
Family Unity Quotes

There are 307 quotes

"This coordinated color scheme presents a very put-together picture of a close-knit family."
"It is important that a family start on the footing of 'We are our own family unit.'"
"It took the whole family to come together within seconds because that's our baby."
"Walking the bumpiest parts of the road together, struggling, sacrificing, suffering, going without together, this is what brings a family together."
"Throughout history, good has always triumphed over evil. You are just another dark shadow, and as a family, we will defeat you."
"Tangyuan symbolizes the unity of the family, and they're delicious and sweet and chewy."
"We were a unit; a loud, messy brawling, loyal, loving, lasting unit."
"The walls kind of came down, which is exactly what needed to happen for this family."
"We're gonna do this together. Put your family on three."
"The positive co-parenting these four-parent show is absolutely astounding and inspiring." - Highlighting the strength of family unity in the face of adversity.
"My family has the same mindset as me and we kind of just agreed that if we get it we get it we're gonna handle it as a family and just get over it because that's what family does."
"Their marriage united their families, including Tatyana's two children and Mark's two from previous relationships."
"Thank you guys for being for being supportive of this family, not just a dynamite family, of this marriage, of this union."
"If trapping my own family in a block of concrete is what it's gonna take to keep us together then that's exactly what i'm going to do."
"No person should lose their family because they are of a different faith."
"God's design is for families to stay together. Divorce can't be as easy as the culture's made it."
"Family is where one man loves one woman and the angels of heaven come down to enjoy the orchestration of love in that house."
"Look what we could do if we got our [__] together, family. Look what we could do."
"Families stick together... and at the end, you see that unity."
"A family that plays together stays together."
"One of these days the economy will slow down, and I believe we will have a recession. I don't believe the Fed is going to hold it off forever."
"We have to get serious, we got to stop arguing with each other and fighting. Our family's dying, let's work together and get it done."
"All I ever wanted was for us to be a family. That's exactly what I wanted too."
"I take living in absolute abject shitty conditions if it meant my family was more together."
"Mutual respect...you actually are going for the same thing and love the kids the same."
"Congratulations Kristi, says I can't stay, I have to do errands but saw this and want to tell you how happy I am for you all, the family working together is so awesome and so weird these days, blessings."
"We're all family so we should come together as brothers and sisters."
"Abraham's sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him together."
"She was just the glue binding the whole family together."
"You mean everything to us, and until you come home, this family is not complete."
"I prefer to see families getting on, so fingers crossed that this resolves itself in a good way."
"Families always stick together, no matter what."
"There's a special unity that can only happen in a family and a special kind of freedom that can happen with a family."
"We are the family of God, a family of families, gathered or scattered, still united."
"We are one family and we're gonna take on the world together."
"It's about keeping families together while still having very strong borders."
"I just think it's sad and I think it's really important for families to try to get together figure out what your goals are what your common purpose is as a family do something productive together but also have fun together."
"They're roaring 'cause I'm turning the hearts of the father to the children, and the hearts of the children to the fathers."
"We have to stop separation of the families. But politically correct or not, we have a country that needs security, that needs safety, that has to be protected."
"Family meetings were mom's way of making sure we were all on the same page."
"We're here, we're together, we have our family, and we have our freedom."
"The one thing that will unite your family is some sort of shared values."
"May the glue of the Holy Ghost, that three-strand cord, be wrapped around the whole family right now."
"I will do it together as a family, that's the point."
"There was no way she was going to let the siblings ever be separated again."
"It was amazing i mean um my family is finally complete and uh to experience that in front of a crowd like that and feel that energy there's nothing like it there's really nothing like it."
"Satan is most happy when he's able to break up families, even greater than that, the human family."
"The end of the book is all of them being like a happy he he ha family in the rebel compound."
"I just want us to still be able to be a family, as we are."
"We can do it as a family, minutes we change the world."
"With this family, everything seems possible."
"Family is everything, togetherness is everything, but even when you can't be together as a whole family unit, you find ways that you can."
"Nothing brings a family together like certain death, am I right?"
"We're a big family. That name doesn't bother us, but understand, everyone has feelings."
"The reunion meant a new beginning. After 50 years apart, they were finally a family."
"Family members sit at the table and spend time together; it's a great time together."
"Being able to do it as a family and we still had one another... so we could go out into the world and kind of like do these fun things and big things but then we kind of came back to this home."
"It did really bring together so many aspects—the wild family, everyone being together."
"To see Black characters having to use research, having to come together as family members..."
"Unity in a family is the most important thing."
"We feel as a family and that we belong together."
"For me, the highlight of this era is all being able to come together as three families."
"It's always been our stuff, not mine, not yours, whatever, it's ours as a family."
"That's one big purpose of it. But I will say the overall purpose is just to get everyone together."
"Money was tight but knowing that we have one another's back was wonderful."
"We are a family and we'll always be a family."
"To inspire family both people that are married and unmarried just to make them happy."
"They decided to spend it together with their family because they had been married for a while now."
"Take this seriously, family. We live in serious times."
"We spend holidays together, ensuring the kids have a united celebration."
"Show them the value of Ramadan. Ramadan is a month where we should be showing that we are together as a family unit."
"Protect Aster, as we are now a family," - Daywin
"My kids want their parents to stay together. I want us to be together."
"We had in our mind to just be together as a family even during our hard times."
"Create things... traditions, activities, behaviors, rules, experiences that make our families more unified and stronger."
"This is going to be the year of family salvation God will give birth to a new man but it's not just one it's going to be the family."
"We are one family with many similar traditions but unique also."
"What's magical about our home is us. We're moving so we can stay a family."
"We gotta put families back together, we gotta get dads back in the homes."
"You leave that table loving each other, no matter how many 'bocincias' were at the table."
"We're not doing that, we're a family, and as much as people like to try to pick us apart and put us against each other, and make us competitive, no baby, it's collaboration over competition every day."
"Pray the family rosary daily and the chaplet and the 3:00 p.m. hour of mercy."
"Children need both of their parents together to have healthy relationships in their future." - Kimberly Holm
"I pray for Unity and Harmony in our homes, may love and respect Prevail in our relationships."
"Finally, after almost six weeks in the hospital, the entire kelowna family resided under the same roof."
"If I could bring all my family and like the friends I know, if I could bring them all to here and live this life I probably would actually."
"We're also hearing some of the harrowing stories of survival including how a family of 12 huddled together to make it out alive."
"At the height of some of the most difficult times we've known, it's great to see a business that's bustling and a family that's thriving."
"Do we take the plunge? Yeah, we got it. Right on the count of three. Two. One. Braz family, go!"
"Pray for me, my daughters and their mother to fall in love with Christ."
"I think we're one step closer to being a happier family."
"President Obama was about keeping families together."
"May Allah heal hurting hearts and bring families together."
"He's just trying to restore some normalcy in his life and make sure that he can as was his goal all along to keep this family together and make sure that they thrive and that they recover from this abuse."
"Trust that God sees what is happening in the world today and it is uniting families."
"We are one family, we are one team, there are no more individuals."
"We're all about unity with family; we're family through thick and thin, no matter what, good times or bad, we stick together."
"Despite all of the problems that Jesus creates for the parents, at the end of The Gospel there's this affirming conclusion that Mary, Joseph, and Jesus return from Jerusalem, they go back home to Nazareth together."
"You have to love the people your kids love because that's what you do."
"Forcing them together will not help but also not accepting the other two kids as part of the family will not help either."
"He wants to unite the two branches of the family and be a good father to his daughters."
"Nothing's gonna stop us because we're the Blazing family!"
"We've been able to come together more as a family. The main part is the wife and I will be happier, and we're going to really, really enjoy it."
"We don't use the word 'step' in our family."
"This day is for you guys to start your own family. So whatever family problems are going on, just let it go."
"Never give up on your family, just hold them before the Lord, and God's promise, and he'll work it out."
"As always, we remain a close family."
"We have one very conservative Jewish Family and one less traditional family and I feel like in the end they both came together and everyone is finally one family."
"I speak this anointing to cover you and fill you now with peace and joy. May there be unity and peace in your family, in your home, now in Jesus' name."
"The family nuclear unit is able to keep our society together."
"Our family is back together, and we've learned the value of love and forgiveness."
"My boyfriend, kids, and I moved in together and we are happy."
"As for me and my family, we are walking in breakthrough, we are walking in overflow."
"We smiled and hugged each other tightly; the three of us will get along just fine."
"Catherine Parr, the first Protestant queen of England, she raises Henry's children, she brings the family together."
"Oh God, what would happen if we started blessing our families instead of cursing our families?"
"Those are things that keep families together."
"We're a family, so we should spend time together and get through this together."
"Our family has always stuck together as a trio since my early years growing up."
"We need to stick together and stop fighting because we are family."
"Family has to stick together, no matter what."
"These are not your children and my children; these are our children."
"We are definitely supportive of keeping families together as they're working through different issues that typically would end up splitting up the family."
"It may not be as nice as our old house, but we'll make the best of things as long as we have each other, I think we can make a real home here."
"We will always be just that, family."
"It really made us closer as a family, which I think that ultimately is the greatest benefit of the accessory dwelling unit."
"I love the days when Bonnie's home; it's just all my kids under one roof. I love it."
"I want the family back together a lot, that's all I think about."
"Marriage isn't just about two people; it's about two families coming together."
"Allowing the chance to be reunited with the ones I love the most, which is my family, and spend time together as a unit, within that there's so much strength."
"In this time of healing, how important is it, in your opinion, for families to come together and celebrate God's love?"
"It's a family emergency; it doesn't matter how the debt was created, all that matters now is that we find a way to pay it off."
"Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten."
"I'm happy when all my children are home."
"We feel whole and grounded and happy and connected."
"If we're going to be one big blended happy family, I think that should include everyone."
"They've never seen a family like this, a family that is this tight, this strong, this close-knit, this supportive of one another."
"We are officially a family, we are legally a family, and it's just so exciting to know that everything is done and finalized."
"We wanted this family to be one and to be whole."
"The whole family is eating, this is what I love to see us getting along."
"Before my mom passed away, her biggest wish was that myself, my brother, my sister never split apart."
"Just like that, Tessabelle and Ichabod were in love; just like that, their family felt whole."
"When my kids were real little, I used to play a game with them. I'd give each one a stick and say, 'You break that.' Then I'd say, 'Tie ten sticks in a bundle and try to break that.' That bundle, that's family."
"It's a family affair, and that's what we try to project out there, is to try to keep the family going."
"It will help us unite ourselves together as a family and teach our children that it's possible to love even the bad minutes in life."
"They've united our family too in such a way that we can solve problems without having to be upset at each other or power struggling."
"Family dinners are where two families unite, not just to eat, but to become one."
"God's love is like the glue that holds his family together."
"It's a family united that shall never be defeated."
"I pray for them every night that someday we'll all be a family again."
"Mirabelle was the solution but she was not the direct problem in the first place; she was the house's solution to the problem rather than the problem itself."
"There is a psychological thing of, 'We live in one home, we are a family.'"
"We're gonna be doing this together full-time like our family just got a lot stronger, a lot bigger, and we are so excited for the future."
"The most important part is that you're together as a family."
"Sakae represents so much for this family; she is the one who organizes and coordinates all of them for get-togethers."
"How refreshing, a family that wants to be together."
"It's better for the children that both mom and dad live together with them in the home."
"It's very uncommon for families to live apart, everybody lives in the same household."
"Best wishes to all of you; I can't wait to be your whole family."
"Family is together, that's what really matters."
"We love you so much, and we wouldn't be us without you."
"I am standing here with my family, not inside a prison. This is freedom."
"It all comes together with a really nice ending where Lincoln and his sisters put the whole fight for the TV remote aside to spend time with each other."
"The farm keeps the family together, which to me is just so cool."
"We're a family and could fight or run together."
"Splitting up the family is not the right move on this occasion."
"What a wonderful thing it is when the family comes together."
"We're going to duct tape this broken family back together."
"Slavery broke the black family? No, it didn't. Black folk were married more than anybody up through the 1960s."
"We try to keep sibling groups together."
"The union of our family has been the greatest thing ever to happen to me."
"We could surpass anything as a family."
"We need to operate smarter. It's time we ran again as a family, Wallace. It won't be easy, but believe in me."
"Families stick together, that's what they're there for."
"A family that can accept each other and do what they love together is the strongest thing there is."
"Well, if we're a family, we go through it together, and he should start being here more."
"Since I quit trying to run my life and hers and the kids', we've become a family."
"We came in as a family at war, basically, with our children, with each other, and we leave in as a unity."
"Praise the Lord, today you are here as a family; please come together as a family wherever you are."
"But those are adventures our royal family will experience not separated, but together."
"Children should be with their parents."
"We are family, and we have to hang on to that."
"We're family; besides, it would make the girls sad. Let's live together."
"The role of a father is to hold the family to its source."
"We're a family, it doesn't matter about the accent."
"Although we are not a couple, we really believe in each other. The Yorks are a united family."
"God used to talk to me and tell me, 'You're the glue to the family.'"
"My parents are still together and they have the best relationship, so I'm just really appreciative of that."
"We are now a family unit that has a very strong bond."
"Watching everybody pull together and watching her come home to the family she's come home to and everybody just falling in love with her instantly is just the best feeling in the world."
"As you get older, family becomes one. We all do this together, effort."
"Life was challenging, and the entire family had to work together to make their small farm prosper."
"Family united makes a stronger front."
"This is a family, and we do things for each other."
"Visualize your family together, eating together, praying together."
"The blending of the children was magical."
"If you think it's going to keep this family from sticking together, forget about it."
"I know what this decision cost you, but I promise you we'll live as one big family."