
UFO Phenomena Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"The appearance of science fiction concepts in UFO stories doesn't teach us much about the UFO phenomenon itself, but it does tell us about the witnesses and how the media influences them."
"The notion of crashed UFOs has captivated the imaginations of many sparking intrigue and speculation about potential extraterrestrial encounters."
"The discovery of the crashed UFO was too sensitive to become public. These documents prove that they were afraid that people would panic fearing an extraterrestrial invasion."
"A wave of contactee cases emerged in the 1950s as well. These individuals claimed to have been contacted by aliens."
"What has not been recognized in the fullness of the global development and impact of UFOs is that the phenomenon does not behave as a system; it is a meta-system."
"I thought it was really interesting and then finally George we released the jellyfish UAP the weirdest UFO or UAP video that we had ever seen."
"I firmly believe there is a true hunger for knowledge on this once people realize that there's something to it."
"There have been many UFO crashes he says of many different type of alien ships and even alien beings."
"Are we ever going to have a congressional hearing where credible people come up and say 'I am a pilot, this is what I saw'?"
"All these years the unsettled and controversial nature of the Roswell event is still the focal point of humankind's biggest unsolved mystery."
"What's presented here is genuine UFO/UAP footage."
"Experts like Azasha believe that UFO events like this crash, as well as the 1948 Russian Roswell crash, caused a Pandora's Box to open over Kapustin Yar."
"Just the thought of alien abduction makes most of us turn away in confusion and disbelief. However, we must confront this issue as it is an integral part of the UFO mystery."
"The buff ledge alien abductions: Proof of an alien abduction."
"Not merely that UFO and alien abduction phenomena is real but that it can happen to any one of us at any time."
"You may have another Roswell tomorrow. You may have another Hudson Valley the day after. You may have another Rendelsham next week."
"The UFO phenomenon is really a multi-dimensional communication outreach in information terms."
"After Kenneth Arnold's sighting, the entire country went UFO crazy."
"The UFO phenomena, the answers to it may not be dealing with a single phenomena, it may be a whole range of things."
"The abduction phenomenon is a body of evidence, definitive evidence that this phenomenon is real, it's physical."
"When Louis Elizondo was on my show... that was like the pinnacle of disclosure... he actually said in the interview... we haven't heard a peep out of that since then."
"The public needs to understand that this is way beyond just UFOs."
"I think it's becoming more and more clear to everyone that UFO/UAP is not fireflies, it's not balloons, it is physics at an advanced level being operated by someone other than homo sapien sapien."
"Last week representative Tim burchett of Tennessee announced on Twitter that 'the house oversight committee is to hold UFO hearing next Wednesday July 26, 2023.'"
"They had concluded by 76 that some of these visitors very well might be multi-dimensional in their source."
"Perhaps we see so few high quality UFO recordings because of this laser."
"They were discussing the fact that there were extraterrestrial bodies, yes."
"The apparent ability of UFOs to manipulate space and time suggests radically different and richer Alternatives."
"The U.S. government has investigated UFOs many times over the years and more than once it's found things that it just can't explain."
"The best evidence for the reality of extraterrestrial visitation is the raw number of people that have had these types of experiences."
"It is kind of going mainstream right and you have bipartisan Congressional members meeting in these classified skips and discussing it and getting read into it more than ever."
"Few things are more intriguing regarding the UFO/UAP phenomenon than the murky accounts of the recovery of materials, or even mostly intact craft, by the US and various other governments worldwide over the last 80 years."
"I now believe it. There's a supernatural component to the UFO phenomena."
"There started to be these Flying Saucer crashes there was this fascination with the human race apparently from extraterrestrials it's really beginning around the time of World War II in the 1940s."
"Despite official U.S viewpoints, UFOs are the result of misidentifications, hysteria, or hoaxes."
"This was the beginning real true beginning of disclosure."
"Military encounters with these incredible objects performing incredible maneuvers and so forth this is an old story it's not a new story right so they've been recorded by our very very competent military personnel for a long time."
"While we can't be certain about the truth of Bird's adventures, there have been many reports of UFO sightings in Antarctica."
"All UFO encounters are important...they all matter."
"UFOs are just the tip of the iceberg actually, you know there's a whole consciousness transformation that goes along with this thing."
"Scotland is home to the most UFO sightings per year in the world."
"They're behind the UFO threat...that's what the UFO field needs...a jolt...shock therapy."
"The Intriguing report filled with staggering details about UFOs."
"UFO sightings often happen near U.S. military bases and experimental research facilities."
"During this time, UFO reports and sightings were a persistent and steady reminder that we are not alone."
"The truth, the world needs to know what's happening with the UFO phenomenon happening on a daily basis."
"Some UFOs are hostile, but some are incredibly friendly and want to help us evolve."
"The abduction phenomenon is at the heart of the UFO phenomenon."
"It's certainly interesting. It's certainly a hot spot."
"The Egyptians... noted the phenomena of UFOs... mentioned circles of fire in the sky."