
Relationship Importance Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"Cherish the gestures, a smile, a wink, a kiss, maybe just a hug."
"Your relationships are the biggest governing force over all of it because that is the most influential thing on the decisions you make."
"Every day matters to me; it doesn't matter. I want you."
"Your intimate partner relationship is the most important relationship you will ever be in."
"I just had this moment that I realized that if I got hit by a bus tomorrow I would want her to know how I felt today."
"Your life partner is probably the single most important decision you will ever make."
"Everybody wants to know when I enter the room do your eyes light up it's uh you know this whole idea of connection is the reason why I love the WWF's so much."
"Your relationships matter. Your relationship with yourself definitely is the most important and it sets the tone for the type of relationship we can have with other people."
"Return to that sense of nurturing ourselves and caring for those that we love."
"Having somebody who fully sees you, who cares about you, makes a world of difference no matter who you are."
"Relationships are so important we have a whole module just on relationships in this class."
"It's easy to make money, it's easy to get you in shape, but if you don't have a good wife or a good husband... everything that we're going to do is going to fall apart."
"Does a man's experience matter to women? Of course, yes."
"Emotional and spiritual connection is more important than just being in love."
"Chemistry is something that most people consider to be super important when it comes to attraction, and especially important when it comes to sustaining a long-term relationship."
"Fulfillment sexually is extreme, that to me plays one of the biggest roles."
"You need to start treating men like they're a necessity."
"Chores are one of the most important parts of a relationship."
"They think that you had this, you were like everything was riding on this connection."
"In a system like that, it's basically a closed system where relationships become all the sizes. If you don't have a relationship to Trump of trust, you're not going to get in."
"Your smile makes me melt. I don't want to lose you."
"Relationships are everything, man. Understand that."
"The money will come if you focus on passion, you focus on information and relationship."
"Becoming a person that is so happy with who they are in their life that doesn't matter if you have a relationship or not."
"All the extra bells and whistles don't really matter; what really matters is if the foundation is the same."
"Relationships have never been more important than they are right now."
"Relationships are essential to many parts of how we live our lives... Relationships are a big deal right now."
"Attraction is crucial; don't settle for someone you're not attracted to."
"They do want you to feel happy, and they feel like their happiness is being affected by the lack of you in their life."
"The thought of not having you again is something that shakes them to the core."
"You can't do life well if you're doing relationships wrong."
"The relationship is really the most important thing."
"It's all about the relationship, that's one of the most important things that I can stress."
"It really sets into stone how important it is to have an actual physical connection."
"There's no substitute for meeting someone face to face. You can see their physicality, feel their vibe."
"Spend time with those that you love every single day."
"By consciously choosing to nurture relationships that uplift and inspire you, foster a supportive Network that will accompany you on your spiritual path."
"I now know that I do need you in my life. When I lost you, I lost me."
"You got to make sure who you choose is the most important choice you'll ever make."
"Investing in relationships...enriches your life in ways that online ones never can."
"Trailer trailers mean nothing, your best friend means everything."
"Our connection is what means the most to me."
"Selection of the right people, putting the right people in place because you have to honor relationships and results."
"He remembers Hikimaru's words... he had to look for him."
"The most important part of life is the bonds we form."
"Presence is everything, that's so important."
"The real treasure in Uncharted 4 were the relationships we've formed along the way."
"Our relationship is our foundation, it's like we, we use our relationship to climb up."
"The most impactful factor in our lives is relationships."
"Relationships are primary. They're even primary to the things that are related."
"The most important part of communication is the relationship itself."
"Our conversation has been the only thing that has kept us even close to being safe."
"Relationships are powerful; it's what fills everything around us."
"This is the year where you will learn that your communication, your attitude towards people is so important. Otherwise, these family relationships have the chance of breaking beyond repair sometime."
"This time we have together is important. It's important to me, and I really hope it's important to you too."
"Love is the ground floor of a home... Being in love with somebody is the foundation."
"What mattered was the connection they felt, they established. This was all they really needed."
"I'm here. You matter. We're important. I've got your back. I'm not going anywhere, and I only want you."
"They recognize that your connection has been a constant for them."
"Lose your spiritual life; don't lose your finances, don't lose your relationships, don't lose your courage. Everything that started that journey should arrive also."
"Connection is where our focus really should be."
"Health emerges from the patient-doctor relationship."
"Connection and relationships are one of the biggest indicators of happiness and healthiness."
"Communication to a relationship is like oxygen to life. Without it, it dies."
"Affection is the lifeblood of a relationship. It's the oxygen of the relationship."
"I love the way I feel and I have for this whole year... when all the lights go out I still want you right here."
"The dynamic of the relationship is what is important."
"Don't forget that next Tuesday is Valentine's Day because you know it's not going to matter whether inflation is high or low if you forget your wife or girlfriend's Valentine's Day present."
"It's about family, it's always about family."
"You inspire my life and mean the world to me."
"Relationships and bonds, that's the most important thing."
"Jennifer Garner finds that everything she gained, everything she worked for was very shallow and it didn't mean anything without the love of Mark Ruffalo next to her."
"Supportive understanding is crucial during menopause."
"How I prioritize things right now is your and mine mental health, emotional health, physical health, along with the relationships that we have."
"You're very inspiring and very healing to somebody. It's almost like someone's realizing how much they need you in their life."
"Check on the people that you love, check on your friends, check on your family because you never know, things can turn in an instant."
"The importance of the teacher-student relationship is perhaps the most important thing."
"Your family, your relationships are the most valuable thing you can ever have in your life."
"Every real relationship you build adds up to a real and authentic community and audience."
"After so many years, it was important to stay together."
"Connection is the real glue that's what we really needed and so many relationships fail because they lack connection."
"In today's society, many modern women ardently advocate for open and honest communication and relationships, insisting that it's the Cornerstone of trust and understanding."
"Remember who is important to you and remember who really has your best interests at heart."
"The only thing which kept me going is Helen."
"Your presence in their life is really important."
"Better than finding out who you're gonna marry. That is the best decision you're gonna make."
"Being open with them, that's also just so important to me."
"You are filling a very deep need in his life, and you are showing respect for him in this area of relationship."
"This is my past. This is my past and you and this whole crew and my family are my future."
"Emotional attraction is crucial but often overlooked."
"Very important relationships can then show up."
"Business is about relationships. Without relationships, you have no business."
"Threat is imminent and I have to protect the one thing that I can't live without, that's you, Tony."
"The missing part in our Christians' life all over the world is relationship."
"Life is about people, life is about relationships, and that is something that has stuck with me, it's burned in my head."
"All connections serve a purpose and all connections are valuable in their own rights."
"I see you being the thing, the person, the one he values more than anything 3D."
"If you don't think relationships are good, you don't have anything to shoot for."
"The love Laura and Carmilla share is what matters the most. They've gone through too much to let vampire problems spoil their relationship, especially such minor ones."
"It's the everydayness of it that makes it or breaks it."
"You're gonna mean the whole world to this person."
"We both would not be here without the support, it's incredible."
"Meanwhile, every one of you... you're obsessed with acquisition and vanity metrics and you have no care to actual relationships and retention."
"I do want and need a relationship with you... honey, I love you."
"They definitely don't want to lose you, you're their world."
"They do very much recognize like the beautiful force you are in their life."
"I don't know how my life would function without her."
"Your presence in my life showed me the true definition of love."
"I think if I believe that maybe maybe the best way to actually succeed is through fostering meaningful relationships."
"The only thing that really matters in life are your relationships to other people."
"Choosing to prioritize a career does not mean completely disregarding relationships or devaluing the role of companionship."
"Emotions, relationships, love, confidence, is key to success."
"You never know when the last time that you're going to see them."
"The words 'I love you' do matter to spouses."
"Legalism won’t fix it but relationship will."
"I personally find that life does not revolve around having a boyfriend, getting married, all that stuff."
"The most important relationship you will ever have is the one that you have with yourself."
"Building relationships can lead to opportunities."
"No amount of success or external validation can replace the importance of just self-love and having genuine relationships."
"What matters most is the connections you make."
"Connection is the glue that holds it all together."
"Personality really does matter in relationships."
"You can't really spend your life with someone that you don't really know."
"Just a little with love is better than a lot Without Love."
"Material possessions don't matter, relationships do."
"Relationships is the conduit for self-development, not just deeper understanding of yourself, you grow through experiences in life."
"I feel like our relationship is very important, and this is something that I wanted to share."
"Our relationship is a priority in our lives as well."
"It's relationships built on trust that are most important."
"Who you go with is way more important than where you go."
"Relationships are the basis of everything. Relationships are life."
"There's no specific tools or techniques that heal trauma, it's about relationship. So that may sound contradictory to what we're saying here but the thing is you can develop that therapeutic relationship with yourself."
"Life is all about relationships. Certain relationships can make you get rich, but a lot of people have the wrong relationships."
"You don't realize how much value your partner has in your life until they're gone."
"They really value people who are living their truth and they see this authenticity and it's important to them."
"Children who fail to learn how to develop positive relationships with others drop out of school without finishing."
"Secure and responsive relationships in early care and education are important in themselves and they also support and predict learning."
"I really like a relationships-based approach."
"Love and belonging, I think this is the most important need because if we don't have a sense of love and belonging, we can't form relationships."
"It's our relationship that's the centerpiece; the relationship is more important than me or you because the relationship gives birth to us."
"It's not about the location, it's about the people, it's not a person you're with, it's about the memories."
"Obsess about the why, work on the what, search for the who."
"Our relationship is very important."
"She means a lot to me. I don't want you to say anything you'll regret."
"Rose made an effort to learn and adjust because it was important to her."
"The art of relationships is one of the most important parts of his character."
"The most important metrics is your relationship with your spouse."
"The relationship is a critical part of that."
"Healthy relationships are foundational to a healthy community."
"It's not good to have rifts in the family."
"Having that communication, that understanding and trust is really, really important."
"Trust is one of the most important, if not the most important criteria for them in a relationship."
"Despite all this material stuff, make sure that you guys spend time together."
"For the two of you to be able to communicate as brother and sister is more important than even the inn."
"I think it's so important to have a trusting, loving, and supportive partner."
"The relationship is actually more important than obedience."
"The greatest access point you have are other relationships."
"I can't afford to lose you. What kind of madness is this?"
"I don't function properly when I'm single. I function, I've reached my max potential when I'm in a happy, stable relationship."
"That's the importance of having relationships; you'll be able to find deals that you otherwise wouldn't have been able to find."
"It's those little things that are so important in a relationship."
"You run errands for me... it's just a way that you're showing me that you love me and that's important to you, which makes it super important to me."
"I know you're the most important thing in her life, and well, that makes you pretty important to me too."
"I can't go all this time without you in my life."
"I don't think I could have gone through it without you."
"If you're not doing things through relationships, it's just not going to stick."
"I think date nights are very important."
"I'm willing to learn how to make this important to me."
"It's not important who you come with; it's who you go with."
"It's important that we don't take relationships and friendships for granted."