
British Culture Quotes

There are 342 quotes

"The short version is she, like all the best things in this world, was British."
"The Brits do pomp and ceremony like no other."
"We will muddle through, and I know that's not very comforting, but that's always been the British way. We will find a way."
"Homage and rejoicing side by side with flowing pageantry marks Britain's greatest royal occasion since the coronation."
"We do pomp and pageantry better than anyone else in the world."
"She needed to serve the British people, she needed to respect the institution, and she needed to honor the monarchy."
"But this week has been about all of us, people of all ages, backgrounds, and places, who have joined that most British of institutions, a queue, wanting to be part of something historic."
"Sandy Denny represents one of the most important female singer-songwriters to have graced British music."
"I want to uncover the hidden history of the great British holiday resort."
"I'm uncovering the hidden history of the British seaside resort."
"The stage was now set for the golden age of the bucket and spade holiday."
"Welcome to England, Timmy mate! You're about to see the most beautiful place."
"He really was a one-of-a-kind British figure."
"Brits can continue to keep calm and race on."
"No one quite does ceremony and pomp like the UK."
"Imagine M&S but more stuck up its own ass, so Waitrose."
"The English have an identity crisis at the moment but no one will talk about it."
"The Queen's Guard: Stoic protectors of British royalty."
"The Queen’s Guard are actually far from the joke some tourists take them as."
"The traditional way, the British way, is indeed the best."
"Nigella Lawson's low RP accent is absolutely beautiful."
"The Inbetweeners is full of British English slang and hilarious situations."
"He made the British monkey pants and then paid for his telly license."
"Another British musical act that leaned heavily into the medieval aesthetic was Sunforest."
"Let's have a nice sit down and a cup of tea."
"Never underestimate the common sense of the British people."
"Just go have a cup of tea, get a sausage roll, just calm your tits."
"While the industry has moved on in recent decades it's still at the center of British musical culture."
"Without the Victorians, the Britain we know and love would not exist."
"Barm was the preferred form of yeast for the British."
"They've put a huge mirror up to the British public talking about unconscious biases, this kind of toxic relationship with the media."
"Every Monarch show I've watched post Oliver Cromwell is like the British just don't revolt."
"The monarchy is also Britain's symbol of continuity and stability."
"David Bowie began his wildly unconventional life in an ordinary working-class London neighborhood."
"British culture is very focused around believing the evidence of one's own eyes, painting things warts and all, perfection isn't even a consideration."
"One British tradition is the pantomime, enjoyed by family audiences."
"British poetry is among the richest in the world."
"Comedians were a popular feature of British Music Hall."
"It's heartbreaking, of all the possibilities, it seems like perhaps one of the worst ways."
"The British spirit is still a very positive one."
"Sarcasm... integral to British life, to British humor."
"Fortunately, these days British leads or indeed entirely British settings and casts have become something of a fetish in Hollywood."
"The English always say sorry so beautifully."
"It's just British... it matters because that's then how people see each other."
"British produce is such an important part of the modern state banquet."
"The British are the best boxing fans in the world."
"I'm famous for promoting classic liberal British values."
"Wallace and Gromit is a British institution and it's widely considered one of the country's finest cultural exports."
"The world of Galar is charming and is Pokemon's interpretation of Britain I've dreamed of since I was a kid."
"This long-running and much-enjoyed detective show painted the modern-day British countryside to look like a picturesque postcard."
"British politics when done well can be very fun."
"He can say that, British judge, you can't say it but you can think it."
"What do you like about British culture? Well, my future is here."
"I long for the day that they will finally get bears the British media."
"British people, when it comes to driving manners, are really polite and they very rarely horn."
"Wallace and Gromit have become some of the most renowned characters in animation and true icons of British animation."
"The purpose of this guide is to start getting you acquainted with the British, their country, and their ways."
"People in Britain actually do not tend to get scared, what they want is people to give them very straight news."
"The rather toothless British monarchy remained in place out of a sense of tradition and national pride."
"Palitoy's Action Force toy line represents the best of British."
"Well, the Brits are eccentric, a little bit wild, a little bit weird, and I love this stuff."
"This is the biggest fight in the history of British boxing."
"Bodging is a wonderful British word that means to patch together to make temporary repairs, it's clumsy, inelegant, but it'll keep working."
"Do not panic and remain civil and calm. That's the British Way."
"To pretend... that British culture doesn't exist... is deeply unfair."
"I've really enjoyed learning British culture today."
"The UK drill scene really began to cement its own mark with an original sound that was mastered by British producers."
"There's something about British humour that I really love."
"It's British humor to be a little bit more direct."
"Amongst these are a loose collection of films which we might call Folk Horror, they shared a common obsession with the British landscape, its folklore, and superstitions."
"Douglas Bader was a very British hero." - The Duke of Richmond
"What's better than getting a 500 plus pound poor beagle in the UK?"
"Good quality is the most important factor, just like our amazing British candy."
"Surround yourself with British people and British food and have a Yorkshire pudding and all that stuff."
"It's about as classic a seaside destination as you could possibly get in Britain. I mean, it's... just old school Victorian piers, Punch and Judy, ice cream, fish and chips, arcades, sandcastles on the beach."
"Surely only in Britain would we consider it perfectly appropriate to put on a spread of cakes worthy of the bake-off."
"She's been the only monarch we've ever known and of course the British Monarchy is kind of unique now around the world."
"It's coronation day, this is a pretty big day for us here in Britain."
"It's a real cornerstone of British carp fishing."
"It absolutely felt dovish. It felt very British. Keep calm, carry on, wait for the confidence."
"There is nothing better than British summer when the sun is shining and everyone's so happy."
"A cup of tea solves every problem in the UK."
"We want to thank you guys for tuning in today to this British food video what do you think is it as bad as they say does British food suck we don't think so I don't think so"
"British panel shows are so popular in the UK, but not in the US."
"You absolutely cannot leave London without eating fish and chips. I mean, it's as British as British food comes."
"Banters is a big part of British life, just day-to-day life, office life, you get banter in the office, absolutely at the pub, anywhere."
"The Great British pub has been the backdrop for debate, conflict, and even love."
"British people are mostly played right. You just... I'd say that is grumpy."
"Most British citizens know who Prince Charles is, but they are quickly falling in love with his new bride, and most prefer her over the King-to-be."
"Lord Buckethead running in elections: ridiculously British."
"Can't think of anything more British or precisely Scottish than kicking someone in the nuts and getting a medal from the Queen for it."
"Give this video a thumbs up if you agree, and you're British and you do any of these things."
"Britain is brimming with hoarders in these boxes."
"British people put gravy onto everything and like they call everything pudding and I kind of love that."
"I've never met a people who were better at not getting to the point than Brits."
"The queue was invented by the British because it emphasizes their sense of fair play."
"Tea, the most British tea in history."
"The British are very good at pomp and circumstance, I gotta tell you. You guys really put on shows. It's amazing."
"I think that is our great export comedy I think British comedy is really very very good indeed much better than British football actually."
"...British producers then started creating their own club ampem house and his Roland TB 303 squatching sibling acid house would dominate the British Airways by the start of the 1990s..."
"The thing that's fascinating about the British tough guy trope is the juxtaposition between the tough guy and the classic, uh, British stereotype of a proper aristocratic Englishman."
"The British public wanted to keep it here because it was such an astounding painting."
"British people are quite fond of people who lose."
"...very typically British it's not brash it's not trying to you know shout to you it's something spectacular it's understated and classy."
"Royal Enfield was at one time one of the Great British motorcycle companies alongside the likes of Triumph and Norton and BSA."
"The ability to make the all-important cup of tea in a British tank didn't occur for another 30 years."
"Little Mix has become one of Britain's national treasures."
"London's always been such a huge fascination for me. I have such a huge fascination for the monarchy and for all things British."
"And just to add the cherry on top of the cake, the British weather being the driest and hottest days ever, decided to do the most British thing ever. It bloody rained."
"In a 2003 U.K. movie survey, Charlie Croker's line, 'You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!' was voted the most memorable line in any movie."
"...the carry-on films that cemented the legend of Kenneth Williams in British comedy history."
"Rejecting a cup of tea here in the UK is a crime punishable by death."
"Fantastically British contradiction in terms, old to Newcastle."
"The dam Busters film has gone down in cinema history and not only cinema history but in British popular history is perhaps one of the the best known and best loved films of the 20th century."
"British pubs the her suggestion of going around six o'clock kind of coincides with my sort of general idea the feeling I'm getting here that it's more than just a place to go at night and get drunk and act crazy it's it's a lot more than that."
"Action Man, the most iconic British toy of the 1960s and 70s."
"The classic British transport calf... the ideal place for me to road test my new trucker-friendly pies."
"Stop, I respect British breakfast so much."
"British craftsmanship from a time that no longer exists and never really will exist again."
"...it just has all the kind of British weirdness which some people absolutely love."
"Never underestimate the British desire to root for the underdog."
"British eccentricity at its best."
"I really feel like that British magic."
"There's a lot of unifying cultural items like certain songs or slang in the UK."
"I mean the first time I saw his plays on television what struck me immediately was a kind of agonized response to the British stroke English social milieu that seemed totally original."
"It was not running for a hugely long time at Charing Cross theater, but while it was there, I was imploring everyone to go and see this show because I do think it's one of the best new British musicals that has maybe been seen in the last three years."
"Thank you so much Henry. Say hello to the Queen for us, would you? Please tell her we'll see her for tea soon. High tea, not low tea."
"It'll stop in a minute," in that British way.
"Brits are so funny, we're self-deprecating, we're eccentric, we're grounded, we're real."
"I'm so excited to announce that I have released the A to Z of really British English."
"I love books that feature old country houses, and it will be very interesting to read a bit of the story and the history behind the British country house."
"The Women's Institute, who is rather the SAS of British cookery."
"I'd like to see the Ken and Deirdre affair again because I think it was the best piece of acting ever on British television."
"Oh my word, coming down in buckets! Welcome to British summer time, my friends."
"A vague, archaic, mostly harmless tradition, fraught with pomp and ceremony and mawkish self-aggrandizing, with a bit of royalty thrown in, is about the most British thing imaginable."
"...a proper player, a great advert for British football."
"Milk first and never a tea bag in the cup, only in the pot. And you've got to warm the pot first."
"I've never been to London before. I don't know if British people are real, but I'm gonna find out and I will report back to you all."
"Britain has always had a rich musical culture."
"Just from my experience it does seem to be that British place names are a little harder to pronounce on average."
"Eric Morecambe was an English comedian who, together with Ernie Wise, formed the double act Morecambe and Wise."
"Over 50% of British people eat a sandwich every single day."
"Even if the good old British weather isn't all it should be, we can still enjoy together the wonder and color of summer produce."
"Is there anything more British than fish and chips right by the sea in a little box like this?"
"The British have always been very good at preserving pickles, jams, and chutneys."
"Lovely, lovely tender beef. And it's like the roast beef dinner you would have in the UK."
"It's a classic British drink, so that is what we are cheering to."
"We keep calm and we carry on in the British tradition."
"I shall rely on honesty, fair play, and the integrity of British justice."
"I definitely favor the British comedy scene and comedy style."
"Launching a simple sword of truth and the trusty shield of British fair play."
"The Antiques Roadshow, a unique phenomenon in British broadcasting and indeed in British life."
"You can't beat the great British public to come out and do their stuff."
"British humor was always dark and smartly snarky and a little condescending."
"I love fish, chips, curry sauce, and scraps."
"I'm so just, I don't know, to use the British word, chuffed. I'm very chuffed."
"Don't you just love the Great British weather?"
"What could be more typically British than this: a cable sky, flowerfield meadow, and a lovely old castle?"
"Robin, the quintessential... I think it's Britain's favorite bird for as long as I can remember now."
"We are tailors; we're bespoke tailors, so we really have to show off the best of what we do which is British bespoke tailoring."
"It's like being in a Mary Poppins book."
"I'm a classy British man; we don't do that kind of thing."
"If anything goes wrong in your life, you have a cup of tea, and it solves all your problems."
"As a British person, I am extremely passionate about baked beans."
"By the time of his death, he had created a wholly developed, beautifully distinctive British musical style."
"Ceefax had quite a lot of sentimental value and attachment for millions of British people."
"I've been watching your channel for two years and I like that you are positively British in your reviews."
"You'll be surprised to hear me say this, but the British truly are the happiest people on earth."
"The British have a particular relationship with small pleasures that I would hate to see spoiled."
"She's one of the best-selling authors of all time, an icon of British popular culture."
"I'm extremely proud to come from a British background in TV and film."
"...the passion for British art and particularly British grand manor portraiture didn't come from nowhere."
"Now of course, being British, we have the presumption of innocence."
"I think there's almost a tactical genius once you've had a cup of tea and a couple of hobnobs."
"Once a staple of the British airline industry and the face of the emerging foreign holiday market."
"Let's explore the thousand-year evolution of the English and British coronation."
"It's so refreshing to see some really good British baking alive and well."
"It's the most classic looking, the most faithful homage to that 1950s 60s British motorcycling vibe."
"It doesn't get any better and any more British than being on a seaside post eating fish and chips."
"It's a quintessential British bakery, I don't think you'd find anything like that anywhere else in the world."
"You feel quite special riding through an old school British Village on your BSA Gold Star."
"I'm not sure there's a more British scene at the moment than a man sitting in a Jaguar eating sandwiches off a tiered plate display."
"It's a uniquely British driving experience; there aren't many cars that feel or handle like a Bentley."
"You know you're British when you use 'You alright?' as a greeting and 'Cheers' as a thank you."
"Nowadays she's television's best-loved landlady, a British institution played by a British institution."
"British people just shut their laptops on December 22nd and never turn it back on until January 3rd."
"They've come to see the Queen, they've come to pay respect to the great British tradition of the monarchy."
"That's the ultimate, it's its final form. British potatoes are bloody Magikarp, and that is a Gyarados."
"British summer time, cheers, cheers."
"A lot of things just seem to make logical sense here, maybe it's that British sensibility."
"British horse shows... they are the busiest things on earth."
"I've got my biscuits and my pot of tea ready."
"Only Fools and Horses is commonly voted as Britain's best-loved sitcom and has been a firm family favorite across the UK since it first aired."
"I like the British one, it's got a little picture of a train on it, it's kind of nice, it's kind of fun."
"Whatever people say I am, that's what I'm not summed up the experience of being young, intelligent, and hormonal in modern Britain."
"It's the great British baking show of video games."
"Oasis were the quintessential British band."
"And that sums up my master thesis on why British roads do be different though."
"Well, it wouldn't be a complete British summer's day without a drop of rain; any British person would tell you that."
"Our Devonshire afternoon tea has arrived, look at these scones."