
Diabetes Management Quotes

There are 283 quotes

"Diabetes remission was observed in over 57% of participants at 6 months in a study, demonstrating that it's possible to reverse type two diabetes by changing dietary habits."
"What we quickly saw was that, okay, yes, people were losing weight but more importantly, their diabetes was going away."
"I'd much rather see people with type 2 diabetes control their diabetes through diet and lifestyle."
"The ketogenic diet helps people lose weight, get rid of their diabetes or improve their insulin sensitivity, lower their risk for cardiovascular disease, helps them get off of medications, helps them start functioning in life again."
"The best way to treat people was not to treat them after they got their diabetes, then they got their kidney disease, and then put them on dialysis. The best thing was to get them to lose weight."
"Lachlan, a type 1 diabetic, is now in our fourth month of consultations every week, getting her sugars down and watching the struggles that happen on the type 1 diabetic's journey."
"Where is this in the guidelines, how come I've never heard of this before... it truly is quite miraculous for a disease that everyone thought was chronic and progressive to see people recover from it."
"The kind of message that people with diabetes need to be getting from the American Diabetes Association is: don't eat anything that Kellogg's makes because it's going to make your diabetes worse."
"There is scientific evidence to suggest that a large proportion of the population with obesity or diabetes would benefit from restricting carbohydrates."
"Diabetes is a disease that's completely reversible, but not only that, very quickly reversible."
"Diabetes can be reversed, and you can prevent these more serious symptoms."
"Time to master diabetes here on the Exam Room brought to you by the Physicians Committee with the Weight Loss Champion."
"The government should cover insulin for type 1 diabetics."
"You can reverse type 2 diabetes with a ketogenic diet... calories in the range of 400 to 800 calories per day."
"Lower carbohydrate lifestyle changes are documented to be the most effective method improving weight loss and diabetes control."
"Once you understand the principles in that book, you're going to be able to give your little one the gift of a normal hemoglobin A1C for the rest of their life."
"This is a very big deal, the American Diabetes Association is committed to partnering."
"It's all about eating less glucose, less exogenous glucose coming in."
"I'm simply going to give you ways that you can improve your insulin sensitivity and decrease your insulin resistance."
"We spend in the U.S. today 200 billion dollars managing diabetes alone and that's expected to go to half a trillion dollars by 2020."
"Within three days of changing her diet... she was off insulin."
"The evidence now is overwhelming that when people who have diabetes go to a vegan diet... they do great."
"Let's cap the cost of insulin at 35 a month."
"Incorporate more of these veggies in your diet, you're going to be able to control your diabetes a lot more easily."
"If your goal is to actually correct the diabetes you have to correct the insulin resistance... mostly to the point where they can eliminate the need for medication."
"Successful self-management of diabetes is the simple difference between choosing a healthy complex carb with a low glycemic index and low glycemic load and avoiding refined sugary stuff."
"Cutting carbs alone won't cure diabetes; lifestyle changes are crucial for long-term management."
"Everybody knows like you and I know and so does everybody else that if you lose weight your type 2 diabetes will get better."
"i think eventually if you have any kind of metabolic issues uh if you're a type 2 diabetic anything like that i think these will eventually start to affect you"
"Research has shown that berberine is equally as effective as metformin for improving insulin sensitivity."
"Let's begin by looking at berberine's effect on diabetes and neuronal damage."
"Zero carb daddy: 7.8 now 5.2 A1C lost 78 pounds."
"An educated patient is the best patient in my eyes because that will help you in the long run and in the short run to determine the best way of managing your diabetes."
"You do not have to be smart, you don't have to be rich, you don't have to be tax savvy. All you have to know is your carbohydrates."
"Type 2 diabetes is chronic and progressive... It's gone."
"If you lose weight, your type 2 diabetes goes in reverse."
"Maintain what you're doing, make sure it's clean for some weeks longer, maybe a few more months, and then you'll see the blood sugar will come down."
"You don't fix that problem by giving more insulin."
"Metformin should be used if despite a low carb diet you still don't have adequate control of your diabetes."
"This is not a fluke, it's a large number of people reversing their type 2 diabetes."
"Just getting up and walking for 15 minutes after a meal can have a significant effect on your post meal spikes."
"There's no cure for it and you don't end up taking the right units of insulin today, tomorrow you're not waking up."
"I hope that my work helps people sort of reverse the type two diabetes."
"Diabetes is a difficult disease once it gets out of control, and the problem is we know that type 2 diabetes is a situation where you have a certain quality to have, and it can be a disease of lifestyle."
"The cause of his diabetes is starting to go away... a diet based on healthy vegetables and fruits and whole grains and beans is the fuel your body works on."
"Don't just measure glucose, don't just measure A1C... measure the thing that controls glucose."
"Cinnamon is a little miracle, potentially reducing fasting blood sugars by 10 to 29%."
"10-minute walks after every meal... twice as effective as metformin for blood sugar control."
"Time-restricted eating: a significant reduction in hemoglobin A1c."
"You can eat until you're comfortably full and still reverse your type 2 diabetes, your pre-diabetes, or your hyperinsulinemia."
"We give you a guarantee, literally. If we cannot help you control your blood sugar... we will coach you for free until you do, period."
"Fasting will take away your type II diabetes but you'll never do it so forget it, just take your insulin."
"High dose of vitamin D2 for example 50,000 units a week for eight weeks and those with diabetes improve their passing blood sugar improve their insulin improve their insulin resistance markers after treatment with the vitamin D."
"Eye checks from age 12 for diabetics. Cervical cancer screening every 3-5 years."
"I lost 90 pounds and cut out the junk and haven't taken any insulin in months."
"At this point, you just brace yourself for it. You just up your blood sugars, you know, make sure you've got a sports drink or something on hand."
"If you truly want to be free of type 2 diabetes, you can."
"Metformin is probably the safest and... one of the most long-term efficacious drugs in the treatment of type 2 diabetes."
"Results of a well-formulated ketogenic diet in diabetes are nothing short of remarkable."
"Meal timing is increasingly being used as a tool to improve glucose control and reset circadian clocks."
"Maintaining healthy body weight is number one as far as prevention of type 2 diabetes."
"He was able to reverse his diabetes in six weeks."
"Low carb diets help prevent or even reverse diabetes."
"You will feel more comfortable and in control as your blood sugar stabilizes."
"I don't think I've seen a better tool...than a CGM."
"Paying attention to just more than your glucose, your glucose and your insulin levels compared one against each other is more important."
"Victory over diabetes is possible, in fact, it's not only possible, it is almost a certainty for most people if they'll take the necessary steps and make the necessary changes to their diet and lifestyle."
"I'm not a drug addict. I'm a diabetic, and that shot you saw me take is the medicine that saves my life every day."
"This fruit is very high in these anthocyanins and the people with type 2 diabetes saw a decrease in hemoglobin a1c numbers also they saw a decrease in triglyceride levels."
"Regulating your blood sugar levels and adjusting your lifestyle with diet, exercise, and certain herbs like the hydro berberine, the sale, and cinnamon, etc., will boost your energy and lessen the tiredness and lethargy."
"Intermittent fasting massively increases insulin sensitivity."
"Either keto or carnivore is going to reverse your type 2 diabetes."
"Combining modern medicine and TCM is the best approach for diabetes treatment."
"The goal of basal insulin is to keep the blood sugar stable overnight."
"Monitoring also helps you understand overall how you are doing."
"You need to understand what medications you're on and why you're taking them."
"I am fully convinced that I will walk away from my insulin pump and continuous glucose monitor in my lifetime."
"Insulin resistance is the hallmark of type 2 diabetes."
"Type 2 diabetes: drugs to control glucose levels are not the solution."
"Success in my own life and success in the lives of thousands of men and women who once had glucose in the diabetic range but now qualify as non-diabetic."
"We know ketogenic diets reverse type 2 diabetes."
"My diabetes could be put into remission by eliminating carbohydrates."
"Ken Woolard reduced his A1C from over 14 to 5.0."
"I'm convinced that most of you will be amazed when you see how fast and how far your average blood sugar and your A1C will drop in those four short months."
"You can absolutely reverse type two diabetes."
"Berberine is shown not to cause insulin release when glucose levels are low, so it is kind of safe on the hypo dangerous hypoglycemic site."
"High blood sugar levels generate oxidative stress, contributing to heart disease."
"Even though it's not the same as measuring A1C... knowing your average blood glucose on CGM... is highly comparable."
"Testimonies of people completely going off their diabetic medications."
"That would be huge for any diabetics or anyone that just needs to measure their blood glucose levels regularly."
"There was nothing wrong with dad before that, absolutely nothing. He had diabetes, and that was it."
"Are there doctors that believe and practice and preach the low-carb way of beating diabetes? Yes, there are."
"How do you prevent diabetes? You eat a healthy diet. How do you reverse diabetes? You eat a healthy diet."
"The goal of type two diabetes care is not management, it's reversing it."
"The world's oldest dietary intervention... has the power to reverse type 2 diabetes."
"You balance your activity, your food, your insulin dosage; it's easy if you put a little effort into it."
"Individualization of the type 2 diabetes treatment plan and shared decision making ultimately leads to greater adherence to therapy and greater success."
"They've really been a GameChanger in terms of diabetes management."
"Managing diabetes is mostly about having a balanced lifestyle."
"My main message that I'm going to leave you off on is that diabetics are entitled to normal healthy blood sugars."
"Being able to focus on other things besides diabetes is crucial for emotional well-being."
"The most consistent proven way is what's called the Mastering Diabetes Method - a low-fat plant-based whole food diet, exercising for 30 minutes per day, and intermittent fasting."
"If you take someone who has diabetes and dramatically change the way they eat and exercise, it's quite clear what you can do."
"Like is Dexcom medically necessary for me to survive? No. But it absolutely improves my quality of life and ability to manage my diabetes."
"This way of eating is one of the best ways to manage type-2 diabetes."
"We now have medications shown to have cardiovascular prevention or protection. The SGLT-2 and the GOP-1 have been shown to change or to improve the outcome in patients with type 2 diabetes."
"Both the ADA and the American College of Endocrinology suggest getting the hemoglobin a1c as low as possible if you can do it in a safe way."
"Diabetic athletes learned more in 15 days with a continuous glucose monitor than in 15 years of managing the disease."
"I don't ever want people to feel like once I'm in the smart guard feature I can't take action if I see glucose where I don't want it to be or if I've eaten something that I didn't tell it, you know, go ahead and deliver a bolus or at least check to see if a bolus is needed."
"Diabetes is very personal and the way you treat your diabetes is very personal."
"Consider metabolic surgery as a weight and glycemic management approach in people with diabetes with BMI of more than 30."
"The American Diabetes Association typically recommends 150 minutes of exercise in a week."
"If you are type two diabetic then you've just got to keep cutting the carbs and keep cutting them and keep them cut strictly enough routinely enough for long enough and you will reverse your type two diabetes if it is indeed type two diabetes."
"Metformin decreases the risk of cognitive decline in patients with diabetes."
"...eating a high fiber diet can even help control blood sugar in someone with diabetes so that's kind of exciting."
"Type 2 diabetes is 100% curable with weight loss."
"Living with diabetes is challenging, but having a regular meal plan can make a huge difference."
"Eating a diet high in fiber is really important for people with diabetes."
"It's my insulin pump. It helps manage my diabetes."
"An ancestral diet, which includes animal proteins and fats, is not only a safe option in managing type 2 diabetes but being used successfully to put it into remission."
"I'm going to phone the GP very shortly to let them know that I'm a diabetic type one and I've just found out that I'm positive for pregnancy."
"I'm very proud because they've been really good and I'm really excited to see my A1C next time I get it done."
"I am my best doctor and manage my condition the only way there is: insulin therapy, multiple doses per day."
"The first thing I do in the morning every day is I check my blood sugar."
"GLP-1 works in multiple ways: it increases insulin secretion, reduces glucagon secretion, slows down gastric emptying, and is associated with decreased appetite."
"The reduction of hemoglobin A1c is about 0.5 to 0.8 percent, so it's great if you use it with metformin."
"Time in range should be more than 70%."
"Time in range is a newer area that we're adding instead of just focusing on that A1C level."
"Stevia and monk fruit are both terrific sugar alternatives and they are both safe to use for people who have diabetes."
"So every child we're trying to aim for a fasting or preprandial glucose between 90/130, bedtime and overnight, 90/150, postprandial, two hours after a meal, less than 180, and then hemoglobin A1c is less than 7.5."
"Extremely important to prevent lows rather than treat them."
"If you can start to use this tool to predict when you're gonna go low, you can take a little bit of carbohydrate, rather than a lot, to prevent yourself from going low."
"The Medtronic 670G is the world's first FDA approved hybrid closed loop system."
"The CGM accuracy is getting there. Like I said, two different devices now that you don't require finger pokes to calibrate the system."
"There's no evidence that that food is going to reverse your type 2 diabetes any better than regular meat from the supermarket."
"The first one that really makes the biggest difference in your health and diabetes in general is aerobic exercise."
"You couldn't have said it better, this is my favorite thing to talk about in the world: fruit, high-carbohydrate whole foods, and diabetes and blood glucose management."
"It's pretty much hands-off; you put it on, you go live your life, and it manages your blood sugars for you."
"You have a new capability, a way of decreasing diabetes by 85%."
"For patients with diabetes, your ACE is good, but make sure you monitor their potassium."
"Insulin is a peptide; it does wonders if you have diabetes, it can be a literal lifesaver."
"The psychological burden of just jamming that lancing device into your hand 15 times a day day after day... it just takes a toll."
"Staying lean and having better insulin sensitivity with a lower A1C is almost always going to lead to better results, no matter what."
"Mastering diabetes method has helped thousands of people reverse insulin resistance and take control of their lives."
"Strict diabetic control is going to be one of the factors that could be very important to prevent the development of gastroparesis."
"How good does it feel to take back control of your diabetes? Just get started in the fight."
"Both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are manageable in most cases, and for many people with pre-diabetes, it can be prevented or delayed."
"Instruct the client to take the oral hypoglycemic medication with food."
"A major advantage of the insulin pump is the potential for keeping blood glucose levels in a tighter range."
"In diabetes, we don't want the blood sugar to go lower than four, so we say 'four is the floor'."
"We don't want hyperglycemia, we don't want hypoglycemia, what we want is euglycemia."
"Monitoring of blood glucose levels, hemoglobin A1c, lipids, and blood pressure provides feedback on how well the goals of nutrition therapy are being met."
"Limiting the amount of carbohydrates you eat in a meal can help lower your insulin need."
"As a spokesperson for Barton Publishing, Mathers emphasized the importance of managing type 2 diabetes through lifestyle changes."
"Diabetes doesn't have to take over your life."
"It was so freeing; I could begin to live without having those diabetes wheels going."
"In 11 months, this woman lost 107 pounds and her A1C went from 6.9 to 5.6."
"Understanding how the time of day impacts your glucose levels... will make a tremendous difference in your confidence level."
"You can live the next 30 or 40 years overweight on diabetic medication, or you can get your health back."
"We can actually allow people to forget they have diabetes, which is really what we're going for."
"You adopt a proper human diet, fix the diabetes, and then you keep eating a proper human diet and the diabetes stays away."
"When Diabetes Type 1 is caught early, there is a better chance of managing it properly and preventing some of these complications."
"I've tested, analyzed my blood over 50,000 times, injected myself with over 60,000 syringes."
"Intermittent fasting improves your ability to lose weight, immune health, diabetes health, and lowers your A1C and fasting blood glucose."
"The sweet potato may taste sweeter but it's actually better for people with diabetes, without diabetes who have pre-diabetes, or people who just simply want to reduce their weight, inflammation, insulin levels, and sugar spikes."
"They were reversing their type 2 diabetes with frequency; their A1Cs dropped over a point on average."
"There's been great success in using very strict calorie-controlled diets to control type 2 diabetes."
"Good glycemic control can decrease your risk."
"Those are four easy swaps to help you enjoy dessert with diabetes while keeping your blood sugar in check."
"If you have diabetes, you absolutely can still eat dessert."
"It just takes a little bit of creativity, a little bit of balance, and you can still eat what you love while keeping your blood sugar in check."
"Intensive control reduces the risk of development of diabetic retinopathy by 76%."
"Reversing diabetes is no longer on the margin; it's the cutting edge."
"I just wanted to make living with type 1 diabetes easier, and I want to make our way to a cure."
"My mother, who was pre-diabetic a couple of years ago, now eats within ten hours, and her blood sugar has completely gone back to normal."
"Green tea... the antioxidants... are so powerful... helps out with that insulin sensitivity."
"I check my blood sugar level a lot and the snacks help so I don't feel dizzy."
"Remission of diabetes means A1C maintained for less than 6.5 percentage for at least three months without the use of OHA and Insulin."
"Diabetes doesn't have to run your life; you can flip it on its head and make it work for whatever lifestyle you choose."
"It improves your body's sensitivity to insulin."
"A journey in the management of diabetes where we've continued to individualize care."
"It's not just about A1C anymore; it's also about time in range."
"Either form of continuous glucose monitoring is really recommended for all individuals on insulin, whether they have type one or type two diabetes."
"Almost 90 percent of the participants... reduced their diabetes medication requirements after doing the intermittent fasting."
"I have type 1 diabetes and of all the things in the world that I could be struggling with... it's just diabetes. I can handle this, I can do this."
"Many people think that diabetes is a life sentence... it's actually not true at all. In fact, anybody, it's easily provable because if you know somebody with type 2 diabetes and they lose 20, 30, 40 pounds, almost for sure that diabetes will go away."
"While researchers continue to unpack how all of it works, we know quite a bit of actionable information about how to keep Type 2 diabetes in check."
"More than any specific type of diet, the general advice for preventing or managing Type 2 diabetes is to eat fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, complex carbohydrates paired with fiber, and healthy fats."
"Physical activity is also important for managing Type 2 diabetes."
"The plasma glucose came down to normal within seven days, one week, after stopping the drugs."
"Remember, studies have proven interval training has the best effect on A1C results."
"We put people into remission every single day by a different understanding of the cause and the treatment of diabetes."
"Your entire perspective of diabetes management changes."
"Oatmeal has special carbohydrates in it that feed your gut microbiome which are very advantageous and then helps to reverse your diabetes."
"For type 1 diabetics, you're actually spending about one in four Healthcare dollars for management of DKA."
"These connected insulin pens... capture the dose information from the insulin pen so you can remember exactly when you took your insulin, how much you took."
"The continuous glucose monitor can actually alarm and wake you up and prevent you from having a low blood sugar that you don't notice."
"Percent time in hypoglycemia should be less than 3%, and percent time in hyperglycemia should be less than 25%."
"We're gonna pull in information from your pump or your continuous glucose monitor or your insulin pens and we're gonna walk through the data and try to use it to help guide your care in a more targeted way."
"The closed-loop insulin delivery systems are putting something called a control algorithm in the middle."