
Kindle Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"The Kindle is one of my top three most life-changing pieces of tech."
"The Kindle Paperwhite is the one that I recommend for most people."
"For anybody who's a reader or even not a super avid reader, the Kindle made him want and enjoy reading so much more because he didn't have to worry about like carrying around the books."
"We eliminated books and we opted to get a Kindle which we really really like."
"If you are someone who loves to read... I cannot recommend a Kindle enough."
"The Kindle Paperwhite lasts 10 weeks and reads like a book."
"You're also getting the no lock screen ads included in the price."
"The Scribe is the only Kindle where you can read books on it like normal but you can also take notes on those books with a Kindle scribe stylus."
"Writing on the Scribe just feels like writing on paper."
"If you live in America and you don't mind being locked in the Kindle ecosystem of Amazon books and all of that, get the Kindle."
"I cannot be stopped from buying the Kindle gadgets."
"So now when you open up this ePub, you will see your image and when you lock your Kindle, it will display that cover image that we uploaded."
"I really really wish that I had got one sooner so I really wanted to make this video for anybody who's on the fence about getting a Kindle to give you that little extra push because I truly believe that everyone that gets one wishes they got one sooner."
"I am obsessed with my Kindle and kind of tech like this and General text specifically for reading and note taking is cut at my vibe here so if you're interested in that stay tuned and I will catch you next time."
"This is the Kindle that I think is the best bang for its buck."
"It's even easier for me to recommend now with the update."
"Even the base model Kindle has a 300 PPI screen."
"If you're someone who likes to take your books everywhere you go, this is a very, very easy Kindle for me to recommend."
"Another feature of the Kindle Paperwhite and all Kindles for that matter now is a built-in light."
"The battery of my Kindle lasts literally for weeks, I only have to charge it about once every 2 months or so, depending on how much I use it, which is awesome."
"Another thing that a Kindle has that a book doesn't is built in search."
"The Kindle is a game changer, especially for those of you who want to save money in the long run."
"It's on Kindle unlimited if you're interested in giving it a try."
"I've honestly been trying to search my little brain for the pros and cons of a Kindle."
"This Kindle has unbelievable battery life."
"...I got a Kindle for Christmas and I cannot believe how much more reading I've been doing in the past like week and a half since I got it."
"...I've read eight books in less than two weeks since I got the Kindle."
"I read much more than 30 minutes a day. Sometimes I don't read any of my Kindle lists. A lot of times I read at least an hour a day."
"I also just love the physical copy of this because originally I read this on my kindle but now that I have like a physical copy I love reading from the physical copy."
"I am a huge reader which is why I invested in a Kindle."
"I love it like even on my kindle, you can see like most underlined lines - kindle will like tell you if other people have highlighted this line. I love that. I love seeing what jumps out at other people."
"If you've got an old Kindle, this one's got a larger screen and it allows you also to make notes."
"If you're already in the Kindle ecosystem, it is a good product to buy."
"My Kindle has been one of my most essential pieces of tech for a very long time."
"The Kindle basic is a great option for any bookworm out there who is on a tight budget."
"The biggest upgrade to the Kindle basic 2022 model is the screen."
"We finally have a 300 PPI resolution display."
"Reading on this device feels so clean and clear."
"There are very few things that I'll actually admit in this lifetime really can change your life that are a physical product, and I truly do believe that a Kindle is one of them."
"I love love love reading on a Kindle."
"It's like your own personal humongous library and it's so nice."
"I ended up getting a new Kindle because my last Kindle was... crashing and driving me crazy."
"The new screen size is definitely one of the best arguments for upgrading to the newest version of the Kindle."
"This Kindle boasts allegedly up to 10 weeks worth of use on a single charge."
"I just wanted to say how excited I am to get my first Kindle for my classroom."
"A fully loaded Amazon Kindle is a billionth of a billionth of a gram heavier than an empty one."
"If you enjoy Kindle content or bookish content, you are in the right place."
"The battery life on the Paperwhite is absolutely incredible."
"Kindle has a feature that whenever you're reading a book and you do not understand the word, then you can just tap on it and it's going to add it to your vocabulary builder."
"I'm a huge fan of the new Kindle."
"Nothing will make you read or just love your life more than a Kindle Oasis."
"I'm literally a Kindle girl through and through, absolutely love it."
"I'm very excited about my new Kindle; it's so cute and it's like really lightweight."