
Financial Reality Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"At the end of the day, like, the bank statement is fact. There's no hiding from that."
"Becoming a millionaire from playing video games isn't just a reality, it's becoming more and more commonplace."
"Sometimes it really is just a game of numbers, of ones and zeros, and fat stacks of cash, and the hope that maybe tomorrow will be different, tomorrow will be better."
"My mother used to always say to us, 'We have a beer pocketbook, but we have champagne tastes,' meaning that we had high aspirations."
"Being rich seems like a huge benefit to being a star but the reality is far less profitable."
"We all have a different standard but money is a reality."
"I made like maybe 20 bucks, Fiverr took 20 percent of everything, so those four dollars per gig was not a very exciting way to make money."
"Social worker: 46k per year, do it for passion, not money."
"You can spend eight hours a day day trading in front of the computer but you're not guaranteed the paycheck."
"Nobody becomes an astronaut to get rich but you know people gotta eat."
"It's kind of like that time I stole an ATM and tried to start my own state, only to find out the hard way that the money eventually runs out."
"At the end of the day, as a YouTuber, an entertainer, you know, people that don't care aren't paying the bills. The people that hate you or the people that love you are, you know."
"Generational wealth is a stretch, this man is 42 years old with a house that's worth a couple hundred grand and a Mercedes."
"You're silly if you think nonprofits should just be working for free. They need money to pay the lights, they need money to pay for the building that they're in, they need money to pay the staff. I get it."
"Good journalism costs, that's the truth of the matter."
"Shorts will not make you money in the long term; they will teach you skills."
"Incomes only 217, tuition for college is 1200, a thousand percent more."
"There's a big difference between fifty thousand dollars and a million dollars."
"Everybody wants to get rich quick. I mean, it's not attractive to get rich slowly but the reality is some people will—a very, very, very, very, very small percentage of people will. Is it going to be you? Probably not."
"It's not a five or six percent year in year out right. It's up 20, down 10, down 15, up 30. That's the way."
"That's how women get catfished, they think men have money and they're broke."
"Bitcoin: from interesting idea to undeniable reality."
"Change if you don't like change, don't purchase a machine."
"A job is the biggest scam ever because that's the only thing you can do when you're busting your ass and working your butt off for 50 years and you end with less money than you had when you started."
"$2,000 a month, that's like, people's rent money!"
"I'm just trying to pay my bills, to be fair."
"The banks want to loan money to people that don't need it."
"76 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck."
"The idea that again that is easy to just get money particularly from someone who is now disgruntled with fraught with you is is not based in the current reality."
"Your body is essentially running a high fever at all times, and that leads to organ damage."
"Retiring on a tight budget is unfortunately more common than not."
"When you start losing millions, you'll wake up."
"In a good month, small YouTube channels can expect to make a hundred dollars on AdSense, which quite frankly is pathetic."
"I feel like I get it, it's low but I get it."
"High school, college, it's all about money man. It's networking, exactly. That's it. It's people you know who are already in power."
"The credit card world isn't all butterflies and sunshine."
"Cost is not an optional thing for most people, it is a necessary thing."
"Remember, it's only theoretical life changing money until you cash it out."
"It's a lot of work and in the beginning, it really doesn't pay much at all."
"Most people think they are middle class but most are not and that's costing them a lot of money."
"Having less than one thousand dollars in savings is not a trait associated with the middle class."
"That's like 2%, and money is important, making YouTube videos is how I pay my bills and feed my dog."
"Imagine going to your boss right now and say hey, can you double my salary?" - Brian
"If you're trying to make trap-like returns, that's not what this is."
"Public transit relies heavily on subsidies because it's still far from a profitable business."
"The gullwing doors are so iconic... you don't have the actual money to buy a convertible."
"No disrespect man but unless you are wealthy what you have is assets ain't worth a whole lot."
"The traditional markets do not give an F about you. They do not care."
"Hard work is not a direct monetary impact; your hard work will never be rewarded at all times with a direct monetary value."
"Here's the thing: when you make $100,000 a year, you thought it was going to be easy."
"Remember that 99.7% of people in Monet do not make a full-time income."
"There's no guaranteed way to make money online, not in any significant numbers." - Paul
"Hard to make money off that right hard to make money off that so uh again I I thought what Zooby said here was um great and I just want to expand on it because I you know I have my own thoughts on what he was saying obviously I agree with him."
"The reality is that most YouTube content creators cannot make a livable amount of money off of their YouTube channel for the first three to five years anyway."
"Money will bring you some [expletive] happiness."
"MLM income disclosure for 2023 shows dismal earnings."
"I make two to 3,000 a week... That's a good salary but listen looking at what your lifestyle is, it's not necessary, it's not sustainable."
"Income will not beget you wealth. We have the highest income inequality today. You cannot undo that by making more money than your father."
"Most of your favorite rappers are either broke, going broke, or never rich."
"Someone has to give you the money, it doesn't just rain down from the sky."
"Apparently, I need to sell more merch because I guess that can even, even if it was half that, I've definitely not made like seven million dollars in merch."
"It's crazy time but that's not to say I don't enjoy it because I don't make a massive amount of money I'm not a rich person and I could actually use the skills that I have probably to make more money in a different job."
"Your boy had bars, my [ __ ]! Your boy had bars, my [ __ ]! These are real [ __ ] paying real money for these bars."
"But now that you’ve seen the hard numbers let me tell you why I’ve felt less and less rich every year, and what I think the true financials of the sideman life actually are."
"You don't have as much money as you think you do, and if you do have as much money as you think you do, trust me when I tell you, that's not a lot of money."
"It's not a get rich quick, it's the hardest way to make easy money."
"not having debt is still to me because of my student loan debt it's not even in my realm of reality."
"People are living in a financial fantasy struggling with their current financial reality."
"Life is expensive. Life is expensive."
"I don't know why people think YouTubers are just rolling in the dough because, God, I wish."
"No one starts out doing bodybuilding for the money because there is no money."
"The point I'm trying to make here is that film and television actors are not all super rich, far from it."
"It's not a get-rich-quick scheme in any way shape or fashion."
"New traders suffer from this idea that they should be able to make money every day."
"That's why I really have such admiration for him and any filmmaker nowadays. To make movies, it's so expensive and very rarely do you get your money back."
"The world moves on money, and you make money to pay the bills."
"You don't make money right away when you start as a real estate agent."
"If someone's making money, someone's losing it."
"Less than 10 of those are ever going to make the money you're talking about."
"In the fast lane, wealth isn't an eventual retirement reward; it's an accessible reality in the prime of your life."
"Most people are too caught up pretending to be rich than actually being rich."
"In theory, middle class owners differ from low income earners because they don't live paycheck to paycheck, but in reality, over 60 percent of the US population are currently living in a hand-to-mouth situation."
"I'm not going to pay to live there, cannot afford it, but they were nice."
"You're only working with the money that you have."
"But college doesn't necessarily equal bank, no, not necessarily."
"You got to have fun because you don't make a lot of money."
"Accounting rules can't change cash in and cash out."
"Reality hits, insufficient funds, that sounds more realistic."
"The first time we sat down to calculate all of our debts I cried... but you really have to face reality when it comes to your finances."
"The money actually started becoming real."
"You can make more money in death than in life."
"We all need to face our own financial reality, embrace it for what it is in this moment, and then work to improve it."
"Let's be real, if I bought all the surfskate brands on the market right now, I'd be severely broke."
"Sometimes we have a champagne taste and a beer budget."
"Money really don't grow on trees."
"I still love designer shoes and handbags, and I still cannot afford them. To be fair, I was never gonna become rich with my office job, and I'm certainly not rich now, but my life is rich."
"It's not always what it's cracked up to be when people see the money coming in."
"Most individuals are living paycheck to paycheck."
"You cannot walk around with a 15,000 bag and there's less than 15,000 in that bag."
"Ninety-nine percent of people do not make money in MLMs."
"Turns out you need money to live in a capitalist society."
"A million dollars is not a lot of money once you have it."
"It is not a free vacation; you end up putting a lot of a bill."
"The strong gets more while the weak ones fade. Empty pockets don't ever make the grade."
"There's no easy way to money in life unless you were born into it."
"Banks run out of money. It sounds absurd, right? But they actually run out of money."