire city has been rebuilt and even redesigned in some areas."
"The word Nazi doesn't have multiple definitions. Nazi means one thing and one thing only." - Ana Kasparian
"I clearly believe from the evidence children are really killed in Sandy Hook, and it's a real tragedy."
"So, everything we know about Jesus is written down within 15 to 60 years, while the eyewitnesses were still living. Whereas everything we know about Muhammad is written two to three hundred years after the fact."
"There's no evidence real evidence that they were [martyred]; they might have died of natural causes."
"There is only one organization in human history that matches all 10 of these characteristics with perfect accuracy."
"Look up the facts, look at true scholarly history."
"What's special about the Jews is that they never stole or used violence to take any land in the land of Israel."
"Please Muslims for heaven's sakes you can't expect us to believe something that's redacted back 240 years later we're not going to accept that anymore."
"However, if Tom Clancy knew all the details of the Soviet Navy and Air Force's actions during the hunt for the Storozhevoy, he would have had to publish his book 'The Hunt for Red October' not as a techno-thriller but as a tragic comedy."
"So, all I am pointing out is that the books are connected, and we can actually trace whether or not the historical Peter did certain things. He seems to have missed that point."
"This is the best historical game I have ever played if you haven't played it yet 100 recommend."
"Mecca was not even thought of in the 7th century, not even by any stretch of imagination was it thought of."
"Well, you're the one who said you walked on the moon when you didn't. So why don't you just put an end to the record?"
"Age of Empires 4 is recognizable... It has a lot of historical depth."
"The use of historical experts from both sides to frame arguments as most consistent with history and tradition is crucial." - Tom Grieve
"Jesus was not a European Caucasian person; he was a person of color."
"Remember World War two as the treaty was being signed Falk remarked begin quote this is not peace it is an armistice for 20 years unquote exactly twenty years and sixty-five days later World War two began."
"It's so beautiful and it's done after the historical you know drawings."
"Billy Mitchell was a respected general who predicted the attack in a report 17 years beforehand."
"They do a good job in this game of showing different points in Roman history even though it wouldn't have actually really looked quite like this."
"We do not do this by whitewashing out the difficult parts of our history."
"I want direct access to eyewitnesses... so I can have the best history possible."
"It was preserved just as it was revealed 14 centuries ago."
"The Quran has been preserved meticulously without distortion from the time of the Prophet till our time."
"The Winchester Mystery House is not haunted, nor was it built by a widow made insane by grief or obsessed by ghosts."
"1400 years ago, a normal human being could not explain this phenomena in so much detail."
"Physical media... they are editing your history."
"It is an immense achievement to make a 17th-century family seem so relatable and realistic."
"Riveted mail is ten times stronger than butted mail."
"Attention Hollywood: Medieval war horses were little ponies."
"It is absolutely wrong and incredibly misinforming on a multitude of levels to come up with very reductive statements such as how medieval horses were ponies."
"House of the Dragon has done some really impressive things with how accurate these medieval elements are."
"This is what a samurai battlefield would have actually looked like."
"This is essentially erasing the accomplishments and crimes of other cultures of which every human every culture every tribe in this world has done something that is considered wrong by today's standards."
"Combat in role-playing games would actually start to mirror historical combat quite a lot."
"Truly highlighting the country and time period in an elevated way."
"I think it's rare to see a politician who has been so consistent over the decades who has always been on the right side of history long before it was politically expedient to do so."
"I actually thought the battle itself was really really close to the historical details that we know about the Battle of Preston pans."
"The recreation turned Hua Mulan into a palace guard protecting the emperor more or less, and that is not what the Chinese people grew up hearing. It basically bastardized the entire story."
"Grown human being and armor is a pretty heavy object 250 350 pounds is what you're looking at."
"There's been a tendency both by its creators and by its fans to assume that it is better grounded in history than it is."
"It is a surprisingly accurate number, why is that? Because two million, five hundred and eight thousand years ago, our planet started to look almost what it looks like today."
"The controversy surrounding Bruce Lee's portrayal in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood highlights the delicate balance between artistic freedom and historical responsibility."
"Just... Keep in mind, these were real people! I just... Wow..."
"Our flag is wrong, this is like the modern Chinese flag. It's not the one they were using at the time."
"The chronology doesn't work and it's absolutely [__] but what does work is the day count system."
"This anti-historical trash is being taught in schools as though it were history over the disputations of academic historians."
"Shields did not go out of use because of firearms."
"I wanted to create a historical short bow survival system."
"Don't be a fool and say, 'Well, I know better than these people who were actually there.'"
"It's inaccurate to call these people simple famine victims rather than victims of calculated murder."
"Hadith checks on many ways of verification, not just one. But any one of them that would have a break of unknown narrators would be totally rejected."
"I really strongly encourage what they're doing, more historical dramas with even higher levels of historical accuracy."
"The Great Pyramid is a three-dimensional calendar of the future, accurately conforming to world history."
"If we are to learn from history and avoid making the same mistakes again, we need to set the historical record straight."
"The idea that Crimea is always Russian is imperial, wrong, and silences the history of the genocide of its native population."
"These narratives take the place of historical accuracy and they replace them with emotion."
"They did absolutely have crazy helmets like this for showing off purposes."
"War is hell, but blaming both sides obfuscates reality."
"We have to call a spade a thing; we have to be very honest about what happened on January 6."
"If church folks did the research into the historical accuracy of the biblical text, churches would go out of business in three months."
"Could it have been a balloon? Perhaps. Probably not an airplane since those didn't exist."
"Claims that Constantine created Christianity or the Bible at Nicaea lack historical evidence."
"Understanding what truly happened at Nicaea helps combat ignorance and spread the truth of the gospel."
"Ultimately, history is history, right? So there's no such thing as bad information about the past, as long as it's accurate."
"If Kitty Genovese is a name that immediately summons something to people's minds, then that thing that gets summoned should be the truth."
"The story of slavery must be told correctly."
"We should not treat the gospels as if they were simply transcripts of what happened in Jesus's life."
"These types of maps are going to become commonplace."
"Not even close. Everything about our history is off, wrong, turned around upside down."