
Spiritual Focus Quotes

There are 334 quotes

"Maintaining focus on God, who is goodness itself, diminishes the demons' ability to influence or tempt you."
"When you set your mind on the things of God and the things of your spirit, you'll find life and peace in all that you do."
"Study of the Book of Mormon is most rewarding when one focuses on its primary purpose: to testify of Jesus Christ. By comparison, all other issues are incidental."
"If you understand that this world is trying to pull you away from Him and distract you from Him, then you really must understand how important it is to really prioritize Him in your life."
"We live in a fallen world with distractions coaxing our eyes and hearts downward instead of heavenward."
"At the heart of it is the cross of Jesus Christ."
"True Christian maturity is not that we don't sin, but it's the fact that we turn our eyes back to Jesus when we fall short."
"Focus on Christ and sit by faith in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus."
"What you most need is not Lazarus back, what you most need is Me."
"Ultimately we need Jesus the only way to fix the brokenness of America is Jesus."
"Marriage isn't to make you happy, it's to make you holy."
"When we fix our sight on Jesus Christ, we recognize and we understand that He is the only source and way to receive forgiveness and redemption, even unto eternal life and exaltation."
"When we fix our eyes on Jesus Christ, our strength is renewed, our problems become insignificant, and the enemy becomes irrelevant."
"It just makes me take worshipping God more seriously because going into church before it's kind of like you're continuing having a conversation with your friend you're there with you're not really focused on it until the service begins."
"In calmness lies power. No strain or effort is needed but rather the turning of the attention towards divine realities."
"As Christ fills their heart, their minds do not go wandering after other gods. Their hearts are not divided."
"The advantage of singleness is an undivided mind and heart for the Lord."
"Whitfield possessed a self-effacing humility: 'Let the name of Whitfield perish, may the name of Christ be glorified.'"
"Investing in spiritual charitable causes you care about the things that typically don't have a bunch of money behind them right Pluto can transform some of this."
"Our focus should not be on the chaos of the world but on the peace that Christ offers."
"Focus on Jesus the Christ, his truth, his words, and the gospel he came to proclaim and die for."
"Jesus is the way, not a denomination, not a dress code, not these religious mindsets."
"If you're going to continue to date, you have to become a healthier version of yourself before you step into another relationship because a man cannot provide for you the things that only Jesus can."
"My focus is Jesus. Additionally, I am NOT interested in propagating pure emotionalism. Certainly, God's power does touch our emotions, but seeking an emotional experience for the sake of an emotional experience itself is not spiritually healthy."
"Focus on the things above and not of this world, for our citizenship is in heaven."
"Fasting causes you to focus more on the things of the spirit rather than on the things of this Earth."
"The power of the reset is that anytime I decide to put my mind on Jesus, on God, I can find peace and joy and strength."
"Heart is the only organ where one can focus and say yes, my Lord."
"Be watchful and ready in 2021 and never take your eyes off of our savior. I love you all."
"Let's refocus and get back to the place where God wants us to be."
"He's the end game, not a relationship, not that lifestyle."
"We choose to meditate on things that are true, noble, and praiseworthy."
"Your calling is to win souls and make disciples."
"You were not called to win arguments, but to win souls."
"The Holy Spirit in the Holy Spirit is the solution for everything."
"Silence the outside noise to hear God's voice."
"My prayer today, Lord, is that I may be conscious and sensitive about giving you my full undivided attention."
"You're so solid with Jesus that everything else just becomes white noise."
"We've lived our lives worried about how can we get them in the chairs instead of how can we get them delivered."
"When they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only."
"Father, look not on the things that are seen, but the things that are not seen."
"We do not want you to do anything that could alert people as to where they might be and influence the outcome of the game."
"Anything that is impure and unholy in us, remove it Lord. Start with us first."
"Putting God first means fixing your eyes on Him, letting Him know that He's your only option and not a mere alternative."
"Fix your eyes on Jesus, focus on Jesus, and the thing is, if your eyes are focused anywhere else other than on Jesus Christ, then it's all negative."
"The essence of prophecy is to give a clear witness for Jesus."
"God's word has spoken, that's right, we get so distracted by all of these things that are happening on this plane here when this right here is what matters the most, the vertical is what matters."
"The focus of Billy Graham's message and ministry was the cross of Christ."
"Do not be moved by what you feel, see, or hear, but be moved only by the Word of God."
"Sometimes there's just randomness. Sometimes it just doesn't go your way. It's true, or all the time it doesn't go your way if you're me."
"You're so busy focusing on people, you miss God."
"Keep your eyes on Jesus who is the author and finisher of faith."
"What is the needful thing... amidst all that's going on?"
"Be like Mary, worshiping and loving and glorifying you, that is the center of it all."
"Prioritize God, prioritize God, prioritize God."
"The Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus, not man. A spirit-led Ministry always points back to Jesus."
"Nothing Else Matters when you have intimacy with the father."
"Focus on God's holiness, his Perfect Purity, his total goodness."
"We need to keep the main thing the main thing. The main thing is Jesus Christ and Him crucified."
"It's a time to focus on the light, on the goodness, not anything that has a dark tint at all to it spiritually."
"It's all about you, Jesus. Let's stay in that place."
"Let's stay humble, pure, and focused on the cross."
"His moment of Coronation will be very important for us as lightworkers to focus on him."
"You're saved by healing the soul, not the faculty of our mind."
"God wants us to set our mind on the realities of heaven not the realities of earth."
"Father, I pray right now over every single person watching that Lord we would put our eyes on the things of heaven."
"Do not look at the things that are seen but the things that are not seen, for the things that are seen are temporary, but the unseen is eternal."
"Fasting is really trading what is temporary for Eternal. It's trading what's physical for Spiritual."
"Real peace comes when we're all focused on one point: Is God getting what He needs from us?"
"I hope I can say whom have I in heaven but you whom am I in heaven oh my god."
"I'm dwelling on the goodness of God, not magnifying the works of darkness."
"It's easy to get caught up in what Satan is doing."
"Let's focus on what's most important: salvation."
"May our priorities always be within the works of God."
"The number one most important thing in my life is not my wife, not my kids, and not my business. It's me as a spiritually in it."
"As humans, how easily we can get distracted with the mundane things of the world."
"I began at that moment to never change the subject again but to make the outpouring of the Spirit that which God was doing in the earth the only thing I lived for."
"Your joy, your hope, and your peace were in the wrong things. They were not in the Father. Your joy is in the Father. Nothing in this world can tamper with it."
"Focus on Jesus Christ, the only thing that matters at the end of the day."
"With each new morning, we have the chance to decide what truly matters, to focus on our relationship with God, and to align our actions with our values."
"We don't belong to the elephant or the donkey. We belong to the agenda of the Lamb."
"The purpose of the Lord alone be established."
"The more you are fixated on Christ's return... you're going to find yourself thoughts and habits of sin growing less and less powerful in your life."
"God first, nobody else. God ain't first with your husband, God ain't first with your wife. No. God is first alone."
"The ultimate goal isn't physical health or financial stability; it's about what the text actually says in the Bible."
"We're not looking for the Antichrist; we're looking for Jesus Christ!"
"Every desire outside of yourself takes you away from yourself. Love of God in, fear of self out."
"Keep our eyes carefully focused on Jesus... the source and perfecter of our faith."
"Recollection is withdrawing from the world to have that surge of the heart."
"Don't be distracted by somebody else's spiritual progress, focus on following Jesus."
"Our hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ, not in the things of this world."
"Focus on Jesus Christ, who is the secret of strength to make it to the end of your marathon and end well."
"Remember that the journey is a spiritual one that has at its goal a strong and steady mind."
"Jesus, you're the center of it all, from beginning to the end."
"Let's keep spreading the gospel, supporting one another, and keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus."
"With this perspective Lord, give me a mind that's fixed on you King Jesus, give me a heart that's dedicated to you, help me to live with an urgency when it comes to seeking your presence."
"We must keep our eyes on Jesus more than the storm."
"Stay focused on what it is that God has on your life."
"Seek the Lord's guidance, focus on Him amidst the noise."
"There's one thing that matters and you should prioritize him."
"We want to lean into spirit more than ever now."
"The fasting of the heart... nothing in it except Him."
"Healing is coming, a lot of healing to your throat chakra and your heart chakra."
"Focus on your light work and union will come."
"Keep your eyes fixed on heaven not this material world where things can be taken away from you."
"Let's have a big think in our own lives me too about how we can restructure things to make sure that the feeling spiritual and compassionate side of life is at the center of what we're doing not somewhere on the periphery."
"We're obsessed with this God, what else matters?"
"God is the truest, most perfect, most complete being, uniquely worthy of all attention and worship."
"Fix your eyes on Jesus. Let Jesus be your focus, your purpose, your intention, and your goal. When He's all that matters, everything else will fall behind in the shadow. Satan's deception will be exposed, and you will break free."
"You're not too caught up on the things of the physical, of the material world."
"Keep your eyes on the prize. The prize is Jesus Christ."
"But the prophecy of Jesus here gives a special focus to a great time of trouble that was going to come on that generation, God's people, the Jewish nation."
"Choose God as your source, focus your heart and treasure on Him."
"Keep your eyes on the Lord, even in dark times."
"Radiate illumination, your solar plexus is your chakra of self-power."
"Focusing on God's love and goodness and His mercy is actually a very good and a very healthy and certainly a very positive way to be encouraged about looking at the Lord."
"Taking sides for a worldly kingdom is not what we're here to do. We're here to take the side of the kingdom of God."
"From a great height of space, we're given a perspective that transcends the routine of our daily lives and focuses instead upon our spirit."
"Islam helps me stay focused on my mission to look for justice in this world."
"Life is made of time, and if every week revolves around this blessed time with God, you never lose focus."
"Worship is about God, not us. It's not about turning worship into a competition event between individuals."
"God's people will stand up, get your focus off your sin and go back to the covenant."
"Jesus did the Father's will and nothing else."
"Jesus encompasses everything about this holiday."
"Life revolves around pleasing the Creator before we meet the Creator."
"We are at a time where the focus should be on remembrance, meditation, spiritual development."
"Genuine unity starts with centering our hearts and lives upon Jesus Christ." - Focusing on the foundation of Christian unity.
"Live in the glory, focus on Jesus, and the power of the enemy loses its effectiveness."
"Raise the volume on Allah's words and lower the volume on Shaytan's influence."
"As we enter into Holy Week, I pray all of us will strive to make Christ the King of our own lives."
"Wash your face... focus on the spiritual aspect of what you're dealing with."
"As believers, we have to focus on spirits and not people."
"Life is but a vapor... you gotta focus on the things that are going to get us eternal life."
"My affections will forever be set on things above and not on things of this earth."
"The essential difference between capitalism and communism is that they are both centered on materialism, whereas Christianity is centered on the spiritual."
"Our hope shouldn't be in politicians. Our hope is in Jesus Christ because ultimately that's what the answer is."
"Every thing that you are going through right now is a distraction from the enemy to get your attention off of what God actually has for you to do."
"Sometimes it's not an example for you. It's not about you. It's about looking at Jesus and just adoring. When you look at him just adore. The adoration will transform you."
"If you're hearing more about improving your this life situation and solving society's woes than you are about being equipped to get people into the Kingdom of God, leave." - Gary
"I'm trying to be a servant leader here and at a very challenging time in very difficult circumstances. That's my humble prayer every day."
"Moments of respite are needed, focus on your spiritual development."
"What a beautiful thing when we move away from the nonsense and fix our eyes on the Most High God."
"Turn your eyes from worthless things, because they won't revive you; find life in God's ways."
"When we set our eyes on Christ instead of setting our eyes on our father's idols...you can be sure that is when we begin equipping the next generation for gospel diversity."
"Real Christianity is not about your color. It's not about male or female, it's about the spirit."
"True stillness involves calming not just our physical surroundings but our inner selves, silencing the noise of our thoughts and worries to focus solely on God's voice."
"I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions, applause, or popularity."
"It shifts the attention from ourselves and helps us to focus back on God."
"Pressure saints, it's time for us to look to jesus."
"Just gotta remember stay focused on God. Everything else will fall into play."
"God desires to be first in every area of our life."
"When the words of prophets seem repetitive, that should rivet our attention."
"The devil is most afraid of you when you focus."
"If you really want true peace, focus on ordering your faculties towards God."
"Financial sovereignty is one of the keys that allows multiple people to actually cut their eyes on Jesus."
"I would just say, as a dad talking to other people, let's focus on Jesus."
"The only way we make it to the other side of this obstacle is not by strategizing on how to attack our enemy, it's asking God to restore our focus on him."
"The only inconveniences in life is when we forget Krishna; that is the actual calamity."
"Every thought that we control and direct towards the word of God spills into our subconscious mind."
"You cannot exercise legitimate authority over what you should be over unless you're willing to be under what God has put over you."
"Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and let him lead you to the other side."
"Make every effort not to hold the negativity in your heart and instead direct your attention to spiritually strengthening yourself."
"The last 10 nights of Ramadan to me is just a bada, forget the world, just you and God."
"Stop looking for that loophole stop looking for that broad path because we know where the broad path goes come on look at that narrow path just walk down it."
"The craving is always focused on myself, man-pleasing. Calling is focused on God-pleasing."
"You were created to be addicted to Jesus and nothing else."
"It's about him getting the glory at the end of the day."
"Shift the commitment and priority of your life away from this world and make it all about his kingdom."
"God wants to be worshiped alone, in the captain's chair of your heart."
"They're not focused on the Gospel of Jesus Christ."
"Stop meditating on the plans the enemy has. Stop meditating on the bad, and just start saying 'Jesus.' Girl, you got to say Jesus over your mind, Jesus over your body, Jesus over your finances, Jesus over your home."
"I just want to make it to heaven, I don't care what kind of house or living arrangements."
"Our blessed hope is meeting our groom in the air. Let's encourage each other with that, putting our eyes on Jesus."
"Keep your mind on God continuously. How do you think about God continuously? That's the subject."
"Satan is confusing people today... he wants us to take our eyes off Jesus."
"We must pay much closer attention to what we have heard."
"Now is the time above anything else to place your faith and your hope in Jesus Christ."
"God is the ultimate anchor and this is the launching pad for a big life."
"We are Christians, we believe in him, we try to pattern our lives after him and everything else is just an appendage."
"Focus on the Unseen World, for the things of that world are Eternal."
"To focus on the reality of heaven, it doesn't make you selfish. It makes you a more powerful vacuum, a more powerful suction."
"It's not about us it's all about jesus but it can be hard."
"Concentrate on God's role in this life and He will make this life so much better for you."
"Any time you're focused on your love for God, instead of His love for you, few things will happen. Your passion will lack compassion."
"The goal of fasting is not to get God to answer your prayers, but to focus on Him."
"But if we lose sight of that fact then we've missed the very heart and soul of what Temple is all about."
"I tend to concentrate on those who are spiritually alive and I strive in our services to strengthen them."
"What's the cure? Worship, because what worship does is it takes the focus off self and puts it on to God. It turns us from looking inward to looking upward."
"Think about Jesus and things above, not on the things of the earth."
"Focus on spiritual things, not on earthly desires."
"Hope in Jesus. Set your affections on things above."
"Set your sights on heaven and not on this earth."
"I will look again toward your Holy Temple."
"We must not let ourselves be consumed by the things of this world."
"Depression occurs when our focus is deflected from God to the problem and the pain."
"A novena gives us some focus, it gives us some structure."
"Following Jesus means keeping your eyes on the Holy Spirit, adjusting your life to His lead."
"She was not about hype because she could have hyped up a crowd, but she was about holiness."
"I refuse to water the fear, the worry. I choose to water the word."
"It's not about you, it ain't about me, but it's about Jesus."